Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 206 Bibi Dong's Pride

There are so many items in the Great Soul Arena, even though Jiang Yu is not a person who likes shopping, he still bought a lot of things here.

Just spent thousands of gold soul coins.

No wonder people say that although soul masters are the most noble profession on Douluo Continent, they are also the most expensive, so it is even more difficult for ordinary commoner soul masters to compete with noble soul masters.

In the Douluo Continent, the rich can rely on resources to increase their cultivation speed, while the poor can only rely on mutation, just like Ma Hongjun, because his awakened grass chicken martial soul has mutated and evolved into a phoenix martial soul. Rand's training completely got rid of the dilemma of commoner soul masters.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to enter the gate of Shrek Academy. After all, Flender doesn't look down on ordinary soul masters. The students he needs must be geniuses, not those who can be cultivated by him. In this world where the martial soul is the most important thing, Ma Hongjun who possesses the phoenix martial soul is undoubtedly a genius.

That's why Flender made an exception and accepted Ma Hongjun as an apprentice, and let him enter the academy to study.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu felt lucky, and the scene where he just met Bibi Dong flashed in his mind.

It was a sunny day.

The place where the two met was in the depths of the Star Dou Forest. As for why Jiang Yu came to the Star Dou Forest, he didn't know.

He only knows,

That encounter was wonderful.

"Bang bang bang~"

Boom -----------

In the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, the originally quiet, quiet forest suddenly heard a loud noise.

The powerful soul beasts approaching the depths of the forest fled towards the outside one after another. The wisdom of these ten thousand year soul beasts is no worse than that of humans, although they don't know what happened in the depths of the forest!But that was the territory of 10-year-old soul beasts, and their biological instincts made them stay away from that area to avoid being affected.

The battle between 10-year-old soul beasts is not something that mere [-]-year-old soul beasts can intervene in.

While a large number of spirit beasts were fleeing towards the outside, there were three figures in the depths of the forest constantly chasing inwards. If other spirit beasts saw this, they would probably shout inconceivable.

There are human beings who dare to trespass into the territory of 10-year-old soul beasts without authorization, which is too rampant.

The three figures exuded a very powerful aura, and those who could come to the Star Dou Forest were certainly not ordinary people, and among the three, two of them had soul power fluctuations that had reached the level of Titled Douluo.

Moreover, their soul power is far from being comparable to those newly promoted Title Douluo who have just entered the Title Douluo realm, and they are definitely old-fashioned powerhouses who have immersed themselves in the Title Douluo level.

But what is surprising is that two old men with such strength, one on the left and the other on the right, guarded a woman with an extremely respectful attitude.

It can be seen from this that the identity of the woman is not ordinary. Although the figure of the woman is not tall, it gives people a strong sense of oppression. She is wearing a golden warrior outfit, and her figure looks very tight.

The breasts are half exposed.

Full of elasticity.

The woman's skin was so fair and tender that one couldn't help playing and singing on his body, composing a symphony that was admired by countless people.

On the top of her head was a nine-curved purple gold crown, shining extremely dazzling light.

Although it can still be seen from the woman's face that she is still a little old, she still gives off a young girl's feeling.

Still so bright and moving.

This woman is the new generation ruler of Spirit Hall, the new Pope, Bibi Dong.

And the two old men beside him are the famous Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo in the Wuhun Hall.

These two have always acted together, and they were also the first Title Douluo powerhouses to serve Bibi Dong.

This time, the reason why they accompanied Bibi Dong to the Star Dou Forest was to help her hunt for a soul ring. Although His Majesty the Pope was much younger than them, his cultivation of soul power advanced very quickly.

Not even losing to Haotian Douluo.

Soul power has been cultivated to level ninety.

Although Qian Daoliu supported Bibi Dong's ascension to the pope against all opinions, but her own cultivation still caused a lot of doubts.

The only way to dispel the doubts of others is for Bibi Dong's cultivation to break through to the realm of Titled Douluo. The two major Titled Douluo are already tied to the same boat with Bibi Dong. Of course, I hope His Majesty the Pope can become even stronger.

There are quite a few Title Douluo in the Spirit Hall, and ordinary Title Douluo may not be able to suppress the heroes, so the two elders chose a target for Bibi Dong, that is the 10-year-old soul beast.

Although there are many titled Douluo in Wuhundian, there really isn't one with a 10-year spirit ring.

Once Bibi Dong obtains the 10-year soul ring, she will definitely silence those who question her.

However, 10-year-old soul beasts are not easy to hunt, especially those 10-year-old soul beasts deep in the Star Dou Forest are so powerful that even the two title Douluo dare not easily compete with them.

If the two of them hadn't gotten the news, they wouldn't have dared to rush into the Star Dou Forest even if they knew that the two kings of soul beasts, Sky Blue Niu Mang and Titan Giant Ape, had left the Star Dou Great Forest.

Arriving in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, Bibi Dong and his party quickly locked on to the target, which was a soft-boned rabbit with a training period of 10 years.

Although the talent of the Soft Bone Rabbit is not as good as that of ancient beasts like the Titan Giant Ape, after the soul beast has been cultivated for 10 years, there will be no big difference in its own level, but the combat power is slightly different.

In terms of combat ability, the Soft Bone Rabbit is obviously no match for the Titan Giant Ape, but the difference in strength between the two is not as big as imagined.

Even the Titan Giant Ape couldn't crush the Soft Bone Rabbit, after all, both are 10-year-old soul beasts.

Of course Bibi Dong knew this, so she didn't force the soul ring on the Titan Giant Ape, besides, the Titan Giant Ape is good at strength, and Bibi Dong's two spirits are not of the power type.

On the contrary, the speed of the Soft Bone Rabbit has a particularly large increase compared to Bibi Dong's two spider martial arts, so she chose the Soft Bone Rabbit.

"As expected of a 10-year soul beast, I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

Looking at the incomparably fast figure in front of her, Bibi Dong couldn't help but marvel, which also made her more determined to obtain the soft bone rabbit's soul ring.

"It seems that I have to trouble the two elders!"

Bibidong said to the two titled Douluo powerhouses next to her, obviously she had been prepared for a long time, the reason why she brought Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo this time was not only because of their strength, but also because of their strength. It has a lot to do with his martial soul fusion skills.

Although the attack power of the two of them's "Bipolar Static Domain" is very average, it is a rare fusion skill of confinement martial souls. As long as it is used properly, it is definitely not inferior to any fusion skills.

That's why Bibi Dong brought the two of them to this place.

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