Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 491 House Arrest in Prince Yan's Mansion

Yan Yunqing was already in tears, her eyes were full of resentment and dissatisfaction.

Her mother had been waiting alone on the grassland for more than ten years, but she still hadn't seen the man for the last time.

On the way back, Yan Yunqing also thought that if King Yan could treat her well, maybe she could also forget the previous hatred.

But what about the facts?

King Yan has already arrived at Zhuangzi to accompany his dead wife's grave, so what about Yan Yunqing's mother?

Just so lonely, Xiang Xiaoyu died, the man she had loved all her life, but there was no place for her in her heart at all!

Looking at Yan Yunqing's appearance, Murong Qingyin wanted to comfort her, but felt that the words were too pale.

Who is to blame?

Blame King Yan?

At that time, he lost his memory, and he was sincerely with Yan Yunqing's biological mother.

After recovering his memory, he wanted to take back Yan Yunqing's mother and daughter several times, but in the end...

It can only be said that good luck tricks people, right?

Murong Qingyin and Yan Yunchi looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

At this time, Murong Qingyin deeply understood Yan Yunchi's feelings for Yan Yunqing.

There are debts and love, and the mistakes Yan Yunqing made are really difficult to measure with the so-called justice and axiom.

"These are not your fault, but the entanglement of the previous generation. It is difficult for us to judge who is right and who is wrong. You have to take revenge, and we have no reason to stop it. But if you want to take revenge, you can't involve innocent people, right?" ?”

Yan Yunqing's eyes turned red: "Innocent people?"

"Princess Ya'an came here from a long distance to marry for the win-win of Xinji and Jinzhu. If it is proved that Princess Ya'an's heart belongs to you, do you think the emperor really doesn't care? Does Zhu have the ability to counterbalance?"

Jinzhu is just a tribe in the vast north.

Among the many prairie tribes, Jinzhu is indeed considered powerful, but compared with Xinji, how can it be regarded as a country?

If Xin Ji really has the heart to attack, the only thing waiting for Jin Zhu is his destruction.

Yan Yunqing opened her eyes wide, apparently she hadn't thought of this at all.

Murong Qingyin knew that Yan Yunqing still had a tribe in her heart, so she understood that there was room for change in this matter.

"The king of Qing County is the son of a rebellious king, and his heart of treason has never disappeared. He kept persecuting the emperor, just wanting to become emperor. You have seen what happened today. He is a villain. Do you think such a person After becoming emperor, what will happen to the people of the world?"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"So, you can just watch countless poor people being displaced?"

Yan Yunqing obviously wanted to say something else, but she opened her mouth a few times but nothing came out.

In the end, she just said bitterly, "I hate you, I won't let you go!" and left.

Murong Qingyin looked at Yan Yunqing's back and sighed, her brows and eyes were full of helplessness.

Yan Yunchi patted Murong Qingyin's shoulder lightly: "You did your best."

"I'm really worried about her doing something she regrets, she's not really bad."

"Take your time. So many things happened today, you are tired."

The things at the palace banquet really didn't make Murong Qingyin too tired, but after being separated from Yan Yunchi for so long, she was always interrupted by various trifles when she was speaking properly.

Now that she finally has the opportunity to be alone, she really cherishes it.

In addition, her heart is also a little heavy.

Nan Li will not marry her by force, so Yan Yunchi will not die because of her in essence, she will go back at any time, what should he do?

At that time, they really hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Yan Yunchi looked at her somewhat slumped expression, reached out and rubbed her head: "Unhappy?"

Murong Qingyin noticed that her depressed mood was affecting him, and immediately put on a smiling face: "Why? I'm too happy today! I was worried that the princess would never forget you and mess with you. In the end, I was attracted to His Majesty all of a sudden. It's not too wonderful. In this way, I don't need to worry about you being snatched away by her!"

"Silly girl, I will only be with you in this life, and there will be no one else."

"So sure?"

"Of course, the relationship between father and mother is what I admire the most. Besides, you have seen what happened to Yunqing. I don't want such things to happen to our descendants."

Will they have offspring?

Once the danger around him was relieved, she was leaving.

How will he spend the rest of his life?

Murong Qingyin's heart seemed to have dropped a boulder, very heavy.

She was also worried that Yan Yunchi would find out, so she went back to her room to rest on the grounds that she was tired.

How can he live his life in peace?

She felt that her problems seemed to be increasing.


Nan Li and Princess Ya'an get along very well, Qin Tianjian has already counted the days and is waiting for the big wedding.

As for Yan Yunqing, it was not a problem for Yan Yunchi and Murong Qingyin to join forces to press down on the occasional little fight.

The only problem person who worried everyone was King Qing, who was too quiet.

It always gives people the feeling that the child is quiet and must be playing a monster.

The point is that Nanli's big wedding is coming soon, so it's unrealistic for King Qing to return to his fief, but it always makes people feel uneasy to stay.

"You help me keep an eye on him, and don't make any fools. After the big wedding, dealing with him is just a matter of one sentence."

Nan Li arrived at Yan Wang's mansion through a secret passage, and told Yan Yun Chi Wan about Nan Li's affairs.

Yan Yunchi agreed one by one, but Nan Li still looked dissatisfied, and his eyes turned around Murong Qingyin from time to time.

Murong Qingyin frowned: "What do you always watch me do?"

It couldn't be because he felt dissatisfied with taking a princess from a foreign race, and wanted to bring her into the harem by the way, so that history would repeat itself, right?

Even though she had been with Nan Li for so long, Murong Qingyin knew that he was not that kind of person, but she still couldn't help thinking about it.

Nan Li gave a smirk: "I'm just curious. With such a little sister who comes here to make troubles for nothing, your life is not easy, right? Do you want to hide in the palace for a few days?"

The first half of the sentence made Murong Qingyin deeply agree, but the second half of the sentence made the alarm ring in her heart.

What does it mean to hide in the palace for a few days?

She raised her eyebrows, and her eyes showed distrust: "Why did you let me enter the palace so well? You don't want to threaten Yan Yunchi with me, do you?"


Yan Yunchi's tone was a little heavy, Murong Qingyin curled her lips and remained silent.

Yan Yunchi looked at Nan Li who was still smiling and didn't care at all: "She is neither serious nor serious, Your Majesty must not care."

"It's okay, the relationship between us doesn't need to be so clear."

Nan Li laughed wickedly: "However, what she said made me think. Prince Qing not only has to keep an eye on it, why don't you work hard and put him under house arrest in Prince Yan's mansion?"

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