Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 68 The Duke of Yuxiao

To Ning Fengzhi, Salas wasn't that polite, he was just a soul sage, and he was in the auxiliary department, if he hadn't given Sword Douluo face, he wouldn't have restrained himself like this.

"Sect Master Ning, spreading rumors also requires evidence."

Salas crossed his hands, and proudly said: "With my current status in the Spirit Hall, why do we need to use such clumsy methods, genius? Hmph, who in the younger generation of Pangea can compare to the gold of my Spirit Hall?" generation."

"Sect Master Ning must have misunderstood."

"It's really a sharp mouth!"

Ning Fengzhi sneered and said, "I have long heard that Bishop Salas is the most sharp-tongued bishop among the platinum bishops of the Wuhun Hall. This ability to reverse black and white is really amazing."

"Then why did the token of the Wuhun Palace be found from the killer? Bishop Sa kept saying that it had nothing to do with the Wuhun Palace, so he explained it again! Could it be that the dignified Wuhun Palace can even get its own token? Steal?"

Ning Fengzhi said with contempt.


Salas' complexion became extremely ugly, but what Ning Fengzhi said was not unreasonable, if even the killer could get the token representing the identity of the staff of the Spirit Hall, then what would be the honor of their Spirit Hall.

But the assassin's matter really has nothing to do with Wuhundian. If the higher ups really want to send someone to Tiandou City to assassinate the genius of Qibao Liulizong, they have to say hello to him, the master of Tiandoushengdian!Impossible without a notification.

This time, Salas was a dumb eater of Coptis chinensis... He couldn't tell what he was suffering from, this Ning Fengzhi was really not easy, and he gained the upper hand with a few words, even he couldn't explain it.

Just as the two sides fell into a stalemate, a loud and clear eagle's cry suddenly came from the air.

I saw a winged creature in the distance, gradually flying towards the direction of the Heaven Dou Temple, and slowly everyone realized what it was... It turned out to be a huge golden eagle.

"Lordia LS Lars recognized the Golden Eagle's identity at a glance.

"He's not serving Ju Douluo in the Spirit Hall, why did he come to the Heaven Dou Temple at this time?"

This Lordiala can also be regarded as a well-known figure in the Spirit Hall.

Originally, his talent could only be regarded as quite satisfactory, and he was also obsessed with raising flowers, which was a woman's thing, which was simply an embarrassment to male soul masters, but he didn't expect that it was because of this that he was actually attracted by Ju Douluo.

Under the guidance of this titled Douluo, Lordiala has made rapid progress in the way of cultivation.

Now he is already a strong Contra.

In a blink of an eye, the golden eagle flew down.

The light on its body gradually dissipated, and it didn't take long before it transformed into a human form, and the wings on its back were also quickly retracted. At the same time, his arms were separated from the wings, and the two sharp eagle claws also turned back. human palm.

Then he revealed his figure. Although this Golden Eagle soul master is thin and small, he has eight soul rings on his body, three yellow, two purple and three black. Even if it is not the best configuration of soul rings, he is still a real soul fighter Luo Qiang.

"The Pope's order is here!"

Lordiala ignored the deadlock at the moment. His duty was to accurately convey the will of His Majesty the Pope to Sardis, and other matters were none of his business.

Seeing the golden token in Lordiala's hand, Salas hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Greetings to His Majesty the Pope."

This token of the pope is the supreme token of the Spirit Hall, seeing the token is like seeing the Pope, Salas did not dare to offend.

"His Majesty's decree..."

Immediately afterwards, Lordiala conveyed the pope's words truthfully, and Salas couldn't help but have doubts after hearing it.

"Your Majesty the Pope, this is..."

The more Salas thought about it, the more he didn't understand.

"As expected of Bibi Dong!"

Ning Fengzhi's face instantly turned serious, "It seems that I underestimated this woman, and the means of the Qian family father and son are nothing compared to her."

The previous Popes of the Wuhun Palace used force to convince others. Few of them were wise and brave. No one expected that this generation of Popes would be different. Bibi Dong is not only an amazingly talented woman, but also far superior in wit. .

Since she took over the position of Pope, she not only quickly quelled the internal disputes, but also led the development of the Wuhun Temple to grow stronger and stronger, and even many duchies supported the Wuhun Palace, causing the two empires to have to The fighting was stopped in favor of suppressing internal unrest.

It can be said that Bibi Dong is destined to be one of the greatest figures among the Popes of the Spirit Hall.

Putting it on Blue Star is definitely a legendary figure who can be listed in "Time Magazine", and then recorded in the annals of history.


Moon stars are rare.

Heaven Dou Temple.

In the center of the hall, a group of young girls were singing and dancing. They all wore short black silk skirts, and they looked extremely eye-catching.

Salas, who was sitting on the chair, was in a very good mood now, Ning Fengzhi not only failed to find fault, but also lost face, so he can make fun of him with this matter in the future.

"The chick in the middle is not bad, I will pamper her later, hahaha."

