The rise of greenery

Chapter 310 Trembling!Here he is again!

Cai Huikang never imagined that one day he would become a sinner of Chinese football. He actually injured the most powerful player in Chinese football history!

It's really embarrassing, he doesn't know what to do now, Internet explosions are overwhelming, all Chinese fans are scolding him, no one is on his side, and no one dares to stand.

While staying in the hotel, he wanted to commit suicide.He locked himself in the room, and really couldn't understand why he was so impulsive at that time. If he hadn't rushed to steal the ball at that time, then these things would not have happened.

But the problem has already happened.

No teammates came to comfort him, not even the coaching staff, which shows that everyone is really angry.

Only his family called him and his wife told him that he was not wrong.But it is not enough to have a wife to comfort him. Only when most people think that he is not wrong can he think about this problem clearly.

But his wife did one thing right. He asked Cai Huikang to call Luo Wu, apologize to Luo Wu or visit Luo Wu in the hospital.

Cai Huikang did so, but instead of calling, he chose to go to the supermarket on the first floor to buy some fruits and flowers, and then, avoiding everyone's eyes and ears, he took a taxi to the hospital.

The ward where Luo Wu was located was guarded by heavy soldiers. Four bodyguards stood at the door and did not let anyone approach him at all. However, after Cai Huikang revealed his intention and identity, Cai Huigang still saw Luo Wu.

He thought Luo Wu would be very angry, but Luo Wu smiled the first time he saw him.

"It's not good, I must have been raped by the Internet today."

"You don't have to feel bad. I don't blame you at all. On the football field, any accident can happen. You didn't mean it. Don't take it to heart. I wanted to call you. I also see After the news, everyone is scolding you. This is not right. I will post a few posts in a while, calling on everyone not to target you. Isn’t this an idiot? Isn’t this a common thing in football?”

Cai Huikang was stunned when he heard that, originally he didn't know how to apologize to Luo Wu, but Luo Wu asked him to let go of his psychological defense first.

He felt instantly relieved, and finally squeezed out two words - "Thank you."

"I really didn't do it on purpose. It's really impossible to hurt you on purpose. If I had the chance to do it again, I would definitely not do that."

Luo Wu said again:

"Didn't you just say that? I didn't take it to heart. Come on, I'll post a few posts now, and I guess it will take several online posts."

Luo Wu didn't look in a bad mood. After taking out his mobile phone, he immediately started typing.

The first paragraph is sent to Chinese fans, so naturally it will be posted on Weibo.

I saw what he wrote on it——please stop all Chinese fans from exposing Cai Huikang on the Internet immediately. Cai Huikang is my good friend. We train together on the court, and it is normal to have some fierce confrontations during the training process. Cai Huikang did not intend to hurt me. I have no reason to be angry with his behavior. The injury was an accident, so please stop scolding him. If you scold Cai Huikang, you are scolding me indirectly, then I will Not happy, I just don't think it makes sense to play for such an indiscriminate team.At this time we must unite together, whether with me or without me, there are other players fighting for the Chinese team!The Chinese team is a united team!

As soon as it was posted on Weibo, this piece of news instantly became the number one searched item, and then it was reprinted by major news media, and naturally became the number one searched item by other media as well.

Now that Luo Wu has personally explained the matter and asked everyone not to bully Cai Huikang on the Internet, why are Chinese fans still there? Most fans calmed down, and then left messages saying that they should respect Luo Wu and listen to it. Luo Wu's.

Originally, there was a lot of curses from Dong Qiudi, but now it has become the voice of China, Luo Wu, Cai Huikang.

This is the power of idols. If Luo Wu did not speak out in time, Cai Huikang would probably die.

Now the situation has been reversed in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Wu posted another message on ins—although there is a high probability that I will not be able to play again, but I believe that my teammates can lead the Chinese team to the finals, and they can win without me.Also, please stop scolding my teammate Cai Huikang. I never blamed him. An accident like this on the training ground is beyond our control. We don’t know how much fun we are having in the ward.

Immediately after, Luo Wu and Cai Huikang took a photo and posted it on ins and Weibo.This naturally proves that the relationship between the two of them is excellent, and Luo Wu is not lying.

Head coach Lippi did not expect Luo Wu to be so magnanimous. Frowning, he was having a meeting with the coaching staff, thinking about what to do next and how to change to face the UAE.

