Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 63 Ren Xue's Plan

After Feng Xiaotian was knocked down by Jiang Yu, their entire team fell apart in an instant.

Although there are still two or three players who maintain their combat effectiveness, they are already unable to restore the decline.

Huo Wushuang and Tai Long easily eliminated the enemy team and won the game.

Undoubtedly, Xue Qinghe became the biggest winner, and the position of crown prince was already assured.

"I finally helped Qian Renxue win the position of Prince Tiandou. If Tang San can prevent Tang San from messing up the situation in the future, she can successfully ascend the throne and become a generation of empress!"

"Good guy! Both mother and daughter are queens."

Jiang Yu couldn't help having a bold idea in his heart.

If this move goes smoothly, then Wuhundian will unify the mainland just around the corner.

Even the Star Luo Empire has no room for resistance.

Although the military strength of the Heaven Dou Empire is not as good as that of the Star Luo Empire, it still has a conventional army of millions.

Coupled with the advantage of the soul masters of the Wuhun Temple, the Star Luo Empire has no chance to resist.

The best outcome is surrender.

But this is only the most ideal state, Jiang Yu knows Bibi Dong's thoughts, she has no intention of unifying the entire Douluo Continent, but wants to destroy the Wuhun Palace.

The chief culprit of all this is Yu Xiaogang, besides the Pope of Wuhun Hall.

So Jiang Yu had to think of a way to make Bibi Dong completely give up on Yu Xiaogang. The most beautiful Pope would die and live for a man. Isn't it good to have a career!

"How can we arouse Bibi Dong's ambition?"

This is not an easy task.

But no matter how difficult it is, we have to find a way, and we can't let Bibi Dong fall into the abyss of emotion.

Anyway, he also grew up eating Bibi Dong's milk, as the saying goes: the kindness of dripping milk should be repaid by springs.

Jiang Yu must change Bibi Dong's tragic ending.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked in from the door, that person was wearing a red Zen robe and a silver armor, and he rushed to Emperor Xue Ye in a hurry.

"The Tiqi of Luan Yiwei!"

Jiang Yu knew the man's identity when he saw his attire. Although Luan Yiwei was the emperor's guard in name, he actually had a more important identity...

That's intelligence investigators.

Its functions are somewhat similar to the Central Intelligence Agency of a certain country in Blue Star and the mysterious organization Chaoyang Crowd.

Luan Yiwei and the Internal Police Department, which belonged to the Internal Official Supervisor, together formed the most feared spy agency in the Tiandou Empire.

To make this Tiqi so flustered, something extremely important must have happened!

As expected, the expression on Emperor Xue Ye's face gradually became ugly when he heard the whisper of the person named Tiqi.

"No reason!"

I saw him slapping the table beside him angrily, completely without the appearance of a king of a country.

"The Principality of Liangshan dared to openly declare that it would break away from the rule of the empire, and threatened to join the Star Luo Empire. This trend must not be raised. Once this opening is opened, then other principalities and kingdoms may follow suit. In this way, the empire's The foundation is unstable, and the decree..."

Emperor Xue Ye said very seriously: "Order all the high-ranking officials of the empire to come to the Palace of Political Affairs to discuss matters."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly left the martial arts arena, ignoring all the princes, after all, military affairs are more important.

"Liangshan Principality! Rebellion!"

The sudden change disturbed Jiang Yu's thoughts, and the news came at an inopportune time, so he couldn't wait until Xue Qinghe was made the crown prince.

"Brother Qinghe."

Jiang Yu couldn't help but rushed to Xue Qinghe's side and asked, "Do you know anything about the Principality of Liangshan!"


Xue Qinghe sighed softly, and his expression became a little complicated, "The Principality of Liangshan has a long history. The first Duke of Liangshan followed the founder of the country, Emperor Xuerong, and made great military exploits for the establishment of the empire. It stands to reason It is said that the Principality of Liangshan should not rebel, but a few years ago, a soul master discovered a large purple gold mine in Liangshan City."

