After recording the interview program, the reporters of ccbv5 did not believe that this interview would be like this.

Is Luo Wu's mentality of supporting Chinese football so casual?I always feel that something is wrong, no one is a fool, money is not money, money is not blown by the wind, he thinks Luo Wu is just joking, right?

But the next day he figured it out, Luo Wu's money might have come from the strong wind, he just didn't care that much!

So in "Football Night" on Thursday night, Luo Wu's interview was broadcast at 18:35.Because there has been a preview earlier about Luo Wu's interview content, the ratings are quite high.

No matter how high it is, it has caught up with the ratings of "Football Night" about A-A in the 90s.You must know that the ratings of "Football Night" have been declining year by year. Later, most fans stopped watching "Football Night". At most, everyone watched "World Football" on Monday night.

After watching the interview, the fans were equally confused.

On Knowing the Ball, fans started discussions one after another.

"Is Luo Wu's way of saving Chinese football really so free and easy? If spending billions of dollars has no effect, wouldn't the money be wasted? There is no need for him to wade into the muddy waters of Chinese football, even if he becomes a football player in the future. No.1 in world football, he can't change the status quo of Chinese football, he can't make Chinese football better, he's still too young..."

"Hey, I don't like Luo Wu's doing this either. It's useless. Just play football well. Why bother to join Chinese football? If there is no place to spend the money, everyone will help you spend it."

"Actually, I think Luo Wu's approach is good. Thinking about giving hundreds of children the opportunity to study in Europe every year, it will be of great help to Chinese football. Even if one of the hundreds of children succeeds in studying abroad Not bad, even if it’s a low-level league. Why should you worry about whether Luo Wu’s money is wasted? If he doesn’t stand up, who can stand up? He can stand up and do something within his ability. Positive way. He is doing practical things, unlike the grandsons of the Football Association, who always change the order day and night, slapping their heads and not doing personnel affairs."

"Although Luo Wu said it very freely, his team was surprised. You don't even think about what kind of character Rangnick is. Being able to mention Rangnick and Clausen shows that he is quite professional. When did German football start to slow down? The revival? After the World Cup, Rangnick definitely contributed. So, I am really confident. In addition, we have also naturalized foreign players, and there is no problem in both directions.”

"I think what Luo Wu wants to express is very simple, which is to give all talented children the opportunity to play football. As long as you are really capable, he can give you the opportunity to study in Europe. Instead of paying a lot of money to enter the football school , all kinds of mess. Isn’t this the pursuit of football dreams?”

"In this era, there are not many people who are willing to spend a lot of money to help others realize their dreams. Luo Wu is definitely one of them. It may even be more promising than Xu Genbao's Chongming base. But then again, why not cooperate with Xu Genbao , but to cooperate with Evergrande? I don’t understand.”

"Upstairs, why don't you understand? The reason is very simple, Evergrande is rich! Strong cooperation is definitely more efficient than cooperation with Chongming Island. Besides, even if the cooperation with Evergrande cannot continue in the end, Luo Wu There is also a football school. At that time, we can also cooperate with Chongming Island. It is also a strong alliance. In short, I think Chinese football has added a strong school, which is very different from the previous Evergrande school. the difference!"

"Who doesn't want to pursue football dreams like Luo Wu?"


The interview of "Football Night" is actually a huge recruitment advertisement, which spread all over the country at once.Children who like football are definitely eager to try, and children who are confident enough in their own level will definitely come here especially to sign up for auditions.

After participating in the audition in each province, they will be promoted to Evergrande School, and then go to Evergrande School for elimination...

This is not a one-off, this is repeated, like the Voice of China, one episode after another, if you are gold, you will always have a chance to shine!

Would you not be tempted by such an opportunity, whether as a child or as a parent?It must be exciting...

They are not the only ones who are excited, there are also many domestic football-related people, such as various echelon coaches, provincial football associations, former professional players, football celebrities and so on.

