Jiang Yu, who was in a coma, had a dream, in which he pressed Qian Renxue under him and did some unspeakable things.

Although it was a dream, it felt very real.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but feel a little hot.

"Boy, don't wake up yet!"

Tianmeng Iceworm woke up at this moment, trying to wake up Jiang Yu who was in a coma.


Jiang Yu woke up quietly, and found that she was actually in the ice cellar, and a chill came over her.

Jiang Yu couldn't help shivering.

His body was almost frozen, the muscles all over his body were frozen stiff, and even his hair became straight.

"These ice? It's from the extreme north, I really miss it!"

Tianmeng Iceworm saw the ice cubes around, and immediately recognized the origin of these ice, "Hey! This piece of ice."

Looking at a piece of solid ice the size of a brick not far ahead, Tianmeng Iceworm couldn't help being surprised,

I saw strange characters engraved on it.

Translated into human language is...

Dear Bingbing, I am a big meat silkworm that only belongs to you, the heart of the silkworm baby will always be Bingbing yours, I will dream of you every time I sleep, ah!Bing Bing!I miss you!

Looking at his own graffiti, Tianmeng Iceworm fell into memories. Its favorite female beast was an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion. Its icy eyes, long green tail, and silver-white mouthparts all attracted it. ,pity!Who made them ice silkworms have low attack power, so they are only qualified to be food for ice jade scorpions.

The Skydream Iceworm also knows the huge gap between them, after all, what it loves is not the ordinary Ice Jade Scorpion, but the emperor among the scorpions, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

It is also one of the three heavenly kings of the extreme north.

So this love is nothing more than its extravagant wish.

"Boy, put that ice brick into your soul tool, remember, keep it safe."

The voice of Tianmeng Iceworm rang in Jiang Yu's mind.

Jiang Yu looked forward, and it didn't take long before he saw the ice brick. He didn't understand the words on it, but he was greatly shocked.

Because although those words are covered with a layer of frost, you can see what is contained in them.

Looks like it's written in snot.

So disgusting!

Who can write with snot?

However, since Tianmeng Iceworm asked him to put away the ice brick, there must be a reason for it, so Jiang Yu picked up the ice brick on the ground and put it into the soul guide.

"By the way, Brother Tianmeng, why am I in the ice cellar?"

Jiang Yu looked puzzled.

"how could I know?"

Tianmeng Bingcan's tone was a bit surprised, "I thought you came here by yourself to have fun."


Who's having fun in the ice cellar.

Is Tianmeng Iceworm stupid?

In fact, Jiang Yu misunderstood it, and their ice silkworms basically had fun in the ice cellar.


There was a sudden knock on the door, which echoed into the ice cellar.

"someone is coming!"

As soon as Jiang Yu finished speaking, the Tianmeng Iceworm gradually dissipated, "I'm going to sleep, so please take care of yourself."

It's really hard to serve.

Like an old man.

Jiang Yu couldn't help complaining.

"you're awake!"

Qian Renxue came to the ice cellar lightly, and was a little surprised to see Jiang Yu woke up. He was afraid that the temperature here would be too low to freeze Jiang Yu, but he didn't expect his face to look rosy.

"How did you come?"


Qian Renxue pointed at herself, with a surprised expression on her face, "You forgot, last night, you, you, me..."

Thinking of what happened last night, Qian Renxue felt a little shy, Jiang Yu, a little pervert, didn't even have the slightest impression.

Then I was touched by him in vain.

Just as Qian Renxue was stunned, Jiang Yu's hand was already close to her hot cheek,

"Why is brother Qinghe's face so hot? This is an ice cellar!" Jiang Yu asked with a puzzled expression, a little confused.

"Ah... no, no."

Qian Renxue hurriedly backed away, seeing his innocent appearance, she felt uncomfortable.

"Now I know I'm called brother. Why did I forget it when I was on top of me last night? You're still so rough!"

"It's really disgusting, it's pressing so hard that my place still hurts."

Qian Renxue would not be deceived by Jiang Yu's cute appearance, she believed Jiang Yu too much before.

It made her almost lose herself.


If you eat it dry and wipe it clean, you won't admit it.

How can there be such a cheap thing!

"You really don't remember what happened last night."

Qian Renxue continued to ask, wanting to see if he was pretending to be stupid, and if it was true, let him go.

If it's fake...

Ha ha ha.

Then let him know the cruel side of the angel.

