The rise of greenery

Chapter 316 Dawn is Coming!

"Crazy, really crazy."

"This bastard is not human, he is a devil, can't even Allah solve him?"

"He's definitely from hell!"

"If we want to advance to the final, I think the only way is to get him out now, but why hasn't anyone stood up until now?"

"There must be someone who is a villain, and must do this, or he will definitely be hit by him. I really have a hunch, a very bad hunch!"

"We still have time, let's take advantage of our lead!"

The confidence of the UAE fans is losing. Although the team is still leading by one goal, some people's confidence has been shaken. They think that Luo Wu will still score goals, but they are scared.

Leading by one goal, it is not stable at all. All they can think of is to get Luo Wu down, and use some dirty methods.

This is Luo Wu's deterrent power.

At this time, Luo Wu had already stood up from the lawn, accepting the celebration from his teammates, but he only patted his palm lightly, and Luo Wu hurried back, now is not the time to celebrate.

Still have to find a way to equalize the score.

"Brothers! Only one goal away!"

"They must be scared now. If we continue our performance just now, we can definitely equalize the score and overtake!"

Luo Wu waved his fists in the middle circle to inspire his teammates. This is a game with no way out, and he can only continue to move forward.

Failure is shameful, and the final is the only goal.

The UAE coach is also encouraging his disciples from the sidelines.

"Hold on, keep your spirits up, we're still a goal ahead."

"Victory is ahead, the final is just ahead!"

"We can keep scoring goals, just one more goal!"

"Never be afraid! Never back down!"


"Crazy attack!"

Although the UAE coach does not have much reputation, it does not mean that he does not know China or Luo Wu.

So much game experience in the Premier League told him that there is only one way to go.

If you are afraid at this time, it will give the Chinese team a chance to stand up. It is better to continue to fight the bayonet. There is still a chance to win the bayonet. If you start defending now, the ending will definitely be tragic.

Whether it is him or his disciples, in fact, they are very aware of this in their hearts.

It also includes Luo Wu's opponents in the past, which are recognized by the world, so don't admit cowardice, and don't be conservative.


The whistle sounded again, and the game entered a fierce stage.

The UAE players quickly took the ball and then pressed up as a whole. Even the two full-backs became very active.

The two full-backs stepped up and immediately put huge defensive pressure on the Chinese team's midfield. Amel in the middle took the ball and Khamis made continuous wall-hitting cooperation. Although Wu Xi and Wu Lei were actively running and defending , but their passing and receiving were still very easy, and Luo Wu also quickly ran to the middle to help the team.

But the problem of missing one person is still unsolvable. Khamis distributed the ball to Bandar who was on the left. Zhang Linpeng on the right could only run back exhaustedly, but Bandar could not stop the inverted triangle from knocking the ball back to the penalty area. Near the top of the arc, Amer, who was keeping up, could have shot, but he still knocked the ball horizontally to Salman on the right.

Salman also did not choose to shoot, but distributed the ball to Saleh who came forward from the right.

Saleh saw that there were as many as five teammates in the penalty area, so he brought the ball to the front.

Ha Lefan moved his head ahead of Huang Bowen, and the ball flew to the upper right corner of the goal. Wang Dalei appeared at the near post in time, but the ball went slightly wide and hit the side netting directly. It was just a false alarm. .

The Chinese team had no choice either. Wang Dalei took the ball and kicked it to Zhang Linpeng on the right.

Zhang Linpeng is a little different from the previous Shi Ke, that is, Zhang Linpeng is very confident in holding the ball and will not panic like Shi Ke.

It's not that the left winger Hammadi rushed to Zhang Linpeng, Zhang Linpeng didn't make a big-foot clearance at all, but decisively dunked the ball to the right, and easily passed Hammadi!

Immediately after Zhang Linpeng rushed up with the ball, at least 20 meters in front were empty, and Khamis had retreated to the backcourt.

When Zhang Linpeng took the ball and rushed past the center line in one breath, Khamis rushed forward, but at this time Zhang Linpeng didn't dare to mess around anymore, so he quickly passed the ball to Wu Xi, and continued to go forward to the right.