How to deal with the relationship between Luo Wu and Cai Huikang, it seems that I am thinking too much now.

After losing Luo Wu, although other players can be filled in, what Lippi wants most is to let Cai Huikang play, but Cai Yongkang is the one who injured Luo Wu...

It doesn't look like much to think about now.

But for the entire Middle East, Luo Wu's injury is the best news. As for whether Luo Wu and Cai Huikang will fall out, they don't care at all, as long as they see the dawn of victory.

Especially in the semi-finals of the Asian Cup, three teams are from East Asia, and only the United Arab Emirates is left, so the Middle Easterners need to unite even more.

What kind of a strong team is the Chinese team without Luo Wu, so fans in the Middle East can now directly despise the Chinese team, and the major media have stepped on the Chinese team and given their suggestions.

Al Jazeera said bluntly: Without Luo Wu, the Chinese team is a tiger without teeth. Maybe they are still being flattered. They are a sick cat without teeth. The UAE can completely suppress them at home. In the first half It can break them down.

Qatar Nation said: The Qatar national team is a bit unlucky. If it encounters a national team without Luo Wu, then the Qatar national team will be promoted. Now we can only hand over this task to the UAE. I believe that compatriots can help us revenge.

What people didn't expect was that even the Korean media came to join in the fun. It stands to reason that the Korean media should stand on China's side. After all, everyone is an East Asian team.

The Seoul Sports Daily said: Now we can consider the opponent in the final, and it will definitely not be the Chinese team. If the Chinese team without Luo Wu can reach the final at the UAE’s home court, then the UAE will lose its meaning of existence. According to our After years of observation, this kind of thing is impossible to happen. If we can eliminate the Japanese team, then we will be the champions of the Asian Cup.

Chosun Ilbo’s point of view is also similar: the retribution came too fast, maybe God couldn’t see it, and directly took off the coat of the Chinese team. Now that there is no Luo Wu, the Chinese team is a third-rate team in Asia. The opponent of the UAE will not be the opponent of South Korea.

How long has passed since the Chinese team and the Korean team met in the group stage, and the Korean media has forgotten so quickly.

It's really Huluo Pingyang being bullied by dogs, but Luo Wu is missing, and the Chinese team is nothing if they are trampled on by others.

But the Chinese team is too dependent on Luo Wu, now without him, this game really does not know how to play.

The following day Lippi carried out a tactical reorganization. The original three-back system has now become a four-back system, and even plans to play five backs.

There is no way, now the Chinese team does not have a strong attacker, and they must not act rashly, they can only play defensive counterattacks. Lippi is most familiar with defensive counterattacks. Five defenders are not a bad choice, and two fullbacks are also good. It can become a midfielder to participate in the offense. In view of the poor defensive ability of the Chinese team, Lippi really did so.

As far as the training effect is concerned, it might be much better if Zheng Zhi hadn't been injured, but now even Zheng Zhi is injured, there is really no general in Sichuan, and Liao Hua is the vanguard.

The fact is that cruel.

What's more cruel is that the gambling company has quickly adjusted the handicap. It was a tie before, but now that Luo Wu was injured, the handicap immediately changed drastically.

Now it is the Chinese team that has accepted two goals and two and a half goals.Chi Guoguo is not optimistic about the Chinese team, but the UAE.

The UAE is playing at home, how could it lose to such a bad Chinese team.

In terms of big and small goals, the bookmaker opened five goals, which means that in this game, the UAE will definitely attack wildly, and the Chinese team will not sit still. The goals of both sides will not be less, just victory It's all on the side of the UAE.

The Chinese fans are unhappy, and the fans in the football emperor sigh.

"To be honest, the Chinese team may lose the game before, but I will also stand on the side of the Chinese team, but this time I feel that we will definitely lose. It is really strange. It is because we are used to relying on Ronaldo. Wu?"

"Oh, it's really bullied by dogs. The whole world is not optimistic about us now. We have no Luo Wu, no Zheng Zhi, no Zhang Yuning, and the three players who made us most at ease are gone. We count on Wu Xi and them? It’s really embarrassing..."

"Combined with the No. 12 referees, it is impossible for the Chinese team to break through in the UAE. Basically, it is more ominous, cold, completely cold."

