The rise of greenery

Chapter 35 The Scarlet Sky at Stamford Bridge

Unwilling to be reconciled, Kanter and Jorginho chased the referee to appeal, and captain Azpilicueta was the first to bear the brunt. He was absolutely not reconciled to the team being sent off two players.

This is ridiculous.

There are nearly 10 minutes left in the game, how can we play?There are two less people.

Under his leadership, other teammates also surrounded the referee, a bit like not giving up until the red card was cancelled.

The referee kept backing away, but there was no turning back, and finally, he reached into his pocket again, this time with a yellow card, and showed Azpilicueta the topaz card.

Perhaps under the pressure of the crowd, the referee felt threatened, so he showed a yellow card decisively.

In the end, he managed to disperse the Chelsea players.

Coach Sarri bit his cigarette butt in the corner of his mouth, his shoehorn face remained motionless as if it had been imprinted in the air.He was stunned and didn't know what to do now.

Never encountered before!

Since becoming the head coach, I have never encountered two players being sent off at one time. This fucking joke is really big.Didn't it mean that the physical confrontation in the Premier League is very intense?Just that, a red card?two?


The anger in his heart finally burned, but he could only walk to the bench, and then called Willian and Kovacic over.There is no choice but to make substitutions and adjustments. The two defensive midfielders are gone at the same time, and two more midfielders must be added.

The two people who were unfortunately replaced were Morata and Pedro. The two Spaniards did not have any complaints. After all, if they played less than two people, this game has lost its meaning. Instead of wasting time on the court, it would be better to leave the field.So they played in good time.

The Belgian Hazard had his hands on his hips at this moment, watching the sunset helplessly.There are also 1 Cao Nima flying in my heart, I didn't expect the plot of the game to develop like this.

This incident was completely avoidable.

Why bother?


He wants to end.

How is this fight going?

Jorginho and Kanter had to hang their heads out of the court and into the player tunnel.The two of them were obviously cursing, and they were very dissatisfied with the penalty.

However, everything is now a foregone conclusion, and there is no way to change it.

Their departure is destined to lead to a tragic result for the team...

On the other side, Luo Wu was still lying on the stretcher. The Arsenal team doctor performed a quick and simple examination on Luo Wu, but Luo Wu had stopped crying.

"It should be fine."

"It just hurts from the fall."

After Luo Wu finished speaking, he sat up cautiously, and with the support of the team doctor, he stood up straight again and walked a few steps.

"I'm fine!"

He affirmed again.

The team doctor looked over to Emery, and Emery happened to look over.


"Yes, boss, I want to continue playing!"

Aubameyang on the side rolled his eyes instantly when he heard it, and was so happy that he thought he could come on as a substitute to abuse his opponent, but Luo Wu was fine, and there was nothing wrong with him.

Contrary to the mood of the Chelsea players, all the current Arsenal fans are ready to move, holding up their butcher knives and wanting to kill them, after all, the other party has lost two people!

Emery nodded and finally agreed to Luo Wu's continued appearance!

The fans at the scene saw that there was nothing wrong with Luo Wu, and walked back to the stadium. The Arsenal fans immediately screamed.




Invincible heroes!He is back!

"God, I thought he was screwed."

"I didn't expect to be injured?"

"Ahahaha, now Chelsea is all over. How can they defend if there are two less people? They can't defend at all."

"The massacre is about to begin!"

As for Chelsea fans?I just want to strangle Luo Wu.

It's fine if he doesn't play, I always feel that things won't be so pessimistic, but he continues to play?All I could think about was the bloody outcome.

Think of Manchester City being fucked 2:6, Chelsea with two less players?

Here Sarri has sent Willian and Kovacic. These two guys are not defensive players.

I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and the rest is to resign myself to fate...


The referee blew the whistle again.

Arsenal's possession of the ball, even Hazard returned to their own half, but because of the numerical advantage, the Arsenal players simply ignored the defense of the Chelsea players and easily advanced to the hinterland of Chelsea.

Ramsey, who had itchy feet, took the lead in shooting outside the penalty area, but there were too many Chelsea players in the penalty area, and the ball was still blocked.

There is only the bus to play defensive counterattack, Chelsea has no other choice.

Then it was their turn to attack, and the ball had to be handed over to Hazard.