Because everyone saw a huge cake!

This cake can get a lot of money, so everyone is asking for connections and wants to participate in this large-scale event named "China's Good Players".

Among them are many famous former international footballers.

Shao Jiayi and Yang Chen's mobile phones were blown up, and many former teammates called them one after another, asking if they could help them enter the audition column group as football mentors.

But both Shao Jiayi and Yang Chen politely refused, and threw the question to Zhao Junzhe, the head of the equipment department and technical director.These days, who would dare to engage in such a relationship?It is correct to do practical things for the country well, and whoever wants to make troubles can make troubles.

Zhao Junzhe was devastated, he didn't expect Shao Jiayi and Yang Chen to kick the ball to them.Maybe it's because everyone knows that Zhao Junzhe is real... Zhao Junzhe is really real. He told everyone that he and Luo Wu are not familiar at all, and even if they are, he can't care about this matter, and he can't help it. I don't care.

What happened to Li Tie is still vivid in his mind, will he wade into this muddy water?Absolutely not!

But someone still came to the door, but it was Luo Wu's door!

And the way of contacting Luo Wu is very ingenious.

When Luo Wu woke up on Friday morning, he received an unfamiliar phone number, who told him that he was the editor-in-chief of "Sports Weekly".He has a lot of background, and I hope to interview him.

Without thinking too much, Luo Wu told him the hotel room number.

Ma Dexing.

Been in football journalism for decades.

Today I came to interview Luo Wu in person.

But it's not right to talk about it.

After praising Luo Wu's great achievements, he began to implant his small thoughts.

"I personally think that when selecting talents, you have to ask Chinese people for help. For example, former professional players, they can give you a lot of help. During the audition, shouldn't they be your mentors?"


Mr. Ma, you are too low, let a former professional player be your mentor?Thank you for thinking it out, Li Tiezhi and his like?

Li Tie and his ilk again...

Do I believe it?Do they qualify for that?There are, but they are very cautious. For example, Fan Zhiyi's awesome existence is fine. He has the strength to play the main force of the Premier League. possible.

At that time, you will collect money while you are playing, and a player will be selected for hundreds of thousands, so the nature will change?

Certainly not!

So Luo Wu smiled.

"Teacher Ma, that's right."

"In terms of mentors, I plan to invite retired foreign players, and they are stars."

"Ah, that's it. Retired foreign star players cost a lot. If you hire former national football players, you may not need any money, which can save you a lot of money! It is estimated to be at least tens of millions." The muscles on Ma Dexing's face Shaking and shaking, frightened, but still pretending to be calm.

If he knew that Luo Wu's handwriting was so big, he wouldn't say this, it's shameful, it's really embarrassing.

Luo Wu also sneered in his heart.

Does Lao Tzu look like a person short of money?Luo Wu rolled his eyes.

What I want is an elite mentor, not necessarily a star retired player, but also a well-known scout!At least I can dig a few from Arsenal.

For example, Kajigao, who is about to retire after the Chinese New Year!

Let Kajigao form an excellent team to audition Duo Niucha, and then convince Henry who has nothing to do?Pires?Ljungberg?Campbell?Those guys have nothing to do right now...

That was an unprecedented show!

What do I want your former Chinese player to do? It's a mess.

"Retired domestic players and coaches are not considered for the time being,"

"We basically have a general candidate. One team is led by the current Arsenal youth training director Cagigao. The team may have players such as Henry, Ljungberg and Campbell. The other team is led by Rangnick. , he has a professional German team. We will be divided into two teams to conduct auditions in each place, even the knockout round is a pk mode."

"I will consider it when I need it later."

Luo Wu's words are good and clear, don't want what you said.Ma Dexing is already in his decades, can he not understand what Luo Wu means?I dare not continue to talk about this topic.

"It makes sense, it does make sense." Ma Dexing nodded awkwardly.