"Just look at the handicap of the spinach company. The gap is too big. Unless there is a super upset, but our superhero is gone, can we have other superheroes? I don't believe it..."

Luo Wu lay in the hospital for two consecutive days, and news about his injury kept breaking out during these two days.

Basically, it is said that he is recuperating and waiting to return to China for surgery. He has bid farewell to this Asian Cup.

The news is all swearing, and it all comes from the interviews of the chief physician in the hospital and so on.

But the "Sun" from Europe put forward another point of view-could it be a conspiracy?Is it possible that Luo Wu was really bought by Nasser, and chose not to appear in the game because of his injury?Otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence.Or the player named Cai Huikang was bought by Nasser.He deliberately injured Luo Wu during training.As the so-called fortresses are breached from within, I have reason to doubt the existence of this possibility, especially Cai Huikang's behavior.Cai Huikang has no reason to refuse the temptation of [-] million. Any player will think about it for a long time, so we should not be surprised.

There has been another storm in China, which was already calm, and the Sun newspaper is really awesome this time.

Cai Huikang, who was in training, was called away by the leaders again, and talked for three hours in the conference room. It was obvious that he didn't believe Cai Huikang. Otherwise, what are we talking about now?

Even Lippi had to change the main force again. Even if Cai Huikang, who stood on the cusp of the storm again, was innocent, he would not be able to start the game. ball.

Picking and picking, in the end, I can only leave the opportunity to Zhang Xizhe, a midfielder from Guoan, who has always been a marginal figure in the national team. Lippi didn't want to give him a chance at all, but now he has to reconsider reusing him .

Finally on the morning of the game, he announced the starting lineup.

It is quite helpless.

The goalkeeper must be Wang Dalei.

The four-back configuration was restored on the back line, with Zhang Linpeng on the right, Shi Ke and Feng Xiaoting in the middle, and Liu Yang on the left.

In midfield are Hao Junmin, Wu Xi, Xu Xin, Zhang Xizhe and Wei Shihao.

There is only one Gao Lin in front, and even Wu Lei, who was studying abroad, was taken down.

Although Lippi did not play five backs, he chose to play four backs.

On the other hand, the UAE is the main force.

Goalkeeper Khalid.

The defenders are Saleh, Fares, Mubarak and Bandar.

The midfield is Salman, Amer and Khamis.

The three forwards are a three-ha combination, namely Halefan, Hajri, and Hammadi.

Lippi was the first to attend the press conference. This time he did not bring any players, and he talked freely at the press conference alone.

"We noticed that now we went from a super team to a third-rate team, which is what the media and a lot of fans think."

"I can't stop people from thinking like this, but is this the case? In the last World Cup, we were the same group of people in the top twelve. We still stood until the last moment. We are the same today. We came close to qualifying for the World Cup in the second round, so why can't I make it to the final this time?"

"We used to play without superstars, and now we are going back to the past. Those who say that our strength has returned to the third-rate are simply idiots. We will prove in this game that we can beat the Asian teams. Any opponent naturally includes the UAE."

Lippi refused to admit defeat.

Although the World War I returned to before liberation, Lippi thought there was no problem. This time the Chinese team was originally the Chinese team he led before.

"Everyone is optimistic about the UAE, but the final result may disappoint everyone. The Chinese team is the favorite team to advance to the final."

At least he won't lose in words, he must maintain the confidence and morale of the players.

"I have nothing more to say, let's wait and see, just like a Chinese movie, let the bullets fly for a while."

After hastily ending the press conference, Lippi returned to the hotel for the last tactical deployment before the war.

At this time, the UAE coach took his proud disciple Hajri to sit in front of the rostrum, bragging about this game.

Team forward Hajri had a confident smile on his face: "For the UAE, today is definitely one of the most important moments in history. It is a great honor to represent the UAE in the semi-finals. If I can't help the UAE win, With a brilliant victory at our home court, I don’t think I’m qualified to continue playing. Fans from the entire UAE and even the entire Middle East are supporting us. We must not let them down. There will be no accidents in this game , we will launch a tidal attack on their defense and try to solve the battle in the first half."

"Victory belongs to Allah! It belongs to the United Arab Emirates, it belongs to the Middle East!" The more he said, the more excited he got, he stood up, raised his right arm and shouted. people's arena.

