Nan Li saw everything in his eyes, he looked at Murong Qingyin worriedly.

"Third sister, don't think about it. I can assure you on behalf of Ah Chi. He is definitely not a reckless person. Before you appeared, I also wanted to reward him with beauty, but he refused. In his eyes, there must be a misunderstanding."

Murong Qingyin didn't speak, but felt a dull pain in her heart:

"Misunderstanding? Everyone is in his arms, His Majesty thinks there is no misunderstanding."

Realizing that her tone was not very good, Murong Qingyin immediately took a deep breath and said:

"Your Majesty, I'm really sorry. I've only been communicating with you for several months, and I've never heard him mention this matter. Now people have brought them back directly. I'm really surprised."

After Murong Qingyin finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave.

Nan Li saw that this was no good, if he had to keep the person quickly, Yan Yunchi would not even have a chance to explain, then the misunderstanding would be even deeper.

"Derong, what are you still doing stupidly, stop the Lord Jiade quickly."

Derong was also dumbfounded, because before Murong Qingyin appeared, Yan Yunchi couldn't even see a woman beside him.

He couldn't figure it out, did His Royal Highness suddenly become enlightened, how could he learn to hug left and right.

However, being reprimanded by Nan Li, Derong hurried forward and blocked Murong Qingyin's way.

"The county lord, please calm down. For His Majesty's sake, you are just waiting. After His Royal Highness arrives later, if you still want to go back, the servant will personally drive you away in a carriage. That's fine."

Murong Qingyin was really angry, but after thinking about it, she always felt that Yan Yun was too late.

"Okay, I'll stay and see what he says."

Finally, Yan Yunchi and his party came to the front.

Yan Yunchi was very considerate, first put down the girl in his arms, then took her hand, and they came to Nan Li and knelt down to say hello.

Seeing that the girl was still holding Yan Yunchi's arm tightly when they knelt down, this scene really hurt Murong Qingyin deeply.

And Nan Li kept winking at Yan Yunchi, but what he got in exchange was this elm-headed chuckle dotingly at the little girl beside him.

Nan Li was so annoyed by this, he immediately asked:

"My son has worked hard all the way, where is the princess now, let's talk about the old days in a while, please hurry up and invite her down."

Yan Yunchi finally let go of the little girl's hand, and followed orders to lead the way to the carriage.

Seeing that the little girl who was treated like a treasure by Yan Yunchi was left alone.

Nan Li approached Murong Qingyin and said in a low voice:

"Don't worry, third sister, I'm naturally on your side. This little girl is left alone now, so you can ask whatever you want, and I'll support Ah Chi for you."

Nan Li's words were so loyal that Murong Qingyin was moved.

But after another thought, Nan Li could protect her like this, but Yan Yun went out late and even brought her a small one when he came back, Murong Qingyin's anger was completely burning.

When Nan Li also walked away, Murong Qingyin took a few glances at the little girl in front of her.

Although this girl is dressed in the attire of a grassland tribe, she is petite and has a pretty face, not like the rough and bold grassland girls.

"What's your name, why are you together with Yan Yunchi, you're only eleven or twelve years old, your parents don't worry about you coming out alone."

Murong Qingyin was angry in her heart, but she didn't want to make a fuss about a little girl.

Therefore, it was just an inquiry, and there was no plan to teach a lesson.

On the contrary, the little girl folded her hands in front of her body, looking at Murong Qingyin like a big kid.

"You don't need to worry about who I am, I know who you are, you are Murong Qingyin, right? I heard Brother Ah Chi mentioned you, and you are indeed pretty, but you are not as good as me."

The little girl's words made Murong Qingyin laugh back in anger.

"He really tells you everything, yes, you are fine."

It just so happened that Yan Yunchi was coming this way after finishing his work, and only wanted to say hello to Murong Qingyin, but the little girl was quite enthusiastic and threw herself into his arms.

Murong Qingyin couldn't stand it any longer, she turned around and left directly, deciding to see nothing for nothing.

Yan Yunchi was behind her, and asked very confusedly:

"Where are you going, Ayin? I haven't seen you for several months. Now that I see that everything is fine with you, I can finally feel relieved."

For a little girl who is not too old, Murong Qingyin can't do anything.

But it was different when it was Yan Yunchi, she turned around and kicked the stone under her feet towards him vigorously.

"It turns out that you still care about my well-being. I thought you only remembered the newcomer and forgot my old love. I won't bother you if you get tired of being together. I have to go back to Prince Yan's mansion quickly, pack up my things and move out. Save your eyes from getting in the way."

Yan Yunchi looked confused, but the little girl nestled in his arms covered her mouth and laughed badly.

"Yun Qing, did you get into trouble again just now, and that's why you made your sister-in-law angry?"

Looking at the back of Murong Qingyin who had gone far away, Yan Yunchi didn't dare to chase after him casually, he didn't know the reason of the matter, he was afraid of making the other party even more angry.

He could only look at the little girl in his arms, and wanted to ask what good deed she had done.

This little girl is called Yan Yunqing, and she is Yan Yunchi's half-sister.

Her mother was a barbarian woman. King Yan was seriously injured in an ambush once, but was rescued by a shepherd girl.

King Yan also lost his memory for a while, and the two became husband and wife in the grassland. Later, when he remembered everything, he would naturally return to his homeland and give an explanation to the court.

At that time, Princess Yan died of illness for many years, and King Yan also wanted to ask the shepherdess to return to the Central Plains with him to give her a title, but the woman refused.

Coupled with the fact that the other party was in a barbarian tribe, King Yan couldn't even visit her after he left, so he could only send her some food and clothing every year through various relationships.

This time Yan Yun went to the barbarians late, only to learn that the woman had died a few years ago, leaving only one daughter, who was indeed his own sister.

Yan Yunchi saw that Yan Yunqing was lonely and helpless, so he brought her back. It was not easy for him to say anything about his father's past in his letter.

It turned out to be a good thing, before he could explain, the misunderstanding was so great that it made a fuss first.

Yan Yunqing received a very good Sinicization education, and she speaks well, and she is also very smart.

He didn't say a single word that was unfavorable to him, instead he felt pitifully wronged.

"I just heard you say how nice my sister-in-law is. I just made a joke with her. I didn't expect her to get angry. Brother, ignore her. I will go to the city and take me around later, okay? But you promised me early on, you can't be foolish."

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