Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 96 Jiang Yu's Suggestion!


Jiang Yu was not used to being stared at at such a close distance, so he had to respond awkwardly: "It's okay!"


Bai Chenxiang pulled Jiang Yu's hand excitedly, with a shining light in her phoenix eyes, "Can you teach me how to train my body so well."

Although the sharp-tailed swift inherited from the Minzhi Clan is an extremely noble martial spirit, its attack power is not very strong except for its extremely fast speed.

That's why Bai Chenxiang usually exercises extra skills to make the body more flexible in order to enhance his fighting ability.

Seeing that Jiang Yu's physical fitness is so strong, Bai Chenxiang couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Xiangxiang, how cute it is!"

Yang Wudi in the distance laughed loudly. He also liked this old friend's granddaughter very much. His descendants were all in the battle with the Wuhun Temple...so he also seemed like Bai Chenxiang. He loves his granddaughter so much.

"Silly girl!"

Seeing Jiang Yu's embarrassed expression, Bai He made a timely rescue and said, "Girls' physical fitness is inherently worse than boys'. Besides, this little brother's condition is probably born with him. No matter how hard you train, you may not be able to catch up."

"The advantage of our Min clan lies in speed. It doesn't matter whether we have strength or not. You have to know that unparalleled speed is our real trump card. No matter how powerful the enemy is, it's useless if they can't catch up with us."

There is some truth in Bai He's words.

Jiang Yu couldn't help thinking of a few famous quotes.

"In the world of martial arts, there is no strength that can't be broken, only speed can't be broken."

After thinking about it, he read it out.

"Yes, that's what it means."

It was the first time for Bai He to see someone who praised his views so much, he suddenly became happy, and nodded continuously, the more he looked at Jiang Yu, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.

Jiang Yu doesn't dislike Bai Chenxiang, so she doesn't mind pointing a few words at her.

"Unless you girls are born with supernatural powers, it is difficult to surpass boys in strength, so you don't need to deliberately pursue attack output ability. Your advantage is speed. I suggest you take the assassin route. You can usually practice a lot of throwing stones and Ability in archery."

In order to prevent Bai Chenxiang from going astray, Jiang Yu worked hard and carefully put forward suggestions.

"The little brother's knowledge is quite good, I wonder if you can tell me which sect you are from."

Bai He couldn't help but ignite a strong interest in Jiang Yu, judging from his conversation, he was definitely a disciple from the great sect.

"Thank you senior Miao Zan, the junior has no family or sect."

Of course Jiang Yu would not tell him the truth.

Now that he wears a vest, of course he has to make a full set. If he tells them that he belongs to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, then the false name he gave will be meaningless!


Bai He was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, this is a good opportunity. The kid in front of him is very knowledgeable, and he is about the same age as his granddaughter. Maybe he can...

"If he can be with Xiangxiang and give birth to a big fat boy, the Minzhi clan might be revived."

A gleam flashed in Bai He's eyes, but he was not in a hurry, the most important thing now was to find out all the details about Jiang Yu.

"The old man would like to take the liberty to ask, little brother, the condition of your martial soul and the current level of soul power."

Although he didn't know why Baihe was so abrupt, Jiang Yu still released his martial spirit.

Intense light burst out from his body and slowly converged towards his right hand. Not long after, a sword shining with colorful brilliance appeared in his hand.

"My martial soul is a sword, a level 25 assault-type combat soul master." He didn't say that his martial soul was Chixiao Sword.

"Sword Martial Soul! Level 25 Great Soul Master!"

Bai He couldn't help being excited. This is the best weapon spirit. The sword spirit is not only powerful in attack, but also has always been known as the gentleman in the weapon, the king of a hundred soldiers, and it is a very noble spirit in itself. .

The martial soul of the Min clan is also known for its nobility, and it can be said to complement each other when paired with the sword martial soul.

"This breath!"

Sensing the powerful aura emanating from Scarlet Firmament Sword, Yang Wudi's face was also a bit dignified. He had only felt this terrifying aura from the Clear Sky Hammer before... no.

The astonishing and mysterious sword spirit in front of him is even stronger than the Clear Sky Hammer, which is revered as the world's number one weapon spirit.

How can this be?

Although Yang Wudi was extremely chilled by what the Clear Sky School did when the four single-attribute clans fought against the Spirit Hall, he still had to admit the strength of the Clear Sky Hammer.

