The rise of greenery

Chapter 116 All England Team Up!To make matters worse!Everyone has their own minds!

As the captain, Luo Wu posted an ins immediately - resolutely defending Arsenal and Petr Cech!Personally, I also think that we were treated unfairly in the European competition. Immediately, the referee completely favored the home team during the game enforcement process, and there were too many wrong penalties. Note that they were wrong penalties and controversial penalties!I believe the eyes of fans all over the world are discerning!You can see clearly what happened.In the four and 10 minutes I played, I was like a sniper targeting me all the time. The referee tolerated the Sporting Lisbon fans harassing me with lasers, Farke!Sporting Lisbon fans are the worst fans!I am really ashamed of Ronaldo, how could there be such fans.The referee ignored the opponent's violation of us, ignored our player's serious injury, and ignored all reasonable rules. I can only give him a middle finger!

After Luo Wu made the announcement, other teammates also stood up one after another.

Xhaka, Mertesacker, Aubameyang, Lacazette, etc., even Mkhitaryan on the hospital bed expressed his views in support of them.

Cech wants to use his own strength to smash the referee?But his teammates chose to advance and retreat together.

Maybe this is not a bad thing, simply Cech's bombardment may be counterproductive, if you add most of your teammates?Then the possibility of UEFA wanting to impose severe penalties becomes smaller, and the law does not blame everyone!This principle can be explained anywhere.

The players are so fierce, of course the Arsenal club official will stand with them, so the Arsenal official website immediately updated-Arsenal Football Club stands firmly with the players, we must defend all of this!We need the UEFA referee committee to give us a reasonable explanation and punish the referee accordingly!Big deal, we will not participate in this year's Europa League!

And shortly after Arsenal officially issued a statement, Cech's old club Chelsea actually came to support!

——Support Petr Cech!Support Arsenal!Please do football justice!

Although there is only one sentence, it is powerful and full of power!

Chelsea was not the only one who spoke out, Liverpool also issued an official statement-our Liverpool Football Club is firmly on the side of Arsenal, we cannot tolerate such unbelievable and disgusting things happening on the football field!

The head coach Klopp tweeted alone-this is disgusting, I feel like I have eaten a meal of flies for 90 minutes, I have never seen such a bad referee, today I must stand on the side of justice!

In the end, Arsenal's mortal enemy Manchester United stood up. Manchester United officially wrote: At this moment, this Premier League team should stand on Arsenal's side, and Manchester United is no exception. I would like to pay high tribute to their bravery!We must defend real football!

Head coach Jose Mourinho added fuel to the flames--I have already said that some people don't see the good of the Premier League team and always make all kinds of stumbling blocks. Today is Manchester United, it was Chelsea before, and now it is Arsenal. , and last year it was Liverpool, look at what happened to them in the Champions League final...

Mourinho said the most specific, it is like carrying a small notebook with you, recording the scandals committed by UEFA at any time...

Of course, what he said were all true events, events that actually happened.

The Premier League's big4 are actually in a group, which is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.At this time, the FA has to speak out. Since their own teams are all on the same front, it is impossible for the FA to stand on their opposite side. They immediately issued an official statement: I understand all clubs very well. We are also seriously concerned about this game. It is true that the referee's law enforcement is quite outrageous. I believe that any club will overreact when encountering such unfair treatment. We firmly defend the interests of the Premier League!If UEFA does not have enough high-level referees, the English Football League can help.

At this time, the English media is even more in need of full firepower. This is the time when they are most needed to continue to amplify public opinion.

The Times—A Heinous Outrage!The Swedish referee must have gone to Norway next door to learn from Herning!Otherwise the level would not be so high!

Herning?Isn't it the Herning who enforced the Chelsea game in the UEFA Champions League in the 0809 season!

"Manchester Evening News" - It is a miracle that Luo Wu can still come back from Portugal!Swedish referee Fink's poor penalty almost wiped out Arsenal!

"Daily Mail" - comparable to a plane crash!Thought no one at Arsenal could come back from the Stadium of Light.England's expedition to Portugal was never easy, but it certainly did not deserve such vicious treatment.

"The Sun" - The Swede must have been instructed, otherwise he would not persecute Arsenal so blatantly!As Mourinho said, all this is full of Chiguoguo conspiracy.

"Guardian"-If the victory must belong to the Portuguese club, then it can actually be simpler. He can blow three penalties to Sporting Lisbon at the beginning of the game, instead of causing Arsenal players to suffer so much pain!


UEFA is very passive.

Originally, when Cech bombarded the referee for the first time, relevant UEFA officials had already watched the live broadcast, but they did not expect that within half an hour, things would escalate so violently, and the entire England sided with Petr Cech and Arsenal. Immediately afterwards, mainstream European sports media and football figures also voiced their support for Arsenal.

The scene is completely one-sided.

It is impossible for you to arouse public outrage. If one or two people scold you, you can punish them individually as a warning to others.But if the whole group is attacking, it means that the problem is serious, and there cannot be a lack of credibility.UEFA is not an idiot. Its guns to the outside world were immediately aimed at its own people.The Swede Fink had no choice but to sacrifice.

Uefa emergency public relations issued an announcement on the official website: In view of Fink's unbelievable penalties in this game, we will temporarily suspend Fink's law enforcement qualifications and establish an investigation committee to investigate this game.In addition, we will also investigate the use of a laser pointer to irradiate Luo Wu's face. This behavior does violate the relevant regulations of the UEFA Disciplinary Committee. Sporting Lisbon will be charged by UEFA.

The public relations article was released in time, and Fink was properly disposed of. The full text only talked about Fink and the laser pointer, and never mentioned Arsenal and Petr Cech.It seems that the handling of Cech will be very low-key, but Sporting Lisbon will suffer, because Sporting Lisbon fans interfered with Luo Wu with a laser pointer.

