Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 6: The Mutation of the Akasaka Sword

"The world of soul masters has always been full of slaughter. If you don't even have the courage to swing a sword, I think you'd better go back! My Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is not suitable for you."

Jian Douluo's words were like a blow to the head, awakening Jiang Yu who was in hesitation!

Yeah, it's not a peaceful world, and the weak don't even deserve the protection of the law.

Looking at the tens of thousands of years of history in the Douluo Continent, no matter how much it changes, there are only two words...

eat human.

In this cruel world, if you don't kill, you will be killed. Only the strong can get the respect of everyone, and only becoming stronger is the only way out.

For example, the Red Steel Snake in front of him can kill other soul beasts and even human soul masters even if he can practice for a hundred years, so he is not worthy of sympathy at all.

After waking up, Jiang Yu looked at the Red Steel Snake with an instant change in his eyes, picked up the dagger and stabbed fiercely at the snake's head.

It didn't take long for the red steel snake to lose its breath, and when it closed its eyes, a shining yellow soul ring emerged from its body.

"Sit down cross-legged, use your thoughts to draw the spirit ring around your body, don't resist, and let the power in the spirit ring enter your body."

Jian Douluo exhorted loudly.

Jiang Yu immediately sat down according to Jian Douluo's words, and as soon as he released his thoughts, he felt the power of the soul ring send an impact towards his body.

He only felt as if his body had been hit violently, and his whole body seemed to collapse.

As expected, it was not that easy to absorb the soul ring by leapfrogging, Jiang Yu almost fainted from the great pain.

Fortunately, his soul power is strong, relying on his strong will to withstand the huge power contained in the soul ring.

Jiang Yu knew that now was a critical moment, and if he couldn't make it through, all his previous efforts would have been wasted.

So even though he is now in an oven, he gritted his teeth and kept going.

Seeing Jiang Yu dripping with sweat, Jian Douluo was also a little surprised. It stands to reason that he should have called out loudly, but he didn't expect to say nothing until now.

The toughness of the child in front of him is even stronger than imagined.

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School finally has someone who can compete with the group of so-called geniuses in the Wuhun Palace."

Jian Douluo laughed from the bottom of his heart, "Feng Zhi can finally rest assured."

In recent years, geniuses like Hu Liena, Xie Yue, Yan, and Tuoba Jun have appeared in the younger generation of Wuhundian.

But the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has no successors, not even anyone who can compete with the Blue Electric Twin Stars of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School.

This also made Sword Douluo, Ning Fengzhi and that old fellow Gu Rong worried.

Jiang Yu's performance gave Sword Douluo hope that in the future someone will finally be able to lead the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect against the threat from the Wuhun Temple.

Jiang Yu lived up to Sword Douluo's expectations. Although the spirit ring was very powerful, he still withstood wave after wave of attacks.

As the power inside merged into his body, the expression on his face became more and more relaxed, and it didn't take long before he completely calmed down.


After Jiang Yu felt that the strength of his body had been greatly enhanced than before, he opened his eyes suddenly, and then released the Chixiao Sword impatiently. He was quite looking forward to the power of the soul skill.

The moment the Scarlet Firmament Sword came out, before he could react, a sudden change occurred.

The original rust on the sword body fell off instantly, and a dazzling golden light burst out from it.

The Chixiao Sword has undergone great changes compared to before. It has changed from an ordinary iron sword to a sword decorated with colorful beads and Jiuhua jade. It looks cold and the blade is like frost and snow. The two characters Chi Xiao on the back of his face also changed from dull color to pure gold.

"what's going on?"

Even Jian Douluo looked suspicious, he had never seen such a thing before.

It is impossible for Wuhun to mutate like this. Sword Douluo Zongheng's many years of theoretical knowledge as a soul master will definitely not be inferior to half-baked Yu Xiaogang.

Even he couldn't explain some things, even if Yu Xiaogang came, it was useless.

Little did he know that the self-proclaimed erudite master had never even heard of a martial spirit like Jiuxin Haitang, which shows how high his level is.

"This is the original Akasaka Sword."

Although Jiang Yu was a little surprised, he quickly calmed down.

If he guessed correctly, perhaps it was the power from the Chisteel Snake that restored Akasaka Sword to its former splendor.

History once recorded that when Liu Bang first got the Chixiao Sword, it was just a broken sword. It was only after killing the white snake that blocked the way that the Chixiao Sword turned into a treasured sword.

That's why Jiang Yu insisted on choosing the Red Steel Snake, just to verify whether his guess was accurate, and now it seems that this choice is correct.

"Akasaka Sword!!!"

Although Jiang Yu's voice was small, how could he not hear it with Sword Douluo's cultivation base? His expression changed instantly when he heard the name.

"Boy, you said your martial spirit is Chixiaojian." Sword Dou Luo asked loudly.

"Yes! Senior."

Jiang Yu felt a little strange, did Sword Douluo even know about the origin of Chixiao Sword.

"Oh my god! I didn't expect the old man to see the Scarlet Firmament Sword with his own eyes."

Jian Douluo's tone suddenly choked up, and the tears from the corners of his eyes couldn't help but pop out,

"This is the legendary Chixiao Sword, which ranks first among the top ten sword spirits in the world. For more than 3000 years, this spirit, known as the king of swords, has finally appeared."

Jiang Yu didn't expect that Sword Douluo would know about the Scarlet Firmament Sword. It was obvious that there had been legends about the Scarlet Firmament Sword in the Douluo Continent.

"Senior, can you tell me about the Akasaka Sword, I want to know more about it."

"Hmm!" Sword Douluo couldn't help trembling his lips, "Three thousand and five hundred years ago, the number one sect in the mainland was not the Clear Sky Sect, but the Chixiao Sword Sect, and the signature spirit of their sect was you The Akasaka Sword in his hand."

"At that time, the Chixiao Sword Sect was full of talents, and only one sect could compete with the Wuhun Palace. This two-legged confrontation lasted for about 500 years."

"Unfortunately, I don't know why there was no one in the Scarlet Heaven Sword Sect who could awaken the Scarlet Heaven Sword Martial Soul. As a result, they quickly declined. After a thousand years, they even withdrew from the stage of history and disappeared."

"To this day, there are not many people on the mainland who know about Chixiao Sword Sect."

Speaking of this, Sword Douluo couldn't help sighing, "If it weren't for the records about Chixiao Sword Sect in the classics passed down from the family, I wouldn't know about it."

"Everyone says that our family's Seven Killing Sword is the strongest sword spirit in Pangea, but only I know that the Seven Killing Sword is only No.3 among the top ten legendary sword spirits."

"If it weren't for the fact that the top two sword spirits haven't appeared for thousands of years, how could it be the Seven Killing Sword's turn to be the number one sword spirit in the world?"

"Let's not let the Wind Sword Martial Soul, which is far from qualified, make it into the list of the top ten sword martial souls in the world today."

"The number one sword martial soul in the world!"

"The King of Swords!"

Jiang Yu had a surprised expression on his face, he didn't expect Chixiao Sword to be so powerful on Douluo Continent.

It seems that there is no Xuanyuan Sword and Zhanlu Sword here, so the Chixiao Sword is the first martial soul in the mainland, let alone the God and Demon Sword.

Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer is nothing, seeing how arrogant he is, isn't it just a broken hammer and the Blue Silver Emperor!What are you proud of?

Jiang Yu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

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