Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 77 Renxue's Loophole

"Get up, you're on top of me."

Qian Renxue showed a look of shame on her face.


Only then did Jiang Yu realize that the posture of the two of them was indeed a bit awkward, and he quickly scratched his head and stood up.

Unexpectedly, he stepped on a dead branch on the ground, and soon Jiang Yu tripped and fell on Qian Renxue's body again.


Fortunately, Qian Renxue turned her head in time and did not have a close relationship with Jiang Yu, but even so, she felt the huge force coming from in front of her, and her entire chest was pressed down to the point that it was almost as flat as a big pie, and it couldn't be flatter.

Jiang Yu couldn't help sighing, it turned out that Qian Renxue's disguise was not perfect.

"Maybe it's because the spirit bone hasn't broken through 10 years!"

The angel costume of the Wuhun Temple is composed of six 99-year-old spirit bones, and these spirit bones are all produced from the same kind of spirit beast.

According to Jiang Yu's guess, what Qian Renxue absorbed should be the head spirit bone, the ever-changing disguise skull.

If this head spirit bone can really evolve to the level of 10 years, Qian Renxue's disguise will definitely be flawless.

And not as it is now.

Fortunately, it was Jiang Yu who was pressing on her. If it were someone else, she would immediately doubt her identity.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Jiang Yu's thoughtful expression, Qian Renxue couldn't help asking.

"I'm craving grape jelly."

Jiang Yu didn't realize that there was something wrong, so he casually expressed his thoughts at the moment.

When he realized something was wrong, he was about to think about how to open his mouth to fool him, but he never expected Qian Renxue to look puzzled, "Grape jelly? What is that!"

"I've only heard of wine, grape cake, and grape jelly. They're delicious!"

Looking at Qian Renxue's innocent face, Jiang Yu didn't know what to say. It wasn't a question of whether it tasted good or not. Of course, the taste was really good.

Everything I ate was good.

"Drink, drink..."

Jiang Yu could only reply in embarrassment, "It's quite delicious."

"Is it?"

Qian Renxue was somewhat skeptical, "I don't believe it, unless you can cook it for me."


"This is a bit difficult."

Just as Jiang Yu and Qian Renxue were communicating, the Soul Emperor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School rushed over from afar.

"His Royal Highness, Xiaoyu."

Ning Lang asked with concern, "How are you doing?"

The scene just now was too chaotic, by the time he realized it, Xue Qinghe had already disappeared.

It took him a long time to find Xue Qinghe and Jiang Yu, Sword Douluo's direct disciple.


Jiang Yu hurriedly got up from Qian Renxue's body. With the experience just now, he didn't trip over this time. Seeing Ning Lang approaching, he quickly waved and said,

"Uncle Lang, we have nothing."

The middle-aged man in front was a key member of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and he had made a lot of contributions to the school, so Ning Fengzhi gave him the surname Ning.

Because he was a Sword Douluo disciple, Jiang Yu usually had some friendship with Ning Lang.

Don't look at him as just a soul emperor, but even an average soul sage who really wants to fight may not be able to defeat him easily.

Ning Lang's Martial Soul Langniao has the blood of the phoenix beast, and he was born with the Nine Nether Flames. It will definitely not be faster than the Phoenix Evil Fire controlled by Ma Hongjun before he swallowed the Ten Heads of Lieyang Pill, and even stronger. .

It's just that Ning Lang's Langniao Wuhun did not return to his ancestors, so he couldn't fully develop the power of Nine Nether Flames.

But even so, Ning Lang's strength should not be underestimated. Jiang Yu even heard from Sword Douluo that Ning Lang has at least a 50.00% chance of breaking through to the realm of Title Douluo.

If he can have an adventure and get a top-grade fire-attribute treasure, then the probability will be 90.00%, which is already quite a terrifying probability.

Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is now nominally the head of the Seven Great Sects in the world, with thousands of disciples, only one and a half of them are really sure to break through to the Titled Douluo realm, and one is Jiang Yu.

As for the other half, it is Bone Douluo's disciple, who possesses the gluttonous god bull martial soul... Xuan Chen.

As Jian Douluo's proud disciple, Jiang Yu usually fought against him in the sect.

The power of the earth contained in Xuanchen's gluttonous cow is extremely strong. According to Jiang Yu's speculation, even if it does not reach the level of ultimate power, it will not be much worse.

After all, according to Bone Douluo, the gluttonous divine cow has the blood of the earth element holy dragon, and it is absolutely no worse than the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex. If it weren't for the fact that this kind of martial spirit is too rare, there has not been a unified body so far. Power, how can it make the blue electric overlord Longzong specialize in the front.

