Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 500 There is no need to be together


Jiang Yinyin refused very simply: "I'm hungry and want to eat. Also, you should call me Mrs. Bo, Ms. Chen."

The tone was not harsh, but the meaning inside was very clear, and Chen Qingting was a little embarrassed.

Jiang Yinyin didn't pay attention to it at all, and began to grill the meat in a hurry, asking Bo Yanchi to do something from time to time.

The state of the two of them acting as if no one else was there was intimate and natural, while she was standing at the table like a clown.

After standing there for some time, Jiang Yinyin spoke again.

"Miss Chen, do you want to watch us eat? It will be embarrassing."

"Huh? Sorry."

Chen Qingting was thin-skinned, said a word, turned and left.

Chen Qingyan glared at Jiang Yinyin fiercely, and then followed Chen Qingting out.

"Sister, why did you leave like this?"


"You don't know the upper class? They are loving couples outside, who knows what kind of chicken feathers they are at home."

It is undeniable that these words rekindled opportunities in Chen Qingting's heart.


The Shuangchen sisters left, and Jiang Yinyin's chopsticks nimbly held down Bo Yanchi's chopsticks.

"The matter is not over yet. Tell me honestly, what is your relationship with this Miss Chen?"

Bo Yanchi looked innocent: "What does it matter? They're just college classmates."

"A simple college classmate, she can come over and stare at me for dinner? Tsk, isn't it normal?"

Faced with Jiang Yinyin's question, Bo Yanchi felt a little funny.

He thought for a while and said, "She's my classmate, and we entered the debate together, so we get along pretty well, but that's all. After graduating from university, we each go abroad to study, so there is no connection."

The very simple description is really quite different from Chen Qingting's ambiguous narration just now.

It can only be said that if the same thing is said by different people, it will give people a completely different feeling.

Jiang Yinyin stared at Bo Yanchi for a while: "So you don't have any idea about the beautiful Miss Chen?"

"I only have thoughts about Mrs. Bo, for example, when will Mrs. Bo give me a baby?"

She blushed, and put a piece of meat into his bowl: "I can't stop you from eating!"


After dinner, Bo Yanchi and Jiang Yinyin returned to Bo's house.

Old man Bo and Bai Jingxian were overjoyed to see them.

"Why did you two come back without saying a word?"

"Grandpa, don't you want us to come back?"

Jiang Yinyin quickly stepped forward and took old man Bo's arm, and took out the tea leaves she bought as if offering a treasure: "We missed you, and even went to buy tea for you. Yinyin is so sad that you are like this. "

The dissatisfied tone was full of smiles, and old man Bo scolded with a smile: "little girl, you can entertain grandpa. I wish you could be here every day. During this period of time, when you are not here, the house is deserted."

Bai Jingxian led the servants to serve Bo Yanchi and Jiang Yinyin tea, and packed their luggage, her eyes couldn't stop smiling.

"You can't leave in a hurry when you come back this time, you must stay for a while longer."

She looked at her son, and her eyes fell on Jiang Yinyin's face: "Is it because you can't get used to foreign food? He looks thinner."

"How come? There is a chef who specializes in Chinese food at home, and the taste is authentic."

Jiang Yinyin took out the skin care products and skin care products from the luggage: "Mom, this is a gift prepared by Bo Yanchi and I for you."

"Have a heart."

Bai Jingxian took it with a smile: "You must have arranged this, why would Ah Chi bring gifts with his temper?"

"Mom, how could you say that about your son?" Bo Yanchi was dissatisfied.

"Am I wrong?"

"That's right, it's all arranged by Yinyin. She specially selected all kinds of things that you will like. Did you see that box? It's all in it. Wait for her to pack it up for you."

"Then I can look forward to it."

The whole family sat in the living room, and it was a happy gathering, which was very lively.


After dinner at night, Jiang Yinyin took a shower and threw herself on the bed.

Bo Yanchi reached out to rub her shoulders: "Tired?"

"Yeah, after sitting on the plane for so long, there are still so many things to do when I come back. Hmm... It's really comfortable. I didn't expect you to have such a skill? When did you learn it from a teacher?"

"I learned it just for you. You like me to massage you every day."


The two of them chatted one after another.

It's just that her voice quickly became like a vague raving.

Bo Yan didn't bother, Jiang Yinyin's breathing soon became very steady, and she fell asleep.

He looked down at Jiang Yinyin, who had a quiet face, and only wanted to keep her by his side forever.

A grand wedding is essential, and he wants her to marry him in front of everyone in a white wedding dress and become his bride.


Just after returning to China, Jiang Yinyin took some time to overcome the jet lag, and began to conduct field research on the feasibility of moving the headquarters of Mu's Group back to China.

She is full of motivation and strives to realize the wish of a family reunion.

Jiang Yinyin studied the land in the western suburbs, and it seemed that it was some distance away from the urban area, but both the subway, bus and elevated roads were well-established, and the traffic was very convenient.

It would be a good choice to build the Mu's Group building here.

"Miss Jiang."

A gentle voice sounded from behind, making Jiang Yinyin raise her eyebrows.

When she turned her head, she saw Chen Qingting's gentle face.

"Miss Chen, you didn't listen to what I said last time. If you insist on not calling me Mrs. Bo, will you have a chance to become Mrs. Bo?"

The straightforward words made Chen Qingting's complexion change immediately.

Her hand holding the bag tightened suddenly, and her fingers turned white.

Jiang Yinyin glanced at it, and continued: "I still have to study this land. I don't have anything to do, so I'll go first."

"This land belongs to the Chen family."


Jiang Yinyin really didn't do this research.

She just wanted to take a look at the land first. As for the owner of the land, how to buy it is another matter.

Now it seems that if Chen Qingting really takes a fancy to this land, there is no way around it.

Chen Qingting looked at Jiang Yinyin's silent appearance: "I want to talk to you."

"Let's go."

In the coffee shop, Jiang Yinyin and Chen Qingting sat on one side.

Jiang Yinyin took the orange juice and sucked it slowly. She could feel Chen Qingting on the opposite side staring at her, but she was still at ease and unaffected at all.

Chen Qingting was different, her fingers kept moving back and forth, as if she was very disturbed.

After a while, she seemed to have the courage to speak: "I know that the reason why you married Yan Chi was because of Chongxi. Now that he is healed, there is no need for you to be together."

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