Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 74 A Brilliant Plan!

Moon stars are rare.

A fierce battle was taking place outside Yunshan City. The soldiers on both sides were holding torches, illuminating the area with a radius of tens of miles like daylight.

As before, the shield soldiers are still at the front of the line, and the archers behind are also shooting towards the tower with their bows and arrows, covering for the attacking colleagues in front.

Looking at the black soldiers below the city, Zhuge Xuan's expression was very ugly. What kind of plan is Ge Long planning?

Night battles are a taboo for the two armies to confront each other. We all know that the visibility at night is extremely low. Generally speaking, the city is attacked during the day. Ge Long just failed in his attack not long ago. Originally, Zhuge Xuan speculated that he would at least rest for a day.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he led an army to attack the city again.

"Could it be that he doesn't want us to have a chance to rest?"

Zhuge Xuan couldn't help guessing that although they won the battle during the day, they also lost hundreds of soldiers. Even though the Tiandou coalition army injured more people, the opponent had a total of 15 horses. This loss is just a drop in the bucket , and for them, this accounted for one-tenth of the share, and they couldn't afford to consume it.

"Ge Long, you underestimate me too much. I can't fall into the trick of the little tired soldier."

Zhuge Xuan immediately called his personal guards and ordered him to leave only the archers on the tower, while the rest of the soldiers rested near the city gate, so that even if the battle was tight, they could come to rescue in time.

Just when Zhuge Xuan thought he was safe, an ambush appeared on the cliff on the right side of Yunshan City.

Xue Zhu brought all the agile strategists with him on this trip, and most of the other soldiers also possessed leopards, rabbits, cats, and other martial spirits that are easy to move.

They were all tied with thick ropes, and the tops were wrapped with sharp claws. Although they were not as good as Tang San's Flying God Claws, they were still strong enough to penetrate solid rocks.

And just to be on the safe side, these soldiers also wore something similar to wolf claws on their hands. Even if the hook claws accidentally fell off, they could still insert the wolf claws into the stone, so as not to fall off the cliff.

After Xue Zhu got all the equipment, he hooked his claws to a huge boulder, then buckled the safety buckle, and just rushed towards the thousand-meter cliff below.

Although he didn't even activate his martial soul in order to prevent the enemy from finding out what was going on here, but relying on the power brought to him by the exploding swan, Xuezhu was able to handle it with ease.

Seeing the third prince taking the lead, the rest of the soldiers were also greatly encouraged, and swam down the cliff one after another.

"Marshal, step up your attack and focus all the eyes of the enemy on this tower."

Jiang Yu hurriedly reminded Ge Long.

Although it was pitch black in the distance, he could barely see hundreds of figures on the cliff.

Although Jiang Yu didn't cultivate Ziji Demon Eyes, the transformation of his body by the Primordial Purple Qi was astonishing, perhaps not much inferior to the clairvoyance in myths and legends.

Xuezhu has already started to move, this is the most critical moment, if Zhuge Xuan finds out, it will be bad.

"Army attack!"

Ge Long didn't hesitate anymore, he drew out his sharp sword and gave the command to charge the army, and the charge horn sounded immediately.

The [-] imperial guards charged forward in an orderly formation, while the remaining [-] allied troops came from various duchies, their pace was obviously chaotic, and they lacked tacit understanding.

However, Ge Long didn't point at them. In his eyes, these coalition forces were nothing more than mighty prestige.

"Not good! They launched a general attack."

Zhuge Xuan saw something was wrong, the enemy army was obviously smashed, even though the casualties gradually increased, but the pace of attack did not slow down, and some soldiers had already set up long ladders, ready to climb up the tower.

Although the archers found out in time that the sharp arrows in their hands failed to make them succeed, but as more and more enemies rushed over, the number of soldiers on the stairs not only did not decrease but increased, and they climbed up in a while a few meters.

Seeing the critical situation, Zhuge Xuan hastily issued a series of military orders, in addition to ordering all the soldiers resting below the city to go up to the tower for support, he also ordered people to pour kerosene on the ladders.

