Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 87 Beauty Is Justice

After the Tiandou Allied Forces blocked the street where the Duke's Mansion was located, Ge Long was carried out.

The commander-in-chief of the three armies was pale at this moment, his whole body had no strength, and his weakness was visible to the naked eye.

This is the consequence of the dragon spitting too much.

However, Ge Long, as the supreme commander of the coalition forces, was still put on the table, and he will have to rely on him to persuade him to surrender!

Ge Long cheered up and shouted towards the front. The content was nothing more than, you are already surrounded, so hurry up and put down your weapons and surrender.

Then he praised the great achievements of Emperor Xue Ye, talked about his heartache over the Duke of Liangshan's rebellion, and finally changed the subject and said how to deal with Emperor Xue Ye's rebels. If they can wake up in time and turn to the light, The Empire will also be lenient.


Li Guang dismissed Ge Long's persuasion to surrender.

If he cared about this, he wouldn't rebel.

There is no sincerity in persuading surrender!

"Marshal Ge!"

Li Guang asked what he was most concerned about, "Emperor Tiandou didn't say how we will be treated after surrendering? What about money? What about titles? What about women! You won't be swallowing them all!"


Want to eat fart!

Goron was speechless for a while.

Why don't you play here!

This is rebellion!It would be good if there is no punishment, and rewards, if this is really the case, then no one will rebel.

Really got kicked in the head by a donkey.

Ge Long couldn't understand, how did this kind of guy climb to such a high position, didn't the generals of the Principality of Liangshan even look at IQ?Neither of those two!

In fact, Li Guangneng's ranking as the top general was not entirely due to his strength, but more due to his extraordinary connections.

His six older sisters were married to the Duke of Liangshan, Pan Feng, Zhuge Xuan, and the three noble families of Liangshan City.

This is true royalty.

With this relationship, Li Guang's position as the general is very secure.

After all, the top few people in the entire Liangshan Principality are his brother-in-law, who dares to refuse.

"There is no reward, how dare you persuade him to surrender?"

Li Guang made a contemptuous voice.

"I'm afraid this is a big fool."

Ge Long's vigilance disappeared immediately. He thought that Li Guangneng must have some extraordinary ability to be one of the three generals of the Liangshan Principality, so he felt relieved now.

It seems to be a sham.

Regarding this kind of idiot, Ge Long was not in the mood to play with him any longer, and immediately ordered the whole army to attack.

"Dong dong dong..."

Tens of thousands of soldiers charged forward with spears in their hands. Victory was in sight. As long as they captured the Duke's Mansion, their mission would be completed. At this time, everyone gave up their fear and jumped forward with one heart.

"Long live Tiandou!"

Someone in the imperial guards took the lead in shouting. The voice seemed to have a magical power. The rest of the soldiers all shouted, and even the coalition forces of several major duchies were also driven by this momentum to shout together.

"Stop them!"

Li Guang's voice was a little trembling, but he soon calmed down. Although he was promoted by connections, he was also familiar with military books and was not an idiot who didn't know anything.

In addition to the lack of actual combat experience, he has some unique insights into theory.

To put it simply, Li Guang is Yu Xiaogang who was a general.

Now is the time to practice.

"Put the barrel on, put the nails on, and pour the hot oil!"

After Li Guangjun's order was issued, the Liangshan Army divided their work and pushed the barrels towards the enemy.

Then throw sharp nails and pour hot oil.

To be honest, the development of weapons on Douluo Continent is still at the level of savages.

Not to mention large weapons such as catapults and bed crossbows, there are not even smaller weapons such as continuous crossbows and arm crossbows.

To fight, you have to rely on low-end weapons such as spears, bows and arrows, so things like spikes are good defensive weapons. If it weren't for the existence of martial souls, they would probably be fighting with gangsters. Not much more.

In fact, Jiang Yu also thought about whether to hand over the production method of the crossbow to Ge Long. After all, the process of this thing is not complicated, and there are sketches everywhere on the Internet.

Jiang Yu believes that as long as this concept is proposed, the craftsmen of Douluo Dalu can also make it. This is not a hot weapon such as Gatling, and there is no technical barrier at all.

But because of this, Jiang Yu gave up this idea after careful consideration.

He is from Wuhundian.

