The rise of greenery

Chapter 314 Abyss, Answer

When leaving the field, the UAE fans became arrogant again. Many UAE fans next to the player tunnel used English to provoke Luo Wu, cursing all kinds of ugly words.Luo Wu really wanted to raise his middle finger in return, but after thinking about it, he had to be patient. After all, the game is not over yet, and if the tmd referee has convulsions again, he can't afford to provoke him.

Then he simply raised his right hand, smiled, and waved to the UAE fans.

The more calm you are, the less calm the other party's reaction will be, so the louder the scolding...

After returning to the locker room, everyone looked at Lippi standing in front of the tactical board with a straight face. Obviously Lippi must be very dissatisfied with the result.

It must be burning with anger now, no one spoke, and the time ticked by, Alipi's face finally eased up, it seemed that he was digesting his anger by not speaking before.

Sure enough, when Lippi spoke, he didn't curse.

"Our defense is really terrible. Our individual defensive ability is very poor, our defensive ability is particularly bad, and it is not timely enough. The opponent seized the weakness of our defender's defensive ability to counterattack. If it is still like this in the second half , definitely not, the midfielder must come back as soon as possible to help the team participate in the defense."

"Conceding goals is not terrible, but it is quite scary if we concede three goals in a row. It will only increase the confidence of the opponent infinitely, which is terrifying!"

"They will definitely do this in the second half. We must extinguish their arrogance, and in the second half we cannot concede the ball first, we must find a way to get the ball back first!"

If the Chinese team falls behind with two goals, facing such a United Arab Emirates is likely to be a disaster.It is impossible for the experienced Lippi to know.

Lippi didn't name names, which was enough to give everyone face. Even if he named everyone, there was actually no problem.

Two guys like Shi Ke and Liu Yang performed so poorly. If they were replaced by other coaches, they might scold them head and face. How could they still have face?

Now the Chinese team still has two substitutions. If Lippi is more extreme, they can be replaced by two other players, but the question is, will it be useful to replace them?

For example, Zhang Linpeng mentioned by Zhanjun just now, if Zhang Linpeng came up to replace Shi Ke, would he be able to guard the right?I'm afraid not necessarily.

Of the current group of Chinese players, only Feng Xiaoting is the most reliable in the back line. After the other defenders go up, they are scolded bloody after the game, and they have become accustomed to it.

So Lippi said what he said, but he was helpless, it was hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.Maybe he has no one to replace him.

A look of disappointment flashed across Zhang Linpeng's face not far away. He thought Lippi would ask him to go out to warm up early at this time, but he didn't, which meant that he might not even have the chance to come off the bench in the second half.

Shi Ke has played like this, why don't you let me play?

Today's game is played like this, can't you see it?Of course, it wasn't all about the defenders. Everyone was in the same boat. Zhang Linpeng shrugged and shrank helplessly behind his teammates.

As a football player, no one wants to be a substitute, even if he is already a player who is coming to the end of his career.

Then Lippi actually chatted with Luo Wu, which surprised everyone.


"What's your opinion?"

Lippi touched his slippery white hair and asked Luo Wu for advice.

"You can't be a father and a mother at the same time. You have to be responsible for both offense and defense. If you consume too much energy, you may be more tired in the second half."

"How about focusing on offense? Although you have done a good job organizing the offense in the backcourt, what we need now is a final decision!"

"Now it is not only difficult for us to create chances to shoot, but also difficult to attack. We have one less man to fight and one goal behind. At this time, we can no longer play according to the previous style of play. You must stand at the forefront."

"What you need to do now is to score. As for whether the defense can withstand it, that is someone else's problem."

Having said that, Lippi raised his hand and looked at his watch.

Time is running out, and the intermission time can't be wasted.

Luo Wu was actually a little confused,

This is rarely the case.

"But if I go up, what if we are scattered in the midfield and I can't get the ball? The result may be worse than this. I think it is better for me to sit in the midfield."

"If I'm in front."

"Everyone just passes me the ball when they get the chance. When I get the ball, everyone else is going to get in the box! It's just an ideal."

"But we have one less player now. We don't invest enough strength on the offensive end, and that's the crux."

"Then how about adding a striker?" Luo Wu put forward a new opinion.

"Anyway, I can beat two in midfield."

"I absolutely can't leave the midfield. If I leave the midfield, I won't be able to attract the opponent's defense. Let Wu Lei play."

