Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 89 Great harvest!

Entering the tunnel, Li Guang took out the flint, and the space inside was instantly illuminated.

After walking [-] meters, there were three forked roads in front of him. Even after Li Guangdang explained, there was only one passage leading to the treasure house. .

Under the leadership of Li Guang, Jiang Yu and Ge Long walked towards the corridor on the right. After walking for about 10 minutes, they finally saw the entrance of the treasure house.

It was an ancient bronze gate with a lifelike and strange creature carved on it.

It was a green human-shaped soul beast with an unusually smooth oval head. His two ears were similar in shape to morning glory, and looked like small trumpets.


Jiang Yu recognized the creature on the door. Isn't this a kind of soul beast that is extremely rare in the soul beast world... Shrek!

This kind of soul beast is very weird, so even Flender named the academy he founded Shrek Academy.

I just hope that the students can be like Shrek, everyone is a great monster.

Li Guang stretched out his hands calmly, and turned towards the small horn on Shrek's head.

Three circles to the left, three circles to the right.


The lock sounded and the door was opened.

There was a dazzling light inside.

When he walked in, Jiang Yu was shocked.

The mountain wall above the head is inlaid with countless shining orbs, and bright yellow golden soul coins can be seen everywhere on the ground.

Even Ge Long didn't expect the Duke of Liangshan to be so rich, even some princes in the imperial city might not have so much wealth, no wonder he dared to rebel.

After walking for a while, the three of them came to a huge stone platform, which was hundreds of square meters in size.

There are hundreds of large wooden boxes on it, and each one is opened, filled with pearl agate, ivory tortoise shell, and various precious gems.

"No, I have to find a way to notify Wuhundian!"

If such a huge amount of property were all returned to the Heaven Dou Empire, then Emperor Xue Ye could at least expand his army by hundreds of thousands, which would undoubtedly break the three-legged situation in the mainland, which is not what Spirit Hall wants to see.

Coming to the center of the stone platform, Jiang Yu was attracted by three transparent crystal boxes.

Although it looks like ordinary things inside from the outside, but being able to store them in such a precious box shows that the things here are absolutely extraordinary.

When Li Guang opened the three boxes one by one, Jiang Yu's body suddenly throbbed.

As if there was something inside that attracted him, Jiang Yu came to the box and found that something in it had a strange resonance with him.

Seeing that there was no movement from the two people around him, Jiang Yu knew that he was the only one who heard the sound made by that thing.

It was an object shaped like the sun, with an extremely round orb in the middle, without any trace of artificial polishing, it looked like it was created by nature.

The light emitted by the orb has a warm feeling.

And the pointed things around the orb are all golden jade.

I don't know why, seeing this thing, the Scarlet Heaven Sword in Jiang Yu's body couldn't help roaring, and even Di Huo became cheered.

Although I don't know what the thing in front of me is.

But Jiang Yu had an intuition.

This thing will be very useful to him.

"Marshal Ge, these three boxes contain rare treasures." Li Guang casually picked up a piece of precious jade inside and handed it to Ge Long, "Although this jade looks ordinary on the surface, it is a rare treasure The space soul guide, I heard from the thief Song Kuina that it was found in an ancient ruin."

Song Kui in his mouth is the Duke of Liangshan.

For this former lord, Li Guang was not polite at all, which shows that he is a complete fool.

Wherever there is interest, it will fall there.

"Space soul guide!"

Ge Long held the precious jade in his hand, and couldn't put it down. The production method of the soul tool was extremely secretive, and many techniques had even been lost. The soul tool that was handed down on the mainland was basically passed down from ancient times.

Especially the space soul guide.

As far as Ge Long knows, there is no soul engineer who is capable of making a space soul tool.

This is a rare treasure.

Ge Long couldn't help being jealous.

Even he doesn't have this stuff.

When Li Guang saw Ge Long's expression, he instantly understood, "It's a pity that this piece of jade can only be used if you have the cultivation level of Contra. Only the Marshal is the most suitable person for it."

