The rise of greenery

Chapter 10 Entering the Main Lineup?

Luo Wu never imagined that his own half-court training field could attract attention in three Asian countries.

Japanese, Korean, and Chinese fans are all paying attention.Just because a trainee reporter made a false report.

At this time, the 10-minute first-half training had ended, and Luo Wu had just stepped off the court when he was stopped by the intern just now.

The Kearney training base is not closed today, so reporters and spectators can come in at will, but Arsenal's achievements over the years are really not enough, and the attractiveness has dropped a lot.

Even the local reporters didn't like to come, and they all went to Chelsea or Tottenham next door, because there was more traffic there.


"¥(%@&^)." The intern who was about the same size as Luo Wu greeted Luo Wu enthusiastically.


Luo Wu couldn't understand a single word.

What birdsong?

It sounds like Japanese.

Yes, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it, but the pronunciation is like Japanese.


Luo Wu hurriedly raised his hand, "Sorry, can you speak English? I don't understand what you are saying."

"Nani?" The intern reporter looked confused and annoyed.

As a Japanese, you actually said you couldn't understand what I said?Are you still Japanese?It's too much, it's not patriotic at all. Could it be that you forget that you are Japanese when you go to England to play football?

But the intern still suppressed the anger in his heart and organized the language in English again, but without the friendly greeting before: "The goal just now is quite beautiful, have you ever thought that you can gain a foothold in the Arsenal first team because of your good performance? "

"Oh, so that's what it means." Luo Wu suddenly realized, patted his chest and said, "Of course, I can definitely gain a foothold in Arsenal."

"Yoxi!" Seeing Luo Wu being so confident, the intern's mood finally improved a lot, "Our domestic fans are looking forward to you being able to represent Arsenal, and you can achieve more than your predecessors Ryo Miyaichi and Junichi Inamoto. Big success!"


"What did you just say?"

It's Luo Wu's turn to be confused, when did I become a Japanese?What bullshit seniors Ryo Miyaichi and Junichi Inamoto?

The intern could only repeat it again.

Luo Wu confirmed this time, Nima, this guy regards himself as a Japanese player.

Then he smiled slyly at the intern:

"terribly sorry,"

"I am a Chinese player."

"You got the wrong guy."

The English pronunciation is very standard, and the enunciation is very clear. It is impossible for the interns to fail to hear clearly.

He looked astonished, " said, you're not Asano Takuma?"

"Then you... who are you?"

"I'm Luo Wu." Satisfied with this guy's reaction, Luo Wu patted him on the shoulder and turned away.




The intern reporter was ashamed, shocked and angry!

He's not Asano Takuma, his name is Luo Wu?Where is Asano Takuma? !

I was going to follow up and report on Asano Takuma today, but I reported a Chinese player?

God, this error is just...

The news has been sent, what should I do?

With flustered eyes, he quickly searched around, hoping to find Asano Takuma quickly, otherwise he would not be able to explain today.If you want to blame him, Luo Wu also has an oriental face, about the same size as Asano Takuma, that's why he misidentified him.

Finally, the intern saw Takuma Asano on the bench, curled up and hid in the corner in frustration...

And Luo Wu has returned to the team.

"Hi, Luo Wu,"

"come here."

Coach Emery shouted at Luo Wu.

Luo Wu was stunned for a few seconds before he realized that Emery really called him, and he walked over calmly.


Emery turned over the tactical board, "You will change to the yellow vest in a while,"

"But I need you to be in the left-winger position. Of course, after you get the ball and break through, you can continue to play the role of left-winger. Do you understand what I mean? Either you cross to find the striker, or you continue to cut inside. In the restricted area."

After Emery said this, Luo Wu immediately understood what it meant, and he directly changed from the substitute side to the main team.

This is the yellow vest that symbolizes the main force?

It's too simple, right?

He didn't know that Emery is now a clever woman who can't cook without rice and can't find a manpower. Why not just give Luo Wu a chance?

"But... Boss, I'm not very suitable to play left midfielder."


Emery's brows immediately frowned, this kid, is Lao Tzu's first tactical instruction, is he going to disobey it?

But after thinking about it, it seems a bit wasteful to let him play left back. After all, his breakthrough ability is strong, and the closer to the goal, the better.

"All right,"

"Then how about you play right winger?"

He quickly changed his mind.

Because he thought of Aubameyang who wasted n opportunities.

"Emeric, you pull to the left winger position." Without even looking at Aubameyang, he arranged a new position for Aubameyang.In the first half, Aubameyang and Lacazette did not play well as a double forward, and neither of them scored a goal.

Now Emery suddenly remembered that Wenger's arrangement of Aubameyang at the left winger position last season was also effective, so he simply followed suit.

In this way, the striker configuration is very clear, Aubameyang plays the left winger, the center Lacazette, and the right winger is Luo Wu.


"This guy……"

"This is entering the main lineup?"

"God..." Iwobi, who was sitting in the distance, was almost pissed off. He has been in Arsenal for so many years, and he has almost no chance to play in the main team. Now he has just arrived here for less than an hour. Luo Wu can actually partner with Aubameyang and Lacazette?

bullshit!Although Nketiah on the side didn't speak, there are already [-] grass-mud horses running past in his heart...

"Man, it's not fair."

"What should we do?"

What can I do?Nketiah's mind is in a mess. This is not a fight, just knock the opponent down. You have to play at a higher level than that guy.And now obviously in the mind of head coach Emery, Luo Wu is already much better than them.

If it doesn't work, why not seek a transfer while there is still time?

There was also silence on the bench.

The Japanese Takuma Asano and the intern who had just pulled up a little strength also heard it, and both of them looked at Luo Wu.



"The Chinese?"


"It's not fair."

"Why are you being treated like this?"

"No, I want justice for you,"

"I want the whole world to know that you have been treated unfairly here!"

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