Luo Wu mentioned Wu Lei.

Wu Lei's eyes lit up, and he immediately gave him a grateful look.

This shows that Luo Wu trusts him very much.

Now who dares to take on the role of attacking the city, except for Luo Wu, everyone else is under enormous pressure.

But Luo Wu named Wu Lei.

Lippi thought for a moment, then looked at Wu Lei.

If it was the former Wu Lei, Lippi would not dare to think about it. Although Wu Lei can often create opportunities, he often squanders them. It is too dangerous to put the treasure on Wu Lei.

But after the training and baptism of these few games in the Asian Cup, Wu Lei's shooting speed has improved by leaps and bounds, which is different.

Risk is needed now, and Wu Lei does seem to be the most suitable candidate.

In La Liga, he did a good job.

"Okay." Lippi finally nodded.

The next question becomes simple. Since a striker is to be added, a midfielder must be removed. After all, there are only three defenders, and it is impossible to withdraw.

So in the locker room, he called Hao Junmin's name, and he could only replace Hao Junmin. Hao Junmin was in his 30s, and his physical fitness was not good enough. It was the most appropriate choice to replace him.

Wu Xi and Huang Bowen can't move, they are the midfielders.Wei Shihao is younger and good at breakthroughs.

This requires no thinking.

The only thing Lippi has to consider is the defender, and he wants to replace another person, especially Shi Ke. He wants to replace Shi Ke, but he is afraid that all the substitutions will be used up. what to do?

But in the end he still kicked out both Wu Lei and Zhang Linpeng to warm up early.

At this time, we can no longer be indecisive, and we must take risks when it is time to take risks.

So Zhang Linpeng and Wu Lei ran to the court early to start warming up. After seeing the figures of Wu Lei and Zhang Linpeng, the Chinese fans at the scene immediately understood what was going on.

Not only must the offensive line be adjusted, but also the defensive line must be adjusted. Lippi's thinking has resonated with Chinese fans, and their anxiety has obviously eased a lot.


In the hotel where the South Korean team went down the tower, Sun Xingmin and Huang Xican sat in the same room and were discussing the Chinese team.

"Look, look, the handicap has changed again, and the water level continues to drop, which shows that spinach companies continue to be optimistic about the UAE. It is still too late for you to surrender. The Chinese team will definitely not win, and the UAE will definitely get rid of them."

The two seem to be playing football.

"If you're too hot, you'll die."

Huang Xican looked at the phone, and then shared the news of the spinach company with Sun Xingmin.

Sun Xingmin has been staring at the TV screen, not looking at the mobile phone, he said with a smile: "Don't believe that you will die if you are hot, what kind of team you want to see, no matter how low the water level of the spinach company is, it may be Lure."

"Anyway, I don't believe that the Chinese team will lose this game. In fact, I also hope that the Chinese team will lose, but the question is how is it possible. Even if you are in stoppage time, you have to be careful. I don't believe that Luo Wu will be defeated by the UAE. If they really lose, then this Luo Wu is an imposter."

Having been ravaged by Luo Wu too many times, Sun Xingmin did not believe that this would happen at all. He firmly believed that Luo Wu would be able to lead the Chinese team to defeat the UAE.

Huang Xican said:

"I know he is very good, but it is impossible for him to win every game. Didn't he also lose in the Arsenal game? There is no player who can't lose. Now they play more with less, As far as the peeing of those guys from the Chinese team is concerned, are they physically fit enough to last for nine or 10 minutes?"

"When we played against them before, they couldn't run after seven or 10 minutes. If we didn't keep our hands every time, we could beat them." Huang Xican still insisted on his point of view.

"In addition, if the referee helps the UAE again, it is really impossible for the Chinese team to come back. This time they really can't do it."

Sun Xingmin grabbed the Coke on the floor and took a sip, then screwed back the lid, still calmly said: "Your analysis is not wrong, but what you analyzed is the Chinese team and the UAE team, and the Chinese team and the UAE team. Luo Wu is two different things. Can this logic be understood? The Chinese team is the Chinese team, and Luo Wu is Luo Wu. He's still running like crazy, and nobody's going to change that."

"So I still choose to continue to trust him. Just watch the game carefully. Spinach companies are not suitable for us to play. You should watch the game carefully and pay more attention to the defense of the Chinese team. It will definitely help us in the final , I really don’t want to lose again.”