If Ning Lang can have an adventure, then there will be two and a half people in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School who have the hope of breaking through the Titled Douluo.

The reason why Ning Fengzhi sent Ning Lang along the road to protect Xueqinghe actually had another plan. The climate of Liangshan Principality is extremely hot, so there is a great possibility that fire-type treasures will appear. He also hopes that Ning Lang can come here to try his luck. .

"I didn't expect this group of bastards in the Principality of Liangshan to use fire attacks. Fortunately, Marshal Ge Long responded in time, otherwise the casualties may be even greater."

Ning Lang immediately sighed. Although he was also playing with fire, he never directed the flames at innocent people. He was as shameless as the people in the Liangshan Principality.

In order to win, they will do everything they can.

"Uncle Lang, don't worry, they will definitely pay the price." Jiang Yu's expression turned cold instantly, "At that time, neither the person who came up with this idea nor the person who implemented this plan will be able to escape. "

This was the first time he was so angry.

Even Ning Lang couldn't help but shudder when he saw the expression on Jiang Yu's face. He never thought that Jiang Yu, who was rarely angry, would be so terrified when he got angry.


After the fire was completely extinguished, Ge Long couldn't wait to lead the army forward at top speed. After this, all the soldiers also became united with the enemy, and a raging fire of anger was ignited in everyone's heart.

The original feeling of exhaustion was also replaced by a strong desire for revenge, and everyone became very energetic.

It took half an hour to get there, but it took only ten minutes to reach it.

After leaving the forest, a huge valley entrance came into everyone's eyes. According to Hua Wu, as long as you pass through the valley entrance in front, you will not be far from Yanshan City.

"Hitrada, lead people to explore the way, and whistle to warn if there is any problem."

This time, Ge Long didn't dare to be careless anymore.

"Yes, Marshal.

Hitler spread his wings and took the remaining agile strategists to explore the way.

This trip takes half an hour.


Until there was a whistle in the valley.

"Oops, it's an enemy attack."

Ge Long's brows were instantly frowned, and he raised the sword in his hand and shouted, "Array."

After a while, Hithrada escaped from the valley in a panic, and there were only about a dozen agile strategists behind him, and the rest seemed to be in danger.

Sure enough, Hitrada cried and roared, "Marshal, there is an ambush in the valley. Although my subordinates tried their best, they still failed to lead all their companions to break through."


Ge Long couldn't restrain his anger anymore. You must know that it is not easy to cultivate this group of agile strategists. Emperor Xue Ye specially assigned a hundred people to him because of his trust in him. There are about ten people left.

And it was still lost in a place like Liangshan Principality.

This is definitely a great shame for the always proud Ge Long. He wants to wash away this humiliation with the blood of the enemy. If he fails to achieve his goal, he will not give up.

"Army attack!"

Ge Long rode the BMW under his crotch, and rushed towards the valley at the head of the horse. At the same time, a strong light erupted from his body, and the martial spirit was possessed instantly.

He wanted to let this group of ignorant bastards know how terrifying Contra's anger really is.

"Marshal Ge!"

Seeing that Ge Long had been dazzled by anger, Jiang Yu quickly let Xue Qinghe behind him urge his horse to chase after him.

And Ning Lang and the rest of the disciples from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect also followed to protect them, and with their strength, they could still stop the enemy's surprise attack.

The situation on Xuechen and Xuezhu's side was similar to that on Xueqinghe's side, and their surroundings were also firmly guarded.

These people are high-level soul masters, and they are not afraid of mere battles on the battlefield. At their level, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to hurt them.

What's more, the standing army of the entire Liangshan Principality is only 5 people. Even if the whole country is combined, it is still not as good as the Tiandou coalition army. The valley in front is not too big, how many people can be ambushed?

Now that they are all prepared, the ambushes inside have lost their concealment, and it is difficult to do anything.

Perhaps the enemy also knows this, and all the ambushes in the valley have been evacuated.

The Tiandou coalition army was able to walk out of the valley smoothly.

A hundred meters ahead, a huge fortified city stood in front of everyone, and what was even more shocking was that the location of the city was actually occupied by a volcano.

The more you go to Yanshan City, the higher the surrounding temperature rises, and even the breath you exhale becomes hotter.

Not to mention the temperature on the ground, I'm afraid that throwing a raw egg on the ground will turn into a fried egg in an instant.

However, the Tiandou Allied Forces did not complain as expected, they all persevered, and the anger in their hearts was no worse than the weather in Yanshan City at this moment.

The will to revenge overwhelmed all.

Soon Ge Long came to the gate of Yanshan City.

"Who set up the ambush just now, how dare you come out and fight."

Ge Long yelled at the top of the tower, he had no patience to chat with the enemy any more.


The city gate burst open.

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