Hazard is not a god. There were two teammates who opened up the defensive space for him before. Now he is alone in front of him. What can he do?


Just now he vowed to show off to the whole world, but now he is too timid, there is no need to waste his energy, and he has no choice but to pass back from the earth.Then he couldn't help but glanced at the coach's bench.

It's all because of that stupid pig in Surrey...

What kind of tactics are arranged?Destroyed the whole team...

The excited Arsenal players pounced fiercely. It is impossible for them to allow Chelsea to easily control the ball in the backcourt. They must regain the ball as soon as possible. It will not be long before the Chelsea players lose the ball.

Central defender Luiz didn't dare to play with fire, so he kicked the ball out with his big foot. The ball naturally landed at the feet of the Arsenal player. Bellerin on the right came up on his motorcycle, and quickly ran away from the neutral position. Guendo Qi divided the ball, followed by Bellerin and Mkhitaryan hitting the wall, easily getting rid of Chelsea's defense.

All the way to the bottom, unimpeded!Originally, Bellerin liked to attack very much, but now he can play wild in the corridor on the right.

Facing him was Alonso. Alonso was timid and did not dare to run out. Bellerin was given a lot of time to adjust, so that Bellerin's cross hit Lacazette's quite accurately. On the head, Lacazette pressed Rudiger with a lion shake.

duang! !

It bounced back and Lacazette failed to get the ball into the goal.

It's a shame that his first goal of the season has yet to come.

The ball fell outside the penalty area, Guendouzi immediately distributed the ball to the left, Luo Wu was there, he did not rush into the penalty area to participate in the attack, but waited outside the penalty area.Originally, grabbing points was not his strong point, so why bother to participate.

He unloaded the ball, but didn't make a move, but rushed to the penalty area line with the ball.


"he came!"

Whoosh, whoosh, stepped on the three-legged bicycle continuously, and suddenly dribbled the ball into the line.

Chelsea captain Azpilicueta did not dare to make a move, fearing that he would object to sending a penalty!

But Azpilicueta stood in front of Luo Wu like a big tree, and he did not retreat, and there was no way to retreat. Although his rich experience forced Luo Wu to dribble the ball laterally, he would not let Luo Wu go forward for another half step!

Luo Wu also seems to be very cooperative with dribbling the ball to the middle. William is also very experienced, and he still uses his body to block the hole of the gun, at least not to let Luo Wu kick in front of him.

It's just that the calm Luo Wu continued to take another step, avoiding William lightly, Rudiger also came over, and his teammates built a tall city wall in front of him. Of course, Luo Wu couldn't be troubled, Luo Wu All you need to do is to gently push the ball to the right, and Bellerin will jump in, swinging his right foot and shooting!

Near corner!

Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa blocked the ball with a sideways single fist and gave Arsenal a corner kick.

Mkhitaryan quickly sent a corner kick, instead of sending the ball directly into the penalty area, a tactical corner kick was sent to Bellerin.

At this time, the Chelsea players were horrified to find that Luo Wu ran to the right and got the ball outside the penalty area.

He has the ball again!


He is a frightening ghost, flicking his left foot out, playing a bull's tail, and then smashing the ball to the bottom!Alonso couldn't react in time. When he turned around, Luo Wu had already thrown him away. He bit the bullet and ran diagonally to the inside, but Luo Wu was not in a hurry at all. Suddenly, he braked suddenly and dunked the ball, and then it was like playing billiards. Usually aim at the penalty spot and pass the ball low!

Ramsey followed up and shot low left corner of the goal with his left foot.

This time, no one could block his shot, and the ball flew into the bottom left corner of the goal.




"Arsenal finally took the lead, Luo Wu's assist!"

"too easy!"

"1-0, everyone knows it won't be the last goal."

After Ramsey scored, he immediately raised Luo Wu who assisted him.

Arsenal celebrated with impunity in front of Chelsea.

What can the Chelsea people do?It's not that if you defend, you can defend it. The point should be to lose a few goals...

After the first goal came, everything became easier.

Chelsea is unable to attack, so it can only be ravaged by Arsenal.