The Koreans are also really confident. Watching the Chinese team play against the United Arab Emirates, they directly considered the final, which means that they directly ignored their semi-final opponent Japan.

Sun Xingmin believes that South Korea can beat Japan and then rejoin China in the final, so Huang Xican needs to observe the Chinese team's defense carefully.

"But we haven't even finished playing Japan yet." Huang Xican was really a little silly.

"We will definitely beat the Japanese team. Don't ask me why, just shut up and watch the game! The game is about to start."

Sometimes Sun Xingmin feels that Huang Xican does not have such great ambitions and lacks self-confidence. In this regard, he actually does not like Huang Xican very much. He prefers confident teammates.

But in fact, when the two of them were discussing the Chinese team, in another hotel, the entire Japanese team was also watching the game.

The Japanese team has the same idea, thinking that they can beat the South Korean team, so now watch the match between the Chinese team and the UAE in advance.

The old captain, Tomosuke, took the lead in giving pointers.

"The defense level of the Chinese team is the last among the teams in this Asian Cup. You can see that the team can get points from them every time. It is the same for all of them. When the time comes, we will find a way to contain Ronaldo. After Wu, others can attack their two full-backs, whether they play four or three at the back, or even play five at the back, their defense is useless."

"If they really advance to the final, it will be very beneficial to us. We can use the whole to contain them, let them run with the ball, and we can wear them down at halftime. The UAE can do it, can't we do it? Are you there?"

"If there is no accident, Lippi will definitely replace their right back in the second half, but the guy who replaced him must be Zhang Linpeng. In fact, it is still a piece of wood. If the UAE coach is smart enough, he will definitely continue to hit their flanks. If they become conservative, the Chinese team will turn around..."

"Hope this doesn't happen..."

"Sudden hissing..."


Far away in the UK, Sky Sports is also broadcasting the game live, with Manchester United star Rio Ferdinand and Liverpool star Carragher as partners.

Carragher had been stomping on China and Luo Wu at half-time.

"Look, no matter how strong a player is, he alone can't reverse the game. Now that the Chinese team has revealed its true colors, no matter how strong Luo Wu is, he can't save the Chinese team."

"According to my research, the physical fitness of the Chinese team is quite bad. In the second half, they may be active for about 15 minutes, and then they will be besieged by the UAE. Their two wings are too weak and they will continue to lose the ball. Now Luo Wu is like He is a nanny, he must ensure the team's offense and the balance of the midfield, has he done so much by himself?"

"No. He is not a god, and he is just an ordinary player, even if he is a genius."

"So in the second half we will definitely see him bid farewell to the field in frustration, and then become the biggest joke in the world. He will never be so arrogant again. Although reaching the semi-finals of the Asian Cup is not a shame, he The self-proclaimed strongest person in the world has lost all face."

Ferdinand had been sitting quietly by the side, listening to him insisting that he didn't interject to come in. After taking a sip of the mineral water in his hand, he suddenly asked a question.

"Why don't you think this is a match-fixing?"

"I always feel that the game is not that simple. If I were Luo Wu, I would find a way to score. It is absolutely impossible for me to let the UAE advance. Otherwise, if I return to the UK, I will not be able to go out every day, right?"

"Based on what you know about Luo Wu, do you really think he just gave up? Even if half of the Chinese team is paralyzed, is he really incapable of scoring goals?"

"I think Luo Wu just chose the most flowable style of play. He hasn't forced out the most powerful player yet. This is the most terrifying thing. Just look at it. The more the Chinese team falls behind, Luo Wu will It's getting more and more terrifying."

"The real battle starts in the second half, Jamie, you still underestimate him."

"You need to be more objective."


At this time, the players from both sides had returned to the field, and Lippi really made a substitution adjustment. Hao Junmin went off the field directly, Wu Lei replaced him, and Shi Ke in the backcourt was also replaced by Zhang Linpeng.

After the formation of the Chinese team was opened, it obviously became a 342 formation.

Zhang Linpeng, Feng Xiaoting and Liu Yang continued to sit on the back line, and behind Luo Wu were Wei Shihao, Wu Xi and Huang Bowen respectively.

In front is Gao Lin and Wu Lei's partner.

Although there was one less player, Lippi did not back down, but stepped up his offense.

There is no change in the United Arab Emirates. It is still the first eleven players who can beat the Chinese team to 4:3. There is no reason to change players.

With the whistle of the game, the second half of the battle kicked off.

