The rise of greenery

Chapter 193 The Referee's Eyes Are Temporarily Blind

De Gea threw the ball angrily.

Then he yelled at his teammates.

Obviously, it's annoying to lose the ball in this way all the time.

For him, every game is a torment.

Have you ever won a clean sheet this season?



No wonder he was so angry.

It was also bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Since Ronaldo scored a hat-trick in the World Cup, he hasn't played a good game in the new season.


Bad luck!

What a shame!

But his anger did not attract the attention of his teammates.

Even Fellaini, who was passed by the crotch, walked back to his position as if nothing had happened.

Rashford and Martial have also stood in the middle circle early, with no joy or anger on their faces.


Get used to losing the ball!

At least the score is still 2:2 now, where is Manchester United not ashamed?

Maybe that's what they thought.

"This guy, really."

"Ah, I can't stand it!"

"He is Chi Guoguo's provocation."

Manchester United fans at Old Trafford saw Luo Wu put up his collar again, looking down at the theater of dreams.

This Nima really thinks of himself as Cantona?

But what can you do?

He is infinitely rampant here!


"If we lose the game today,"

"This season is coming to an end."

"No one can lose to Arsenal!"

Manchester United fans can't accept losing to Arsenal at home. At Old Trafford, Manchester United has not lost to Arsenal for n years.

Although it is only a draw now, they are very scared, especially when the situation seems to be heading for Arsenal.

Manchester United's record against Arsenal at home is quite good. Since 2006, the Red Devils have not lost to Arsenal. In the past 11 times, they have achieved 8 wins and 3 draws at Old Trafford. They all gave Manchester United the treatment of handing over the ball.

But the situation is not developing like this now.

Manchester United lost two players in a row, but Arsenal's momentum remained undiminished.

As far as the scene is concerned, it is [-]-[-], but it may be because of inner troubles. Manchester United fans are just afraid!

But after the re-kick-off, Pogba gave them a glimmer of hope.

Pogba made a chic over-the-top long pass and landed just right behind Arsenal defenders Holding and Jenkinson. Rashford ran to the position with great confidence and successfully unloaded the ball.

But just when everyone thought he would pass the ball to the middle to find Martial, this guy suddenly took a step, forced the ball to the baseline, and volleyed directly from a small angle when the angle was very small!

Did he really not take Cech seriously?

Cech, of course, held the near point firmly and held the ball in his arms without making any mistakes.

Luo Wu also returned to the right corner of the penalty area to catch the ball.

But this time Rashford and Lingard did not forget the lesson just now, and immediately surrounded them.

Cech threw it behind them and handed the ball to Jenkinson.

No one came over from Jenkinson's side. Just like Arsenal's right side before, he took the ball up boldly.

Smith Rowe and Elneny pulled away to the left and right respectively, and they attracted two players away, while Jenkinson's eyes were still empty, and he dribbled the ball all the way across the half?

It's just like a dream.

Luo Wu in the middle went forward all the way, and Lingard and the others followed him like a shadow.

Jenkinson didn't meet Herrera until the penalty area.

Only Herrera came to deal with him alone, who called him a defender?Jenkinson didn't dare to overdo it, so he handed the ball to Elneny, Martial finally came to him, and Elneny was assigned to the right.

Naini took the ball and gave it to Niles under Pogba's nose. Niles made a mindless pass and the ball was easily pushed out by Lindelof.

The pass is useless.

United have a numerical and height advantage in the box.

But it was intercepted by Naini again!Naini made a diagonal pass to the left.

After Smith Royong unloaded the ball from his chest, he stepped on his bicycle confidently and continuously, forcing Dalot to only dare to get close and dare not shoot. At the same time, Bailey in the penalty area also came to help defend.

Smith Rowe had been waiting for this moment and poked the ball between the two of them.

Da da.

After the ball bounced twice, it landed at Nketiah's feet. It seemed clear to everyone that Nketiah could only catch the ball at his feet, and he had no chance at all with high balls. He couldn't resist and couldn't hold people.

But Nketiah wants to turn around in the box?Smalling was sticking to him like transparent glue. As soon as Nketiah was about to turn around, the cunning Smalling kicked his thigh hard with his knee. The movement was not big, but it was extremely harmful and lacked combat experience. Nketiah still lost the ball helplessly.

Fellaini arrived in time, swept the ball out of the penalty area with a sweep of his long legs.

"Isn't this a foul? It seems to be a foul." Owen had sharp eyes and immediately spotted the problem.

But the referee's whistle didn't blow?

Lingard and Luo Wu jumped to the ball almost at the same time, and stretched out their feet almost at the same time.It should be that Luo Wu's right foot touched the ball first, and Lingard's right foot then rested on Luo Wu's instep. Luo Wu, who had originally controlled the ball, lost the ball in an instant.

However, due to his small movements, Luo Wu did not have the habit of flopping. Luo Wu just staggered and regained his footing.

The referee still did not blow his whistle.


"Is this okay too?"

The ball was taken away by Lingard.

Looking up, he immediately slid the ball diagonally to the left.


Find Pogba.

But the passing route is not good, and Naini is also running back.Despite Pogba's height and long legs, Naini is faster.

The two finally collided.

Nani suddenly fell backwards!

Pogba got the ball!

I don't know what happened, but after watching the replay, it is clear at a glance.

"Ah, Pogba raised his right arm and seemed to hit Naini in the face, but the referee still didn't blow!"

"The referee's eyes are temporarily blind?"

Owen exclaimed again.

Pogba didn't look at Naini behind him, and still ran forward with the ball!

Pogba, Lingard, Martial and Lingard ran all the way to the Arsenal penalty area.



"This is a great opportunity!"

Ferdinand only considered whether Manchester United could seize this opportunity.

Soon Pogba approached the Arsenal penalty area with the ball, and Rashford, Lingard and Martial opened up their positions and restrained the three defensive players.

Luo Wu has no way to rush back, so he can only hope that Erneny will come to stop Pogba.

But when Pogba took the ball to the top of the arc in the penalty area, his right foot suddenly took the ball up.

Quite a freehand shot!

The ball pulled a beautiful parabola, flew into the penalty area, and rushed to the upper right corner!

Exactly the same way he shot the first goal!




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