Immediately afterwards, the UAE coach also said: "What the whole of Asia can't do, we in the UAE can definitely do it today. If we can't do it, we even decided to go to the guillotine. We must give the whole Middle East a huge reward today." This gift, winning the Chinese team, I believe it is what all Middle East people want to see."

"We will uphold our football tradition and use attacking football to open the door to victory!"

It seems that everyone in the UAE seems to have been beaten up, and they don't pay attention to the Chinese team at all.

Luo Wu used his mobile phone to collect all these news one by one on the hospital bed, and sneered from time to time.If football is won by mouth, then Qatar and the UAE and the Middle East have won countless times.

But football is played with feet...

He looked at the time and distance on his phone. There were still twelve hours before the start of the game, which might be a long time.

Just let the world be noisy for a while.

He closed his eyes, intending to rest for a few hours...

Because of the hot weather, the game was scheduled for ten o'clock in the evening, but enthusiastic fans began to enter the stadium continuously around six o'clock in the evening.

The stadium, which originally could only accommodate more than 5000 fans, seems to have poured in nearly [-] fans, all of which are all UAE fans, excluding Chinese fans.

The vast majority of Chinese fans arrived at the stadium around 08:30 in the evening. After arriving here, they realized how small they were. Except for red spots in twos and threes, the rest was white.

The difference in magnitude of the fans is too big. Even if all the Chinese fans gathered under the two stands, it seems that there are a lot of people, but the rest of the stadium is surrounded by UAE fans.

The turbulent white ocean was extremely noisy, and many fans in the stands held up banners, which read in crooked Chinese:

"Go cry, Luo Wu, you have already been eliminated."

"It's really unfortunate to watch the Chinese team being eliminated and being raped by us."

"This is the punishment of Allah on you."

"Get out, China team, get out, Luo Wu!"


The Chinese fans have no confidence, so they can only stay silently in the stands, and everyone sits tightly together.

They asked themselves.

If Luo Wu can start today, can the UAE still be so arrogant?


But even if Luo Wu is not present, as die-hard Chinese fans, they will still be here. They cannot let the Chinese team fight alone. They must become the best No.12 players on the court.

The team bus of the Chinese team drove into the stadium slowly. After getting off the bus, the Chinese players were immediately abused by the Qatari fans. Everyone had to speed up and ran into the visiting team's locker room.

The team leader had to check in time to see if everyone missed anything and if anyone was injured outside.

The current situation is really dire.

But when he walked to the door, he saw a man wearing a hood standing there, and then pushed the door in without saying hello to him, and then locked the door behind him.

"Who are you?" the team leader asked subconsciously.

"It's me." Luo Wu took off his hat instantly, revealing his true face.

With the cheers in the locker room, everyone's expressions lit up.

"Why are you here? Don't take a good rest in the hospital."

"I'm going to play football."

"How can this game be done without me?" Luo Wu grinned, his smile was so relaxed and natural.

"Are you kidding? Your shoulder is injured and you are still waiting for surgery. How can you play. There is no need to motivate everyone. If you don't come, everyone will fight for you!"

"I'm not joking with you, I really want to play football."

Luo Wu gently pushed the leader away, and then walked up to Lippi. Now Lippi is frowning and his old face is drooping.

He can't understand Chinese, so he looks confused now.I really don't understand why Luo Wu risked his life here?

"Boss, change the starting lineup 10 minutes before the game, I'm in good shape, I'm not really injured."

He went on to explain.

"This is a scam. It's a scam I carefully designed to amuse my opponent."

"The inspection report was fake. I had already bribed the doctor when I checked inside. He showed me a fake report. That report belonged to someone else, not mine."

"You can understand me when I say that?"

"Huh?" Lippi's eyes gradually enlarged, and then he grinned loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"You're taking a big joke. How is this possible."

"Stop messing around, there's no time, we're getting ready to play. I know you want to play, but it's impossible, I have to protect you."

"Boss, I'm really not kidding, everything I said is true. I really want to play with the UAE fans, and that Nasser, I just acted for them, let them have fun, you now Quickly line me up!"

Then Luo Wu turned to look at the team doctor, "Come here and punch me."

"Hit my wound here."

"Ah? Don't be joking," the team doctor didn't do this. What if Luo Wu's condition worsened?

Luo Wu saw that the team doctor was standing still, so he decided to punch himself!