The Chinese team kicks off.

Gao Lin kicked the ball back to Wu Lei, and Wu Lei immediately kicked the ball to Luo Wu.

Then Gao Lin and Wu Lei immediately stepped forward.

Luo Wu who got the ball did not rush to send the ball forward, but kicked it back to Wu Xi, but Wu Xi quickly returned the ball to Luo Wu.

The UAE players were murderous, Khamis and Amer immediately rushed up to stop Luo Wu, but they were not in a hurry to make a move.

They thought that Luo Wu would pass the ball, but Luo Wu approached with the ball further, is this going to face them directly?

A sneer sneered at the corner of Khamis's mouth, as if he felt that Luo Wu was asking for trouble?

In the next moment, Luo Wu dribbled the ball directly to meet Khamis, and stepped on a bicycle with his right foot calmly.Immediately following the left heel, he dribbled the ball to the right of Khamis, but Khamis held back his foot.

Luo Wu glanced at Amer from the corner of his eyes, immediately pulled the ball back, and suddenly accelerated and rushed over with his right foot.

But Luo Wu's speed was not fast, neither Khamis nor Amer was thrown off by him.

It seems that Luo Wu's dribbling is not a threat, but it is a trap. Luo Wu just wants to bring Amer and Khamis to the right. He swiped the ball to the middle of the road and pushed the ball to Wu Xi who was going forward.

There was nothing Amer could do, and the ball ran right under their noses.

Luo Wu took away two midfielders alone.

Wu Xi took the ball and advanced in the middle, and Wei Shihao on the left immediately pulled up to the left, and he took Salman away.

This made Wu Xi in the middle take the ball quite comfortably, and then advanced all the way to the top of the UAE's penalty area.

Gao Lin pinned Fares and Saleh to the left, while Wu Lei pinned Mubarak and Bandar to the right.
He simply gritted his teeth and tried to kick directly at the top of the arc in the penalty area.

But the intermission may have caused his state to decline. This kick was not of any standard, and the ball went directly to the left baseline.

"Tsk tsk..."

"It's outrageous."

"However, the offensive tactics played well this time. Luo Wu dribbled the ball to the right to attract the defense, and then kicked the ball back to the middle. Wu Xi stepped in to attack, but can Wu Xi and Huang Bowen switch positions? Wu Xi is a full-time defender, Huang Bowen Offensively, Huang Bowen has a long shot."

Zhang Lu disagreed.

"It can't be done. Wu Xi's defense is very average. At this time, Huang Bowen can only be behind."

It was the UAE's turn to attack, and these guys didn't want to hold on to the one-goal lead. The attack was like a tide, and the speed of advancement was quite fast. Knock the middle to Amer.

Amer stuffed it back to Ha Lefan, and after a few tosses, he still wanted to hit Liu Yang!

Simple and rude.

However, after a half-time break, Liu Yang's mental state seemed to be back. He started ahead of time and raced up the speed with Ha Lefan, which did not allow Ha Lefan to take much advantage.

Surprisingly, Liu Yang did not rush to shovel. Even though Ha Lefan still grabbed half of his body, Liu Yang cut inside and defended the inside line ahead of time, preventing Ha Lefan from being overwhelmed all at once.

But Ha Lefan still wanted to kill Liu Yang, so he sped up and forcibly cut into the inside line, but what he didn't expect was that just as he got the ball out, Huang Bowen had rushed to him, and it happened to be stuck in his sprint route , and then carried him tightly behind him, the ball went straight out of the baseline.

At this time, Hajri and Hammadi had already rushed to the Chinese team's big penalty area and waited to outflank, but unfortunately the ball did not pass out.

After Wang Dalei picked up the ball, he immediately handed it to Zhang Linpeng on the right. Zhang Linpeng was not Shi Ke before. When he got the ball, he was always so confident.

The arc of the ball is quite beautiful. After drawing a letter C in the air, it landed in front of Gao Lin ahead of time. Fortunately, the ball didn't hit the back of UAE, but just wanted to send it to Gao Lin more accurately.

The ball fell very fast, Gao Lin hurried back and ran back, and Fares behind him immediately followed, but Gao Lin took the first step and pushed the ball to Wu Xi who came forward.

At this time, Luo Wu immediately moved laterally, quickly throwing Amer away.
It was so freehand, he didn't even need to observe, he knew how to send the ball to Wu Lei, and the ball seemed to be able to brake after it flew in front of Wu Lei.

