Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 24 Who Takes Advantage

"Since your goal has been achieved, I advise you to leave as soon as possible!"

Jiang Yu kindly advised.

"Joke, you are looking down on us!"

Huo Wu was a little dissatisfied immediately, "You can stay here for so long as a kid, why can't I stay here, this girl won't leave yet."

"Brother, we will practice here for a period of time in Huoyan Valley, so we won't be looked down upon by a brat."


Huo Wushuang wanted to refuse, after all, the environment here was too terrifying, he would not have come to this kind of place if it wasn't for obtaining the soul ring, but seeing the firm expression on Huo Wu's face, he fell into hesitation again.

He knew the character of his younger sister, and once she made a decision, she would not change it categorically.

"Forget it, just wait!"

Huo Wushuang's face continued to be bitter, who let him have such a younger sister!Isn't it just a mountain fire, the big deal is to be burned a few times and leave some scars.

What is this pair of majestic men?

"Xiao Wu, don't be afraid, brother will protect you."

In order not to make Huo Wu worry, Huo Wushuang immediately showed a calm expression on his face, but he couldn't help praying in his heart, "I hope Xiao Wu won't get burned, and don't come across my handsome man." face, brother still has to conquer girls with his face!"

"Pfft..." Huo Wu couldn't help laughing, "Brother, you should take care of yourself!"

After being siblings for so long, how could she not see Huo Wushuang's stern voice, don't look at his indifferent face, but she might be so scared in her heart!

After all, this Fire Rock Valley left a lot of shadows on him, but just because of this, Huo Wu couldn't help feeling warm.

It's still her brother who loves her.

"Hey! You can stay if you want."

Jiang Yu didn't try to persuade him any more, this place wasn't his territory either, since the two siblings wanted to stay, they should stay.

"Just don't disturb my cultivation."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he turned and practiced his sword skills.

In this way, two men and one woman lived a shameless life... No, it should be a hard life.


A few months passed by in a hurry.

this day.

As usual, Jiang Yu walked towards a cave after practicing sword skills.

They discovered this cave a month ago, and unexpectedly there was a pool of hot spring water inside.

There is actually hot spring water in this volcanic valley, and the creation of heaven and earth is really miraculous.

Since then, every time Jiang Yu finished his sword practice, he went to take a bath in the hot spring to wash away the stinky sweat all over his body.

After entering the cave, Jiang Yu went straight to the spring pool, and after a short walk, a pool of steaming hot spring water came into view.

Jiang Yu didn't hesitate either. Dang even took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of underwear on his body, and then stepped into the spring water.

Although the area of ​​the hot spring is not large, it is more than ten square meters at least, which is enough for him to use.

After Jiang Yu found an excellent location, he immersed most of his body in the steaming hot spring water.

He leaned his body towards the stone wall behind him, and a warm feeling came over him, which was indescribably comfortable.

Jiang Yu closed her eyes, enjoying the rare peace.

The thick heat emitted from the hot spring pool made his face flushed red, but Jiang Yu stayed there without moving, and he didn't know how long it took before he opened his eyes.


After washing away his exhaustion, Jiang Yu showed a satisfied expression on his face, and couldn't help stretching his arms.

"What is this? Soft."

Jiang Yu's right hand suddenly felt something in front of him, and the magical touch made him pinch it involuntarily.

"Big and round, what the hell is it?"

Jiang Yu was full of doubts.


Then he heard a familiar scream.

"It's over, why is she here?"

Jiang Yu now knew what he was touching.

It turned out to be a dance of fire...

It's a little hard to explain this time.

"It's you!"

Huo Wu, who was soaking in the hot spring next to her, was awakened by the sudden touch. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Jiang Yu's hand had actually touched her, and the horrible thing was that he even squeezed it.

"You stinky bastard!"

Huo Wu roared angrily.

"Although you may not believe it, this is really a misunderstanding." Jiang Yu quickly explained, "I planned to come here to take a bath just after practicing the sword. The fog here is so thick, I really didn't see you here."

"Then you still don't take your dirty hands away."

Seeing that Jiang Yu's hand was still on hers, Huo Wu's anger rose significantly.

"Hehehe, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Jiang Yu quickly took his hand away.

"How does it feel!"

"It's okay, it's pretty good."

Jiang Yu told Huo Wu the truth without thinking too much about it. He has always been honest and said what he had, and the feeling just now was really good.

Almost as good as Hu Liena's.

However, the comparison with Bibi Dong is still not so meaningful.

"Jiang Yu!" Huo Wu yelled suddenly, her martial spirit was released instantly, and she looked at Jiang Yu angrily, and the flames on her body also rose rapidly.

"You destroy my innocence, how should this account be settled."

"That's it!"

Jiang Yu knew that although he didn't mean it, she was a girl after all, so he had to give her an explanation.

So he stood up, stared at Huo Wu sincerely, and said: "You can also look at my body casually. I touched you just now, and now you can touch it back. As a man, I can suffer a bit. Let you touch it three times."

Although Jiang Yu had a righteous expression on his face, Huo Wu didn't buy it.


Huo Wu quickly covered her eyes, although she could still see Jiang Yu's body through her fingers.

"I didn't expect this kid to have quite a lot of money! He has developed so prominently at a young age..."

"I don't know how many girls I will harm in the future."

"If I'm with him... Bah, stop."

Huo Wu quickly interrupted this thought.

How could she, a rich lady, have such an idea?It's all because Jiang Yu is too shameless.

Well, it must be so.

"Quickly squat down!"

Huo Wu quickly closed her eyes, she was afraid that if she continued to watch, she would lose control of herself.

"Oh, you didn't touch it!"

After Jiang Yu submerged his lower body into the spring water, he said, "This time we are even, and no one will talk about it in the future."


A strange expression appeared on Huo Wu's face, and then an explosive flame erupted from her body.


"Grilled chicken wings, grilled chicken wings~"

Huo Wushuang had just finished brushing the chicken wings with a layer of honey when he saw his younger sister approaching, followed by Jiang Yu, who was disheveled.

Huo Wushuang looked puzzled, his sister seemed to be in a good mood, but Jiang Yu's expression looked a little sad and angry, which made him a little puzzled.

"Did Xiao Wu give this kid to..."

Huo Wushuang immediately recalled, "Oh! My sister is still in a hurry. What can my little brother do before he grows his hair? It's better to develop it...it's a pity."

"Brother Xiaoyu, come and eat more chicken wings and Bubu, you can't even walk steadily, it looks like you're hungry."

Huo Wushuang hurriedly handed the freshly baked chicken wings to Jiang Yu. He was also a person who had been there before, so he understood some things without saying anything.

At this time, you need to replenish your energy.

"I didn't expect Xiao Wu to play so crazy!"

Huo Wushuang took a closer look and found that Jiang Yu's eyebrows were scorched, and a layer of dust had accumulated on his face.

He even felt a little sympathetic to Jiang Yu.

But this is also the fun between young couples. He usually plays with other girls, so it's inconvenient to say more.

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