He suddenly slammed into his left shoulder.

The movement was really too fast. When Luo Wu's fist hit his left shoulder, everyone had no time to stop them, and the expressions on their faces were exaggerated shouts.

It's too late.

But Luo Wu looked like nothing happened, he didn't cry out for pain.

"Damn it, it's actually true. Luo Wu, you're really not hurt!"

"Niu, you are really too good. You have deceived the whole world, even our own people."

"That means you can really play!"


All eyes were on Lippi, and Lippi looked at the team doctor. The expression on the team doctor's face was clearly written, and he nodded.

That means there is no problem at all, if you can play directly.

"it is good!"

"We will submit the final list until the last 5 minutes..."

It is said that the starting list must be submitted in the last 10 minutes, but in fact, the list can be changed at the last moment due to sudden accidents.

Since Luo Wu wants to play like this, Napi can play with him more exciting...

At this time, there are still about 10 minutes before the game, and the live broadcast room has already begun to read the list of players from both sides.

Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu are partners in the live broadcast room, and they are reading the starting list of the United Arab Emirates.

"The latest news, the starting list of the UAE that we have now is exactly the same as that announced in the morning, without any change."

"Goalkeeper Khalid. The defenders are Saleh, Fares~Mubarak and Bandar. The midfielders are Salman, Amer and Khamis. The three strikers are the combination of Sanha, respectively. , Hajri, Hammadi."

"The players in the UAE are little-known, but their strength should not be underestimated. Middle Eastern players generally have good foot skills and relatively strong impact. In recent years, we have basically not had any advantage in the games against the UAE, so this game At least it's [-]-[-]."

"However, considering that the UAE is playing at home, our military morale may be unstable because of the lack of Luo Wu, and it is very likely that we will fall into a very bad situation."

"Now let's take a look at the starting lineup of the Chinese team. If there is no accident, the goalkeeper must be Wang Dalei. Considering the opponent's strong firepower, our offensive ability has been weakened. We will definitely strengthen our defense on the defensive end, so Zhang Linpeng must return. The right back position is up, Shi Ke and Feng Xiaoting are partners in the middle, and Liu Yang must be on the left."

"There are a lot of variables in the midfield. It may be Wu Xi, his partner Hao Junmin, Xu Xin, or Wei Shihao. Cai Huikang had already entered the starting position before, but because some media said that Cai Huikang may have deliberately injured Luo Wu, so he was taken down by Lippi again."

"Now it depends on whether to use one forward or two forwards in the forward line. If two forwards are used, it will be four midfielders, and then Gao Lin and Wu Lei will play together."

"Zhang Yuning's injury is almost healed, and he will definitely appear on the bench now."

"It depends on how Lippi arranges it."

In the player tunnel, the UAE players looked very relaxed. They were talking and laughing. It seemed that there was no pressure at all in this game.

As for the Chinese team, Wu Xi led the way out of the player tunnel, and then everyone lowered their heads, looking lifeless.

A lot of the players put their hats on, looking weird in the heat.

But the UAE players didn't realize that Luo Wu was actually hiding in the team, and he was also one of them wearing a hat.

At this time, who cares whether there are eleven or twelve people in the team?

Anyway, when the two teams walked out of the court together, no one noticed the clue.

No one even noticed when warming up on the court.

Only when the players began to take off their clothes and walked on the court, the live camera scanned back and forth, finally found the accident.


"Huh? Huh! Huh!!!"

"What happened? What happened? Am I blind? Who did I see?"

Zhan Jun couldn't believe his eyes, because he saw Luo Wu's figure in the camera, and saw Luo Wu taking off his coat!

Zhang Lu's eyeballs were about to fall off, because he saw it too, and he couldn't believe it.

"That's right, it's really Luo Wu. My God? What's going on, why is he here?"

"Is this going to start the game? Doesn't it mean that his left scapula is seriously injured and he needs to go back to China for surgery? If he can still play now, there is a possibility that he played a closed game. Could it be that even if he played a closed game, he still has to represent the Chinese team. Is it? Too desperate! Touched!"

Zhang Lu immediately thought of a closed injection.

"Well, that's the only explanation. Other explanations are impossible. Luo Wu should be closed. So the Chinese team actually knew about it a long time ago, but they just didn't announce it?"

