After leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, Jiang Yu and the others prepared to break up with Yu Xiaogang. He had already agreed with the Huo Wu brothers and sisters to go back to Heaven Dou City together, so he didn't intend to notify Jian Douluo to pick him up.

He has been in Douluo Continent for many years, but apart from Wuhun Hall and Qibao Glazed Tile Sect, he rarely goes out, this time he can take a good tour.

"If you encounter any problems in cultivation, remember to come to Notting City to find me, and I am waiting for you at any time."

Yu Xiaogang never gave up the idea of ​​accepting Jiang Yu as his apprentice. Although Jiang Yu kept rejecting him, he always treated Jiang Yu like his first love.

Of course Yu Xiaogang is not a pervert.

The attitude here is just the attitude, just like the attitude he had when he was with Bibi Dong back then, he was really responsive and always kept a smiling face.

It's a pity that at that time Bibi Dong was quickly impressed by his profound knowledge and outstanding personality charm, but Jiang Yu actually treated him as nothing, which also aroused Yu Xiaogang's fighting spirit.

"I believe that I am the most suitable teacher for you in the entire Douluo Continent. With my teaching, you will definitely be able to cultivate to the level of Titled Douluo and step onto the pinnacle of a soul master."

Yu Xiaogang had a deep smile on his face, and he often went to give lectures. He has studied the subject of bragging very deeply, and it can be said that he came here as soon as he opened his eyes.

Not even a blush.


Jiang Yu couldn't help slandering himself secretly, this Yu Xiaogang really has a brain problem, sometimes inferior and sometimes arrogant, a great soul master is there every day to guide others to train.

I am not afraid of misleading my children.

If Tang San were not the protagonist, he would definitely be crippled by Yu Xiaogang. The dignified soul master theory master didn't even know that the soul ring of the ten thousand year soul beast would have a soul impact on the soul master.

If it wasn't for Xiao Wu's mention of this matter, I'm afraid he would have been kept in the dark. After all, Yu Xiaogang just has a good memory and can memorize the materials he has seen.

As for his research, if you think about it carefully, there are many loopholes. If Bibi Dong didn't brag about Yu Xiaogang's knowledge when meeting people, how could others believe in the master's theory.

You must know that in the entire Douluo Continent, the Pope of the Wuhun Temple is definitely the most authoritative person. With such a famous person's endorsement, even a pig can be praised to the sky.

How many catties and ounces do you have, don't you have any compulsion in your heart?

Yu Xiaogang really thought he was Xu Que, Li Qiye, Chen Beixuan and his ilk as the top resurrection master!

Jiang Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he wouldn't be foolish enough to hang out with Yu Xiaogang.

If you want resources but no resources, if you want strength but no strength, and a messy smelly man, the most important thing is that he will not betray Bibi Dong. For Jiang Yu, Bibi Dong is his closest relative in Douluo Dalu.

As the saying goes, the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, not to mention the kindness of a drop of milk. Jiang Yu probably drank a ton of milk in three years, so how could he stand on the opposite side of Bibi Dong.

If he really did that, he would be sorry for those grandmas, and even more sorry for Bibi Dong's friendship with him all the time.

Jiang Yu has always reciprocated his kindness, never owed others anything, even if he became an enemy of Tang San in the future, he would not hesitate to do so.

So what about the protagonist's halo.

It's all about man's effort, he is also a person who is concerned.

Hang against each other to see who can win!

"Master, you should find someone else!"

Jiang Yu flatly refused, saying, "Master has treated me as much as a mountain, and it is impossible for me to change to another person as my teacher."

The master here actually refers to two people, one is Jian Douluo, the teacher who taught him, and the other is Bibi Dong, the teacher who enlightened him, but Yu Xiaogang doesn't know the inside story.

"Okay, as expected of the person I fancy."

Yu Xiaogang was not angry, but clapped his hands and shouted.

The more this happened, the more he admired Jiang Yu.

"Is the teacher afraid that he has a tendency to be abused?"

Tang San couldn't help muttering to himself, although he didn't want to admit it, but the master's appearance was indeed a bit brazen.

How many times have others refused.

The teacher is still insisting.

