early morning.

Clear sky.

Gentle breeze.

After the swearing-in ceremony was over, Emperor Xue Ye handed over the golden seal and axe, which symbolized the commander's token, to Ge Long.

"I will definitely break through Liangshan Principality, and I will never return if I don't break Liangshan." Ge Long knelt down immediately to accept the order.

"set off!"

Immediately afterwards, he raised his ax and ordered the army to move out, and the hundred thousand imperial guards stepped out in unison immediately after hearing the order.

"With Marshal Ge Long present in this crusade against the Principality of Liangshan, we will definitely be able to return with a big victory."

Xue Qinghe, who was riding on a horse, said with a smile to Jiang Yu in his arms: "Marshal Ge Long is the pillar of our empire, known as the Dragon of Nine Lives, and also the No. His cultivation has broken through the realm of Contra, and he is one of the top ten masters in the empire."

Hearing Xue Qinghe's introduction, Jiang Yu couldn't help rubbing his chest. He also knew a little about Ge Long. After all, he was the future commander of the Heaven Dou Empire's army, and he also made outstanding achievements in the battle of Jialing Pass.

Jiang Yu had no doubts about his strength.

Soon the former army left the city gate, and it took two hours for all the sergeants to leave. The [-] army stretched for hundreds of miles, attracting the surrounding civilians to stop.

Some people were even afraid that these sergeants would not have enough to eat, so they frantically threw the vegetables in the vegetable baskets to the sergeants.

Looking at these simple civilians, the imperial guards couldn't help smiling, and their morale rose suddenly.

The people standing outside were all young people in their twenties. This crusade against the Principality of Liangshan was their first experience in war, and it was far from comparable to previous training, so they all showed longing looks.

But the faces of the veterans standing in the inner circle were a little heavy. Maybe they would never return to the Heaven Dou Imperial City after this expedition, but they could only fight desperately for the sake of the empire.

Emperor Xue Ye also knew that the Principality of Liangshan had many hills and ravines, so he did not send imperial cavalry. The [-] imperial guards were all composed of light infantry, heavy armor, pikemen, archers, and shield soldiers.

Every 200 people is a detachment, which is managed by a captain, and three detachments form a brigade, which is managed by the brigade captain.

And each brigade has about 600 people, which includes all arms. Under this kind of management, the combat effectiveness of the army has been fully guaranteed.

After the army was launched, all the soldiers continued on their way day and night. These people all had soul power, even the weakest ones had third-level soul power, so their physique far surpassed that of ordinary people.

Even if it was three days and nights without sleep, there was no problem. After crossing the two major provinces, Ge Long ordered the whole army to rest on the spot for an entire hour.

They traveled more than 600 miles in just three days. If they kept going at this speed, they could reach the border of the Principality of Liangshan in at most eight or nine days.

As night fell, the army camped in place, and all the food, grass, and luggage were placed in the central area, surrounded by soldiers, so as not to be taken advantage of by the enemy.

After setting up the camp, Xue Qinghe took Jiang Yu into the tent.

Ning Fengzhi handed over the genius of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to him, so he has the responsibility to protect Jiang Yu's safety.

Besides, he is also very interested in this talented child in front of him, and hopes to get in touch with him up close.

Because of Xue Qinghe's status as Prince Xueqinghe, the tent assigned to them was all made of cooked cowhide, which looked thick and solid, even a bow and arrow could hardly penetrate it.

After a few days of marching, both of them were already very tired, so they lay down on the bed early and fell asleep.

In fact, the so-called bed is nothing more than a thick haystack on the ground, and then a layer of blankets on it.

What Jiang Yu didn't expect was that the grass bed was quite comfortable, and it was soft when lying down. It seemed that these blue silver grasses were not useless, and it was good to use them as a bed to sleep on.

Since he was in the military camp, Xue Qinghe didn't take off his armor, but fortunately he was wearing soft gold silk armor, and the combined weight didn't exceed ten catties, so it didn't affect him much.

Jiang Yu was different, he still didn't like to wear armor to sleep, even though it was a treasure armor given to him by Ning Fengzhi and it was already very light, he still took it off.

In fact, Jiang Yu's favorite is Luo Sleeping, but Xueqing is not very convenient here, so he can only reluctantly wear single pants, which is already his last bottom line.

Soon Jiang Yu fell asleep.

In his sleep, he only felt that there were two steaming steamed buns in his hands at some point.

"This kid is not honest when he is asleep."

Seeing Jiang Yu rubbing back and forth on his chest, Xue Qinghe couldn't help but blushed, but since he was a child, he couldn't say much.

Fortunately, she was very well disguised, and her figure was no different from that of a man, otherwise she would not have invited Jiang Yu to sleep with her.

It's just that Jiang Yu's fussy sleep was beyond Xue Qinghe's expectations.

"Small steamed buns, round and round, one bite is really delicious!"

Jiang Yu couldn't help mumbling in his sleep. As a northerner, he still has affection for steamed buns, and his favorite food is big steamed buns.

Of course, small steamed buns are also fine.