"I don't think this is good at all. Playing closed will have a great impact on the player's body later. What if old problems appear in the future? Dong Fangzhuo was destroyed like this."

But the Chinese fans in the stands couldn't control it. They also found Luo Wu standing on the field and immediately cheered.

Then Luo Wu's name resounded throughout the audience.

"Luo Wu!"

"Luo Wu!"

"Luo Wu!"

The UAE fans were stunned. Everyone stared dumbfounded at the short figure on the court. That guy was indeed Luo Wu, and he was standing there.

Quiet as an elegant knight.

"Damn, what a hell, why is he here!"


"Isn't he injured? Impossible, there are news about his condition every day. He should be living in the hospital now."

The fans were so crazy, so were the players. The players on the court saw Luo Wu standing near the center circle. They couldn't believe it, and they all looked down the court.

But their team coach and their expressions are like birds, he doesn't know, he is also confused.

"Okay, now that Luo Wu is back, he made the world's biggest joke."

"A big surprise."

"Are the UAE fans still going to be arrogant now?" The live camera swept around the stands of the UAE fans.

Shock and fear were written on everyone's face, as if anticipating what would happen next...

"Luo Wu's sudden return has also brought about a huge change in the starting lineup of the Chinese team. The players who were originally on the roster in the morning have now been adjusted a lot."

"The goalkeeper is still Wang Dalei, the back line has become a three-back line, namely Shi Ke, Feng Xiaoting and Liu Yang, the midfielder is Hao Junmin, Xu Xin, Wei Shihao, Huang Bowen, Cai Huikang, and the forward line is Gao Lin's partner Luo Wu."

"The formation is still 352. More carefully, it should be a formation of 3322."

With the whistle of the referee, the UAE players took the lead to take the ball.

The sudden change made the UAE conservative. Although the starting players have not changed, their formation has become 451.

Although they are now in possession of the ball, the ball keeps passing back and does not directly attack the Chinese team's backcourt, while the Chinese team's morale is greatly boosted because of Luo Wu's return, and the whole army attacks.

Facing the imposing Chinese team, the UAE players were obviously not ready. Central defender Fares kicked the ball towards the backcourt of the Chinese team with a big kick.

Forward Hajri looked so helpless in front of Feng Xiaoting and Huang Bowen. With Feng Xiaoting behind him, he could only watch Huang Bowen throw the ball to Xu Xin.

After taking the ball, Xu Xin strode the ball forward for more than six meters, and then passed the ball straight to Hao Junmin. When Hao Junmin hit Wei Shihao directly with his left foot while running, Wei Shihao also kicked back. over him.

The two easily made a wall-hitting cooperation and then advanced to the UAE's restricted area!

Somewhat at a loss, Salman and Amer shoveled at Hao Junmin at the same time.

It's just that Hao Junmin had already observed the movements of these two guys, and poked the ball to Gao Lin in front of him in advance.

Gao Lin held Fares and chose to return the ball to Luo Wu.

But Luo Wu was surrounded by two people, Mubarak and Khamis, one behind the other, and there was no chance to grab the ball.

The ball was still blocked by Khamis. Not everyone in the UAE was flustered, at least not Hamis. He took the ball out of the danger zone, and then immediately took a curved ball with his left foot. Hitting directly behind Shi Ke, the left winger Hammadi ran with all his strength. After the speed increased, it felt that Shi Ke was going to be unable to defend again.

If it wasn't for Shi Ke's slightly better performance than Zhang Linpeng, he would not appear in the starting position now. The Chinese team's back line is really short of manpower, and they can only pile up these mediocre players.

In the end, Hammadi still grabbed Shi Ke's position and got the ball first. At the same time, Shi Ke fell sideways and shoveled the ball out of the sideline.

The United Arab Emirates won a throw-in on the left side of the front court. After Khamis came up, he stretched the run-up route very long, followed by a sprint, and threw a quite powerful depth charge. The ball actually flew directly to the Chinese team The back post, this power is really too exaggerated, almost like kicking a ball with your feet.

China's defense focuses on the center and the front. Who knew that Khamis could throw the ball to the back. As a result, another midfielder Salman who followed him rushed into the penalty area. No one came up to defend him. As a result Salman volleyed with his right foot!

The ball hit the outside instep...

The ball roared and hit the top of the net on the right side, and deviated from the goal.

