Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 38 Red Flame Roaring Tiger

Seeing Tang San forcefully explain, Jiang Yu only thought it was funny, but he didn't expect him to be so face-saving.

But Jiang Yu didn't expose it, anyway, Tang San also suffered from being dumb, and his goal has been achieved.

Or take it when you see it.

Not long after, the rest of the companions woke up one after another, and Huo Wu was behind Tang San.

From this point, it can be seen that her mental strength is stronger than that of her brother Huo Wushuang, which is why she woke up so quickly, followed by Huo Wushuang and Dean Sun.

And Yu Xiaogang didn't wake up until the end, even so his mind was a little dazed, his weather-beaten face was flushed, as if he had drunk a few catties of fake wine.

His mental strength is undoubtedly the worst among the people present, so he was also the most affected.

After half an hour, Yu Xiao just recovered.

He was relieved to see that he and his beloved disciple were safe and sound. The hell three-headed mastiff just now was a 10-year-old soul beast, and he was completely desperate.

But I didn't expect to be able to escape.

Believe in God's blessing.

In the past, Yu Xiaogang often complained that God was unfair to him, and obviously gave him a powerful mutated martial soul, but because the awakened innate soul power was too weak, the golden holy dragon martial soul did not completely evolve successfully, and finally became the current appearance.

How could he not know what other people were talking about behind his back... Everyone said that masters fight only with a dog!

The sad thing is that he really can only rely on Luo Sanpao.

So there is no way to refute.

It is precisely because of this that his standard for accepting apprentices must be a genius. Although he said that there are no useless martial arts, only useless soul masters, but that is just his words to fool others.

It's a bit like those masters who sell success everywhere, and they talk to you for a long time, but the purpose is just to sell lessons.

The difference is that others are doing it for money, while Yu Xiaogang is doing it for fame. It is precisely because of these words that many young commoner soul masters have become Yu Xiaogang's fans.

After all, a soul master who doesn't want to become a Titled Douluo is not a good soul master. Yu Xiaogang's words undoubtedly ignited hope for ordinary soul masters with poor aptitude. This is the power of dreams.

Yu Xiaogang has become the idol of commoner soul masters, so even if he has broken away from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, he can still earn a lot of gold soul coins by giving speeches in major cities, and although his soul power cannot Breaking through the [-]th level, but because of this, he can receive the subsidy of the Wuhun Temple every year.

Yu Xiaogang even created a historical record in the Spirit Hall... the oldest great soul master.

So he really doesn't lack money, what he lacks now is the approval of the top people in society.

For this goal, he would accept Tang San as his apprentice. After all, with twin martial souls, full of innate soul power, plus the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul, as long as he is not a fool, he will definitely achieve great things.


After the soul beast riot just now, everyone didn't dare to stay longer, but Jiang Yu hadn't obtained the second soul ring yet, so they could only stay in the Star Dou Forest for a while.

However, for the sake of safety, they still walked towards the outer direction. The soul beasts that were still desperately fleeing just now seemed to have sensed that the three red mastiffs had left, so they all returned to the original gathering place.

Even the duck-billed Yanlong that had fought against Huo Wushuang had returned, but Jiang Yu had no interest in it.

After seeing the Red Flame Roaring Tiger, he made up his mind not to choose it, and Yu Xiaogang also supported his idea. If he didn't see the Red Flame Roaring Tiger, he might just let it go, but since there is a better one The choice is of course to have a try.

So everyone watched the duck-billed Yanlong walk by. Originally, it was fully prepared to continue fighting with these humans, but it found something different from what they imagined.

"Quack, Shabubi..."

The duck-billed Yanlong walked past with a mocking expression on his face.

Fortunately, Huo Wushuang couldn't understand the words of the soul beast, otherwise another fight would be inevitable due to his violent temper.

As soon as the group reached the edge of the periphery, they saw a red tiger prowling there not far ahead, its eyes full of vigilance.

But for Jiang Yu, it was a no-brainer and saved a lot of time.

"The 800-year-old Red Flame Roaring Tiger?"

Yu Xiaogang saw eight black horizontal stripes on the red tiger's back, and immediately understood its cultivation.