You must know that there is Hammadi behind him. If the ball of the Chinese team is cut off, it is very likely that Zhang Linpeng will be beaten behind him. But how can we think so much now, offense is offense, and defense is also taken into account what.

Of course, Hammadi didn't dare to stroll in front, waiting for his teammates to pass the ball. Now that it's China's offense, he can only run back desperately.

After Wu Xi took the ball, he immediately distributed the ball to Huang Bowen who was plugging in on the left. Huang Bowen distributed it to Wei Shihao. He slowed down. Unlike Wei Shihao, he had to take care of protecting the middle.

If everyone went up, only he and Feng Xiaoting would be left behind.

Wei Shihao took the ball on the left to face UAE right back Salid. After stepping on his bicycle, he saw Luo Wu out of the corner of his eye, but he also saw Gao Lin raising his hand to signal.

He simply poked with the toe of his right toe, and directly poked the ball to Gao Lin's feet on the edge of the penalty area.

Now Gao Lin is one-on-two, and it would be too wasteful not to pass the ball to him. A good center forward can attract the defense of two central defenders. This is what Gao Lin does now.

And Gao Lin did not disappoint Wei Shihao. He stopped the ball with his left foot while holding his opponent, but the foot that had just stopped immediately pulled back, and the ball quickly rolled to the middle.

This seemed like a random move, but it was actually a very purposeful pass, because Gao Lin found that Wu Lei was not far behind him.

Although the opponent's left back Bandar has been following him closely, his footsteps have never stopped, and he has never let the opponent get close to him. Therefore, when Wu Lei rushed to the top of the penalty area, he still caught the ball. This time he volleyed without making any adjustments!

This is a fleeting opportunity, fleeting.

But Wu Lei made a mistake in hitting the goal. The accuracy of his left foot hitting the goal was really terrible, and it deviated from the right post by more than two meters.

This is also in line with Wu Lei's personality, his right foot shooting accuracy is much higher than his left foot, although since Ronaldo suggested that he practice more left foot shooting, he has often practiced it since he went back, but it hasn't been much improve.

However, this attack is worthy of praise. Lippi applauded from the sidelines. It was beyond his expectation that the disciples could play such an amazing cooperation. As for scoring or not, it cannot be forced.

United Arab Emirates goalkeeper Khalid quickly picked up the ball, and then also quickly served the ball. Bandar, who took the ball from the left, immediately kicked the ball behind Zhang Linpeng.

Tactics are as simple as that.

But Feng Xiaoting gave up defending center Hajri and immediately made up behind Zhang Linpeng. Although Hammadi was about to surpass Zhang Linpeng, Feng Xiaoting came earlier and gave the ball to Wu Xi in the middle early.

The reason why he dared to do this was because Huang Bowen had already made up for the middle in the first time, helping him to mark Hajri.

The defensive cooperation this time is also very good, although it seems quite risky.

Wu Xi immediately handed the ball to Luo Wu on the left. After taking the ball, Luo Wu immediately accelerated and rushed across the midfield, and then faced Meal again, but Luo Wu did not delay and entangle with him, and immediately handed the ball to Wei Shihao , and he continued to push forward, but Amel also accelerated to run back and stuck to him.

At this time, Wei Shihao once again dribbled the ball against Saleh in front.

But Harlevan behind him rushed back with a murderous spirit, and was about to surround Wei Shihao with Saleh one after another, but Wei Shihao dunked the ball leisurely, then hooked the ball with his right foot, and used his heel Knocked the ball up at an angle.

Liu Yang rushed up from the sideline all the way. This is a very rare scene in this game. Liu Yang has been squatting in the backcourt, and now he is bravely rushing up.

When is it not at this time?Now is the time to risk your life. When Liu Yang rushed to the ball, there was no one to defend him, and then he resolutely continued to dribble the ball to the left line of the UAE's big penalty area.

This time, Fares, who was staring at Gao Lin, had to come to defend, and Mubarak followed Gao Lin, and their defensive assistance ability was also very good.