Wang Dalei quickly ran out of the goal to get the ball back, and when he saw that Luo Wu was on the right side of the penalty area, he immediately threw the ball over.

Unexpectedly, the vigilant Khamis appeared next to Luo Wu again, and immediately slammed into Luo Wu's left shoulder.

This bastard is indeed very cunning and clever, and he actually knows how to attack Luo Wu's old wound.

Luo Wu instantly turned over and fell on the grass like a kite with a broken string.

"Oh, why did you hit the wound again? Even though it was closed, Luo Wu couldn't handle it. The other party must have come prepared, and that's how he was treated. This Khamis seems to be very effective. , I knew how to deal with Luo Wu from the very beginning, if other people imitate like this, alas, Luo Wu is really dangerous."

But as soon as Zhan Jun finished speaking, Luo Wu stood up.It didn't seem like a big problem, and then he rubbed the ball as soon as he caught up with the ball.

With a long diagonal pass, the ball flew across the center line and landed in the UAE's right backcourt.

Wei Shihao ran two steps forward and unloaded the ball to his feet.

Following Wei Shihao, he accelerated and sprinted forward again.

The UAE's defense was quite empty. Wei Shihao led for more than ten meters in a row before Salman chased him back.

But the serious right back Saleh did not come up to force Wei Shihao, but retreated all the way.

After Salman came back, he ran up again, and the two of them flanked each other, trying to snatch the ball from Wei Shihao's feet, but Wei Shihao's feet still had two kicks. He flicked the ball out, and then turned around to protect After holding the ball, Saleh fouled and kicked Wei Shihao's right ankle.

Wei Shihao's fall was very exaggerated, and he didn't plan to get up again when he fell down. He has quite a talent for acting...

Although the set kick in this place is not very threatening, it can be regarded as a good opportunity for the Chinese team to attack the whole court.

Luo Wu came up and stood in front of the penalty spot.

Everyone else walked towards the penalty area. When he was serving, it was impossible for anyone else to do anything, so what should he do?

Although the position is not good, about four meters outside the left side of the penalty area, the UAE coach still signaled for three players to come over and line up the wall.

This is nothing more than trying to seal the near corner and prevent Luo Wu from directly pumping the ball into the near corner.

This is because I have seen Luo Wu hit the goal directly from this angle before, so there is no room for surprise.

At the same time, the UAE fans were not idle in the stands. Numerous laser pointers were aimed at Luo Wu. Luo Wu was wearing a red Chinese team jersey, but now almost his whole body has turned green. Do everything you can!

Fans from other countries have treated Luo Wu like this before, and the AFC also stated that this behavior is very bad and fans are not allowed to bring into the stadium.

But now there are not so many fans brought in.Luo Wu stared at the goal behind the human wall, and then observed the positions of his teammates.

There are only two options, one is to hit the goal directly, and the bully shoots hard, and the other is to send the ball to the teammate's head and let the teammate compete for the landing point.

His run-up distance was a bit far, nearly ten steps.This made the UAE players on the wall tremble, and their necks immediately retracted subconsciously, while the goalkeeper on the goal line suddenly looked terrified and became nervous.

It looks like Luo Wu is going to shoot directly!

The whistle sounded, and Luo Wu quickly rushed to the ball.

Only a bang was heard, and the ball bypassed the villain wall in an instant, and quickly fell into the restricted area of ​​the UAE, but instead of rushing towards the goal, it pulled out a strong arc and circled to the right side of the restricted area of ​​the UAE , followed by a rapid fall!

None of the jumpers in the penalty area could catch the ball, because the ball had circled behind them. Only one guy jumped out from the crowd in an instant, and that person was Hao Junmin.

The ball was passed beautifully, but the speed of the ball was too fast. It seemed that Hao Junmin could not catch up with the ball, but at this moment, Hao Junmin suddenly jumped into the air and slammed into the falling ball.


Perfectly completed a dive to the top to break the goal!

"The ball went in."

"The ball went in."

"In less than 2 minutes of the opening, the Chinese team scored a goal. It was our big devil Luo Wu who created the goal. His set ball accurately found Hao Junmin who was going forward, and Hao Junmin jumped up. , headed the ball into the UAE goal."


"This Middle East must surrender at Luo Wu's feet!"

"He comes, he conquers!"

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