"Do you know?"

Seeing that Jiang Yu and members of the Blazing Fire Sect knew each other, Xue Qinghe couldn't help being a little puzzled, and felt quite strange in his heart.

It stands to reason that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Blazing Fire School should not have any intersection.

"Brother Xue, we have practiced together for a while before, so we are considered acquaintances."

Jiang Yudang even opened his mouth to answer Xue Qinghe's confusion.

"I see!"

Xue Qinghe nodded, and then laughed. Since Jiang Yu knew them well, it saved him a lot of trouble, and it was of great benefit to today's game.

At least they will be very convenient to cooperate with.

Immediately after, Xue Qinghe introduced other people to Jiang Yu, one of whom Jiang Yu had heard of.

It was a well-built young man, with muscles all over his body, about 1.7 meters tall, shoulders as thick as a bucket, and chestnut red hair that looked refreshed.

Jiang Yu didn't expect that Xue Qinghe even invited Tai Long. After all, the Li Zhi Clan was a vassal of the Haotian School before.

But thinking about it more carefully, since the Lizhi Clan can move to live in the Tiandou Imperial City, it must have been approved by the Tiandou Imperial Family, and the Wuhun Palace didn't continue to trouble the Lizhi Clan, there must be something unusual in it trade.

It is very possible that the Tiandou imperial family has secretly reached an insider deal with the Lizhi clan, and the price is to allow them to take root in the imperial city safely.

Although Jiang Yu's guess was not entirely correct, it was not far from the truth.

"Now that you're all here, I'll tell you about the opponents you've met today."

After Xue Qinghe invited everyone to sit down, he said, "They are the Tiandou Royal Academy team representing Xue Beng, and the captain is Yu Tianheng from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect."

"Royal battle team!"

Jiang Yu's eyes lit up. The strength of this team should not be underestimated. In addition to Yu Tianheng, the Shi family brothers' Black Tortoise Spirit is not easy to deal with.

And with Ye Lingling's headache-inducing powerful healing ability, this team is undoubtedly a formidable opponent.

"The person representing Xuechen is the people from Thunder Academy, and the leader is the other star of the Blue Lightning Double, Yu Tianxin. The last team is even more difficult. The one who represents Xuezhu in the battle is not only the congenital man A genius of soul power, Feng Xiaotian, and people from the Elephant Armor Sect."

Xue Qinghe's face gradually became dignified, and his three younger brothers were not easy-going.

Although he has the support of Ning Fengzhi, other princes also have supporters. Behind Xue Beng is Prince Xue Xing.

The other two princes have more or less backgrounds, which is why they invited so many talents to help out.

"The match will start in half an hour. Now you can get to know each other well, and you can get a general idea of ​​each other's abilities, so that you won't be caught off guard later in the battle."

As soon as Xue Qinghe finished speaking, Tai Long said in a loud voice: "My name is Tai Long, my martial spirit is a powerful orangutan, a 29th-level assault system great soul master, and I take the route of pure strength."

After Tai Long finished speaking, the others also introduced their own situation. The one with the lowest soul power was Jiang Yu, but he was also the youngest.

The ranks of this team according to their spirit power are as follows:

Huo Wushuang, Martial Soul, One-horned Fire Tyrannosaurus, Level 36 Assault-type Battle Soul Lord.

Huowu, Martial Soul, Hokage, Level 33 Control-type Battle Soul Lord.

Ouyang Yingjun, Martial Soul, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Level 31 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Master.

Tai Long, Martial Soul, Vigorous Orangutan, a Level 29 Assault Department pure strength battle soul master.

Yaxi, the blood-red chain of the martial soul, a master soul master of the 29th level control system.

Gao Liji, Martial Soul, Big Banana, a Level 25 Food Department Great Soul Master.

Jiang Yu, Martial Soul, Akasaka Sword, Level 23 Assault Department Soul Master.

Soon Jiang Yu had a clear judgment on the others. Although the average strength of this team is not very good, but the victory is very even. There are soul masters of all departments. Strong, but if used properly, it might not be able to turn waste into treasure.

Especially the soul master named Yaxi, his blood-red chain of martial soul has some skills, and even in a certain way, it has a great restraint effect on Dugu Yan's Jade Phosphorous Snake.


martial arts arena.

Before the start of the competition, Xue Qinghe brought everyone to the martial arts arena to prepare.

"See Your Royal Highness."

As soon as he arrived at the gate, a white-haired young man greeted Xue Qinghe. He was wearing a luxurious silver armor and a big red cloak behind him.

"You are being polite!" Xue Qinghe immediately stretched out his hand to help the young man up, and said with a smile: "How dare I accept the great gift from the head of the imperial guards."

According to the usual practice, whenever the emperor of the empire wants to attend the occasion, the Royal Guards will check it in advance.

What Xue Qinghe didn't expect was that the head of the imperial guards was dispatched.

"His Royal Highness is joking."

The young man hurriedly shouted and dared not.

"The subordinates are nothing more than your domestic slaves."

Although Xue Qinghe has always been approachable, he dare not violate the rules of the royal family.

He doesn't know how to pose in front of His Royal Highness.


Jiang Yu was a little surprised, the young man in front of him looked unlikely but turned out to be the head of the Royal Guards.

It seems that it is not so simple on the surface.

After entering the martial arts arena, Xue Qinghe suddenly whispered next to Jiang Yu: "The one just now is called Hongkai, don't be fooled by his appearance, he is already close to sixty years old, and his soul power is even higher. He has broken through to the realm of Contra, and he is the most trusted inner guard of the emperor, he and Eunuch Cao, the inner officer supervisor, are well-known masters in the palace."


It seems that the age of a soul master cannot be judged by appearance alone. Who would have thought that the young man just now is already an old man who is almost 60 years old.

If it were placed on Blue Star, he would be a proper frozen age male god, perhaps comparable to Qiu Guan and Liu Hua.

"Wait, I seem to have overlooked something just now!"

"Eunuch Cao?"

Jiang Yu couldn't help but want to complain, it seems that the father-in-law surnamed Cao is a master no matter where he is!

Soon, Jiang Yu and the others came to a huge arena. The entire arena was made of hard granite, and even the ropes around the sides were woven from silk. Full of elasticity.

The three princes who were drinking tea at the newly built shed saw Xue Qinghe also leading the team, and a strong fighting spirit could not help but appear on their faces.

Among the princes, Xue Qinghe is undoubtedly the most talented person, and he has won the support of the imperial civil servants.

In addition, his teacher is also the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and Ning Fengzhi, the national teacher at the time, can be said that Xue Qinghe has the best chance of winning the crown prince, so the other princes can't help but feel the same hatred, saying that nothing can make Xue Qinghe fulfill his wish.

Otherwise, there will still be their seats in the empire in the future!

Being born in the royal family, it is inevitable that they will not fight. Although the competition among the heirs of the Tiandou royal family is not as cruel as that of the Star Luo Empire, it is not something ordinary people can imagine.

The most ruthless imperial family.

Their father, Emperor Xue Ye, had stepped on the blood of his brothers to ascend to the throne. After he ascended to the emperor's seat, except for Prince Xue Xing who supported him, the other princes were either killed by him with excuses, or were exiled to bitter cold place.

Therefore, for the position of prince, the princes are determined to win it, and there is no room for mercy.

Jiang Yu also noticed the situation inside the shed.

It didn't take long for him to recognize the people from the Royal Fighting Team.

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