
Yan Ling'er was so frightened that her face paled on the spot. Although Jiang Yu extinguished the flames on her body, she inevitably had some intimate contact with her body. a different feeling.

Under the resonance of Yan Ling'er's roar, the underwear ribbon, which was already a little unstable, couldn't stop sliding down.

Seeing this, Jiang Yu hastily stretched out her arms to cover Yan Ling'er's plump figure with her coat.

At this time, it is still necessary to show the gentlemanly demeanor of a man, and to avoid misunderstanding.

Just when Jiang Yu and Yan Ling'er looked at each other awkwardly, Bai Chenxiang and Yan Ye in the air also fell into a stalemate.

Although Bai Chenxiang lacked means of attack, she still avoided the firebrick's attack with her extraordinary speed, and she also used the advantage of her own martial soul to constantly harass Yanye, causing him to be devastated for a while, so he had to do his best to be on guard.

This game has gone so far, which has exceeded everyone's imagination. I thought that with the strength of Yan Ling'er and brother and sister, they should be able to defeat their opponents soon.

But I didn't expect this mysterious Youxiang combination to be so strong, especially the boy with the sword martial soul, who broke Yan Ling'er's two big balls with just one sword.

It also caused her to be almost swallowed by the fire.

It seems that the mysterious combination has the upper hand.

"How about it, it's even better."

Jiang Yu was still full of energy at this time, because he had absorbed a lot of energy from Yan Linger just now, and it would not be a problem to fight for several hours, but he didn't know how Yan Linger was?

Judging by the look on her face, she might not last long.

But Jiang Yu was still very personable.

If Yan Linger refuses to give up, he doesn't mind playing with this fiery girl in front of him.


Yan Ling'er couldn't help hesitating a bit. Originally, after a big battle, she didn't have much soul power left, and after the friction just now, she was almost sucked dry by Jiang Yu, and there was only a little soul power left on her body. Use the first soul skill once.

On the other hand, looking at Jiang Yu's calm appearance, it is estimated that he still has a lot of soul power left.

Yan Ling'er asked herself that she was not an opponent.

But if she were to admit defeat, she couldn't do it. She thought that Yan Ling'er was also a famous figure in the city, and she had her own pride. Now let her surrender to a little brother.

how can that be!

Is she shameless?

Han Jiangxue will definitely use this incident to laugh at her in the future, Yan Ling'er doesn't want her to have an excuse to belittle herself.

"Come on, I will accompany you to the end."

Yan Ling'er stretched out her left arm, trying to prove that she still had strength, but she didn't expect that the cloth robe she was covering suddenly slipped off, revealing the skin inside.

That touch of blush is really moving.

"Cough cough cough..."

Jiang Yu said awkwardly: "You should get dressed first! I don't want to take advantage of others."

After speaking, he turned around.

Yan Ling'er shyly put the cloth robe on her body, although the smell of Jiang Yu still lingered on it, but there was no better choice at this time, so she had to make do with it.

"I'm fine, come on!"

After a rustling sound, Yan Ling'er's voice came from behind.

Jiang Yu turned around to look, and couldn't help being taken aback.

Yan Ling'er at this moment is extremely moving.

Long hair shawls, Jiang Yu's clothes just covered her thighs, the straight long legs underneath were exposed like this, coupled with that delicate and pitiful face, it was really alluring.

This reminded Jiang Yu of his ex-girlfriend. Every time after taking a shower, she put on her pure white short-sleeved clothes, which just covered the triangle.

It's a pity that things are different.

I don't know how she is doing now, maybe she has become the hottest actress in Huaguo entertainment industry.

After all, in the era of looking at faces, it is not too difficult to be popular. With her good looks and a little capital behind her, it is not difficult to change from an Internet celebrity to a first-line flower. After all, this is not difficult in the entertainment industry. There is no precedent.

"Where are you staring?"

Yan Ling'er was made a little uncomfortable by Jiang Yu's eyes, her face flushed instantly.

"Ah... nothing."

Only then did Jiang Yu return to reality. Seeing that Yan Ling'er was ready, he made a gesture of invitation.


