Although Jiang Yu has only known Huo Wushuang for more than a year, he has also figured out his true nature from the usual relationship.

Simply put, Huo Wushuang can deal with this person.

Jiang Yu still admires this simple-minded, well-developed and extremely girl-controlled reckless man Jiang Yu.

He doesn't like to be friends with someone like Tang San who is scheming and ungrateful.

After all, this is the "bingqingyujie" Tang Sanshao who almost killed the master when he saw the master for the first time.

This kind of friend can still be avoided.

"The second soul skill, exploding fireball."

Huo Wushuang was the first to find the crow, the wound on his body was caused by that nasty black crow's feather blade, now it's time for him to return.

A dark red ball of light flew out of Huo Wushuang's palm and flew straight towards the crow.

"Black Crow Bodyguard."

The crow felt the powerful power contained in the ball of light, so he didn't dare to be careless and immediately released the thousand-year soul skill.

The purple soul ring erupted with great power, and the wings on the back of the crow instantly spread to wrap his body.

With this defense like an iron wall, the crow was relieved.

And at this moment, Huo Wu also approached Abao. As a control-type soul master, her soul skills still have a lot of advantages over agility attack-type soul masters.

After the first soul ring lit up, Huo Wu had a thick flaming whip in his hand.

Looking at the four figures in front of him, Huo Wu didn't intend to test it, but waved the whip in his hand.


After the flame whip flew several meters, three more forks appeared, and those tiny flames quickly grew longer.

The four flaming whips made a big circle towards Ah Bao at the same time and tied him tightly.

"Child, I advise you not to do anything."

Seeing that his companions were fighting with others, Ah Hu showed a relaxed expression. After all, he was only facing a great soul master with two soul rings.

"I won't hold back."

Ah Hu shouted at Jiang Yuwei.

"You can try."

Jiang Yu smiled, and immediately the Chixiao Sword in his hand burst into bursts of red light, the second soul ring lit up, and a small flaming long sword suddenly flew out from the blade.

"The third soul skill, Tiger Roar."

Ah Hu yelled violently, and a strong sound wave erupted from his mouth, resounding through the sky.

It's a pity that the little sword trembled slightly, and it wasn't affected much.


The flaming long sword was inserted into Ahu's body, but to his surprise, there was no pain as imagined.

"It turned out to be a silver-like wax gun head!"

Ah Hu couldn't help laughing, the kid in front of him was just a smudge.

Its own strength can be said to be very general.

"I'm overthinking, how can there be so many geniuses!"

Ah Hu couldn't help laughing at himself, and immediately relaxed his vigilance.

"It's not a good habit to underestimate the enemy."

Jiang Yu smiled. Seeing Ah Hu's appearance, he knew that the other party had fallen into a trap, so he just continued to release his second soul skill.

After the flaming long sword hit Ah Hu again and again, Jiang Yu suddenly came up with inspiration, and thought of a good name for his new soul skill... It's called, the sword soars all over the sky.

As the number of sword strikes increased, Ah Hu realized that something was wrong, but he was already dizzy from the flames, and the power on the flame sword was almost unbearable for him. The sixth sword After that, Ah Hu fainted on the ground, unexpectedly, Jiang Yu, who had the lowest spirit power among the three, took the lead in finishing off his opponent and took the lead.

After Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang saw it, they were not to be outdone, and immediately stepped up their attacks.

Not long after, Crow and Abao also fell to the ground. Huo Wushuang stacked the three of them together and set a fireball to burn their buttocks red.

This is their punishment, and it also allows them to have a long memory, so that this group of people will not harm other girls in the future.

"thank you all!"

Seeing that the villain who bullied her just now was punished, Susu quickly ran to Jiang Yu and the others, bowed and thanked,

"If it weren't for you, I would have been sold to Yihonglou by them."

Susu looked terrified.

"Thank you for what, I mean."

Huo Wushuang said righteously: "When the road is rough, drawing swords to help is what soul masters of my generation should do, what a shame."

As he said that, he took Susu's little hand, and after feeling the temperature from the palm, Huo Wushuang said with a concerned face: "Look at how cold your little hand is, it must have been frightened by those bullies just now. It's okay, brother will keep you warm."

Huo Wu was speechless.

His brother is good at everything.

just a little...

There is no resistance to beauty.

The key is that his taste is quite unique, he likes mature women rather than young ones.

He also quibbled about what to say, a mature woman has three good things, a good figure, a good temperament, and an exceptionally good personality.

It is not surprising that Huo Wushuang likes Susu's fire dance, after all, she is very mature.

It's no wonder my brother can hold back.

"Sister Su, why are those bullies bothering you!"

Jiang Yu was not dazzled by beauty like Huo Wushuang, he was just a little curious.

It stands to reason that these three bullies are also soul masters at the level of soul masters, is it just for the sake of beauty?Although Susu's appearance is not bad, she is not a stunning beauty.

Is it worth it to be rough?


Susu's face suddenly became sad, "A few months ago, my grandfather was seriously ill. I had no choice but to ask the crow to borrow money, but I didn't expect that my grandfather took the medicine and it didn't help. It didn't take long. I went to the west, and then the bully asked me to pay back the money, but I didn't expect that the one gold soul coin I borrowed was turned into ten gold soul coins by ten times."

"The three-point interest that was agreed at the beginning turned over so much in an instant, how could I get such a large sum of money?"

"So I had no choice but to come to work at the Rose Hotel, hoping to pay back the money. Unexpectedly, the bully said today that he would sell me to Yihong Building to pay off the debt."

After listening to Susu's words, Jiang Yu also understood what was going on. It turned out that this group of people were loan sharks, and they were probably inextricably related to the so-called Yihong Courtyard. young women.

If I hadn't been bumped into by them today, I'm afraid that group of bullies would have succeeded.

"These beasts!"

Huo Wushuang couldn't help yelling, "Doing such a heartless thing for ten gold soul coins is simply an arrogance to a soul master. Susu, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

Huo Wushuang immediately walked up to the three of the crows, saw that they were still in a coma, and woke them up.

Of course, he didn't know how to use his mouth, but chose to wake up physically. He slapped everyone loudly and loudly, and then they woke up quickly.

Seeing this, Huo Wushuang took out a money bag from his pocket, and took out ten shiny golden soul coins from it.

"If you dare to trouble Susu after taking this money, it won't be your butt that will be burned."

After Huo Wushuang threw the gold coin to the ground, he only said one sentence, "If you don't want the bird to be roasted, be smart."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Don't dare, we dare not."

After Wu Ya and others heard this, their bodies went numb, and they quickly shouted loudly. After this lesson, they dare not trouble Susu anymore.

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