The rise of greenery

Chapter 37 An unexpected gift

Tonight London belongs to Arsenal.

In the streets and alleys, Arsenal fans are celebrating.

In the bar, the cheers belonged to the Arsenal fans.

The police in the City of London are a bit busy, they are always on the streets, because fights happen from time to time.It's normal, because the Chelsea fans became angry and had sex with Arsenal.

0:8, the worst loss in Chelsea's history.

Their biggest loss in history was 1:8. It was lost to Wolverhampton in 1953. It was League One at the time, but they scored a goal anyway, but they didn't score this time.

The enemy who killed them was Luo Wu.

Starting tonight, Luo Wu is definitely the most hated person by Chelsea fans, not one of them.

At this time, Luo Wu had already appeared in the duck and waffle restaurant on the 40th floor of the tower building in the city of London, enjoying delicious food.

Sitting in a building on the 40th floor, eating delicious food, and taking in the view of the city of London.

Bellerin was also eating with him. Now in the Arsenal team, Bellerin is his best friend. This meal is a treat for Bellerin.

Luo Wu ordered the restaurant's signature duck and waffle (waffles with duck), and ate it with relish.

The taste of the duck meat is a bit like roast duck, the skin is crispy and crispy on the outside, and there is a soft and tempting yolk egg on top. It is served with soft waffles and maple syrup. The combination of sweet and salty tastes is not bad. !

He is growing up now, and his appetite is surprisingly large. After eating the duck, he ordered a spicyoxcheekdoughnut. The inside of the dough is rich and juicy beef, and the outside is sprinkled with a layer of special smoked sweet and spicy powder. The almond paste on top keeps the dough from being too spicy and has a sweet aftertaste.

Bellerin looked a little surprised.

"Luo, don't you have a taboo? Do you eat anything?"

"No taboo." Luo Wu nodded while eating.

"I'm not full yet, I want to eat all kinds of things, as long as it's delicious."

"Shouldn't athletes pay attention to their diet?" Bellerin didn't dare to eat indiscriminately. He often used Ronaldo as a benchmark.

So he said, "Look at Ronaldo, he is so self-disciplined, that's why he can play for so long."

Luo Wu smiled, "I'm not him, I have to eat more, you see I'm so thin, you can't let me eat boiled chicken like him? Then my body must be very bad, you don't know that Ronaldo also wanted to gain weight when he was young Do you often eat hamburgers?"

"That's true." Bellerin nodded. "Everyone's age is different, and their needs for food are also different. I was thinking too much."

"Well. Let's order a few more dishes! It's not enough!"

Bellerin: ...

I had no choice but to continue ordering.

"There's a private party tonight."

"It's hosted by my girlfriend. There are many beauties. Let's go together?"

"I like this!" Luo Wu immediately agreed upon hearing this.Is this the life a star should have?

Besides, I've grown up so much, I haven't dated a girl yet, maybe I can have some fun tonight?

This guy's mentality has already changed...


Luo Wu drove with Bellerin to a large mansion in the suburbs of London. The interior was brightly lit, but the surrounding area was tightly guarded.Needless to say, the owner of the mansion must be a wealthy man.

After Luo Wu followed Bellerin in, he found that there were many beautiful women inside.

And looking at their appearance, they all seem to be of Indian origin?Almost all of them were carved out of the same mold, with big eyes, long wavy hair, and a devil figure.

Almost everyone was surrounded by an obese middle-aged man, who was most likely the owner of this mansion, and he was also dressed in a traditional Indian dress.

After seeing Luo Wu and Bellerin coming, the middle-aged man trotted over.


"Our hero!"

"Welcome, distinguished guest!"

Looks like he's still an Arsenal fan?Holding Luo Wu's right hand with both hands excitedly, various intimate movements...

"Hello," Luo Wu smiled slightly.

Bellerin next to him was busy introducing: "This is the famous Arsenal fan Abhishek, the successor of Mumbai-based real estate developer Roha Group."

Although I don't know what Luoha Group is, but it must be a rich person, otherwise Bellerin introduced it so enthusiastically?

"Hello, Mr. Abhishek."

"Luo, you are simply the god of football. I must toast you." Abhishek snapped his fingers, and a waiter immediately brought wine.

"You are the most powerful player I have ever seen. I used to think it was Ronaldo, then Messi, and now I think it is you."

"Come on, cheers."

After Abishek finished speaking, he drank a glass of cocktail with Luo Wu, and then took Luo Wu to the garden, chatting about Arsenal and many stars.

"After Henry left, Arsenal has not won the league championship again. I think your arrival will definitely satisfy our wishes!"

"Ah, by the way, my honored guest, I should give you a welcome gift!" Abhishek raised his eyebrows, rubbing his chin and thinking.

"What can I get you?"

Luo Wu smiled and said:

"Mr. Abishek, you are too polite. It is already a great honor to come to your party. What gift do you want?"

"No, this is our tradition, I have to give you some gifts." Abhishek shook his head.

"What's more, you are my most honored guest, so you must give me the best gift."



"I'll give you this house!"

"Ah?!" Luo Wu almost fell down when he heard it.

Naturally, everyone around was also frightened.

This mansion is worth at least tens of millions of pounds, right?Abhishek said he would give it to Luo Wu?


Why don't you give me a set?Linlin is not calm anymore, he is also an Arsenal player, a hero of Arsenal, my girlfriend Gupta has such a good relationship with you, what did you give me back then?

Ah, remember, you gave me an Indian Buddha statue?


You are now giving Luo Wu a mansion.

Why is there such a big gap between anyone?

Bellerin's heart is really unbalanced...

And the beauties around Abhishek were also dumbfounded.

They play with Abhishek almost every month, and most of them have slept with Abhishek, but when did Abhishek spend money?At most, it is a chain of ten or twenty thousand pounds or something.

Are you so generous with a man now?

A £1000million mansion?


My old lady slept with you anyway!

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