The rise of greenery

Chapter 156 World War

The ability value of 97 quickly spread in the training ground, and the Internet naturally knew it quickly.

Smith Luo was the first to post an ins, posted a photo of Luo Wu on it, and wrote - this man is the strongest man in fifa2019 - 97!Who else!

Now the whole world knows.

Many players are loyal players of Fifa. After knowing Luo Wu's ability value, they started various discussions.

Far away in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aguero was lying on the bed in the hotel room, and when he read this set of news from Luo Wu, he immediately sat up.

"Hey, Leo."


He and Messi share the same room.

At this time, Messi was holding a mobile phone and videoing with the children at home, and did not notice that Aguero was calling him.


He yelled again, and Messi finally heard it.

"what happened?"

"Look at this." Aguero jumped out of bed and handed the phone to Messi.

On the screen is Luo Wu's news.

He just glanced at it, then resumed the video with the children, but turned it off after a while.


"It's crazy!"

It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he cared more about the child just now.

"Yes, it's crazy, completely unbelievable, how could it be 97. I think it's more like the fifa game is hyping. How did they evaluate it." Aguero complained for Messi.

As Messi's best friend, Aguero will naturally not recognize this number.

"Oh, it's a game, don't take it too seriously." Messi smiled.

"They can set it however they want."

"I thought it was Cristiano who was the tallest."

Aguero immediately took up the words:

"Hey, as soon as you say this, I want to complain. Cristiano's statistics are better. Anyone who knows football knows that this is impossible."

"It's like the Qataris award him the best player in Globe Soccer every time lol!"

"It's good to know. Well, let's rest early, tomorrow's game will not be easy." Messi also smiled, unwilling to discuss these boring issues.

Tomorrow, the Mexican team will play at home in the capital. Although it is only a friendly match, Messi still prepares for this game very seriously.

He is eager to score goals, after all, there is Cristiano Ronaldo in front of him.He scored dozens of goals ahead of him. Although he is more than two years younger than Cristiano, the goals still want to catch up with him as soon as possible.

This is one of the few data behind Ronaldo.

There is another one, it should be the Champions League...

At this time, after Aguero got into the quilt, he sent a message on ins-it is difficult to agree with the player ability value given by EA. If Luo Wu has 97, why is the best Messi in history only 94?Incredible, and look at my own, only 89? (an emoji with a countdown thumbs up)

Aguero is obviously standing up for Messi, and at the same time giving himself an outlet.

Aguero has 1080 million fans, and there are absolutely no more than ten football players who have more fans than him.

Once this information is released, it will definitely cause a storm.

But luckily, he didn't bring C Roll in, otherwise it would be another world war.

But directly questioning Luo Wu's data is enough to put him on the cusp.Even if Luo Wu's fans are not domestic, it is enough to make his ins account fall.

What's more, many domestic Luo Wu fans played over the wall.

The language is very sharp:

"Don't you know why your ability value is only 89? Because your goals this season are less than one-third of Luo Wu's. If you change to ability value, your ability value should only be 32.5! As for what you said Messi? He also scored fewer goals than Luo Wu, which is why his ability value is lower than Luo Wu's! Don't accept it? First surpass Luo Wu's goals and then question it!"

"May I ask what advantage does Messi have over Luo Wu?"

"Shooting, dribbling, breakthrough, passing, free kick? You can pick any of them and it's not worse than Messi. It's better than scoring goals? It's better than passing five people in a row? It's better than corner kicks? Or better than long shots? Haha! Nothing is worse than Messi , even in terms of physical fitness, Messi can't compare!"

"Messi is very strong, but if he hasn't won the number one in the world, don't say he is the strongest in history. Luo Wu didn't say he was the strongest in history, and he also said that he must win the World Cup before he dares to be the number one!"

C Ronaldo fans watch tigers fight from a distance, and finally they don't need to participate in the battle. In the past, they were fighting with Messi fans. Now that there is one more Luo Wu, it can be regarded as attracting firepower.

They didn't feel offended either. After all, Ronaldo and Messi have the same abilities, as long as they don't lose to Messi. As for Luo Wu?Luo Wu and C Luo are good friends...

Other fans are different from each other, and the wise see their wisdom.

And the media can't wait for the world to become a mess.

Brazil's "Global Sports" wrote: As far as honor is concerned, Luo Wu is nothing for the time being, but as far as personal ability is concerned, there is no problem with the ability value of 97. In the past three months or so, he is indeed The most powerful one.You must know that the value of fifa games is updated every year, and it is not static, so it is not surprising that Messi is behind. You must know that he is 29 and a half years old, while Luo Wu is only 18 years old.

Italian "Gazzetta dello Sport" - Looking at the long history of football, Luo Wu deserves to have an ability value of 97.

The German "Bild" also chose to be one-sided and supported Luo Wu.

Newspapers in the Netherlands, Portugal, England, Norway, and Sweden all chose Luowu.

Naturally, Asia is also on Luo Wu's side, after all, Luo Wu represents Asian football.

Messi is supported by the Americas.

Both North and South America.

In addition to Brazil's support for Luo Wu, the news media of all other countries have unanimously supported Messi.

That's how the world war started.

Chinese media Ren Binyan said a few words on Weibo: From the media that support Messi and Luo Wu, it can be seen that this is surprisingly consistent with the selection of the Ballon d’Or in previous years. Except for Brazil, all the Americans choose to support Messi, while in Europe and Asia, more people tend to support Luo Wu.I just don't know which side Africa will choose to stand on?From this point of view, the data of this year's Golden Globe Awards is basically the same. It is a pity that Luo Wu will not win the Golden Globe this year, but what if next year?I think it's very interesting.


Africa is no longer without electricity in many places as it used to be.

In the past, many people complained about the African media's selection, but it should be different now, and African votes may become more objective.

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