Jiang Yu didn't want to say anything more, he had seen dogs licking a lot, but someone like Yu Xiaogang was really rare.

"Let's go first, let's take our leave."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left, at this moment Tang San's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Jiang Yu, I will definitely surprise you next time we meet." Tang San's immature voice was full of firmness, he was still very confident in himself, and quickly adjusted his state, not because Star Dou Great Forest couldn't recover from the blow it received.

"I look forward to your performance."

Jiang Yu turned around and glanced at Tang San, seeing his arrogant eyes, Jiang Yu chuckled, and then left.

"Wait for us!"

Huo Wushuang hurriedly dragged his sister and chased after her.

"Jiang Yu!"

Tang San looked at the gradually receding figure, a bright light shot out from his pupils, and his eyes also became serious.


Three days later, Jiang Yu and the others arrived at Nanjiang City. After leaving here, they left the border of Fasino Province. They had been traveling all the way for the past few days and were very tired, so they planned to go to the city to rest and continue their journey. .

As one of the largest cities in the southwest of the Tiandou Empire, Nanjiang City is far more prosperous than Notting City.

The huge city gate is a hundred meters high, and the weight of the city gate is at least tens of thousands of kilograms.

After entering the city, under the guidance of passers-by, the three went straight to one of the top ten famous hotels in the city... Rose Hotel.

This is a well-known hotel chain in the Tiandou Empire. I heard that the owner behind it is very mysterious, but judging from the fact that he can get a hotel in the most prosperous area of ​​the major cities, this owner is definitely a master in the Tiandou Empire. characters.

It is precisely because of this that very few people dare to cause trouble in the Rose Hotel, of course playboys like Dai Mubai and young people like Tang San who don't know anything are exceptions.

However, the brand of the Rose Hotel is quite deterrent to ordinary bullies and hooligans.

After entering the hotel, there was a young girl with high slits and a small amount of fabric on her chest that could only cover the most important parts, walking over with a smile on her face.

The slender waist like a water snake twisted and twisted with the girl's footsteps, swaying gracefully, and there was a warm feeling in its eyes. With infinite charm.

Such a rare beauty turned out to be just a welcome guest of a famous hotel, which made Jiang Yu exclaim that the hotel industry in Douluo Continent is as introverted as the Blue Star, which has a well-developed entertainment industry.

"Welcome distinguished guests, Rose Hotel."

The girl bent down and bowed to Jiang Yu and the others.

"What a deep career line!"

Jiang Yu was almost dazzled by the huge Xuebai. With this condition, this Yingbin's future career will definitely be prosperous, and there is definitely a possibility of being promoted to the top.

"Wow! Can the beauty tell Fang's name?"

Huo Wushuang stepped forward with an excited face, insisting on grabbing the girl's slender hands.

"My name is Susu."

She took Huo Wushuang's hand away calmly, with a faint smile on her face all the time, and she was not angry because of the guest's hands and feet, but judging from her immediate actions, this girl was not that kind. She is a woman who sells her body for her career, and judging from the way she handles things, this girl named Susu is not simple.

Jiang Yu couldn't help giving her a high look.

It is said that women have big breasts and no brains. It seems that this sentence is not necessarily accurate. There are still many women with good figure and intelligence, such as Susu in front of me, such as Zhu Zhuqing, such as Ning... Forget it, Hu Liena is more suitable. this condition.

Under Susu's leadership, Jiang Yu and the others went straight to the front desk of the hotel to register. During this period, Huo Wushuang kept befriending Su Su, causing Huo Wu to cover her face and dare not show her face.

It's really shameful to have such an older brother with too much androgen.

Because they were not short of money, the three of them opened three rooms. At first, Jiang Yu thought that there would always be only one room left in the Rose Hotel, and he was still thinking about how to allocate it.

Unexpectedly, the front desk staff said that there are dozens of rooms left and no one is staying. If this is the case, why should several people squeeze into one room!It was awkward and uncomfortable.

Or a single room is convenient.

Although the Rose Hotel is a high-end hotel, the cost is not as high as imagined, and of course it is not easy for ordinary soul masters to afford.

But for Jiang Yu and Huo Wushuang, the price of one Golden Soul coin for three VIP suites is nothing, after all, they are still a bit rich.

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