Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 427 Deliberately provoked

Although what Nan Li said today was very strange.

But since the other party didn't want to talk, Murong Qingyin didn't keep asking.

Then I saw her stand up, smiled and said:

"Since Your Majesty has said so, I will naturally go to see Lu'er. She has done my sister a terrible harm and used her like a pawn. Of course, I can't just let this matter go. "

Nan Li didn't have any objection to this, and even picked up the wine glass on the table, poured himself a drink, and said with emotion:

"It's great to have my sister protecting me. When I was young, if my mother and concubine were still alive, or if there was someone in the royal family who was willing to protect me, then I shouldn't have to live so hard."

The majestic king of a country actually feels that his life is quite miserable at this moment.

I'm afraid that whoever he said this to would think that Nan Li was talking about drunkenness.

But Murong Qingyin was deeply moved. After experiencing two lives, she had no worries about food and clothing in her previous life. In the end, even the person she loved the most fell in front of her.

Thinking of the sad part, Murong Qingyin snatched Nan Li's cup, ignored the shocked look on his face, but said solemnly:

"What's the use of sighing? If you are really dissatisfied with the current predicament, you should face up to the difficulties and find a way to solve them, instead of escaping here by drinking to relieve your worries."

Even if Nan Li is the king of a country, Murong Qingyin feels that she is qualified to say such words.

After all, in order to save Yan Yunchi's life, she even came here as a human in two lifetimes.

But now all the tragedies are being uncovered with layers of fog, and are developing towards the good side.

Murong Qingyin felt that she could protect Yan Yunchi even in the past and present life. Even if Nan Li encountered great hatred, as the emperor of a country, there was nothing he couldn't do to turn things around. "

After Murong Qingyin said these words, De Rong, who was beside him, touched tears excitedly.

He had wanted to say these words to Nan Li a long time ago, and hoped that the master could cheer up a little bit.

But he also knew his identity, so he could only be anxious, but he couldn't do anything.

Unexpectedly, today Murong Qingyin said everything he wanted to say and what he didn't dare to say, how could Derong not shed tears.

After all, in the harem, everyone was coaxing Nan Li, trying to extract some benefits from him.

But Derong is the only one, he is sincerely thinking about this master, and he really can't see him in such a daze every day.

But Nan Li looked at Murong Qingyin in a daze for a while, and then suddenly raised his head and laughed.

"I really didn't expect it. I thought that if I wasn't in the court, I would be able to avoid the nagging and admonishing officials from the censors. I didn't expect it, but I still didn't escape the reminder from you, Sanmei."

After hearing this, Murong Qingyin also thought that Nan Li was about to get angry.

Unexpectedly, Nan Li directly smashed the wine glass on the ground, and said with a solemn smile:

"It seems that this wine is indeed poisonous to the intestines. If I die drunk again, I'm afraid that even my third sister will look down on me. Just go and see how Lu'er will deal with it. I also have many things that I need to think about carefully. gone."

This is the first time that Nan Li issued an order to drive her away, but Murong Qingyin didn't care at all.

After all, anyone who doesn't have eye problems can tell that His Majesty, who always loves to talk and laugh, is obviously really stumped by something.

And Murong Qingyin walked out of the front and back of Yu, and immediately looked at Derong who was beside him and said:

"Your Majesty's condition seems to be very bad. Eunuch Lao has taken care of him. No matter what happens in the future, you can send someone out of the palace to find me and Yan Yunchi for help at Prince Yan's Mansion."

Although it was just a promise, Derong immediately thanked him repeatedly after hearing it.

And just when the two of them wanted to chat for a few more words, they didn't expect that Nan Li just smashed his wine glass and looked like he was going to work hard.

As a result, when he turned around, he ordered someone to remove Su Yun'e's board, and called her into the imperial court again.

Su Yun'e, who happened to pass by Murong Qingyin, even though she hadn't finished the board, she had finished the twenty slaps.

On the beautiful little face, now there are palm prints criss-crossing all over it.

And relying on Nan Li being so inseparable from her, Su Yun'e raised her chin proudly, and sarcastically directed at Murong Qingyin full of hostility:

"The county lord has seen it with his own eyes. Don't think that after you provoke me with a few words, you can really make your majesty hate me. You say golden words, but in order to see me, your majesty can change the order day and night, so I advise the county lord to recognize his own in the future. identity."

Su Yun'e is quite confident about her natural charm.

Although it was indeed a difficult journey from childhood to adulthood, the number of men who have been defeated by her pomegranate skirt is truly too numerous to count.

So what can the emperor do? In the final analysis, he is still a man, but there are no men who are not caught.

After hearing these words, Murong Qingyin stretched out her hand suddenly, Su Yun'e's expression changed subconsciously, and she took half a step back.

When she realized that deep down in her heart she was afraid of Murong Qingyin, Su Yun'e's face became even more ugly and frightening.

But looking at Murong Qingyin again, she covered her mouth and laughed out loud, and said mockingly:

"I've heard people say that a dog that bites and hurts doesn't bark, but any dog ​​that barks and barks, it's all because I'm too timid, and I'm just bluffing. Today, it's true.”

"You!" Su Yun'e was full of anger, and her hands were clenched into fists.

These years, following her master's side, she has not only improved her ability to seduce men, but also learned some martial arts.

At that moment just now, she was even so impulsive that she wanted to stretch out her hand and chop Murong Qingyin, an unsightly little bitch, alive.

Murong Qingyin saw the murderous intent in Su Yun'e's eyes, but she didn't take it seriously at all, and continued to talk to De Rong beside her:

"Girls in the harem, they are all charming and unruly things. It seems that His Majesty just wants to taste the wild flowers on the side of the road. I don't know what is so crazy about her. If I didn't want to Take a look at Lu'er, that lowly maid who killed my sister, some people can do nothing to me."

Murong Qingyin said a lot of provocative words in one breath, but although Su Yun'e was angry, she did not lose her composure.

Disappointment flashed across her eyes immediately, but she still went to the prison to take a look at Lu'er, accompanied by De Rong himself.

She just deliberately told Su Yun'e about this matter.

If these people were really in the same group, they would definitely be worried about what Lu'er would say, and at that time, they would take some action, and she might be able to pull out the fox's tail by taking advantage of the situation.

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