Murong Qingyin felt more and more that today's banquet was just like a Hongmen banquet.

But Murong Qingyin's clothes are full of soup residue this time, so she can't just go out like this, so naturally she can only freshen up.

The treasure bottle that brought her down just now had a sincere attitude of admitting mistakes in front of people.

Now that there is no one else around, she immediately changed her face, and said directly and playfully:

"I didn't expect, County Lord Jiade, you really dare to follow me to change clothes. You are really courageous. Otherwise, you would not dare to speak nonsense in front of His Majesty and make some rebellious advice."

Murong Qingyin frowned, and vaguely guessed in her heart why this harem concubine's attitude towards her changed drastically.

But Murong Qingyin remained calm, because she really wanted to see what these people were up to.

After all, no one can guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Rather than being constantly entrapped by Concubine Jia, Concubine An and her like's tricks behind the scenes, it's better to speak clearly at once.

When he got there, Bao Ping stuffed a set of palace skirts into Murong Qingyin's hands.

"You can wear this set first, after all, we don't have any clothes suitable for you, the county lord, in the imperial concubine's palace."

Murong Qingyin took a few glances at the clothes in her hand, the royal blue color was embroidered with gold thread auspicious clouds, it was extremely luxurious and exquisite.

But Murong Qingyin didn't intend to wear it, but said with a smile:

"Before I entered the palace, Yan Yunchi specially reminded me that the rules in the palace are fine, if it goes beyond the status, it is a serious crime of beheading, not only gold thread is used on this clothes, but also Inlaid with Dongzhu, what do you want to do, kill people and kill people?"

Murong Qingyin directly threw the clothes aside, turned around and was about to go out.

"Anyway, when I go out wearing clothes that have been soaked in soup, others will only laugh at Concubine Jia for not knowing how to treat guests, and treat me, the county lord who came to the banquet for the empress dowager, you are not afraid of making jokes, what do I have? So scary."

Hearing what Murong Qingyin said, he turned around and was about to leave.

Bao Ping finally showed panic on his face, and immediately rushed forward, apologizing again and again and said with a smile:

"Good county lord, you must not go out like this, or the empress will definitely kill me if she knows. It's not good to be a slave just now, and I am also following orders. Why don't I give the county lord first and get a set of my concubine's regular clothes? Nice skirt."

In fact, Murong Qingyin didn't believe what Bao Ping said, but she still nodded her head calmly, wanting to see what tricks are waiting for her in this imperial concubine's palace.

Soon Bao Ping brought a new set of Luo skirt, which was light green, very plain in color, and didn't have too many complicated patterns.

But this time, when Aquarius handed over Luo Qun.Murong Qingyin simply stopped answering.

There was a flash of panic in Bao Ping's eyes, but he still pretended to be confused and asked:

"Master Jiade, change your clothes."

Murong Qingyin pointed to the clothes in Bao Ping's hand, suddenly sighed and said:

"If I smell this clothes correctly, it seems to have been soaked in herbal medicine water. I am familiar with the smell of this herbal medicine. If you and I put on your clothes and go out and be blown by the wind, we will see if the brocade is torn to pieces. You will be naked, you guys are really insidious methods."

Although Murong Qingyin was feeling emotional, her expression didn't even bother her.

Since coming here, without the advanced medical equipment, she has made up a lot of things in the classics of traditional Chinese medicine.

In addition, he also has a good foundation in medical skills, so many unknown herbal medicines can't be hidden from Murong Qingyin's nose at all.

The panic on Bao Ping's face could no longer be concealed.

After all, what Murong Qingyin said was right, and what she was more worried about was that if the clothes were sent to Yuqian, she might be the first to die without a whole body.

Just when Aquarius still wanted to search his guts and find an understanding to explain.

Murong Qingyin didn't give her this chance at all, but with a knife in her hand, she knocked the treasure bottle unconscious on the spot.

As for herself, the side hall in the imperial concubine's palace naturally had no shortage of tea and fruit.

Murong Qingyin sat leisurely in the side hall, found a book, and read it comfortably while drinking tea.

Before she was told to wait too long, there was a burst of noisy footsteps at the entrance of the side hall.

And here, besides Concubine Jia, there is no other person who can move freely and hug each other like this.

But at this time, Murong Qingyin didn't have the slightest intention to get up and greet her.

And she even glanced at the door playfully, and put down the book with great anticipation, because she knew that the good show was about to begin.

The people outside the door did not open the door to come in immediately.

Instead, he knocked on the door and got no response before pushing the door of the side hall open.

When a gust of wind blew in from the outside, the unconscious Baoping sat on the chair placed in front of the door.

What she was wearing at the moment was the sarong soaked in herbs.

Just like what Murong Qingyin said before, it was just a gust of wind brought in by the door of the palace being opened.

The Luo skirt on Bao Ping's body was directly blown to pieces, exposing all the fine skin.

Concubine Jia Gui, who was leading the people in, was shocked when she saw this scene.

In fact, from soiling Murong Qingyin's Luo skirt to changing into this tampered dress.

If Concubine Jia hadn't been instructed to borrow a hundred guts from Aquarius, how would she have dared to do things to harm Murong Qingyin.

At this time, the clothes were worn on Aquarius' body, indicating that the plan had been exposed.

And at this time, Murong Qingyin walked over from the window of the side hall, even smiled at Concubine Jia and said:

"Imperial Concubine, do you think that if His Majesty saw this scene and knew the whole story, would Longyan be furious?"

Although Murong Qingyin's words were in a questioning tone, everyone knew the result.

So I saw Concubine Jia Gui, who has always been domineering, with an extremely ugly face, and said with a hint of compromise:

"It seems that you know everything, otherwise you would be the one who was recruited instead of Aquarius. If you want to tell His Majesty, you can just go. I also want to see if Your Majesty will do it again this time." Listen to you, kill me and let you vent your anger."

Hearing what Concubine Jia said, Murong Qingyin said without changing her smile:

"What the concubine concubine said is really a shame, I just hope you can call the concubine An, and then listen to me alone in this side hall. After I finish speaking, I, Murong Qingyin, leave immediately. As for today's matter, I can assure the imperial concubine that I will not reveal a single word."

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