At this time, Liu Yang gritted his teeth, simply dunked the ball to the bottom line, and accelerated again. Fares did not expect that Liu Yang would dare to do this, but he was still half a beat behind, and when he adjusted his pace to chase back, he was still caught. Liu Yang drew the ball into the penalty area!

But Gao Lin was the only one in the penalty area fighting for the point. The ball was too fast for him to touch, and the ball rolled to the back point.

But Wu Lei's figure suddenly appeared, and he fell to the ground and kicked a shovel, but his legs were short, and the ball still rolled over.

Banner, who was following him, broke out in a cold sweat and quickly chased after the ball, but when he turned around, he found that there was another guy rushing up in front of him, that was Zhang Linpeng.

The two reached the ball almost at the same time, but Zhang Linpeng chose a flying shovel. As a result, this brave shovel sent the ball to Andal's feet and bounced off the sideline.

Zhang Linpeng's reckless performance is worthy of praise, at least he got a boundary ball for the Chinese team instead of handing over the ball to the opponent.

Zhang Linpeng got up immediately and picked up the ball next to the boundary.

But he hesitated when he threw the ball, and he didn't throw the ball into the penalty area in time. The opponent recovered it quite quickly, and in the end he could only hand the ball to Wu Xi.

Wu Xi was immediately interfered by Hajri who returned to defend, and could only pass the ball back to Feng Xiaoting.

This wave can only be turned into a positional battle. All the opponent's players are back, and the striker's fight is fast and fierce, and there is almost no time for the Chinese team players to fall.

Luo Wu quickly ran back from the front of the penalty area. He received a cross pass from Liu Yang, but Amel appeared behind him, but when Luo Wu received the ball, he directly took the ball one step, and then lightly avoided the ball. Pass Amer.

Immediately after turning around, I met Hajri again, what a lingering ghost!

But Luo Wu immediately poked the ball to Wu Xi, followed by a diagonal thrust from the left, and Wu Xi returned the ball to Luo Wu again.

This time the space was quite large, Luo Wu shot directly.

The Tomahawk was born again, roaring wildly to the right of the UAE's goal!

This time the UAE goalkeeper hit the ball with his fist again!

There was no danger, although the UAE fans watched tremblingly, but at least the goalkeeper felt that he had made a beautiful save. After he stood up, he immediately waved his right arm and shouted.

The ball flew out of the left sideline again, and it is still the ball of the Chinese team.

Zhang Linpeng came up again, and he continued to serve the boundary ball. After taking the ball this time, he directly threw a depth charge into the penalty area of ​​the United Arab Emirates. The ball was obviously going towards Gao Lin, but Gao Lin was now caught by Fares and Muba Lak was tightly surrounded by two people, and Gao Lin couldn't even jump up, but was cleared by Mubarak with a header.

Gao Lin was very upset and wanted to go to the referee to protest, but when the ball landed outside the penalty area, Wu Xi jumped up and gave it to Wei Shihao on the left. Wei Shihao didn't stop the ball and stepped forward with his left foot. In the penalty area of ​​the United Arab Emirates, it just fell into the back point. Wu Lei once again flashed in the position he needed to appear, and volleyed with his right foot!


This time he hit the ball, but the problem was that the shot was too direct. The ball directly hit the UAE goalkeeper Khalid's chest. Khalid caught the ball with both hands, and then threw it directly. It was thrown to the front striker Hajri.

Hajri was unguarded at this time, and Feng Xiaoting did not come up to cling to him. After taking the ball, Hajri rushed towards Feng Xiaoting with the ball, and Ha Lefan and Hammadi on both sides also quickly ran wildly. Now a three-on-three situation has formed.

The three of them rushed towards the defense line of the Chinese team almost at the same time. When Hajri was about to face off with Feng Xiaoting, Hajri still distributed the ball. This time it was given to Ha Lefan, because there was no Huang Bowen in the backcourt to help defend. , This time the Chinese team's defense looked very weak, but Liu Yang was eaten by Ha Lefan again. Without the help of his teammates to help defend, he couldn't hold it alone.

