Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 521 Are You Sure It's the Male Lead?

The Chen family couple looked at Jiang Yinyin's figure, a little surprised.Shouldn't Jiang Yinyin be in the back garden?Why is it on the second floor?Thinking about the abnormal behavior of their two daughters just now, the Chen family and his wife looked at each other and asked tentatively: "I don't know Mr. Bo..." "Oh, I just went up to see how he is doing, and I was slightly drunk in the room Resting, what's the matter?" Hearing this, Mrs. Chen felt a little flustered.After all, the two daughters are not downstairs, and I have just seriously warned the two of them, if they cause trouble again, the Chen family will not want it, so they should not cause trouble, right?Thinking of this, Mrs. Chen calmed down slightly. "Mrs. Chen, Mr. Chen, I remember that you want to buy shares. Since that's the case, why don't we talk about the cooperation project?" At this time, it is natural to attract the attention of the two of them elsewhere, otherwise how can the plan succeed. "That's right, that's right, we also want to..." The two couples sang together, while Jiang Yinyin was perfunctory while drinking tea, counting the time.The moment the teacup was put down, a woman's panicked voice sounded from upstairs, "Ah, sister...Boss, how could you, how could you do this!" His face darkened in a second. "What's going on?" The Chen family couple really panicked when they heard this.Madam Chen gritted her teeth, she naturally recognized that the voice belonged to her second daughter!What kind of mess are they doing again!And the meaning of those words, could it be... Thinking of this, Mrs. Chen immediately got up and rushed towards the second floor.I saw Chen Qingyan standing in front of a falsely concealed door, her expression was shocked at the moment, and she was full of panic after seeing her coming. "Mom has an accident! My sister and Mr. Bo are in the room..." Mrs. Chen approached, and naturally heard the voice from inside, and immediately wanted to stop Jiang Yinyin's pace, but at this time Jiang Yinyin had already When he came behind him, his face became even darker. "Are you sure the people inside are my husband and your sister?" Jiang Yinyin's cold tone made people feel scared.Chen Qingyan thought that their plan would never go wrong, although she didn't know why Jiang Yinyin was not with Qi Tian.But as long as Bo Yanchi is with her sister, that's enough! "Of course I can't see it wrong. It must be Mr. Bo and my sister doing such things in there." "Jiang Yinyin, I just said that my sister and Mr. Bo are a natural couple, and it is also true that their love is hard to control." It's normal, your lord is magnanimous, just give up the position to my sister." Listening to these words is really disgusting.Jiang Yinyin sneered, "Chen Qingyan, I'm not sure what's going on, you'd better take a look and see who the people are inside, and then talk nonsense here." Jiang Yinyin said in a calm manner At this time, the door beside her was also opened, and Bao Yan walked out slowly, and raised her eyebrows when she saw the faces of the people in front of her change greatly. "What's going on? Why do you have such an expression?" He came to Jiang Yinyin's side and consciously put his hands around Jiang Yinyin's waist, his voice was extremely gentle.The moment she saw Bo Yanchi, Chen Qingyan was stunned.Her fingers trembled, and from the door in front of her, the joyful voices of men and women continued to be heard. "Why did you come here? Who is the person in there? It's..." Chen Qingyan wasn't too stupid, and instantly thought of another person, Qi Tian!how can?Obviously Qi Tian belongs to her!Thinking of this, she suddenly pushed open the door, and rushed towards the people inside like crazy.It's just that the two of them are really unsightly, because of the effect of the medicine, both of them are crazy.But Chen Qingyan didn't care about it, and directly separated the two.Chen Qingting fell to the ground and regained consciousness.However, Chen Qingyan hugged Qi Tian tightly, "Brother Qi Tian, ​​it's me, I'm yours, I'm yours!" At this moment, Qi Tian's medicinal properties have not disappeared, so she directly pressed Chen Qingyan under him. bed, hands

Move your feet.No matter how you look at this picture, it feels disgusting.Chen Qiying's face darkened. Looking at this scene, if there is anything she doesn't understand, she must have been drugged! "Hurry up and pull the two of you away. What are you doing here? Are you watching!" Following the man's roar, the housekeepers immediately stepped forward to pull him away. Chen Qiying even got a bucket of water and directly It splashed on the three of them!This prevented even more unmanageable scenes. "What's going on, I...ah!" Chen Qingting came to her senses completely, and her face turned pale with shock when she saw her own appearance!And especially when he saw that the man kneeling there was Qi Tian and not Bo Yanchi, he was even more stunned. "It's you, you must have done something, right? I should be with Bo Yanchi!" She pointed at Jiang Yinyin frantically, seeing the smile on Jiang Yinyin's mouth, her eyes were full of tears. It is hatred. "You must have moved your hands and feet, otherwise, it should be Bo Yanchi on the bed now!" Mrs. Chen and Chen Qiying were startled when these words came out, and subconsciously looked at Bo Yanchi's face.After seeing the man's icy face, her heart skipped a beat. Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Mrs. Chen stepped forward and raised her hand to slap her! "Crack!" "You unfilial daughter, what nonsense are you talking about!" "Tell me clearly, what's going on!" Her eyes pointed to her eldest daughter, she must not let this matter go to the police. Shake it out, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to bear Bo Yanchi's anger at all!Jiang Yinyin opened her mouth at this time, her voice was so cold that it was frightening, "Mrs. Chen, don't hide it anymore. What did your daughter do? I know it very well. If you want to make trouble after taking the medicine, I will naturally let them eat by themselves." Bad results." "As for the cooperation and apology, I don't think there is any need to talk about it, and the Chen family is almost the same." Leaving these words, Jiang Yinyin left first, and she really didn't have the mood to continue reading.However, Qi Tian is really the same as the rumors say, not a small one.Bao Yanchi stood there, his eyes did not fall on Chen Qingting at all, his eyes were full of disgust. "Boss Boss, this matter is a misunderstanding." Chen Qiying stepped forward anxiously. He managed to get some face back with Boss Boss today. Seeing that the Chen family will be restored to its former glory, this joint happened. thing!It was a blow to him! "Mr. Chen doesn't need to say anything. I will pursue today's matter to the end. My wife is right. There is no need for an apology and cooperation." After expressing his attitude, Bo Yanchi left with a cold face.

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