It's just that Arsenal are still suffering.

Mkhitaryan, Guendouzi, and Bellerin are all injured and short-handed.There is still a month to enter the Christmas schedule, these three guys can't recover at all, and there are a few other people who have more or less problems, such as Lichtsteiner has a bad cold, Welbeck is not in good form, Lahm Selian didn't make the squad, etc. Emery's life is actually not easy.

If Luo Wu hadn't dragged Arsenal away recently, Arsenal would have suffered a defeat long ago.

In order to relieve fatigue, Arsenal gave everyone a day's rest, and after returning to the training ground, they only did some recovery training.The away game against Crystal Palace on the weekend will inevitably be another fierce battle.

There are no underdogs in the Premier League, and it will not be smooth sailing against anyone. The so-called strong teams often lose points against weak teams. If you want to win the championship, you must try your best to ensure that there are no upsets. Emery cannot rotate the main players.

To everyone's surprise, Cech has not received a ticket from UEFA for two days. Well.

"The UEFA guys are scared."


"Peter, you have won a great victory."

"However, I feel that although the FA is on our side this time, they are not necessarily better than UEFA in the Premier League. It can only be said that everyone has the same interests."

"It's going to be a tough game on the weekend, the away referee? Haha!"

"I feel that everyone should not be happy too early."

"Be mentally prepared for a tough fight!"

"Before playing Liverpool, we must not fall behind, and if they fall behind, they will fall behind first."

Luo Wu's train of thought was very clear.

Liverpool, Manchester City and Arsenal, the troika running side by side, have the same points. These three clubs may have to create the most terrifying record in the history of the Premier League. There has never been such an excellent tripartite confrontation in history.

"There is one more game, we are going to face Liverpool, and then there are Wolves, Tottenham, Manchester United..."

Crazy November and December.

"With you here, we don't worry about any opponents." Smith Luo said.

"As long as you're healthy, we can beat any opponent."

"So, what if I'm not healthy?" Luo Wu asked back.

"I can't always be a chariot of steel, and I may fall down. Smith, when the time comes, someone has to stand up."

"Ah... I didn't think about it that way." Smith Luo was a little embarrassed, "We are all used to it, you are an iron man, you won't fall."

Luo Wu put his right hand on Smith's shoulder.

"No, never say no."

"I think you can stand up, and you can be a hero when I'm not around, can't you?"

"I...Can I do it?" Smith Luo hadn't been the protagonist yet, and he couldn't believe that he could do it.At the Emirates Stadium, Luo Wu is the only king, and everyone else is a green leaf. No one dares to think of himself as a hero. The jealousy in his heart has long since disappeared with Luo Wu's invincibility.

"Of course, you are improving every day."

"Hey, don't blow it up, you two. Do you know what's going on with Bellerin? The groin strain is not as mild as it was said before. This disease requires surgery. If it is treated conservatively, it will feel cool." Cut He interrupted their conversation.

"God, isn't it? I asked him yesterday, and he said that there is no big problem, so we can't count on him this season. We can't keep destroying Lichtsteiner, right? Ah, no, Lichtsteiner has a bad cold, So who plays right back?"

"I now feel that the situation is much worse than we thought..."

At this moment, Emery and Juan Carlos came, and Emery cursed as he walked.

"Is this bastard crazy?"

"All this stupid stuff."

"Isn't he still not messy enough? Tell him that he can contact the new club during the winter break."

Who are you scolding?

Both Luo Wu and Smith Luo heard it, but they didn't know who Emery was scolding.

"Boss, what happened again?" Luo Wu asked curiously.

He's the captain, so it's okay to ask something.


"I wanted to put him in the squad, but he had an accident last night."

"Drunk in a bar, fell down, and broke a rib, hehe." Emery's face was full of helplessness and ridicule.


"That's really inappropriate."

"Alas..." Luo Wu repeatedly shook his head and sighed.

Ramsey is also an old player, why is he so careless?The recent state of mind is really bad, but it's not so bad for myself.Although there is a big difference in the contract renewal with the club, it is still an Arsenal player.

Emery is still babbling.

"This time I really gave up on him."

"I will never consider him in my lineup again, he has let me down so much."

It's all like this, and there is really no chance of redemption.

This means that Arsenal has one less general, and the injury list has been lengthened again, and it will only get longer...

The next opponent, the Crystal Palace team, wanted to laugh in their dreams. The Crystal Palace coach was having a tactical meeting at this time. After the assistant coach came in, he told him the latest developments of Arsenal.

Crystal Palace laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Arsenal have no right-back right now."

"Both Bellerin and Lichtsteiner are injured."

"Gundozi, Ramsey, and Mkhitaryan won't even make the squad."

"The defense of Xhaka, Torreira and Erneny was mediocre."

"It can be said that Arsenal's defense is weakest now, especially their right flank, and our chance has come."

"We just make a fuss on the left, we want to rush to the left and play firmly enough."

Crystal Palace is a relegation team, but they also see hope, and they have to fight for points against Arsenal at home.

"Everyone has seen that it is almost impossible to keep a close eye on the Chinese. The most effective way is to interfere with his goal and prevent him from hitting the goal comfortably. As long as you interfere with him outside the penalty area and completely block him in the penalty area, then We can effectively reduce the quality of their offense."

"Many teams have almost done it, Leicester City, Fulham, Sporting Lisbon and so on. We can also, we can refer to them. Don't talk about the professional ethics of competitive sports. On the pitch, the opponent is the enemy. , Sporting Lisbon is our reference target, we have to play more aggressively than them, but more cunning!"

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