If the Heaven Dou army was equipped with crossbows, then the gap between low-end soldiers and soul masters would be narrowed, which would not be worth the loss. One must know that the biggest advantage of the Spirit Hall is the large number of soul masters.

That's why Jiang Yu has always only come up with ideas, and has not designed any offensive weapons, what he is afraid of is to enhance the military strength of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Standing in the back watching the battle, Jiang Yu watched the enemy soldiers throwing things in their hands as if they were fighting like children. Suddenly, he missed the days of playing games with his friends when he was a child.

The difference is that they play with glass balls and small stones, but they also see who can throw them farthest.

At the beginning, the Tiandou coalition army was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses, but after some exploration, they gradually gained a way to guard against the enemy's methods.

The Liangshan army gradually retreated.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Guang drew out the sword at his waist and beheaded the retreating soldiers around him, then roared angrily,

"If you retreat, you will be cut, and you will fight back."

As he spoke, he released his martial soul.

A strong yellow light erupted from Li Guang's body, and a cat appeared immediately above him.

It was a big brown-yellow cat with a big and round head and rare golden-yellow eyes. It was also much larger than ordinary cats, with thick bones and well-developed muscles.

It is also very hairy.

Three yellow, three purple, one black, seven soul rings quietly rose from Li Guangjiao's position.

Although he is also a soul sage, the gap between him and Pan Feng can be seen from the soul ring, there is only a ten thousand year soul ring.

Li Guang, Martial Soul: Maine Coon Cat, a soul sage of level 73 agility and attack system, his body gradually turned into a cat after being possessed by the martial soul.

The most conspicuous thing is that his eyes changed from black to golden yellow, and a pair of brown cat ears grew on the top of his head, which looked a little weird.

Cat ears... Grandpa!

Jiang Yu suddenly felt like vomiting.

Why does a big man have a cat spirit!

And it has cat ears!

Shouldn't they all be girls?

Sexy and hot like Zhu Zhuqing.

Seeing Li Guang like this, Jiang Yu really couldn't accept it, Zhu Zhuqing was cuter.

Jiang Yu was seldom angry.

But now I can't help but get angry.

He had the urge to rush up and hit someone.

Letting you grow cat ears, is that what a big man should grow?Grass on the head is reasonable.

"Marshal Ge, don't you want to go up and beat Li Guang up?"

Fortunately, Jiang Yu was quite sensible, after all, the other party was a soul sage, so he turned his attention to Ge Long lying on the chair, hoping that this Contra would play a role.

Ge Long just smiled, and spread his hands, expressing that he was powerless, there was no way his soul power had been exhausted, there was really not a single drop left.

Don't talk about doing it, it's hard to even get on the kang.

"No, don't let him fall!"

Jiang Yu turned around and ran to the rear, and it didn't take long before Xue Qinghe and a few auxiliary system soul masters were brought over.

"I have a piece of thick bread!"

"Big mantou that restores soul power!"

"Physically enhanced little pepper!"

Several food-type soul masters also silently recited the soul mantra. There is no way that food-type soul masters are different from other soul masters. To make food work, one must recite the soul mantra, otherwise the food will be gone. Effect.

Soon food appeared in their respective hands, including thick slices of bread, steamed buns, and red peppers.

Under the control of these people, Ge Long finally recovered some soul power, as long as he didn't use the soul skills above the seventh soul skill, he could last for a while longer.

"Marshal, it's up to you."

Jiang Yu reminded Ge Long intimately, "You must blow up that pervert on the opposite side, and let the majority of male compatriots out of this sulking...Come on!"

Ge Long stood up from the chair in an instant, he knew what to do without Jiang Yu telling him.

Because she is also a cat ear girl lover.

Li Guang's behavior obviously touched his bottom line, and Ge Long was also very angry at this kind of thing that destroyed people's dreams.

Li Guang didn't expect that because of his martial spirit, he would provoke the anger of many people, even Ge Long wanted to use him to vent his anger, alas!It's all Wuhun's fault.

I don't know if Li Guang will regret awakening the cat martial soul if he knows it, maybe he will.

Because then Ge Long let him know what the anger of a cat ear girl lover is.

Ge Long's righteous iron fist immediately swung at Li Guang, even though speed was his advantage, it was still useless.

Contra in rage is far more terrifying than anyone else imagined.

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