Anyway, the ball slowed down.

Of course, this is just an illusion, it's just that Luo Wu kicked the ball, and the power just stopped here.

Wu Lei parked very comfortably, but there was Mubarak in front of him, and it was not easy for him to break through this line of defense.

At the same time, Bandar on the right quickly took over.

But Wu Lei didn’t come up to make a breakthrough today, nor was this task entrusted to him. He immediately knocked the ball horizontally to Wu Xi, who then distributed it to Wei Shihao, and finally advanced to the UAE’s backcourt.

Followed by Wei Shihao pedaling the bicycle continuously, the operation was as fierce as a tiger for a while, and in the end he was still stuck in place.

Not daring to take any risks, he handed the ball to Wu Xi again...

Wu Xi is waiting, waiting for Amer and Luo Wu.

Sure enough, Luo Wu ran over, and Amer followed up passively.As a result, Wu Xi suddenly thrust the ball towards Wu Lei!

Not to Luo Wu, but to Wu Lei!

This coquettish operation caught the United Arab Emirates by surprise, and everyone's attention was on Luo Wu, but Wu Xi simply handed the ball to Wu Lei.

This time is different from last time.

Taking advantage of Mubarak's lack of concentration, Wu Lei immediately stepped forward. Wu Lei's pass was very powerful. Wu Lei rushed forward for more than six meters in one breath, just stretching his right foot forward. Stop the ball!

The UAE's defense line was torn apart by such a casual pass, but Mubarak was Mudarak, he turned around and immediately strode back three steps, and still caught up with Wu Lei.

Wu Lei had no choice, since he had rushed to the edge of the restricted area, he had no choice but to do it alone, he gritted his teeth and immediately accelerated to the bottom!

But the waving distance was too small, and Mubarak caught up again, as if wading was useless?

Wu Lei could only grit his teeth and kicked.

The whole body flew up, looking full of strength.

But the ball can only be bored on the sideline.

In any case, the Chinese team finally got the first shot in the second half.

The UAE coach was very dissatisfied with the defense this time. He yelled at the side of the court, and then pointed to Wu Lei's back and said a few words.

He didn't expect that Lippi would send Wu Lei up. Wu Lei is quite well-known in Asia. He has scored several goals in the European League and is currently ranked fourth in the scorer list in this cup. superior.

Wu Lei is a chicken king, which is the positioning given to him by the UAE coach.He was quite optimistic about Wu Lei's starting game before the game, but Lippi did not send him.

After the UAE took the lead, he felt that Wu Lei had no chance to play, but Lippi sent him to play.

It's annoying...

After the UAE goalkeeper Khalid picked up the ball, he immediately distributed it to Bandar on the left. At this time, Wu Lei rushed towards Bandar very diligently. Passed back to Mubarak in the middle.

At this time, Gao Lin also ran over to Mubarak, but the Chinese team had a small number of people. Such a press was meaningless. Mubarak still cleverly passed the ball straight to Khamis in front of him. .

But Khamis soon heard the wind behind him, he turned his head and looked back, it turned out to be that Wu Lei.

This guy is obviously a striker, why is he running back so crazy now.

But Wu Lei did just that, he quickly rushed over behind Khamis.

Khamis quickly turned his head back, and Luo Wu appeared in front of him!


Even Luo Wu is so diligent, damn it.

But his thinking was very clear, and he immediately put the ball behind Zhang Linpeng. Zhang Linpeng observed the whole first half, how could he let Khamis hit him behind, he is not Shi Ke's idiot.

When Khamis sent a through pass, Zhang Linpeng didn't care where the ball was going, but directly flicked his feet, and immediately cut in front of Hammadi, blocking Hammadi behind him. Only then did he forcefully chase the ball back.

Stopping Hammadi's sprint route first, and then returning to chase the ball, this is Zhang Linpeng's idea, not to mention he really did it.

In the end, the ball rolled directly out of the bottom line, and the ball returned to the Chinese team. .

Zhang Linpeng's performance was immediately praised by Lippi, and Lippi couldn't help but raised his hands and clapped gently.

"Hey, Zhang Linpeng's brain suddenly became brighter? Sure enough, sitting on the bench can also make people grow. Otherwise, it was really too drifting before. Now I know how to defend."

"This time the anticipation and positioning performance are good, and Hammadi has no way to pass him."

