Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 47 Countermeasures

Although Jiang Yu followed Ning Fengzhi calmly, he was constantly thinking of countermeasures.

Escape is impossible to escape.

With his current cultivation base, it is impossible to escape from the eyes of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

And if you escape now, wouldn't it be self-inflicted.

However, in case


Jiang Yu's thoughts were instantly confused.

After passing through layers of fortresses, the mysterious man led them to an iron tower hundreds of meters high.

The mysterious man took out a key from his clothes and inserted it into the lock, and the huge bronze door opened instantly with a "click".

After entering the iron tower, what Jiang Yu saw was a huge space of hundreds of square meters.

Apart from dozens of men in blue clothes patrolling back and forth, there is only one house on the entire floor.

The mysterious man led them into the room and came to a strange device.

It was something like a cage, surrounded by solid hardwood, only the front door was a large door made of clear crystal.

After everyone entered, the mysterious man closed the crystal gate, and then pulled the scale beam below to slide it to the middle of the number three.


After a while, the cage slowly went up, and the sound of gears turning came from Jiang Yu's ears.

"Isn't this just like an elevator!"

Jiang Yu wondered secretly, "It seems that there are many skilled craftsmen in Douluo Continent, who can even invent things like elevators. It seems that the wisdom of these natives was underestimated before."

After a while, the cage stopped, the mysterious man opened the crystal door, and everyone came to the sixth floor.

There are dozens of rooms on this floor, and the doors are all made of large iron doors. There are occasional whipping sounds and bursts of painful screams from inside. It is not a good place at first glance.

After the mysterious man led them to the innermost room, he opened the door and respectfully invited Ning Fengzhi and the two elders to enter. As for Jiang Yu, he didn't even look at it.

After entering the room, Jiang Yu only saw a strong man who was beaten to pieces and tied to a wooden frame.

In front of him was a brazier with a fierce flame burning, and a soldering iron stuck in it.

Needless to say, he knew that the fiery red mark on the strong man's chest must have been scalded by a soldering iron.

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi and the two elders had come, the Zongmen's law enforcement officers hurriedly bowed and saluted,

"The subordinates refer to the suzerain, the two elders."

The skinny man who looked very clever continued to report: "Sovereign, he has already confessed."

As he spoke, he presented the paper lot signed by the strong man.

Ning Fengzhi took it and looked at it, and couldn't help frowning, "Ding Feng, an inner disciple of the sect, a member of the Seven Killing Pavilion, has accomplished the tasks assigned by the sect dozens of times, and is loyal and brave."

This Ding Feng can be regarded as a rare talent in the sect, Ning Fengzhi was very curious about how the Wuhun Palace managed to win him over.

He asked himself a lot of money.

After seeing the detailed content recorded below, Ning Fengzhi suddenly realized that it was a beauty trick.

Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, how many men in the world can resist the temptation of beauty.

Knowing this, Wuhundian chose a young, beautiful, hot, and excellent soul master in all aspects to win over Ding Feng. The abyss from which I cannot extricate myself.

After Ding Feng was instigated by Wuhundian, he betrayed the important information of the sect several times, and was later promoted by Wuhundian to be a secret agent of Xuanzi.

According to him, there are still several undercover agents sent by Wuhundian, including Jiang Yu, a disciple of Sword Douluo.

"Ding Feng, let me ask you!"

Ning Fengzhi angrily reprimanded in a very rare way: "You said that Jiang Yu is also an undercover agent of Wuhun Palace like you, but there is evidence."

Seeing that he was about to be exposed, Jiang Yu couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry, Uncle Ning believes that you can't betray the sect. I'd like to see how he can drive us apart." Ning Fengzhi turned around and glanced at Jiang Yu. Although there was a smile on his face, there was actually a turmoil hidden in his face. .

"This Ning Fengzhi is really a genius!"

Although Ning Fengzhi said he believed him, how could Jiang Yu not know what he meant.

If he can't produce evidence to prove his innocence, I'm afraid he will end up like Ding Feng.

Sure enough, there is no one who can become a big boss.