"How should I answer, Qian Renxue is a few centimeters in front of me right now, should I ask her last night..."


Although Jiang Yu wanted to know whether the scene in the dream was just a dream or something that really happened.

But thinking about it carefully, if it didn't happen, then Qian Renxue would definitely treat him as a hooligan.

This was not what Jiang Yu wanted to see.

"I really don't have any impression."

Jiang Yu scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"You didn't know what happened last night. Your whole body was hot and you kept rubbing against the table. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I moved you into this ice cellar."

Qian Renxue suppressed a smile, and looked at Jiang Yu strangely, since he forgot, let's punish him.

"Table? Friction!"

Jiang Yu's face turned dark instantly.

"No way!"

These are all bullshit words.

Jiang Yu didn't have the face to stay in the ice cellar anymore, so he covered his face and ran outside, he didn't want Qian Renxue to see a joke.


Qian Renxue couldn't help laughing,

"It can be regarded as revenge."

Back in the room, Jiang Yu saw that the things on the table had fallen all over the floor, and even the paint on the edges was a little off.

"Is it true?"

Picking up the jade box on the ground, I opened it and saw the black balls of whale glue lying quietly inside.

It was this thing that made him look ugly last night.

Jiang Yu really wanted to throw it away.

But in the end he calmed down.

After eating whale glue, he really felt a powerful force in his body. It seemed that even his soul power had increased a little, but he didn't know how many levels he had raised.

"It seems that I have to go to the main hall of Wuhun in Liangshan City."

Besides wanting to test his soul power, Jiang Yu also wanted to disclose the news of Ge Long's acquisition of the Duke of Liangshan's treasure to Wuhundian, so that they could intercept him halfway.


Liangshan City, the main hall of Wuhun.

No matter which city in Douluo Continent, there will be a Wuhun Hall, and it must be a landmark building.

The level of the Wuhun Hall is divided into six levels. The lowest level is the Wuhun Sub-Hall, and then there are the Wuhun Sub-Hall, the Wuhun Main Hall, and the Wuhun Temple.

As well as the Pope's Hall and the highest-level Douluo Worship Hall, where only powerful titled Douluo can step in.

The main hall of Wuhun City in Liangshan City is located in the most prosperous part of the city, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. Even though a big battle just broke out in the city, no one dared to attack the main hall of Wuhun, and all the halls were not affected at all. destroy.

Jiang Yu quickly arrived at the main hall of Wuhun.

It was a huge dome building. The width of the front alone exceeded a kilometer, and it was 30 meters high. It was divided into five floors, and the entire building was brown.

There are three kinds of Wuhundian logos on the front gate, a sword, a hammer, and a giant dragon.

The guard at the gate looked like he was in his early twenties, but his spirit power fluctuations were not low. As expected of the scale of the main hall, even the guard at the gate was so powerful.

"Hi uncle, I'm here to test the soul power."

Jiang Yu said with a smile on his face.

"Go in! The hall on the first floor."

The two guards immediately took away their spears and let them go. Many soul masters came to the main hall to test their soul power every day. They were used to it, and even their tone of voice sounded like a machine.

After entering the hall, what greets the eyes is the exquisite murals. Each small grid is engraved with a kind of martial spirit, and the background color is uniform and brilliant gold.

Surrounded by crystal windows, sunlight refracts in through the crystals, shining on the murals and emitting dazzling golden light.

At this time, there were not many people in the hall.

Jiang Yu asked a random beauty, and he knew it was time to test his soul power there.

He didn't stay here any longer, but walked towards the front door, pushed open the crystal door and saw the equipment for testing soul power in the center of it.

There was also an old man sitting next to him. He was wearing a neat costume of a soul master, and there was a standard four-handed long sword logo on his arm, which represented that he was a soul master of the soul master level.

Xiu Kai, the deacon in charge of awakening and testing soul power in the main hall of martial arts in Liangshan City, martial soul: Wind Baboon, a level 37 agility attack system soul master.

"Son, congratulations on getting the soul ring. Although you have only obtained the first soul ring now, you have finally embarked on the road of a soul master. You will definitely be able to become a powerful soul master like grandpa by practicing hard in the future. By the way , Grandpa is a soul master!"

From Xiu Kai's point of view, Jiang Yu must be a rookie soul master who has just obtained the first soul ring. Although such a talent is a bit average, it is better than many people.

After all, with soul skills, one can use many miraculous abilities, and this alone has surpassed most commoners.

So Xiu Kai had a kind look on his face.

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