Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 519 Young Master Qi Was Really Accidental

Chen Qingting felt a burst of humiliation on her face, glanced at Qi Tian, ​​and threw the full dishes, including the plates, into the trash can.

Jiang Yinyin glanced at it, feeling a little pity, and ate the steak unhurriedly.

Qi Tian only felt that his face was being slapped hard, so he changed his seat and glanced at Jiang Yinyin with some ferocity.

Jiang Yinyin didn't care, and ate happily.

I'm afraid it will take a lot of energy for a while, she must be full.

The meal was tasteless because of the episode just now.After eating, I answered the phone and took a look at Chen Qiying.

"Bo Yanchi said he'll be here in a while. If Mr. Chen has anything to say, I can talk to him in detail later."

Chen Qiying was overjoyed, finally, today's meal was not in vain!

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait for Boss here."

Jiang Yinyin lowered her eyes, restraining the dark light in her eyes. Chen Qingting glanced at Jiang Yinyin and gave Qi Tian a look.

Then he got up quickly, "Mr. Jiang, how about going for a walk in the back garden with me?"

Jiang Yinyin glanced at her, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she didn't say no or yes.

This appearance really made Chen Qingting feel uneasy for a moment, she bit the bullet and asked again, "Mr. Jiang?"

"Okay, then let Miss Chen lead the way."

Jiang Yinyin got up and followed Chen Qingting to leave.

Chen Qingyan glanced at the backs of the two, and then looked at Qi Tian in the next second, only to find that there was no one in the seat.

I couldn't help being surprised.

what happened?

Where did Qi Tian go?

Thinking about it, Chen Qingyan panicked, and instantly remembered the look in the man's eyes when he looked at Jiang Yinyin with a smile...

She felt a little uneasy, and in the next second, she immediately got up and walked towards the garden, but she was stopped by her sister just as she walked over.

"What are you doing!"

Chen Qingting frowned, looked at her anxious expression, and firmly held her arm.

"I warn you not to go there now, don't disturb our plan!"

Seeing the warning look on the woman's face, Chen Qingyan instantly understood something, and wanted to shake off her hand, "Are you crazy! Didn't you agree, Qi Tian gave it to me!"

She couldn't believe it, since Chen Qingting asked Qi Tian to approach Jiang Yinyin!

"What are you excited about? This is what Qi Tian himself meant. Do you think you can compare to Jiang Yinyin?"

Chen Qingyan was a little confused when she heard her sister's words.

How could it be, didn't Brother Qi Tian say he would marry him two days ago?Why have you changed your mind now?

That little bitch Jiang Yinyin must have seduced her!

"Okay, if you really want Qitian to come back, then help me get Bo Yanchi first, then Jiang Yinyin will be rejected, even if Qitian doesn't dare to protect Jiang Yinyin anymore, he will naturally Know who to choose."

Chen Qingting bewitched her own sister, she always knew what to do with this idiot!

Thinking of this, Chen Qingyan nodded.

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

"But you have to help me after the matter is over!"

Chen Qingting smiled, "Yes."

The two quickly left the garden and went to meet Bo Yanchi at the door. According to the time estimate, Bo Yanchi would arrive almost soon.

At that time, when he sees Jiang Yinyin flirting with other men indistinctly, she can sneak in...

Thinking of this, Chen Qingting couldn't help being a little excited.

In the garden, Jiang Yinyin was resting. She naturally noticed that Chen Qingting had left, but she didn't care about it.

At this moment, she was standing by the pond, looking at the koi in the pond, pretending not to notice the approach of the people behind her, she raised her eyebrows, and a cold look flashed across her eyes.

Qi Tian looked at the woman's back, then at the pond, planning to come to a hero to save the beauty, but he wanted to push Jiang Yinyin down without reaching out.

But at this moment, Jiang Yinyin stood up suddenly, and a sideways man lost his strength, causing a splash!

"Huh? Master Qi?"

Jiang Yinyin pretended to be surprised, "Master Qi, why are you behind me? I'm so sorry. I thought it was something that didn't hold you back."

The pond is not big, but there is a lot of sludge, Qi Tian gritted his teeth, wishing he could eat the woman in front of him!

"Why don't you pull me up quickly, where are you doing?!"

A smile flashed across Jiang Yinyin's eyes at his bad attitude, and then she stretched out her hand towards the man.


Looking at the woman's plain white hands, Qi Tian felt a little throbbing in his heart, he quickly moved towards the woman, and when he was about to give her an intimate hug, he felt the woman's hand loosen, this time he fell like a shit...

"Oh, why are there bugs here, hey! I misread it..."

Jiang Yinyin blinked, turned her head and said to Qi Tian with an apologetic expression.

When she let go just now, she naturally used a little skill, no, she just ate a mouthful of sludge!

"You, deliberately, yes, right!"

Qi Tian turned around, and said with gritted teeth, but the black teeth are funny no matter how you look at them.

Jiang Yinyin laughed outright, and in the next second, stared at the man with cold eyes.

"What are you planning in your mind? I know very clearly in my heart, you should first see if you are qualified enough, and don't come to my side anymore. I am not a trash can, and I don't collect trash."

After Jiang Yinyin warned coldly, she turned to leave.

How could Qi Tian let people leave so easily, he quickly got up and stepped forward to grab Jiang Yinyin's wrist.

A cold light flashed across Jiang Yinyin's eyes, and she kicked the person flying out with one kick!

"Did I tell you not to touch me?"

Her icy eyes and fierce aura made Qi Tian tremble.

Thinking of how humiliating he was at this moment, but he couldn't beat him.

He could only helplessly, watching Jiang Yinyin walk away, and then he chased after her in the direction she left.

When Jiang Yinyin returned to the living room, it happened that Bo Yanchi had also arrived, and the two sisters were slightly taken aback when they saw Jiang Yinyin returning just like that.

How is this going?

Why didn't they go as they wanted? !

"Why, the two ladies are very surprised by my appearance."

Jiang Yinyin stared at the two of them, feeling guilty for a while.

"No, it's not."

"Isn't Young Master Qi with you! What about others! What did you do to him!"

Chen Qingyan's thoughtless opening made Chen Qingting's face darken.

The Chen family couple looked at the two daughters, and there was something they didn't understand!

These two people!Looking for something again!

"Oh? My wife is with Qi Tian?"

Bo Yanchi snorted coldly, came to Jiang Yinyin's side, and asked her if she was okay?

Jiang Yinyin shook her head with a smile, and at the exit of the garden, muddy people came out, and they were all unlucky Qi Tian.

"Qi...Master Qi?"

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