Ha Lefan was already half a body ahead of Liu Yang when he led the ball and sprinted, and then accelerated sharply to become a body again, but Liu Yang didn't dare to reach out and foul, so he could only continue to bite the bullet and run in.

Feng Xiaoting looked anxious, he followed Hajri all the way back, and finally rushed towards Ha Lefan.

It's very similar to the last ball conceded, but what can I do?

As a result, Harofan did repeat the same trick, and immediately swept the ball to the center with an inverted triangle. Near the penalty spot, Hajri once again took the ball to face Wang Dalei!



Accompanied by Zhanjun's exclamation, Hajri pushed back to the lower left corner of the goal with his right foot!

Wang Dalei threw himself sideways, but he missed!The ball flew by!


There was a cry of mourning in the stands, thinking that this time it was going to be over.

As a result, in the next second, Zhang Linpeng's figure quickly appeared there, and with a sliding tackle on the ground, he hooked the ball out of the goal line.

The ball didn't go in!

"Zhang Linpeng!"

"Zhang Linpeng did a great job! The save was so beautiful."

"This is the performance that a good player should have!"

Zhang Linpeng got up immediately, then took the ball out of the small penalty area, and then raised his head and rubbed the ball in front of Luo Wu.

At this time, Luo Wu was not watched, but Luo Wu did not sprint with the ball, but immediately sent a scalpel pass!

Find Wu Lei.

Don't even think about it.

Wu Lei also had a tacit understanding, throwing his arms away and rushed up immediately, but the opponent obviously took precautions. Bandar and Mubarak immediately surrounded him. It seemed difficult for Wu Lei to break through this ghost gate.

Calmly, he still slid the ball up. Gao Lin had no problem facing Fares alone. He carried Fares steadily, turned around halfway, and swept the ball forward to Wu Lei!

Wu Lei's running with the ball and without the ball is completely different. At this time, Wu Lei runs much faster than before.

This transition is a stroke of genius.

But Mubarak once again resorted to his trump card, still laying his shovel on the ground.

In the end, Wu Lei still didn't pass the ball, and the ball flew out of the sideline.

This attack is really a pity.

But Zhang Linpeng rushed up again, picked up the ball, and threw it to Wu Xi in the middle, Wu Xi shifted the ball to the front left.

Wei Shihao's front fork on the left was also very timely, but the opponent's defense was not slow. Wei Shihao directly knocked the ball back to Liu Yang behind him.

Liu Yang knocked on Luo Wu who was running over.

At this time, I didn't expect Luo Wu to send a cross at a 45-degree angle!

Luo Wu seldom sent the ball into the opponent's penalty area in this position. This time it was quite unexpected.

But it doesn't seem surprising, because the running of the teammates is quite awesome now.

I saw that Wu Lei, who was originally on the right, suddenly inserted obliquely, detoured from the right to the left, and pierced the left side of the UAE's penalty area.

This may be the reason for Luo Wu's move.

But the problem is not just that, because the ball passed by Luo Wu did not find Wu Lei, nor did it find Gao Lin. The ball went to the right side of the UAE's big penalty area. people.

But in the next second, the figure of another person appeared, Zhang Linpeng ran all the way from outside the restricted area, at a very fast speed, and beside him was Bandar.

But Bandar couldn't keep up with his rhythm, so Zhang Linpeng jumped high!

Dive forward crazily.

It looks extremely domineering and unstoppable.

It turned out that the ball was for Zhang Linpeng.

Zhang Linpeng stretched his arms in the air like a swooping eagle, and then slammed his head on the ball.

At this moment, no one can stop him.


The ball hit the turf and rebounded. Although the UAE goalkeeper rushed over, he couldn't judge the direction of the opponent, and the ball flew into the goal!

"The ball is in!"


Zhan Jun stood up from the live broadcast room and slammed his fist on the table, his eyes were red!

"Zhang Linpeng!"

"Zhang Linpeng made a contribution with the head hammer!"

"Ah, I want to apologize to Zhang Linpeng, his attitude and spirit today are really great!"

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