Zhang Linpeng also ran to the bottom line and kicked the ball to Wang Dalei, who simply passed the ball to him.

Although sometimes Zhang Linpeng's brain is very twitchy, but in terms of strength, he is actually very good, as long as he is not stupid.

I don't know if it was encouraged by his own defense just now, Zhang Linpeng became more confident after taking it out this time, and actually moved the ball to the other end of the court with a wide range of kicks.

Wei Shihao never thought that Zhang Linpeng would do this. When the ball fell to his feet, no one could defend him in time.

Wei Shihao was able to dribble forward for more than four meters, and then kicked the ball with his left foot.

With one kick, the ball was sent to the left side of the UAE's big penalty area. Gao Lin rushed here without hesitation, and then fought with Fares again.

His position always occupied a favorable position, so Fares did not dare to act rashly. After all, he was in the penalty area, and the referee did not dare to make too many moves no matter how partial he was.

The ball was caught by Gao Lin. After Gao Lin got the ball, other teammates did not rush up in time, and he was unwilling to take the ball out of the penalty area, so he simply fought against Fares in the penalty area.

He forcibly held Fares, and then tried to take a step to the middle, but soon found that Mubarak was coming. As soon as the two surrounded him, they immediately killed Gao Lin's thoughts. Fortunately, Wu Xi strode forward at this time up.

He ran all the way for more than 30 meters to meet him.

This was very rare in the past, what if he doesn't come up?The Chinese team is now behind.

But Gao Lin's eyes swept away again, and there was another guy behind Wu Xi.

Just when everyone thought that Gao Lin would pass the ball to Wu Xi, Gao Lin chose to pass the ball to Luo Wu who was ten meters behind Wu Xi.


Even the UAE fans in the stands saw Luo Wu!

Scary, that running speed.

Wu Xi attracted the defense, and the striker in front did not come back to defend Luo Wu. As a result, after Luo Wu got the ball, the front was like no one's land.

He would not miss this kind of opportunity, and immediately rushed up with the ball. Wu Xi in front was also very clever, and immediately pulled away to the left, but this time Amer was not fooled, and gave up chasing Wu Xi, turned to meet To Luo Wu.

How could Luo Wu let Amer approach at this time?He immediately started with the ball, followed by taking a step to the left. This change of direction opened up a huge gap in an instant, and then he had no other thoughts at all, and immediately drew the ball out with his left foot!

36 meters away, the full moon scimitar was born, no one can stop this shot, unless you grow two wings and fly into the sky, everyone can only watch the ball fly into the restricted area of ​​the United Arab Emirates, and then fall to the upper left corner of the goal.

But luck is not always on Luo Wu's side. This shot is still not curved enough, and the force is still a little weak when he presses down. The ball brushed the lintel and flew out of the baseline.

There was a sigh instantly from the stands. The Chinese fans thought that the goal was about to be scored, and they were all ready to raise their arms and shout.

UAE fans broke out in a cold sweat.

Luo Wu shook his head, thinking that he was too anxious to hit the goal just now, the threat of the curved ball at such a long distance is still too small, and he still has to kick the elevator ball with his right foot...

The UAE coach cursed again, expressing his dissatisfaction again.

But the problem is that now that Luo Wu's position is so erratic, and so far behind, it is actually more difficult to defend him.

But at the same time, the threat of Luo Wu holding the ball has also become smaller. It doesn't mean that he must be defended close to him. Doesn't it mean that a long-range shot like him must threaten the goal.

This time the Emirati players pretended not to hear the manager, as goalkeeper Khalid kicked the ball out of the six-yard box and Saleh on the right immediately sent a ball over the top.

Anyway, they played on the left and right sides of the Chinese team. This time it was Liu Yang's turn to face Ha Lefan.

This is Chi Guoguo bullying Liu Yang.

It was to hit him behind, to let Ha Lefan attack his defense line, but this time was the same as last time, Huang Bowen arrived in time again and Liu Yang drove Ha Lefan to the sideline, and Ha Lefan had no choice but to He could only knock the ball with his heel, and it bounced to Huang Bowen's feet and went out of the sideline.

The ball still belongs to the UAE.

Just when Huang Bowen and Liu Yang were very satisfied with their defense and clapped their hands together, Halefan picked up the touchline ball and threw it back to Salman!

He was about to hit the boundary ball.

Salman took advantage of the opportunity to push the ball forward, and the ball immediately rolled to Hajri and Feng Xiaoting!

