The rise of greenery

Chapter 222 Cardiac Arrest


The crucial shot.


Finally proved myself.

Became Mr. Key once.

The Tottenham players were dumbfounded.

This ball shouldn't be thrown. If everyone is not distracted, it can be stopped.

No wonder others.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, without any complaints.

I am very excited today, I only have one goal, which is to win Arsenal and advance to the semi-finals of the League Cup.

Pochettino immediately applauded and shouted.

He was still scolding before.

Arsenal didn't celebrate much on this end, after all, they were still behind.

The game resumed, and Eriksson immediately sent an overhead kick in the middle, attacking Arsenal's left backcourt, but Jenkinson was very focused, looked back at the moon, and gave the ball to Holding.

Holding made the transition to Papastathopoulos, who made a through pass to Gunduzzi, who was diligent in returning.

Then Gunduzzi and Elneny hit the wall to cooperate and ran across the center line again.

This guy has a huge range of motion!

Then he ran diagonally to Naini's side to meet him. His physical fitness is good, but he can run.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, so they can fight with you!

At this time, he got the ball again, but he only had Luo Wu in his eyes, and the route of the ball was too obvious, which was cut off by Sissoko.

If he saw Iwobi on the left, he would have another choice.

However, Sissoko's pass was also a bit bad. The half-high ball went to the left, which made Sun Xingmin uncomfortable. Just after unloading the ball, Naini rushed to him and poked the ball out of the sideline.

Rose came up to throw the boundary ball, and Eriksson ran over to meet him. He didn't expect Luo Wu to also run over.

He seized the position at the first time, stuck Luo Wu behind him, and immediately took a step to the right after protecting the ball, trying to shake off Luo Wu.

But Luo Wu was not thrown away, Xiao Suibu followed closely, and when Eriksen turned around, Luo Wu was right in front of him.

Eriksson was a little surprised, wondering if he didn't get rid of it?

At this moment, Luo Wu stabbed with his left foot and successfully intercepted the ball!

Of course, Eriksson didn't know that Luo Wu had a big move, and he had a chance to steal the ball if he pressed close to him.

But Eriksson was not stupid, he quickly stepped forward with his long legs, slammed his shoulders violently, and slammed into Luo Wu hard.

Luo Wu flew out with his whole body.


It fell hard enough.

What is unbelievable is that Eriksson also suddenly lay on the turf.

With such an obvious foul, he still has the nerve to fall?

What are you thinking?

The referee's whistle sounded in time, and he ran over to give Eriksson a verbal warning.

But Eriksson was holding his chest, his face was full of pain, his face was red, his eyes were tightly closed, and his left palm was gently patting the grass, but there was no movement soon.

Christenberg, obviously an experienced referee, saw something was wrong immediately.

Eriksson remained motionless, which was an abnormal reaction.

There has been a lot of related injury training over the years, especially in this case.

He reacted immediately and hurriedly greeted Tottenham's bench.

The Tottenham team doctor also reacted quickly, rushing into the pitch immediately.

Luo Wu was the closest to Eriksson and found Eriksson lying flat and motionless.

Lie like a dead man.

Is it...

Cardiac arrest? !

This is terrible.

After the doctor arrived, he judged it immediately, and quickly asked someone to carry Eriksson down, and then carried out rescue measures on the side of the court.


Without immediate first aid, Eriksson would die.

"Ah this..."

"Erickson's situation..."

"It feels very dangerous, and there is no reaction at all? Is this a heart attack?"

Ferdinand is also a ghost, and immediately discovered the problem.

It's no surprise.

I've seen too many on the field before.

The stands were quiet, and everyone stretched their necks, knowing that something serious happened.

At this time, there is no distinction between fans' positions.

The game is temporarily suspended.

The referee did not resume play immediately.

They are all waiting for the team doctor to rescue them.

1 minutes,

2 minutes,

3 minutes,

at last,

Eriksson moved.

The live footage was shot quite clearly.

Then Eriksson was carried into the tunnel again.

"Thank God!"

"It seems to have survived."

"The situation just now is absolutely dangerous."

"I hope nothing will happen..."

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