No one would believe Li Guang's words, this is not the kind of unique soul tool and there is no level limit, but Ge Long readily accepted him seeing that he was very knowledgeable and did not show any clues.

Seeing this, Jiang Yu couldn't help but shook his head, smiled, and didn't say much, he also had the space soul tool given by Jian Douluo, how could he not understand the way it works.

He was not interested in the precious jade in front of him, Jiang Yu only wanted the sun-shaped gemstone.

Seeing that Ge Long put away the green jade, Li Guang took out another jade box from it.

After opening it, there were a few groups of black things, which looked hard, like bricks.

At this moment, the sun-shaped gemstone in the box emitted a faint light.

The dark thing seemed to gradually change because of this, and a faint golden light emanated from it, turning it into a strange dark gold.

A strange fragrance emanates from it, the fragrance is very strong, but it is unusually condensed, and it only lingers in the surrounding area with a diameter of about one meter.

"I heard from Song Kui what kind of whale gel this thing is? He said it can strengthen the physique, but I don't know the specific effect. It may sound like a tonic, but he said that the effect of this thing is quite powerful, and only the soul master of the attack system can do it use."

Although Li Guang had some thoughts about whale glue at first, after Song Kui told him this, he gave up spying on whale glue.

"That's it!"

Ge Long also felt that it was a pity that he was a defensive type, and the whale gel was of no use to him, but it had a good effect on Jiang Yu, an attack type soul master.

So Ge Long followed suit and gave Jiang Yu the whale glue in the jade box.

"Whale glue?"

Although Jiang Yu didn't know what it was, but since it could strengthen his physique, he happily accepted it.

Soon Li Guang took out the sun-shaped jewel, and Jiang Yu stared straight at it.

"I don't know what it is, but looking at the exquisite workmanship, it may be some kind of precious decoration!"

Li Guang was about to tell Ge Long to take it home for fun, but Jiang Yu hurriedly said, "Uncle Ge Long, this gem is so beautiful, can you give it to me to play with?"

In order to get the gem, Jiang Yu called even his uncle.

Ge Long waved his hand when he heard it, and agreed generously, since he has no shortage of gems.

Even though the piece in front of him looks more refined, he is not very interested in this kind of thing.

Afraid that Ge Long would repent, Jiang Yu immediately snatched the gem and happily put it in his pocket.


After leaving the treasure house, Jiang Yu went straight back to the room, took out the gems and studied them carefully.

But after observing for a long time, I didn't find anything strange. I only felt that the flames in the body were beating more frequently, but I still didn't understand the function of the gemstone.

Jiang Yu picked up the candle and pointed it at the gemstone, as if observing it at a closer distance, but unexpectedly, the wax on it dripped down and landed on his hand until Jiang Yu threw away the candle.

It so happened that the flame of the candle hit the gem, and the flame on it was swallowed inside as soon as it touched it.

The gem shot out a dazzling light in an instant, straight at Jiang Yu's eyebrows, and flew in with a "whoosh".

Then a magical scene appeared.

The gemstone gradually became transparent and merged into Jiang Yu's body. A sun-shaped pattern suddenly appeared on the center of his eyebrows. After a while, it turned from bright to dim, until it gradually disappeared.

After the gem entered his body, a strange scene flashed in Jiang Yu's mind. It was a handsome man bathed in the sun, with long golden hair shining like gold.

He was dressed in bright golden armor and held a golden holy sword in his hand. When he raised the sword in his hand, the sun in the sky cast down a fierce flame to envelop the whole sword, and then the man moved towards The giant dragon in front waved.

There was a breaking sound in an instant.

The screen also stopped abruptly.

"What exactly is this?"

It was only then that Jiang Yu realized that this piece of jade was definitely not an ordinary thing, and the person in the picture was definitely not an ordinary person either.

Because even Bibi Dong's aura is not even one percent as strong as that person's.

So there is only one possibility.

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