Even the Broken Clan's inherited martial soul, the Broken Soul Spear, still has some gaps compared to the Clear Sky Hammer.

"In this world, there really is a weapon spirit stronger than the Clear Sky Hammer? This kid is not simple!"

Yang Wudi's pupils flashed strangely, and he stroked his beard with one hand, showing a thoughtful expression on his face.

"This kid?"

Luoertifa was also shocked by Jiang Yu's talent, such a young child's soul power has broken through to level 25, and it is the best soul ring configuration.

Generally speaking, the first soul ring of a soul master rarely exceeds the one-hundred-year lifespan. Even the newcomer soul masters of the Wuhun Temple not everyone has the first soul ring of a hundred years, let alone someone like Jiang Yu who doesn't have the first soul ring. Civilian soul masters who join any sect.

Unexpectedly, he actually possessed two century-old soul rings, and his soul power had broken through to the realm of a great soul master. This kind of talent was not inferior to the golden generation of their Spirit Hall.

Lortifah's eyes couldn't help becoming fiery. If this kind of genius is brought back to the Spirit Hall and dedicated to His Majesty the Pope, it will definitely be a great achievement.

For a moment, everyone was attracted by Jiang Yu.

"Great soul master!"

Bai Chenxiang immediately felt compelled to compare. She did not expect that Jiang Yu had already obtained two soul rings. One must know that she, a genius of the Sen family, was the No. 1 in the clan with a seventh-level innate soul power. Only cultivated to the fifteenth level.

Jiang Yu's soul power level was ten levels higher than hers, which caused a huge gap in her heart.

Bai Chenxiang originally thought that with her own talent and the astonishing speed bestowed by the sharp-tailed swift, there were not many geniuses on the entire continent who could match her, but she didn't expect that an ordinary boy who just came out now would have such a terrifying talent .

Jiang Yu also looked ordinary!Apart from being a little more handsome and more knowledgeable, I can't see any other advantages, so why is he so powerful.

Bai Chenxiang was a little confused.

"Cough cough cough..."

Seeing that everyone around him was looking at him in shock, Jiang Yu withdrew the Scarlet Firmament Sword unaccustomed to it.

"Let's advance to the city!"

Jiang Yu smiled awkwardly.

"Little brother is right, everyone advances to the city."

Yang Wudi broke the embarrassing situation and called everyone to rush into the city. The guards just searched the carriage to see if there were any contraband.

Then he asked Yang Wudi the purpose of entering the city and where he came from, and then let everyone enter the city.

As for special items such as soul guides, these soldiers did not force them to search them, which was considered special treatment for soul masters.

Baiyu City is huge, with criss-cross streets and wide enough for hundreds of people to walk together at the same time.

The streets are lined with stalls.

There are still many hawkers hawking on the street, and there is an endless stream of passing pedestrians, a bustling scene.

After entering the city, Yang Wudi asked passers-by and brought everyone to a hotel.

Although the decoration of the hotel is not luxurious, it looks clean and the area is not too small.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the hotel, the staff took over the carriage and pulled it to the area where the carriage was parked, where there were special people feeding them fresh blue silver grass.

Although this hotel is not as famous as a large chain hotel like the Rose Hotel, the service is still in place.

After entering the hotel, bright girls in uniforms entertained everyone. They all had the same smiles on their faces, and it seemed that they usually trained together.

After opening the room, everyone went back to the room to rest. The decoration inside was also very distinctive. There were posters of young girls on the wall and they all wore exquisite jade.

In addition to the fruits on the table, there is also an extremely eye-catching leaflet.

Jiang Yu picked it up casually and took a look. It turned out that there will be a grand celebration in the city at night. No matter if you are a local or not, you can participate. There will be many activities at that time.

Even the most famous entertainment venue in Baiyu City...Yixiangyuan will send out top singers and dancers to perform their talents.

In addition, there are a series of prizes to give away, and there are many valuable things in it.

“It’s not bad to visit at night!”

Jiang Yu picked up the apple on the table and gnawed it, not to mention the taste was really good, much more delicious than ordinary apples, it was the most famous red jade apple in the outer Xinjiang, this kind of apple was good in quality and cheap, It is very popular even in the Star Luo Empire, so the hotel will entertain guests.

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