Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 528 Will not let any one go

The two looked at each other and smiled, understanding the meaning in each other's eyes.

When she got home, Bai Jingxian was already sitting at the dinner table waiting for the two of them, her eyes stopped talking after seeing Jiang Yinyin.

Jiang Yinyin naturally also noticed her action, and after taking a look at Bo Yanchi, she didn't say anything, just ate in silence.

After eating, Jiang Yinyin glanced at Bo Yanchi, "Don't you have something to do at the company? Go upstairs first, I'll talk to Mom for a while."

Bai Jingxian glanced at her, pursed her lips, and understood that Jiang Yinyin knew what she meant.

Seeing something, Bo Yanchi nodded and went upstairs directly.

Jiang Yinyin got up, came to sit beside Bai Jingxian, went straight in, and said the words first.

"Mom, I know what you want to say, you want to say something about the institute."

"Those people deserve what they deserve. I have also prepared the information. You can read it first and then decide whether you want to speak for them."

Bai Jingxian looked strong on the surface, but her heart was soft.

That's why Jiang Yinyin prepared an extra document today.

It was because of her soft heart that people took advantage of many loopholes in the institute, and it was a big loophole that could send her to prison!

Bai Jingxian nodded, and after flipping through the documents, her expression froze in place. She really didn't expect the result to be like this!

I didn't even think that my momentary soft-heartedness would cause such a big consequence!

"Did they do all of this?"

Tampering with genetic data, secretly selling drugs, and even using human experiments, these alone are enough for her to spend her entire life in prison!

"Mom, I know you are soft-hearted. I think they are all old people who follow you, so I want to ask for favors, but do you think they will appreciate it?"

"They dare to do these things, they must think that you will take care of them, even if you can't take care of them, then all these things will be because of you, and they will only blame you."

Hearing this, Bai Jingxian fell silent, she didn't want to say anything more, and now they have come to such a fate, it is indeed their own fault.

If she begged for mercy, what would those people who were implicated for no reason do?

What about those who are used as human experiments?

So when she thought of this, she couldn't say it anymore.

"In this case, do everything as you want, and I support you."

Bai Jingxian was silent for a long time, but she finally let go.

She will not ask or care about these people any more, even if their family members come to beg, there will be no change.

Seeing Bai Jingxian like this, Jiang Yinyin felt relieved.

"Don't worry, mom. I won't let any bad guy go, and I won't wrong any good guy. I know everything. It's just that if the Institute doesn't clean up these things now, it won't just be a matter of reputation in the future."

Having said that, Bai Jingxian also nodded, "That's right, the painstaking efforts of a lifetime can't just be let him go to waste."

The two talked for a while, and Bai Jingxian went back to rest.

Jiang Yinyin took the materials and went directly to Bo Yanchi's study.

"Is everything over?"

Seeing Jiang Yinyin coming in, Bo Yanchi asked a question.

"Well, it's over. Mom knows what's going on and knows what to do. It's good, so I won't be taken advantage of by those people."

Before she came back, she knew that the family members of those people must have come to look for Bai Jingxian.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be hesitant to speak after he entered the door.

Fortunately, he was not completely deceived, otherwise it would be a troublesome matter.

"Mom is like this. She's tough on the outside and soft on the inside, but she's soft-hearted after all."

Bo Yanchi said calmly, stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms, "It's you, have you thought about what to do with the others?"

"Let's take one step at a time. We can't act too hastily now. Today's killing of chickens and monkeys has already made many people restrain themselves, so the only way is to boil the frogs in warm water."

Those people are also old foxes. Although she has the right to remove people directly, this is not good for the projects that the institute is running.

After all, other people are not that bad, so she can do it one by one.

"Okay! As long as you have the numbers! I still have some contracts to deal with. You go to bed first. Tomorrow's dinner will be in the afternoon, and then we will go together."

"The Chen family has made some moves. They are trying to win over the Bo family's largest partner, Wanjia, but Wanzhang doesn't like them. They are playing with them recently, and they are also buying us face."

Jiang Yinyin was a little surprised, she didn't expect the Chen family to have such a big vision, she didn't want the small ones, and directly climbed up to the big ones.

It's really overreaching. Is it stupid to be Wanjia?Leave the big tree of the Bo family alone, and cooperate with a small Chen family?

"This is not asking for death."

Jiang Yinyin burst out laughing, got up and went back to the bedroom first.


Chen family.

"Husband, the Wan family said they can cooperate, but they need to get the money first. What should we do if we offer such a high price?"

Mrs. Chen looked at Father Chen, really worried.

I'm afraid that it's a relationship that was finally involved, because the matter of money will not be settled.

"Don't you still have the company's public funds? Just fill it in, as long as you can cooperate with Wanjia, and then pay the account later, it will be fine if it is settled."

The man's words made Mrs. Chen a little worried, after all, embezzling public funds is against the law!

"Can't this contract be signed directly? We have to hide the Bo family's back. If something happens, won't we lose a lot of money?"

After all, Mrs. Chen is more clear-headed, but Mr. Chen is proud of himself and will not listen to other people's opinions at all. After glaring at Mrs. Chen, he spoke sharply.

"Just do as I say. What do you know as a woman? You never thought about this contract. If you sign it on the bright side, what if the Bo family gets in the way?"

"Don't call it cooperation at that time, I'm afraid everyone will avoid us!"

Seeing that he insisted on this, Mrs. Chen didn't say anything, and then thought about tomorrow's dinner.

"Hasn't the dinner party already been arranged? Those ppts have also been replaced. By then, the Bo family will definitely lose face!"

Hearing this, Chen's father snorted coldly, "He actually disrespected us like this, if I don't return him a big gift, I will feel sorry for myself!"

"The Bo family is booming now, and they are about to receive a big contract. If I release all those things at this time, I'll see how he will accept it!"

"Since you don't cooperate with me and don't take me seriously, I will never let them have a good time!"

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