When the time came to the 21st minute, the ball fell to Luo Wu's feet again. Similar to the situation just now, Luo Wu took the ball from the left side of the penalty area and stepped on a gorgeous bicycle so that Azpilicueta dared not make a move , but this time he didn't take the lead in the middle, but rushed to the bottom line, but as if he had eyes, he pulled the ball back with his right foot, followed by a heel tap, and sent a concealed straight kick from behind. Throwing the ball, Torreira rushed forward knowingly, and shot directly from the near corner with his left foot!

2: 0.

There was nothing Chelsea could do.

Luo Wu completed a hat-trick of assists!

"Luo Wu has a third eye. Like De Bruyne, he has God Vision."

"Azpilicueta thought he was going to continue to excel? In the end he completed a coquettish assist."

The general situation is gone, and the Chelsea players on the field have been hit hard.

The time is really too long for them, and now it is only half of the first half, they just want this devilish game to end quickly, instead of staying on the court and being humiliated by Arsenal!

Especially the demon Luo Wu!

However, things backfired, the more irritable and anxious she was, the more she wanted to escape, the more bad news there would be.

In the 26th minute, this time Luo Wu cruised to the middle to meet Ramsey's pass. Hazard quickly returned to the defense and stretched out his hand to pull the corner of Luo Wu's clothes. As a result, the referee's whistle blew, and Hazard casually went Walking back, but Luo Wu let go of the ball, and his right ankle suddenly shook!

The ball went over the entire length of Arsenal's defense and no one saw Lacazette rushing behind them.By the time they found out that Luo Wu was about to serve a free kick, it was too late.

Lacazette calmly unloaded the ball and went to the meeting with the ball alone.

Poor Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa was powerless to stop Lacazette's shot, and Lacazette finally completed his first goal of the new season!

3: 0.

The score expanded again.

"Is it time to replace that kid?" The assistant coach stood beside Emery, a little worried.

Anyway, this score can definitely ensure victory.

"Wait a little longer, maybe this kid didn't have a good time? Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone up just now..."

Emery waved his hand.

And the facts also proved that his idea was correct, Luo Wu really hadn't played enough, soon, the fourth performance came again.

Azpilicueta was out of his mind by Luo Wu. After the combination of the two actions of ox tail and ox tail again, Azpilicueta seemed to be tapped by someone, and was killed by Luo Wu with the ball. Crossed the bottom line, and then Luo Wu made a low pass with his left foot into the Chelsea penalty area!

Great power!Louis and Rudiger in the middle missed the ball one after another and failed to clear the ball. As a result, Bellerin, who was extremely fast, shoveled from the back and shoveled the ball into the lower right corner of the goal!

4: 0!

There are still more than eight minutes until the end of the first half.

What a tragedy.

Stamford Bridge was devastated and the city was slaughtered.

This is only the first half, and the second half has not been played yet. How can we get through this time?

Nobody knows.

The sky over Stamford Bridge is full of blood...


The referee's ruthless whistle sounded again.

Almost everyone's eyes fell on Luo Wu, because everyone wanted to know, would Luo Wu still have an assist?

Is this guy ready to stop?


"Why not abolish him?"

"Kante and Jorginho have been taken down,"

"Should we abolish him, or wait for a bigger massacre?"

Some extreme Chelsea fans cursed in the stands.

This score made them completely lose their minds, they just thought about Luo Wu lying down.


Why not Chelsea players?

However, injuries of a bad nature, if identified by the Disciplinary Committee, will be severely punished. Players also have to eat. Although they are very annoyed and angry, they are still rational...

"Give me the ball!"

Luo Wu asked his teammates to pass the ball to him again.

After all, Willian and Kovacic are not purely defensive midfielders. Although the two wanted to stop Luo Wu, Luo Wu preemptively caught the ball in front of the two and then turned around. Pass these two guys!


"It's over again!"


Luo Wu sent a through ball again.

The ball passed between Rudiger and Luiz, who were distracted and did not stop Lacazette.

Lacazette strikes again.

Kopa cried again...

5: 0.


A short whistle and a long whistle finally sounded.

The first half is finally over.





"Gary, do you feel that this guy only thinks about assists in this game?"

"He didn't want to break the door at all?"

"If he wants to, he should be able to score goals."

"But he contributed five assists."

"Aha, I think those guys who bought him to score two or even three goals are going to go bankrupt..."

"The gambling dogs are going to cry."

"Ah, I wonder if Michael Owen bought it?"


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