Yu Xiaogang sighed, and said: "The lifespan of this Roaring Red Tiger has already exceeded the lifespan that the second spirit ring can withstand. If you forcefully absorb it, your body may not be able to bear it."

"Who do you look down on?"

Jiang Yu didn't take it seriously, he even absorbed the million-year soul ring. Although it was voluntary by Tianmeng Iceworm and sealed most of the energy, according to its calculations, he is now enough to withstand the soul ring of about 900 years. ring.

The Red Flame Roaring Tiger in front of him happened to be suitable.

"Don't bother Master."

Jiang Yu didn't appreciate it, and said firmly: "I believe that I can absorb the soul ring on the Red Flame Roaring Tiger smoothly."

"Brother-in-law, I believe in you too."

Before Yu Xiaogang could respond, Huo Wushuang strode out, and the martial soul instantly possessed him and rushed towards the Red Flame Roaring Tiger. He couldn't wait to fight this extremely rare and powerful soul.

"The third soul skill, Golden Scale Fire Dragon Transformation."

The purple soul ring lit up, and Huo Wushuang's power instantly soared. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to the soul beast in front of him, so he used his strongest soul skills as soon as he came up.

Explosive flames soared into the sky, rushing towards the Scarlet Flame Roaring Tiger, and it obviously sensed the danger, its feet immediately jumped into the air to avoid it.


The red flame roaring tiger made a roar that resounded through the sky. As the king of beasts, the tiger naturally has its arrogance, not to mention that it is the king of kings, so it can stand being bullied by humans like this. out, and then quickly rushed towards Huo Wushuang.

The Red Flame Roaring Tiger's counterattack was really too fast, all actions were completed in an instant.

Before Huo Wushuang could react, he found that the flame had already attached to his body.

"What! It's just this little power."

Huo Wushuang didn't feel the pain as imagined. Although the temperature of the flame was very hot, it was bearable for a fire-attributed soul beast like him.

To be honest, Huo Wushuang was a little disappointed that the real strength of the powerful soul beast recorded in the book was so weak.

Master Kui also said that it is the king of tiger spirit beasts, Huo Wushuang now doubts whether Yu Xiaogang is lying.


Immediately afterwards, another ball of fire was shot at Huo Wushuang. Although the temperature was even hotter this time, Huo Wushuang was still not affected too much. It was only after six times in a row that he realized that something was wrong. It was as simple as he imagined just now, but he didn't understand it until now.

Although the initial attack of the Scarlet Flame Roaring Tiger was not very powerful, it could continue to stack up as the number of attacks increased, and it also had a strong burning effect.

Even a soul master like him who possesses a high-level fire-attributed martial soul would not be able to bear this kind of damage without virtue.

No wonder the Scarlet Flame Roaring Tiger is suitable for attacking soul masters who take the persistent route, this soul skill is too deceptive.

It's like boiling a frog in warm water, and it's too late after the frog perceives the danger.

Soon the seventh group of flames flew towards Huo Wushuang, but at this moment he realized that his actions had become a bit sluggish, he had unknowingly fallen into a scorching state, and the superimposed attacks just now had all It broke out, and he could no longer avoid the attack of the Red Flame Roaring Tiger.

At the moment of crisis, Jiang Yu made a decisive move, the Akasaka Sword was thrown out, and the golden flame burst out suddenly.

The long sword slashed through the air and cut off the flame.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huo Wushuang also launched a counterattack, a palm-sized dark red light ball instantly flew towards the Scarlet Flame Roaring Tiger, and the Scarlet Sky Sword continued to fly forward under Jiang Yu's control.

The Chiyan Roaring Tiger was not idle either, and immediately stretched out a pair of huge tiger paws in an attempt to block their attack.

Unexpectedly, the Scarlet Sky Sword was so powerful, the sharp blade pierced its tiger palm in an instant, and the scarlet blood kept dripping from the inside to the ground.

To make matters worse, the dark red ball of light also erupted with a powerful force, and the violent flame exploded from inside, causing the Red Flame Roaring Tiger's blood-soaked palm to be severely injured again. It was fried to pieces. Fortunately, its skin was relatively thick, so it resisted with difficulty.

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