Ding Feng hesitated for a while, and finally panted after a while and said: "Anyway, I only know that this kid is my liaison officer in Qibao Liulizong, and he is also the highest-ranking secret agent of Tianzi. He is in charge."

"Brother, do I know you?"

It was only then that Jiang Yu realized that Ding Feng was lying. He didn't even know his identity as an undercover agent.

Although the undercover level of Wuhundian is divided into Tiandi Xuanhuang on the surface, there is actually another level above this.

That is the imperial secret agent.

Only the Pope and the Grand Priest of this level are eligible to be dispatched, and their identities are kept strictly confidential.

It is impossible for others to know.

Before sending Jiang Yu to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Bibi Dong had already cleaned up all the staff who had served him except Hu Liena.

It is impossible for Ding Feng to know his identity.

"It seems that after being caught, this person knew that he couldn't escape, so he casually named an unlucky guy."

"It's just that I didn't expect that he would choose me and meet me. Your wishful thinking will come to nothing."

Jiang Yudang even thought of how to get over this hurdle.

"Tianzi secret agent?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Ning Fengzhi's eyes.

You must know that the Tianzi spy is the most senior spy of the Wuhun Temple, and they are usually served by experienced soul masters.

He didn't believe that Bibi Dong would appoint a young child to carry out such a risky operation.

"Fengzhi, at first glance, he's talking nonsense."

Although Jian Douluo liked to hurt Jiang Yu, he still showed his responsibility as a teacher at critical moments.

"I can assure you that Xiao Yu is definitely not an undercover agent of the Wuhun Palace." Chen Xin looked at Jiang Yu suspiciously, "According to this child's IQ, he can't do such a clever job."

Seeing that Jian Douluo was willing to make a guarantee, Jiang Yu was a little moved at first, but he couldn't help being speechless when he heard the following words.

IQ problem?

Just kidding, he was smart since he was a child, okay?

Every time Bibi Dong refused to breastfeed him, he had a way to make Bibi Dong obediently submit.

In the end, she was willing to breastfeed him.

He is the only one in the entire Wuhun Temple who can do this, Bibi Dong may have taken a fancy to his cleverness for letting him be an undercover agent, and now Sword Douluo dares to doubt his IQ.

Uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it.

However, seeing Jian Douluo's stalwart body, Jiang Yu endured it. After all, respecting the elderly is a traditional virtue in China.

"Uncle Ning, master."

Jiang Yu said with a sincere face: "I know you believe me, but this matter can't be settled like this. He is clearly insulting people's innocence. If I don't investigate clearly, then I still have a foothold in the sect. .”

"For the sake of my reputation, please both of you thoroughly investigate this matter, and give this disciple justice."

Jiang Yu took the lead in proposing a thorough investigation.

Anyway, Ning Fengzhi will definitely investigate clearly, since that's the case, why not take the initiative and make him appear more sincere.


Ning Fengzhi's attitude eased a lot.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry, uncle will definitely give you justice."

It was related to the great cause of the sect, so he couldn't help being careless.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Jiang Yu, but that it's better to find out about this kind of thing, so as not to cause grudges.

It made everyone unhappy.

Ning Fengzhi immediately called the mysterious man to his eyes, and then he leaned over to whisper in his ear.

After a while, the mysterious man turned and left the room.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Fengzhi stared at Ding Feng again and asked, "You keep saying that Jiang Yu is your superior, so do you know where he is from and who else is in his family?"


Ding Feng didn't know how to answer for a while, he and Jiang Yu were really not familiar, the reason why he pulled Jiang Yu as the back was because he wanted the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to destroy the Great Wall by itself, and the genius of swordsmanship with full soul power would definitely be the master of the Wuhun Temple in the future threaten.

It is enough for the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School to have a heart of swordsmanship. He did this for the Wuhun Palace, um...to be precise, for his beloved woman.

Perhaps the pope could treat his woman well because of his great achievements.

Looking at Ning Feng's faltering look, Ning Fengzhi dispelled some of his doubts about Jiang Yu in his heart.

until half an hour later.

The mysterious man came in with a small iron box.

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