But when Zhuge Xuan was concentrating on staring at the bottom of the tower, Xue Zhu had already led people into the city.

Looking at the boulder at the gate of the city, Xue Zhu didn't care about exposing it. He brought five hundred elite soldiers this time, and with the cooperation of the 10,000+ army outside, even if Zhuge Xuan found out, he could still hold out.

"Brothers, open martial arts!"

In the blink of an eye, Xue Zhu released fiery red light, and a majestic swan burning with flames appeared behind him.

That swan had a pair of red wings, and the goose's beak was also unusually sharp. The four spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple, and purple were neatly arranged on the swan's body. As soon as the bursting swan spirit appeared, Xuezhu's whole body The muscles in his body began to swell rapidly, and his whole body grew more than a circle.

"The third soul skill, fierce fire special attack."

The purple soul ring on Xue Zhu's body suddenly lit up, and fierce flames were released from his whole body to envelop his whole body. The wings behind him suddenly opened and led him to rush forward. It was heavy but it was just an ordinary stone, and it instantly split open under Xue Zhu's attack, splashing around.

"what sound?"

Zhuge Xuan also heard the commotion in the city, and hurriedly walked towards the back, looked down and saw a fire and five hundred elites led by Xue Zhu.

"Damn it! How did they get into town?"

Only then did Zhuge Xuan realize that he had been tricked by the opponent. It turned out that the reason why Ge Long attacked the city so late was to attract his attention. The enemies in the city must have taken this opportunity to sneak in from the cliffs on both sides.

"It's careless!"

Zhuge Xuan couldn't help feeling a burst of remorse, even he didn't expect the enemy to enter the city from the thousand-meter-high cliff, so he was negligent for a while.

Now there are only two options before him, either to divide the troops and go to the gate of the city, or to stop them from defending against the enemy outside the city with all their strength, but no matter which option it is, it can't save the situation in Yunshan City.

At this moment, Ge Long also flew towards the tower.

"At this point, I can only repay the Lord Duke's kindness with my body." Zhuge Xuan quickly released Jing Lei Tu with the intention of dying. Although he was not Ge Long's opponent, he still chose to take the lead in launching the attack.

A picture of thunder and lightning, the third soul ring gradually lit up, and the power of lightning in the picture turned into golden birds rushing out crazily. beast.

"The third soul skill, a copper wall and an iron wall."

Ge Long was not to be outdone, and a huge stone wall condensed from stone blocks instantly condensed in front of his body.

Although the thunder and lightning bird was powerful, it still failed to break through Ge Long's defense. Just as the two were stalemate, Xue Zhu led his men to open the gate of Yunshan City.

The Tiandou coalition forces outside the city crashed into the city.


An hour later.

Yunshan City, the city lord's mansion.

Ge Long looked at Zhuge Xuan in front of him with a smug expression on his face. Although this person is powerful, he has become his prisoner.

"Thinking that you are a talent, this commander will save your life, and you will stay in the army to serve after I present my invitation to His Majesty!"

Ge Long said in a calm tone as much as possible.

"No need!"

Although Zhuge Xuan was tied up with ropes, his face was always full of arrogance, without any sign of fear.

"Loyal ministers don't matter to two masters!"

"The Duke of Liangshan is kind to me, how can I betray him, besides, I'm just defeated by the marshal, with your talent, you don't need my help at all."

After hearing Zhuge Xuan's words, Ge Long admired him even more. Who doesn't like loyal ministers?

This also aroused his heart to subdue even more.

"You can't say that!"

Ge Long smiled and said: "I have encountered countless enemies in the battlefield for many years, but I have rarely encountered one as embarrassed as today. If a little brother hadn't reminded me, I am afraid that this commander will also fall into your plan. , I'm afraid we can't break Yunshan City!"

"Little brother?"

Zhuge Xuan was full of doubts, "You mean, it was a child who saw through my empty city plan!"


He didn't believe Ge Long's words. In his opinion, this was just what Ge Long said deliberately to insult him.

"It's this little brother!"

Ge Long's hand immediately pointed to Jiang Yu.

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