The misunderstanding was gone, and in terms of the ups and downs that Murong Qingyin and the others had experienced together, they naturally reconciled immediately.

Especially after not seeing each other for several months, Murong Qingyin called Xiaodie and others to bring up all the cakes and tea that had been prepared earlier.

As soon as Xiaodie came in, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled when she saw the two people who were so affectionate.

"His Royal Highness still has a solution. We coaxed the county master for a long time just now, but the master refused to show the slightest smile. Now that the prince came back, the rain will pass and the sky will clear up immediately."

Xiaodie is a maid who serves her personally, and no one will blame her for her unruly speech.

It's just that Murong Qingyin was embarrassed and still glared at her, Xiaodie smiled and ran out quickly.

"This girl is becoming more and more eloquent now, and she really needs to be disciplined someday. Also, everything in the mansion has remained the same in the past few months, and I have often sent people to visit the prince."

Murong Qingyin chatted about family life, and also talked about many things that happened in the imperial capital in the past few months.

She handed Yan Yunchi a hibiscus roll, and said expectantly:

"I learned this in the palace. If you taste the taste, you can lose to the imperial dining room. You will have to go to the palace to have a banquet in a while. You can't escape, but that kind of banquet is not enough to eat. You eat and sleep in the open." For several months, eat something to pad your stomach, so as not to suffer when you go to the banquet."

Murong Qingyin cared for her, and Yan Yunchi accepted them all.

He tasted every pastry one by one, and praised again and again:

"It seems that during this period of time, you have been running to the imperial dining room a lot in the palace, otherwise, how could you make such delicious food. In fact, you don't need to do these things yourself, and it's not like there are no servants in the palace."

Knowing what Yan Yunchi said, he felt sorry for her to make her happy.

Seeing him eating up all the cakes, Murong Qingyin was in a particularly good mood.

"For the sake of your good performance, after the palace banquet, I'm holding a family banquet in the evening, which can be regarded as a cleansing for your sister, so that she can feel the warmth of home."

Yan Yunchi was drinking tea, and immediately put down the cup and said:

"Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. I will naturally take care of Xiaoqing. Besides, she has been riding horses and hunting in the grassland since she was a child. She has a lot of skills. I want to place her on the Zhuangzi to accompany her father and king. It's good to visit her often to save money." I will cause you trouble when I return home."

It's not that Yan Yunchi deliberately treated this sister coldly.

After all, under his father's eyelids, this little fox can't make waves in front of the old fox, and it can also avoid unnecessary conflicts between the family.

But Murong Qingyin feels that this arrangement is not very appropriate:

"Now that the prince lives in Zhuangzi, you and I both know that he has a deep relationship with your deceased mother and concubine, so after leaving everything to you, he lives a life of returning to the field."

Murong Qingyin felt that it would be better not to tell King Yan about Yan Yunqing's matter:

"Send the child born to your father and other women to Zhuangzi, and hang around in front of your mother's grave every day. Thinking about it, I think your father must be embarrassed."

Yan Yunchi just felt that it would be a good thing for his father and this younger sister to recognize each other, but Murong Qingyin's words were indeed reasonable.

But when he thought of the angry look of the other party just now, he still asked cautiously:

"Ayin, are you sure you want to call Xiaoqing into the house? She has tormented me a lot along the way, and she has tricky ideas and weird things. If it wasn't for going too far, I wouldn't have seen through it so quickly, knowing that she was deliberately going around everywhere. Targeted at me, and those thoughts that are hostile to Prince Yan's Mansion."

After a delay of quite a few hours, the two of them had already left the palace and got into the carriage to go to the palace for a banquet.

Murong Qingyin smiled, and said quite confidently:

"If it were the same as before, your sister would really give me a headache. But in the past few months in the harem, all I saw were the intrigues between women. I happened to learn a new skill. Take your sister It’s a good time to practice.”

Regarding Yan Yunqing's matter, following Murong Qingyin's words, allowing her to enter the mansion is considered a complete finalization.

Hearing Murong Qingyin mention the harem matter, Yan Yunchi immediately said approvingly:

"Every time I communicate with you, you always cover up everything, lest you worry me. But your Majesty, I have asked a lot of things. Now even the Queen Mother Liang, you and Your Majesty have gotten out of the palace. Go, my family's Ayin's methods are really amazing."

Murong Qingyin smiled helplessly, in fact, if she had a choice, she didn't want to go to the palace to deal with this mess at all.

"The turmoil is still uncertain. You are outside the imperial capital, and your situation is thousands of times more dangerous than mine. I am afraid that you will worry, so I report the good and not the bad. Fortunately, we are all safe and sound now. It is a pity, Qing County The king still failed to drive out of the imperial capital."

The more they fight each other, the more Murong Qingyin finds out that this Prince Qing is terrifying.

Obviously, everyone knew that Prince Qing had a problem, and almost all the turmoil in the imperial capital could not be separated from him.

But he just had the ability to stay in the imperial capital without falling down. During this period, even the queen mother was so alarmed that she came forward to be his backer.

Of course Yan Yunchi knew, Murong Qingyin was worried about something and said in relief:

"There is no rush for these things. After His Majesty and Princess Fanbang get married, everything will naturally fall to the ground. Prince Qing holds His Majesty's seven-inch bargaining chip in his hand, and it will become meaningless."

Murong Qingyin is also looking forward to that day coming soon, but she also understands that danger is also approaching.

"You haven't left the imperial capital yet. In order to hold you back, King Qing and Queen Mother Liang even killed Concubine An to implicate me, asking Yan Wang's mansion to be involved in the case to hold you back. Even if the princess has entered the palace smoothly, But with Prince Qing's method, I'm afraid it will become even more hysterical, just watch and trouble is yet to come."

They haven't seen each other for several months, and the two have endless words to talk about.

When she came back to her senses, Murong Qingyin felt that in the blink of an eye, she had reached the palace.

When it comes to the palace banquet, it is naturally inconvenient to speak.

But this time, the two of them were seated next to each other, which was a gift bestowed by His Majesty.

Otherwise, even if they are husband and wife at the palace banquet, they have to sit separately. This kind of holy grace is so vast that I don't know how many people looked at them.

It is obviously a picture of a man and a woman, but someone wants to destroy it.

Holding the wine glass, Yan Yunqing leaned over with a drunken look on her face, and said to Murong Qingyin with a smile:

"It's still my elder brother who is amazing, coaxing my sister-in-law so quickly. Or maybe my sister-in-law's temper is too good, a few words can make you not angry. But this kind of palace banquet is too grand, I'm afraid, I want to sit I don't know if my sister-in-law can get out of the way and sit by my brother's side."

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