The interview also ended in an awkward atmosphere.

That's right, this interview was just a cover. In fact, he wanted to help some people get along and get into "China's Good Players", but he didn't expect that Luo Wu's plan was completely unexpected by Ma Dexing.

They have a lot of strength, spend real money to invite the most powerful people to host, instead of inviting domestic crooked melons and cracked dates...

Originally thinking of earning some money secretly, it turned out to be too embarrassing.

When I told those people about Luo Wu's reply, they were even more disappointed, but more angry.


"I really thought I could cover the sky with one hand."

"If this is the case, none of the players in our youth training will participate, and see who he can find. I really think young players are so easy to find."

"It will be a joke at that time. Let's spread the word. Whoever wants to participate in this dream competition will be eliminated in the future, and we will not give them a chance to recommend!"

"Yes, I don't believe that the local football associations are fully cooperating. He drank all the meat and soup. Do the others drink the northwest wind? They don't care about the lives of other people at all."

"Football is like a river and lake, and football is also a way of life. He doesn't understand this, just wait for a joke!"

The event has just begun, and the domestic football world has begun to turbulent. It seems that Luo Wu's grand football plan may not be able to go smoothly...

But Luo Wu didn't think about these nasty things at all. After sending Ma Dexing away, he laughed at his teammates on the ins.

Because without him, Arsenal was tied by their opponent Sporting Lisbon in the Europa League. Although they still qualified first in the group, the team's 12-game winning streak was ruined and they did not win the opponent. This made Luo Wu fiercely Laughed at his teammates.

In the last round against Sporting Lisbon, Arsenal could beat them 4:2 away, but they only played a boring 0:0 at home.

Of course, there is no problem with a draw. Arsenal is short of major generals and only played with half of the main force.

Luo Wu's time is also very tight, the afternoon and the next day's schedule are full, all the time is spent on advertising endorsements, he himself can't remember how many commercials he shot in this day and a half .

More tiring than being on the training ground.

On Friday afternoon, he suddenly discovered that he almost didn't even have time to see his father, but he still flew to Shanghai, had a meal with his father whom he hadn't seen for nearly a year, and flew away in a hurry England's preparations for the weekend's game.

It was agreed to come to China to relax, but it turned out to be more tiring than playing football!

It seems that the next time I come back, I can only come back secretly, and no one can tell!However, he was busy with himself, but he still asked Mendes to purchase a bunch of souvenirs with Chinese characteristics for him, and prepared to give them to his teammates.

On Sunday morning, Luo Wucai returned to the training ground with a gift, and then went for a physical examination. The physical report showed that he was in good health, and the problem with the original calf muscles was gone. This shows that he can completely compete in the afternoon game. debut.

As for whether to start or not?It was Emery's decision. Emery thought that for the sake of insurance, he wanted Luo Wu to sit on the bench.

However, for Luo Wu, the Wolves have a very special place in his heart. He used to be a member of the Wolves youth team, which is his former club.

He certainly hopes to be able to start this game.However, he fully respects the opinion of coach Emery, so although he wanted to start, he still didn't speak in the end.

And Wolves, in the pre-match press conference, coach Nuno Espirito Santo had to explain again:

"About Luo Wu, I have said many times."

"In the youth team, he was really mediocre, even the worst player in the youth team. We have a youth team report every week, and I go to a youth team game every week. Contest."

"You know, he didn't even have a chance to play!"

"God, if he behaves like he is now, don't say we didn't find out, didn't the scouts in the whole of England and Europe didn't find out? Are everyone's eyes blind!"

"We can understand it as a very strange event. Luo Wu became stronger overnight, or in other words, a very poor man who had nothing at all suddenly became rich overnight..."

Nuno shrugged, he really didn't know why this happened, so he could only explain it like this.

Every weekend, after Luo Wu's performance, fans and media reporters will ridicule him, and then he can only say it every week...

How miserable.

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