Yan Ling'er didn't buy it. No one knew her physical condition better than her at the moment. Although she was stubborn and refused to admit defeat, she didn't think of any countermeasures.

"Forget it, we can only take one step at a time."

The first soul ring on Yan Ling'er's body suddenly lit up, and a fireball condensed from her palm. This was the last bit of soul power she had left. If Jiang Yu couldn't be dealt with, then she couldn't do anything.


Yan Ling'er shouted, and controlled the fireball to hit Jiang Yu's chest quickly.

Seeing this, Jiang Yu didn't spare the soul power on his body, and immediately launched the Chixiao Sword Formation to shoot at the big fireball.

Yan Ling'er's attack failed in the end, and the sword shadow in the air smashed the fireball and rushed straight towards her body.

"The second soul skill, bursting fire bricks."

Seeing that Yan Ling'er was in trouble, Yan Ye didn't care about Bai Chenxiang's entanglement, the fire brick in his hand suddenly swelled against the wind and finally became as big as a wall before stopping.

Under Yan Ye's control, the huge fire brick flew into the air, and then fell in front of Yan Ling'er to block the attack of the Scarlet Sky Sword Formation.

Of course, Bai Chenxiang would not give up this excellent opportunity, he swooped down from the air, and his sharp claws quickly grabbed Yan Ye's neck, leaving a huge imprint on his body.


A pain hit, Yan Ye couldn't help taking a few steps back, but Bai Chenxiang kept chasing after him, and now he had no way to release the new soul skills, so he had to stretch his arms to cover his head, passively Get defensive.

It didn't take long for his arms to be covered with bloodstains, although the scars are a medal on a man's body.

But he is too much.

Yan Ye didn't want his arms to look like weird people in the future, he only hoped that Yan Ling'er could deal with the enemy facing him as soon as possible.

Then come back quickly.

What he didn't know was that Yan Ling'er's current state was worse than his. Not to mention Jiang Yu's handling, she couldn't even protect herself, and there was no energy left to support him.

Firebricks... No, to be precise, it should be the Firewall, although it temporarily protected Yan Linger.

But this is not a long-term solution.

Jiang Yu saw that the Chixiao sword formation was blocked, so he immediately changed his method. The second soul ring on Chixiao sword suddenly burst into a strong light, and a burst of flaming sword energy burst out, shooting towards the middle point of the wall. past.

After three blows of sword energy in a row, a big hole was broken in the wall of flames. Jiang Yu immediately flew through it, stretched out his long sword and stabbed at Yan Ling'er who was still in a panic.


Jiang Yu successfully took Yan Ling'er's first blood.

The tip of the sword made a shallow mark on her neck, and the blood inside dripped down towards the ground.

"Looks like I won."

Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow, with a smile on his face.

Above the VIP seats.

A middle-aged man in a red luxurious brocade robe couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the scene on the field.

"Master, do you want this old slave to vent his anger on Miss?"

The old man next to the man leaned into his ear and whispered, the old man has served three generations of the Yan family, Yan Linger was also raised by him, seeing her being wronged, of course the old man wanted to avenge her.

"Need not!"

The middle-aged man vetoed it, "Old Yan, I know you love Ling'er, but this boy is very talented, and he will become a hero in the future, and he may even step into the realm of Titled Douluo."

"We don't need to provoke a powerful enemy for the future, and this is just a competition between children. If we lose, let us adults dispatch, it will only embarrass the Yan family. Why don't we take advantage of his great achievements now? , as a favor, the Yan family will also get a lot in return."

"Old Yan, after the celebration is over, please invite that child to your residence for a talk."

The middle-aged man stroked his beard and smiled.

"It's... Patriarch."

Although the old man did not agree with his words, he also knew that what he said was not unreasonable.

The reason why the Yan family can stand in Baiyu City for hundreds of years and become more and more prosperous is because of the good karma they have formed.

Many people who have benefited from him are now well-known figures in the world of soul masters. With the help of their influence, the Yan family can continue to prosper in this three-acre area of ​​Baiyu City.

Naturally, Yan Kun would not offend such a young man with such potential because of such a trivial matter, and even wanted to make peace.

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