The rise of greenery

Chapter 150 The Wrath of Bento

"30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi."

"I think today's game will definitely become a nightmare for the South Korean team."

"I hope to make persistent efforts in the second half and try to score more goals."

In the end, at the end of the first half, the Chinese team led the South Korean team 5:1.

The five-star red flag fluttered in the wind, and the fans continued to sing loudly. In their eyes, the game had ended early, and now they could celebrate.

the second half?

Give him three Sun Xingmin and he can't come back!

At this time, the defeated Korean players walked into the team locker room with their heads bowed one by one. The head coach Bento stared at the crowd with a dark face, but he hesitated to speak.

There must be a lot of words in my heart that I want to say to everyone, but he has not yet mastered the right to speak in the locker room, so what he wants to say, everyone may not just listen to him.

Just as he was about to speak, the locker room erupted.

Gu Zizhe spoke first. As the captain of the previous term, he feels very uncomfortable now.

He almost pointed at Son Heung-Min's nose and cursed.

"You should have had at least three chances to pass the ball!"

"Do you really think you can solve your opponent by yourself?"

"Why can't I see anyone else?"

"You kick like a piece of shit!"

Gu Zizhe lost his temper on the spot.

Sun Xingmin sat on the chair, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, and ignored Gu Zizhe at all.He is the number one star and the current captain. What is Gu Zizhe now?

I used to be very upset with Gu Zizhe in the locker room, and now I don't like him.

"Shut up, old man."

"Just because you came up, slowed down our rhythm."

Sure enough, Sun Xingmin didn't need to speak, someone stood up to help him.

This person turned out to be Huang Yizhu who was replaced.

It seems that Huang Yizhu is also very upset that he was replaced by Gu Zizhe. He said this not only for Gu Zizhe, but also for Bento, and he said it in English.

"What are you talking about, brat, are you blind?"

Gu Zizhe stared at him immediately, and with his upper body naked, he immediately walked towards Huang Yizhu who was sitting not far away.

"The teammates have already run out of position. He is still immersed in dribbling the ball. He really thinks of himself as a savior. We have a chance to score two or three goals again, because he keeps dribbling the ball."

"And you, Huang Xican! You just yelled for people to pass the ball, didn't you also pass the ball to others?"

"Shut up, you're not the captain anymore." Huang Xican tilted his head, disrespectful to Gu Zizhe.


"You guys are not finished, don't you listen to Senior Gu Zizhe's words?"

"We are a team!"

Li Qinglong stood up in a whoosh, angrily scolded.

"Is this still us from before?"

"Today's shame is not someone's shame, but the Republic of Korea's shame!"

"Do you really understand!"

Li Qinglong's fists were clenched, and his veins were exposed.

Undoubtedly, the locker room of the South Korean team has been in chaos for a long time, and now it is fully manifested.

Head coach Bento and the coaching staff stayed aside. They didn't expect so many problems to be exposed in one game.

If it continues to develop, will there be direct fights?


Bento suddenly burst into flames, furious.

"I am the coach of the South Korean team!"

"I don't care how many factions you have, but today is my first match! If you don't want to do your best and contribute everything to the Korean team, then don't play!"

Bento's sudden outburst instantly attracted everyone's attention.

They just remembered that Bento is their head coach!

For a while, everyone fell silent.

"You don't even care about national honor! Do you still have any shame?"

"With so many of you, you can't deal with one player, and you are also worthy to play for the South Korean team?"


"You guys are still thinking about fighting here!"

"I now need 10 players who will work hard for me. If you think you can do it, you will stand up automatically. I don't care whether he is a star, whether he is a meritorious player, or what position he plays. I need 10 people like this!"

This is even more straightforward. If no one's name is given, he needs to be a fighter.

Everyone is still silent.

And Bento continued.

"As long as I'm not fired for a day, I'm still the coach of this team!"

"I need 11 fighters united!"

"Who wants to stand up!"

Bento roared.


Gu Zizhe was the first to stand up.

"And I!"

Li Qinglong also stood up!

"Me!" Veteran Chi Dongyuan.

Almost all Korean veterans stood up.

In the younger generation, everyone is watching Son Xingmin.

It seems that they still have ideas about this infighting.Sun Xingmin is his eldest brother, but Sun Xingmin put the towel in his hand on the table next to him, stood up, and then walked into the front queue.

"And I."

"You?" Gu Zizhe squinted his eyes and looked at him, obviously full of distrust.

Li Qinglong rushed in front of him, "As long as we are fighting for the country, we should let go of our personal grievances."

"If you can go."

Son Heung-min: "I can!"

"We can't just leave here."

"I, just now, was wrong!"

Son Xingmin will apologize? !

This was beyond everyone's expectations.


"We fight side by side!"

"We are a team."

"Our goal is only one, to defeat the opponent!"

The current captain actually apologized!

"I apologize too,"

"My words have gone too far, I should communicate with you in a better way." Gu Zizhe also took a step back.

Bento clapped his palms.

"very good."

"This is the Korean team I know."

"Now, I need you to bring out the spirit of 2002."

"Rough enough!"

"Enough unity!"

"Be shameless enough!"

Rough, united, no problem.

Shameless enough?

2002 years?

Why does this sound so weird?

The generals were originally murderous, but when they heard what was said in 2002, they were instantly stunned.

But soon got angrier again!

Is Bento mocking the South Korean team?

Everyone in the world says that the South Korean team entered the semi-finals of the World Cup by relying on shamelessness in 2002. Isn't that what Bento means now?

I didn't expect Bento to be so vicious and murderous!

But this trick really works.

Everyone walked out of the locker room again with a murderous look...

"Hey, these guys don't seem to have conceded yet? Look at their eyes." Zhao Xuri's eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed the clue.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, Luo Wu doesn't plan to end anyway." Feng Xiaoting said.


"If you don't give away a stick today, you will suffer a disastrous defeat, and you have played football for so many years in vain."


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