The rise of greenery

Chapter 265 Finale?Take me to the 2022 World Cup!

Haaland, yes, Haaland again, he had a hat-trick.

This time his hat-trick was done in the FA Cup. He scored hat-tricks in two consecutive games. This time he started the game, and last time he came off the bench.

This performance is not much different from Luo Wu!

Now Harland says that Europe is second, and no one dares to call it first, because Luo Wu is in the Middle East and Asia.

Liverpool star Kaladze bluntly said in the post-match summary: "Although Luo Wu scored 7 goals in a game, his opponent is still too weak compared to Harland."

"Arsenal has picked up another treasure this winter, my God, is the finale coming?"

The English media that were still bragging about Luo Wu before have now turned their heads and bragging about Harland.

"The Times" was the first to bear the brunt, and Luo Wu itself was not friendly to them, so after Haaland scored another hat-trick, they bluntly said-Arsenal can now replace the Chinese with Haaland, and the Chinese hold 50 The British pound has the highest salary in the Premier League, and Harland's weekly salary is only 8000 pounds, but the goal rate of the two is almost the same. Arsenal should know how to make a choice!

"Mirror" also came to join in the fun-although Haaland's statistics are a little worse than Luo Wu, but the two are equally young and have similar scoring ability. It is true that Luo Wu can be sold to other clubs. Arsenal can directly sell Luo Wu. Wu dealt with it.

I don't know what kind of heart the "Mirror" has.

And the "Manchester Evening News" is encouraging Manchester United-Manchester United's opportunity has come. With Harland so bright, Manchester United can sign Luo Wu at a high price and let Luo Wu lead Manchester United out of the quagmire. Anyway, Manchester United is the best player in the Premier League. It is better for rich clubs to afford wages than to continue to pay high salaries to Pogba or Sanchez.What is certain is that once Manchester United can have Luo Wu, then Manchester United will become the most powerful league contender in the league again.

The "Daily Mail" is very objective-the Premier League and even the whole of Europe are about to usher in the finale!No one can compete against Arsenal in the future!Luo Wu plus a Harland?Just ask, who can stop them?

The whole of England was praising Haaland, and then Haaland seemed a little bit adrift in the press conference.

"I didn't expect England to play so well and score so many goals so easily. I thought it would take me a long time to get used to it. I didn't expect it to be like this."

When he said this, his chin almost went up to the sky.

This guy is also very arrogant.Scoring goals in England is easy!But he does have the capital of arrogance. He scored 6 goals in two games, and he was a substitute in one game. This kind of scoring efficiency has only been achieved by Luo Wu before.

And then never again.

That being the case, the paparazzi's questions have become very tricky.

The Times reporter began to ask:

"Then how do you think your level compares with Luo Wu's? Is there a big gap?"

Harland hardly thought about it: "I think he is the number one in the world now. There is a gap between me and him, but I don't think the gap is far away. I will always learn from him and catch up with him."

Before he came to Arsenal, he didn't talk like that.Now after scoring six goals, he doesn't talk like that.

"Then do you think you can replace him?"

"No. I'm just a very simple striker, and Luo Wu is a great attacker. He can not only pass and shoot, but also perform very well on the defensive end. I can only say that I can only replace 1/4 of his effect."

Fortunately, Harland finally said something human, otherwise he would probably be sprayed to death by Luo Wu's fans.

Emery, who was sitting aside, frowned.He didn't expect Harland to be so high-profile.It is amazing to score 6 goals in two games, but it is too proud to say that I am at the same level as Luo Wu now!

There is no need to say that.I should have warned him before I knew he was so high-profile.If Luo Wu, who is far away in the Middle East, hears these words, what will he think?

Emery knows who is the most important to whom even if he thinks about it with his heels.It must be Luo Wu.What kind of onion are you now, you don’t even know you’re being used as a gunman?

So he coughed twice, but still interjected to try to downplay Harland's words.

"What Erlin means is that his shooting skills are already on par with Luo Wu. But that's all. He still has a lot to learn."

"But in terms of scoring rate, it is about the same, but Luo Wu's dribbling, passing and various shooting methods are beyond Erlin's reach."

"More importantly, Luo Wu's stability is unmatched by anyone. What's even more incomparable is that he can score more goals on the basis of stability!"

The words are very clear. Although Harland is excellent, he cannot be compared with Luo Wu. Even if Harland is sitting next to him, he does not give face.

You have to pee first and look in the mirror...

Naturally, Luo Wu also saw Harland's speech in the Middle East.Of course, Harland was a little displeased.

Before coming to the Middle East, Harland was very polite when talking to him, which is completely different from now, and now it looks like a different person.

Well, after returning to England, teach him how to be a man...

Just let him jump for a month.

Who told him to be young?

Even Mbappe dare not be crazy.


After the first round of the Asian Cup, the Chinese team and the South Korean team had the same three points, but the Chinese team occupied the top spot because of the advantage of goal difference, and the South Korean team could only come second.

On the scorer list, Luo Wu and Sun Xingmin ranked first and second with 7 goals and 6 goals respectively. It seems that there is no suspense at all in the Asian Cup.

In the next team training, Lippi adjusted the main lineup.

Wei Shihao and Xu Xin got the yellow vests. The previous Chi Zhongzhong and Jin Jingdao seem to be leaving the main lineup.

Because obviously in the last game, the performance of the first two players was far better than them. Lippi is not a fool. Of course, he has to form a set of the strongest attacking lineup. As for the defensive end, he may think that whoever played the same Well, there is no adjustment.

The most depressing one should be Wu Xi. Wu Xi had to give up his main position because of the return of the old captain Zheng Zhi. The 38-year-old Zheng Zhi is still the best midfielder in China. No one dares to say that he can replace him, no matter how old he is. so big.

And Lippi trusted him enough.

In the training game, such a main lineup also achieved good results, and there was no longer the procrastination and timidity before.The offensive combination in the midfield played smoothly.

This even gave old captain Zheng Zhi an illusion, as if he had suddenly returned to the Chinese team 16 or [-] years ago, the Chinese team that almost won the Asian Cup.

At that time, I didn't worry about the team's defense or offense at all. The team was ridiculously strong.

Now, isn't that what it feels like?Definitely not an illusion.

This training game is the most comfortable training game he has played since he participated in professional football, bar none.

He doesn't even need to work hard, the teammates around him have already done a lot.

Xu Xin, who usually thinks he can't play well, seems to have a brighter mind now.

That guy Wei Shihao played better on the left side than Evergrande.

It is not a big problem to face Gao Lin or Zhang Yuning in front, both of them have played the role of fulcrum.

As for Wu Lei?

Who cares how many chances the guy wastes as long as he keeps running for shots?

So after the training, Zheng Zhi went to Luo Wu's side.

"Luo Wu."

"Thank you."

"thank you for coming."

"Huh?" Luo Wu looked confused, not understanding why he wanted to say thank you to himself.

Didn't do anything by myself?

"if it is possible,"

"I want to hold on to the 2022 World Cup."

"If I can still play."

"You must take me there."

Luo Wu: ...

42 years old?

May I?

It's a bit unbelievable, how did Luo Wu answer...

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