Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 508 Almost Destroyed the Whole Chen Family

Jiang Yinyin: "..."

She really couldn't understand how Chen Qingyan could say such stupid things in full view.

Naturally, Chen Qiying couldn't understand it, and stopped loudly: "Chen Qingyan, what nonsense are you talking about? You wanted to murder the Young Madam, but you ended up killing yourself, and you are reaping the consequences!"

"Dad, how can you say that about me? Don't you want your sister to marry Bo Yanchi?"

Denial is impossible.

If Chen Qingting marries Bo Yanchi, it will be beneficial to Chen Qingyan.

But this kind of thing can't be admitted, especially under such circumstances.

Apart from scolding Chen Qingyan for being stupid over and over again, he couldn't say anything else. He could only wink at Mrs. Chen, telling her to take this shameful thing away!

Mrs. Chen obviously understood that Chen Qingyan had crossed the line a bit, so she and Chen Qingting pulled Chen Qingyan out.

Chen Qingyan was a little bit out of strength after what happened just now, and naturally she couldn't match Mrs. Chen and Chen Qingting in strength, but she didn't stop talking.

"What are you pulling me for? You obviously want to marry the Bo family!"

"Chen Qingting, don't you want to marry Bo Yanchi?"


The following words became more and more outrageous, but they clearly expressed the thoughts of the Chen family, making their expressions extremely embarrassing.

When they left, the farce was over.

But Chen Qiying, who was still at the venue, had to accept all kinds of looks and rumors, and the pressure was huge.

He walked towards Jiang Yinyin in embarrassment: "Young Madam, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"I'm surprised too, Mr. Chen."

Jiang Yinyin shook her head: "I didn't expect Miss Chen to be so extreme, Mr. Chen still needs to teach her well. Otherwise, things that shouldn't happen are likely to happen."

It was a very soft voice, but it carried a hint of warning.

A lot of things happened at the banquet, but they were all within the tolerance range of Jiang Yinyin. After all, she was not the one who made a fool of herself.

But once this limit is exceeded, or the Bo family members feel dissatisfied, the direction of the matter will be unpredictable.

Chen Qiying naturally understood the reason, he kept nodding with a dark face: "Young Madam said yes, I will educate her more when I go back."

"That's good. I have to cut the cake, excuse me."

She smiled and took Bao Yanchi's arm, and went to the stage to cut the cake with Bai Jingxian.

The whole person was smiling like a flower, as if nothing had happened.

The people who came to the dinner were all smart people, and they didn't mention anything related, but the sight that fell on Chen Qiying was very intriguing.

How could Chen Qiying continue to stay?

He gritted his teeth and left.

After Jiang Yinyin saw him go out, she clicked her tongue softly: "It seems that the Chen family is going to be lively."

"If they don't think it's lively enough, I can arrange it."

Bo Yanchi's complexion was very ugly.

He never cared about the things around him, but his own woman was being bullied like this, and it was a bit unreasonable for him not to respond.

Jiang Yinyin smiled: "The Chen family is ashamed enough today, if you have another accident, it will appear that I have to be unreasonable, forget it."

For people like Chen Qingyan, Jiang Yinyin will not forgive.

What's more, she can't do something like a dog bites a dog, so she can only forget it.

Bao Yanchi naturally knew what she was thinking: "It would be too cheap to just let her go."

"If she can change her past from now on, it's not a big deal. But I guess, she will make trouble again, and it doesn't matter if she talks about it at that time."

She likes to watch the pustule get bigger and then cut it off.


Chen family.

Chen Qiying scolded Chen Qingyan angrily.

"Do you have any brains? You actually did such a thing!"

"It's not enough for you to embarrass yourself alone, you have to pull everyone in!"

"Stripper, who the hell became a stripper?"

"Chen Qingyan, I told you before, don't mess around, but you didn't listen at all!"

Chen Qingyan knelt in the living room with dissatisfaction written all over her face.

The more she behaved like this, the angrier Chen Qiying became. She wished she could step forward and kick her again, but Madam Chen stopped her.

"It can't be slapped. It will take a while for the two slap marks on her face to disappear. During this time, she can't go out."

"She looks like that, why go out? Is it ashamed to go out?"

Chen Qiying was also extremely angry, pointing at Chen Qingyan and scolding Mrs. Chen.

"A loving mother is a loser. I usually talk about her, but you are so reluctant. Did you see what happened today? She actually bought that kind of nasty drug from some dubious people!"

"If something happens to Jiang Yinyin, do you think the Bo family will let her go?"

"At that time, you won't even have the chance to collect her body!"

After speaking, he sat down on the sofa, picked up the cup in front of him and drank more than half of it, obviously thirsty.

Chen Qingyan raised her head disobediently: "It's all an accident! If I really succeed, how can the Bo family take care of me? It must be the first time to deal with Jiang Yinyin, and my sister will naturally be close to Bo." Yan is late."

Chen Qingting, who was kicked suddenly, clenched her fist.

She really didn't expect that the reason Chen Qingyan kept urging her to get together with Bo Yanchi was that Chen Qingyan liked Qi Tian!

In fact, Chen Qingting didn't have any feelings for Qi Tian.

After all, the other party has no shortcomings. If she really can't be with Bo Yanchi, it's not impossible for her to settle for the next best thing.

But now that things have turned into this way, how can she still be with Qi Tian?

When her mind was full of wild thoughts, Chen Qiying sneered: "Stupid, really stupid! I, Chen Qiying, have been calculating my whole life, how can I have such a stupid daughter like you?"

"You really don't see how much Bo Yanchi values ​​Jiang Yinyin?"

"If something really happened to Jiang Yinyin, it's unknown whether the Bo family will sweep Jiang Yinyin out."

"But Bo Yanchi will definitely avenge Jiang Yinyin!"

"At that time, let alone you, the entire Chen family will have to pay!"

"You almost ruined the entire Chen family today!"

Thinking of the situation at that time, Chen Qiying was still in a cold sweat.

He saw it very clearly. Today, Jiang Yinyin changed Chen Qingyan's cup, it was just embarrassing.

If Chen Qingyan's design really succeeded, it would not be a blessing for the Chen family, but the beginning of a disaster.

Chen Qiying let out a heavy breath: "You arrange immediately to send this unfilial thing abroad, and you are not allowed to come back in a short time."

"I do not want!"

As soon as she heard that she was going abroad, Chen Qingyan quit: "I'm leaving, what should Brother Qi do? Keep me, and I will definitely find a way for my sister to marry into the Bo family!"

"As long as they fall asleep, Jiang Yinyin will definitely leave, and the Bo family can't deny my sister!"

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