The rise of greenery

Chapter 25 Salary increase? !

Can I still eat this meal?

Luo Wu thought it would be a bit difficult to eat in public.

That is to say, sitting in the corner now, otherwise, it would have been discovered long ago, and the flow of people is not too big, so it can save a little time.

At this time, the hot pot bottom material finally arrived.

The waiter just now also came over pushing the cart.

The table was full of food.

Luo Wu's stomach gurgled instantly, he was really hungry.

do not care.

Let's talk when we are full.

The sky won't fall, the big deal is to sign more autographs for the fans.This is the problem with stars.

Soon, the water in the pot boiled, and Luo Wu poured in a plate of beef, a plate of mutton, and a plate of shrimp paste.It's all meat.

After more than ten seconds, he fished it out and started to eat it.

He also unscrewed a bottle of Coke and drank it happily.

But he didn't know that at the next table next door, someone was taking pictures of him with his mobile phone...

Soon he ate two plates of meat, and continued to pour a plate of beef and a plate of mutton into it.

It's always ugly to be popular, as if you haven't eaten meat in a few lifetimes.

Then he eliminated the shrimp slippery in the pot.

So far, this guy hasn't even eaten a single vegetable.

The photos and trinkets of him eating hot pot in embarrassment soon spread on the official website of England's The Sun.


"This is Luo?"

"Isn't this guy's eating appearance horrible? Is this just released from prison? Haha!"

"It's so delicious, one person ate up at least seven plates of vegetables, and they were all meat!"

"You still drink Coke, like Pepsi?"

"Isn't this guy green?"

In China, the Emperor of the Ball also reported the news of Luo Wu eating hot pot in Haidilao in the form of headlines.

Comments are mixed.

"Tsk tsk! The king of the ball eats hot pot just like us!"

"Is he a pig?"

"Is it really okay to overeat like this? He is a professional athlete. Ball king Ronaldo is eating chicken breast, Luo Wu is eating hot pot and drinking Coke. If you eat this way, you will gain weight in half a year. Broken, how can I play football in the future?"

"Refresh the three views, Luo Wu thinks that his talent is too high, and he has to be reduced to a mortal? We can understand driving a sports car, and we can understand arrogance. After all, talents are different, but you eat like this. What are you doing?!"

"Oh, I really don't know what Luo Wu is thinking. He is the hope of our Chinese football. Is there something wrong with his brain? What about his parents, why don't they care? What about his agent? Why don't they care? My God , God, I can't accept it!"

Anyway, the Internet has turned upside down again.

Luo Wu didn't even know. After eating and drinking enough, he continued to gulp down the Coke.

At this time, in the Arsenal store at the Emirates Stadium, there was a long queue at the door. Many Arsenal fans were queuing up here to buy jerseys. The staff inside were sweating profusely. It's been an hour without taking a break for even a minute.

The club also sent additional staff to come here to help.

There is no way, the No. 10 jersey is so f*ckingly hot. Fortunately, there are still tens of thousands of unnamed jerseys in stock, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

Since yesterday afternoon, Luo Wu's jersey has become the best-selling jersey, but it is not as crazy as today. Yesterday, mainly Chinese people came to buy it. After all, Luo Wu is Chinese. It is very easy to buy a Luo Wu jersey. It was normal, but there was no need to line up at that time, just sporadic purchases, but in the past two hours, the long queue outside the door could not be seen at all.And most of them are British, especially in the city of London.

Obviously, Luo Wu's god-like performance in the game made all Arsenal fans crazy. If you don't buy a jersey, you won't give up!

The No. 10 jersey is printed on the workbench like an assembly line, only No. 10 and no other numbers.

The store manager stood at the door and yelled through a loudspeaker.

"It will only be sold until 9 pm tonight. You can order jerseys online. We will confirm online and make an appointment to pick up the jerseys at that time."

"I hope everyone can cooperate."

In an era of such advanced technology, is the way of offline sales too backward?Online sales are king.

Upon hearing this, many fans at the back of the line left the line and chose to leave, because they knew that even if they were in line, it would be too late for them, and they might as well go home. It is much easier to place an order with a mobile phone, why bother here queue?It is estimated that the brain could not turn around at the time.

And those fans who are going to line up will definitely not give up. After finally getting to the present, it is natural to get the jersey.


In Arsenal's office, Cagigao's phone rang non-stop.

In the past two hours, his phone calls were really going to explode, almost all of them were from unfamiliar phone numbers, and he had to answer them, because you didn't know if someone was selling players to him.

Emery is different. He directly chose to shut down the phone without disturbing others at all.

Kaji sat across from him in high spirits.


"It's crazy."

"So many calls."

"Looks like I'm going to shut down too."

He raised his hand to look at his watch, finally chose to compromise and turned off the phone.

"All right,"

"Let's talk about him."

"Are you in a hurry for a raise?"

"We've only signed for three days!"

Emery came here to chat with him about raising Luo Wu's salary.

This matter is ridiculous, everyone thinks it is ridiculous, but it has to be discussed on the table, it must be faced squarely, and it must be taken seriously.

"Ah, I know."

"But our players definitely have to stay motivated," he said.

"You know, his treatment deserves the best salary, and we must give him. Isn't it?"

Emery said.

"You know,"

"But I also want to discuss it with the boss to see what the boss means."

"Also, we have to think about how much salary increase is appropriate for him? This is also a very test for us."

Kajigao frowned.

"Hey, Francis, it is impossible to want the horse to run fast without grazing him, so don't worry about it, give him the best salary at Arsenal, this is a must!"

"I don't think there is anything embarrassing about it. We have to do this and give him the best salary. I believe no one in the team dares to disagree."

"Unless, they are also able to score five goals in one game."

Kajigao rubbed his chin, "Well, let's start the negotiation first, and then talk slowly, we have to see his performance in the next few games? We can't be too risky, right? I believe he can understand."

"Also, shouldn't he need an agent?"

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