This is stupid, Huang Bowen just made up for Liu Yang, and now he can't go back to help defend Feng Xiaoting!

But this time Hajri took the lead. He stuck Feng Xiaoting behind him, and then led the ball into the penalty area of ​​the Chinese team!

Feng Xiaoting had no choice but to watch Hajri complete the goal, unless he chose to foul.

But he didn't.

Hajri hit a half-high ball, and it was in the opposite direction!

Wang Dalei had already rushed to the line of the small penalty area, and he had already jumped down when Hajri hit the goal, but this time Hajri did not hit a ground ball, but a half-high ball.

In this case, his hand just touched the air...

The ball flew into the far corner and bounced around the side net for a second before hitting the ground.

The Chinese team accidentally conceded the ball!


"The ball was thrown too wrongly. What were Huang Bowen and Liu Yang doing just now? How could they let Harlevan throw the ball out? They couldn't concentrate. If they dunk the ball first, If the opponent can't throw it out, how can they throw the ball to Hajri if they can't throw it out."

"I just praised them for their good defense. Hey, what should we do now? It's over, it's really over, it's 5:3, how do we chase?"

"I can't kick anymore."

"We still have one less person now, and our physical fitness is no better than others."

It was too shocking, it was too shocking.

When the Chinese team was just getting better, there was still a problem with the defense.

This time the UAE went completely crazy, leading the game by two goals, which was the first time he did it.

The UAE fans finally sang their songs in the stands. Although the Chinese fans can understand every word, they must be upset.

The balance of victory has completely tilted towards the UAE. In the 8th minute of the second half, they were behind by two goals, and the time left for the Chinese team was basically about 10 minutes.

Four and 10 minutes is a lot of time, but the problem is that given the current situation of the Chinese team, it is not easy to chase two goals in a row.

At this time, almost no one believed that the Chinese team could reverse the game. After Bocai scored this goal in the United Arab Emirates, it adjusted the handicap again, and the handicap became the Chinese team to accept three goals and three and a half goals.

This is Chi Guoguo's belief that it is impossible for the Chinese team to win the game, and that the UAE will win by a big score.

The speeches of Chinese fans jumped out of the big screen of the live broadcast.

"It's impossible. Absolutely impossible."

"We have Luo Wu, how could we lose so badly. God, Luo Wu hasn't scored yet! We just assisted Hao Junmin with a goal."

"He scored so many goals before, at least two or three in every game, what's going on today? Is it true that his injury has affected his performance, and he rarely dribbled the ball today..."

"Could it be that Nasser really put one billion euros into his account?"

"Upstairs, shut up, don't fucking make such unhealthy jokes, is this the time to make such jokes?"

"You are insulting Luo Wu who is struggling. You don't look at how the Chinese team is playing now, but if there is a teammate who can help him, can this game be played like this? Blame the others too much." Rubbish. Why don't you ask why Liu Yang and Huang Bowen didn't join the defense immediately?"

"Even if they took the money, it's not Luo Wu who took the money. It's possible for other people to take the money. Anyway, I think it's absolutely impossible for Luo Wu and Wang Dalei to take the money..."

"Oh, forget it, the Chinese team is not destined to win the championship, so don't watch it, I think it will lose the ball, and it will be even worse. Even if it is given to the best player in the world, the Chinese team will not be able to win. In the game, the Chinese team is completely hopeless, so what should we do..."

"Yeah, I thought we could really win the Asian Cup this time, but now it seems impossible. I'm so disappointed. I always feel that Luo Wu's performance today is a bit abnormal. Is he being threatened by someone? I think what the friend upstairs said makes sense, did something really happen..."

"Who knows, the water in the Football Association is so deep... After all, who doesn't love money?"

Some extreme Chinese fans have already started to retreat, and their thoughts are very dark.

If Luo Wu heard this, Luo Wu would probably be furious.He couldn't stand such nonsense fans talking nonsense.

He's pissed off enough now.

After playing so many games, no game has made him feel ashamed and helpless like this one.

Useless, quite useless!

At least the momentum was good at the beginning of the second half, but once the goal was lost, all the good momentum disappeared...


Do you want to beat me like this?

Luo Wu looked up at the dark night sky, as if looking for an answer.

Do not,

No one can give me an answer.


is the answer.


is the answer!

He suddenly squatted down and tied his shoelaces leisurely...

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