Among the many female characters in Douluo Continent, Jiang Yu's favorite is... Zhu Zhuqing.

But he is different from those LSPs, what Zhu Zhuqing attracts him the most is not the so-called childlike big breasts.

but character.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was born in the noble family of Xingluo, he did not enjoy everything that the noble lady had. Instead, he had to compete cruelly with the family sisters from the day he was born.

Even if she didn't want to, there was nothing she could do, just because the price of failure was to have her life wiped out.

Although fate is cruel, Zhu Zhuqing is as strong as a plum blossom in full bloom in the cold winter. Who knows how it feels to face all the sufferings alone!

When Jiang Yu was reading novels, he wanted to hug Zhu Zhuqing tightly in his arms to bring her warmth.

Who can not love such a girl with a cold appearance and a hot heart?

On the contrary, Jiang Yu didn't have any feelings for Ning Rongrong, he even felt that this character was just a tool man, not even as vivid as Huo Wu.

"Xiao Yu, don't mind, my daughter is spoiled by me." Ning Fengzhi smiled, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Uncle is fine, I'm not angry."

After realizing it, Jiang Yu quickly waved his hands. As expected, Ning Fengzhi's charisma is really strong, even he can't help but feel good about him.

You must know that Ning Fengzhi is one of the most powerful people in the entire continent, it is truly remarkable that he can treat an ordinary child like this.

"Good boy!"

Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up, the child in front of him was handsome and had a good personality, so it was worth cultivating.

"I'm not full yet! Come and eat something."

Before Jiang Yu could refuse, Ning Fengzhi dragged him to the dining table, and even personally put a bowl of abalone and chicken porridge in front of him.

Seeing this posture, Jiang Yu was no longer polite, and Dang even picked up the porridge and drank it.

"I heard that you are born full of soul power!"

Ning Rongrong stretched out her small hand to poke Jiang Yu, her big eyes were full of curiosity, "Can you show me your martial spirit?"


Jiang Yu readily agreed to her request. Anyway, Ning Fengzhi told him that he came here because he wanted to get to know him better.

Jiang Yu stretched out his right hand, followed by a flash of red light, and the Scarlet Firmament Sword appeared in front of everyone.

"Sword Martial Soul!"

Jian Douluo frowned, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

It stands to reason that since Jiang Yu has awakened the innate full soul power, the quality of the martial soul should naturally be extremely high.

But the rusty iron sword in front of him really didn't feel any power.

Chen Xin has been meditating on the way of swordsmanship for decades, and even if she doesn't know all the sword spirits in the world, she is not far away from them.

The sword spirit on Jiang Yu's body was just a very ordinary iron sword spirit, its quality was low-level at most, but what puzzled him was where Jiang Yu's innate full soul power came from.

This obviously broke the common sense of the soul master class.

The Bone Douluo at the side was also shocked.

According to the ten core competitiveness theory of Wuhun proposed by master Yu Xiaogang, the innate soul power is linked to the quality of the Wuhun. The stronger the Wuhun, the more innate spirit power will be awakened.

Could it be that Jiang Yu's Wuhun has secrets that they don't know about, but it doesn't look like it from the outside.

However, they are all well-known figures in the world of soul masters. Although they were a little puzzled, their expressions quickly returned to normal.

No matter how Jiang Yu's martial soul is, it cannot be faked that he is born with full soul power.

Judging from the past situation of the soul master class, at least [-]% of those who are born with full soul power hope to step into the realm of Titled Douluo in the future.

Based on this alone, Jiang Yu deserves their focus on training.

Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect seems to have infinite glory now, it is based on the foundation of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

The two major titled Douluo are in charge, and only Wuhundian and Haotianzong are comparable to them in the entire continent.

Since the Haotian School closed the mountain gate, the Seven Great Schools were headed by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. It is conceivable that Ning Fengzhi was under pressure. In order to fight against the Wuhun Palace, he had to form an alliance with the Heaven Dou Empire.

In order to win him over, Emperor Xue Ye even did not hesitate to make him a national teacher and first-class protector of the country.

It is precisely because of this that the Wuhundian temporarily gave up its plan to encroach on the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

But Ning Fengzhi knew that it was absolutely impossible for the Spirit Hall to let the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School go.

Although Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo are powerful, how long can they protect the sect because of their age?So now the top priority is to recruit more geniuses, especially top-tier geniuses who are expected to step into Title Douluo.

The appearance of Jiang Yu made him see hope.

"Xiaoyu, you are only one year older than Rongrong, so uncle can call you that."

Ning Fengzhi's face was full of smiles, he was well maintained, his actual age could not be seen from his appearance, at this moment he looked like a big brother next door, very kind.

"Welcome to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. From now on, we will be a family. If you have any difficulties, you must tell uncle."

"Uncle, are you saying that I passed the assessment!"

Jiang Yu pretended to be happy, and no one could guess what he was thinking just by looking at his innocent expression.


Ning Fengzhi nodded solemnly, then took out a blue token engraved with the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda from his bosom and handed it to Jiang Yu,

"Xiao Yu, from now on you are the core disciple of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and Sword Douluo will be your mentor from now on."

What Ning Fengzhi gave Jiang Yu was the fifth-class token of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, the Blue Seven Treasure Order.

Only less than one hundred core disciples of the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are worthy of it.

Compared with the outer disciples and the inner disciples, the core disciples are the core strength of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and all the resources of the sect will be given priority to them.

This means that from this moment on, Ning Fengzhi has completely regarded Jiang Yu as one of his own.

"By the way, Xiaoyu, who else is in your family!"

Ning Fengzhi asked casually.

"No more!" Jiang Yu's expression suddenly became a little lonely, "I'm the only one left."

"Xiaoyu, don't be sad."

Ning Fengzhi didn't expect Jiang Yu to be an orphan, so he knelt down and stroked his shoulder with his hand, and said with a smile, "From now on, this will be your home, and we will all be your family."

"Thank you uncle."

Jiang Yu took the opportunity to cry, and leaned his head on Ning Fengzhi's shoulder. His acting was not bad, even the two old sparrows, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, couldn't help feeling compassionate.


Ning Fengzhi patted Jiang Yu's back, "Let Grandpa Jian take you to hunt for soul rings later, Xiao Yu will be an official soul master from now on."

After eating, Sword Douluo set off with Jiang Yu, and released his martial soul as soon as he left the hall.

Following a burst of dazzling light, a long sword quietly appeared in Jian Douluo's hand.

It was a simple giant sword with a length of about two meters and a blade width of half a foot. The blade was full of endless murderous aura.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black, nine bright silver soul rings surround the long sword.

This is Sword Douluo's martial soul... The Seven Killing Sword is a rare and powerful martial soul that can compete with the Clear Sky Hammer.

I saw Jian Douluo continuously chanting mysterious spells, and then the Seven Killing Sword in his hand rapidly expanded at least a circle larger than before.

After chanting the incantation, he hugged Jiang Yu with one hand and stepped on the sword, and the long sword floated in the blink of an eye.

After reaching a height of [-] meters, the Seven Killing Sword turned into a rainbow and flew towards the Soul Beast Forest.

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