In his dream, Jiang Yu dreamed of steamed buns of various colors, and he was a little dazzled when he picked them out, and he could only judge the softness and hardness of the steamed buns by the feel of his hands.

This was a pain for Qian Renxue who was sleeping on the side. She did not expect that after an hour passed, Jiang Yu's hands were not even the slightest bit tired, but became more and more excited.

After dawn, Qian Renxue woke up to find that Jiang Yu was no longer in the tent.

"Where did this brat go?"

Trapped in doubt, Xue Qinghe took the time to rub it, and she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she actually found some slight changes.

"I didn't know about him yesterday, so my place still hurts! Forget it, I'll let someone lay out two straw beds in the future, so that he won't give me..."

Outside the tent, on a boulder.


Jiang Yu took a deep breath, and after absorbing the majestic purple energy in the sky, his whole body became full of energy, and even his body became comfortable.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Yu used a set of punches.

"Hands up the feet to strengthen the kidneys and waist."

Jiang Yu silently recited the Baduanjin koujue, thinking that he got full marks when he took this course as a minor in college, especially this style was highly praised by the teacher.

He stretched his feet parallel until they were shoulder-width apart, and then he stretched out his palms and pressed them towards his navel respectively. After a few rounds, Jiang Yu followed the direction of the veins. Press down on the lower back.

After completing this set of movements, Jiang Yu slowly leaned forward again, keeping both knees upright, and at the same time, his hands went down along the tailbone to the heels, and pressed circularly through the outside to the inside of the feet.

Regarding the Baduanjin set of exercises, although Jiang Yu did not study the other styles too deeply, he already played the style of Strengthening the Kidney and Waist with a bit of a master air.

The kidney is the foundation of innateness, and it is the viscera that stores the essence. Jiang Yu naturally attaches great importance to it. In the past, he would practice this set of movements every day, not daring to be too busy with work.

After all, the body is the capital of revolution.

Otherwise, his ex-girlfriend wouldn't want to talk to him after marriage, but Jiang Yu has lost interest in her, and he doesn't want to continue to entangle with a married woman, so he flatly rejected the ex-girlfriend's request , and scolded her fiercely.

"What is this brat doing?"

As soon as Qian Renxue stepped out of the tent, she saw Jiang Yu's strange movements.

For some reason, she always felt that this simple movement, which neither resembled a soul skill nor any kung fu, was a bit unusual. It seemed that there was a force flowing through Jiang Yu's body.

"Don't practice, the camp will be pulled out later, hurry up and get into the tent and have some breakfast!"

Qian Renxue shouted not far away.

"Oh! Got it, Brother Qinghe."

Jiang Yu happened to be a little hungry. Don't look at the simple but exhausting Baduanjin movements. The food he ate last night has already been exhausted, and he urgently needs food to replenish his energy.

After entering the tent, Jiang Yu saw a few large white steamed buns on the table, a few eggs beside them, two bowls of fresh meat porridge, and several dishes of refreshing side dishes.

"Eating steamed buns this morning! My favorite food is steamed buns accompanied by pickled mustard. It's a rare delicacy."

Jiang Yu grabbed the steamed buns and gnawed on them, not noticing that Xue Qinghe's face was already flushed.

"Steamed buns, steamed buns, I hate steamed buns the most!"


Hearing Xue Qinghe's muttering, Jiang Yu couldn't help but raised his head and asked, just now his attention was on the steamed buns and he didn't hear what Xue Qinghe said just now.


Xue Qinghe replied embarrassingly: "I mean, since you like to eat, I will give you all to eat, and I will have some porridge."

"Then I won't be polite, Brother Qinghe."

Jiang Yu pulled the plate containing the steamed buns to her side, and continued to eat with mustard.

It didn't take long before he ate up the steamed buns, and then continued to drink the porridge next to him.

Half an hour later, the army set off and continued to march forward. Nine days later, everyone finally arrived at the border of Liangshan Principality, and Yunshan City was ten miles ahead.

But Marshal Ge Long gave the order to stop. This lasted for three days, and all the sergeants were talking about it.

Some recruits even questioned that Ge Long was timid before fighting, and the reason why he didn't dare to continue marching was because he was afraid of the Principality of Liangshan.

Just when the morale of the army was fluctuating, Ge Long suddenly called all the generals and several princes to the main tent of the Chinese army.

In the center of the tent.

Ge Long was wearing Tiandouliang silver armor, holding the three-pronged helmet holding the sky, and sat in the lobby with a serious face.

Jiang Yu, who came to the big tent with Xue Qinghe, couldn't help but scrutinized the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

Ge Long has the appearance of a middle-aged man, with a bushy beard on the corner of his mouth. He looks no different from ordinary people, but in fact he is a real Contra powerhouse.

To be able to have such cultivation at his age is obviously a genius, and he might have a chance to break through to Title Douluo in the future.

In addition to his outstanding military ability, Ge Long can definitely be regarded as a rare hero in the mainland.

Emperor Xue Ye has a good eye for seeing people.

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