Looking at the fiery young girl off the field, Salas couldn't help but feel lustful. Although he was already very old, but because he had cultivated to the realm of Contra, he obviously still had the strength to deal with such things, even no more than young people. less demand.

"Hall Master!"

At this moment, there was a sound outside the door.

Not long after, an old man in a luxurious brocade robe hurried into the hall, completely ignoring the women in the hall, and went straight to Salas.

The musicians and dancers around immediately stopped when they saw this, for fear of delaying the event.

"Duke Yuxiao, please see me!"

The old man said in detail in Salas ear.

"Oh! Let him in."

"Yes, Hall Master."

The old man turned around and walked out of the hall.

"Why did you stop?"

Salas frowned, his face became serious,

"Then play music, then dance."

3 minutes later.

A strong old man with white beard and hair came in. Although the man was not young, he had a standard white-haired boyish face, and he looked like a fairy.

This person is the famous Duke Yuxiao of the Tiandou Empire, and he is also a romantic figure. He is not only a strong soul saint, but also has made great achievements in poetry.

In a word, where does the jade man teach how to play the flute, which amazed the poetry world of the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

What's more, he has more than 300 wives and concubines alone, and this number is still increasing. Just last year, he took in a new concubine, who is old enough to be his granddaughter.

What's even more astonishing is that the concubine became pregnant not long after, and became a famous story in the imperial city.

"Meet Brother Sa!"

Duke Yuxiao stepped over the stone steps and came in front of Salas.

It seems that the two are also old acquaintances, so they have no scruples.

"Brother Xiao Xian, please sit down."

Salas didn't get up, but just pointed to the seat next to him to signal Duke Yuxiao to sit down.

"I don't know why my virtuous brother came to my Spirit Hall so late!" After all, the relationship between Spirit Hall and Tiandou Empire became more and more tense, even though he and Duke Yuxiao were old acquaintances.

But at this kind of time, if this important official in the Heaven Dou Empire visited the Spirit Hall late at night, I don't know what Emperor Xue Ye would think if it got out.

"I heard that the Wuhun Palace sent killers to attack the genius disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and today Sect Master Ning even blatantly trespassed on the Heaven Dou Temple. I want to ask Brother Sa if this is the work of your palace. If it is true, brother I can help with this, I have raised a lot of people who play with pens."

Duke Yuxiao stroked his beard and smiled: "They have no other skills, but they can turn black and white, and their ability to make up random things is really top-notch. Even the most treacherous and evil people can be praised by them for being extravagant, and instantly become great benefactors." people."

"Thank you, brother, for your kindness!"

Salas politely refused: "The matter has been resolved, the person is not sent by my Spirit Hall, and the Pope has issued a Pope's decree, paying a lot of money to arrest the culprit behind the scenes. It will not take long to catch the murderer."

Hearing that the Pope personally promulgated the Pope's Decree, Duke Yuxiao couldn't help feeling dazed, and a strange look flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

Then he went on to say,

"In that case, Brother Yu is meddling in his own business."

Duke Yuxiao laughed.

"Brother, it's not that simple to come here!"

Salas stared closely at Duke Yuxiao. He knew this old friend very well. As the saying goes, he must go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. He must come here late at night if he has something to ask for.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Brother Xian."

Duke Yuxiao immediately showed shame, "It's like this, the Principality of Liangshan is openly going to join the Star Luo Empire, His Majesty was furious when he learned about it, even if he wants to send troops to attack the Principality of Liangshan, and will send all the princes to fight with the army, but Prince Xue Beng fell off his horse while traveling today, His Majesty can only let him stay in the imperial city to recuperate."

"Brother Xian also knows that Prince Xuechen is my disciple, and his biological mother, Concubine Dong's natal family is a family friend with our Duke Yuxiao's mansion, and the relationship is very close. This time, Prince Xuechen followed the imperial army to conquer the Principality of Liangshan, so Brother Yu would like to ask Brother Xian to send some experts from the Wuhun Palace to protect him along the way."

Afraid that Salas would refuse, Duke Yuxiao hurriedly said: "I would like to offer one hundred thousand gold soul coins after the matter is completed, and His Highness Xue Chen also said that when he ascends the crown prince, he will definitely thank you for your help." His people."


Salas turned his eyes slightly. He had heard about what happened in the Liangshan Principality. From the standpoint of the Wuhun Temple, he certainly didn't want to see the Liangshan Principality join the Star Luo Empire camp. The military strength of the Tiandou Empire has declined in recent years.

Once the Principality of Liangshan and Xingluo come together, the strength of the Xingluo Empire will definitely become stronger.

This is obviously not good for Wuhundian.

"I can help you with this favor, and you can also get a favor in this way. If Prince Xuechen ascends to the crown prince in the future, he will definitely thank me very much."

Salas thought for a while and agreed, "So that's it. It's just a trivial matter. I'll send three soul saints and ten soul emperors to accompany Prince Xuechen. I don't know if it's enough."

"Enough, enough, enough."

"Thank you, Brother Xian."

Duke Yuxiao didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He just wanted to borrow a few soul emperors for use. He thought that Salas would be so generous. happy look.

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