"You must know that purple gold stone is an extremely expensive metal, and weapons made of this material have a huge lethality against ordinary soul beasts and low-level soul masters."

"As the saying goes, everyone is not guilty, but he is guilty. Of course, the Liangshan Principality is not allowed to own this extremely special resource empire, so the emperor father ordered Liangshan Duke to seal up the purple gold veins, and then the purple gold stones produced every year Transported to the Heaven Dou Imperial City, but I didn't expect the Liangshan Principality to announce its secession from the empire at this time."

"I think the Star Luo Empire has done something behind the scenes. After all, the geographical location of the Principality of Liangshan is extremely important, and the population of Star Luo has grown more and more over the years. If it weren't for the Spirit Hall to check and balance, I'm afraid they would have declared war on the Heaven Dou Empire long ago. "

Xue Qinghe's face suddenly became worried, a look of concern for the country and the people, "I never thought they would use our internal conflicts to provoke disputes."

"In this way, it will be inconvenient for Wuhundian to intervene."

After hearing Xue Qinghe's words, Jiang Yu didn't know what to say. He could only say that Emperor Xue Ye's wrists were not enough. Although the Liangshan Principality was attached to the Tiandou Empire, it was considered an independent country with its own army and system.

This is a bit similar to the Zhou Dynasty. Although the vassal states were dominated by the Great Zhou Dynasty and had the obligation to pay tribute like the suzerain state, powerful vassal states like the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons could completely ignore the existence of the court, even if they did not pay tribute. No one dares to say anything.

Emperor Xue Ye obviously pushed the Principality of Liangshan into a hurry. The Zijin vein is a rich resource, who would be willing to give up contributing to others for nothing.

It's no wonder Liangshan Principality would resist.

But this obviously has nothing to do with Jiang Yu.

Now that the game is over, it's useless for him to stay in the palace, he might as well go back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to play games with Ning Rongrong.

So Jiang Yu bid farewell to Xue Qinghe.

"In that case, then I will order someone to send you back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. By the way, please tell the teacher the news about the Principality of Liangshan."

Xue Qinghe also wanted to know how Ning Fengzhi would view this matter, seeing Emperor Xue Ye's attitude, it was inevitable that he would send troops to the Principality of Liangshan to quell the chaos.

This is an opportunity to make a difference.

"Could it be that Brother Qinghe wants to go to put down the rebellion?"

Jiang Yu couldn't help but guess.

After all, the intelligence channels established by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect on the entire continent are not built, not much worse than the Tiandou Empire's Internal Security Factory and Luan Yiwei, and they are even more concealed.

Sometimes the beggars on the side of the road might be the intelligence officers of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

With Ning Fengzhi's help, Xue Qinghe can undoubtedly grasp the current situation of the Principality of Liangshan. Once he solves this difficult problem, his prestige will surpass all the princes in an instant. Obediently seal Xueqinghe as the prince.


Xue Qinghe's eyes showed admiration, it really is different to be with someone with a high IQ.

"This matter is a bit difficult for me alone, and I need the help of the teacher."


Jiang Yu readily responded, "I'll go back and tell Uncle Ning right now."

Ning Fengzhi has always supported Xue Qinghe, if a disciple asks for something, it is impossible for him as a teacher not to agree.

Besides, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and the Heaven Dou Empire are solid allies, if something goes wrong in the empire, it will only benefit other forces and it will not be good for the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

In this way, Ning Fengzhi's power can be used to achieve the goal of establishing prestige for Xue Qinghe.

In this way, there is no need for the Spirit Hall to be dispatched, and the expansion of the Star Luo Empire's power can also be avoided.

After all, for Spirit Hall, there is nothing more important than maintaining the status quo of the two empires.

No matter which side sits big, it is not what Wuhundian wants to see, so Xue Qinghe has to go to Liangshan Principality.

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