Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 407 Careful Preparation

The more Lu'er spoke, the more excited she became, her eyes even sparkled.

If His Majesty died today, he would have no heirs.

Her Royal Highness, the Prince of the County, who she is loyal to is also a member of the royal family. In addition to paving the way in the court over the years, she will be able to move one step closer to the throne.

So Lu'er rushed forward and tightly grabbed Song Yaoyin's shoulders. When she was so excited that she couldn't control herself, she even shook her back and forth non-stop.

Song Yaoyin looked at Lu'er's appearance and thought she was eager for revenge.

Although she understood, seeing Lu'er like this, Song Yaoyin only felt very scared, and wanted to push Lu'er away and run away.

"Don't be like this Luer, I will be obedient, and I have not forgotten to take revenge. Don't be angry with my sister. If you replace her without harming her life, I am willing. I will give everything to my sister now." Remember, try to imitate her, you know I'm a quick learner."

After hearing this, Lu'er gradually calmed down, seeing that Song Yaoyin had finally compromised, so that she could become the second Murong Qingyin as soon as possible.

So Lu'er nodded, no longer delaying her time, but said some words of encouragement, and then limped away.

And Song Yaoyin breathed a sigh of relief after Lu'er left for a while, and silently opened the booklet that recorded Murong Qingyin's life.

Originally thought that this elder sister's life would be easier in Murong's house, not as hard as she had to go away.

As a result, when she saw the record on it that Murong Qingyin even ate bad rice and snatched the water basin for dogs, Song Yaoyin burst into tears and retched twice.

It wasn't that she disliked what happened to Murong Qingyin, but because she couldn't bear it and didn't dare to imagine that scene, so she kept retching.

"This Murong family is absolutely hateful. No wonder the elder sister's temperament has changed so much, but even though she has suffered so much, she still thinks of me wholeheartedly. Moreover, her father was indeed a treasonous crime back then. Mother told us to forget the hatred of."

Song Yaoyin remembered the events of that year clearly.

At that time, her mother hugged the two sisters, crying and saying that it was the way of the world that was wrong.

They are housewives, and when the men of the house are honored, they are honored.

If the man in the family made a mistake, no one cares whether the woman in the house is innocent or not, so naturally she should die along with her.

This is a woman's life, she can't blame others, she can only blame the injustice of this world.

Thinking of this, the hatred in Song Yaoyin's eyes dissipated a lot.

But suddenly in the courtyard, there was laughter from the maids cleaning the courtyard.

Song Yaoyin couldn't help trembling all over, thinking that Lu'er was back, she sat upright and didn't dare to think about anything.

Anyway, she has been listening to Lu'er all this time, so she survived well, now anyway, her sister's life is not in danger, so she just continues to be obedient, and don't think about other things.

As for this younger sister, Murong Qingyin is not a forerunner of the situation in the palace, she is a semi-celestial being who can pinch and count, so naturally she doesn't know.

On the contrary, the relationship between Song Yaoyin and Lu'er, in the eyes of Murong Qingyin, is simply the love between master and servant.

How could she know that Song Yaoyin, a younger sister, had developed a slavish conditioned reflex to obey Lu'er's words.

So the one in the palace was watching her miserable past, weeping silently, thinking about how to take revenge while learning.

On Murong Qingyin's side, because she and Yan Yunchi have a marriage decree, they can stay in Yan Wang's mansion dignifiedly.

So in a good mood, get ready for some romance.

What kind of candlelight dinner, let's watch the meteor shower together, set off the wishing lamps, and we're ready to arrange everything.

Anyway, Yan Wang's mansion is rich and powerful, so it is natural for her to mess around.

After Murong Qingyin made careful preparations, the night finally came.

She couldn't wait to push open the door, and sure enough, she saw Yan Yunchi waiting outside.

I don't know where he brought a set of stone tables and chairs, and now he is holding a half-read book in his hand and looking at it.

And about two hours ago, she forcibly pushed Yan Yunchi out of the yard. She didn't expect him to stand outside reading a book and never leave.

Looking at the person who has been waiting for her, this sweet heart is about to drip honey.

"Okay, you can read this book anytime. It's dark and your lamp isn't very bright. If you read it any longer, it will hurt your eyes. Follow me, Yan Yunchi. I'm ready. It's something you've never seen or eaten before."

Looking at Murong Qingyin's mysterious face, she also showed a little complacency.

Yan Yunchi didn't want to hit her, but he really wanted to say that he never cared about these appetites and decorations.

As long as Murong Qingyin was by his side, it would be the same as chewing wax, and when there was no light around him, he would drink it like a drink, thinking that it was the most beautiful moment in the world.

Even though she thought so in her heart, it wouldn't really disturb Murong Qingyin's good mood.

Immediately, I saw him walking into the courtyard door with a smile, and said:

"I just sat and waited outside for a few hours, but you have to keep busy in the courtyard. You should work harder, so I have to take a good look at what you have prepared."

The first thing that catches the eye is the candlelight dinner placed directly in the courtyard.

And Murong Qingyin thought very thoughtfully, in order to prevent moths and bugs from running over to spoil the atmosphere.

She also used all the gauze covers, and the light looked hazy and dreamy.

The brightest lanterns and candles were all hung on the walls of the courtyard and on the treetops.

The phototaxis of moths and bugs will make them run towards the brightest place.

Yan Yunchi is the one who leads the army in battle, and he can see clearly the slightest change in the battlefield.

So looking around, there were no moths or insects at all, and then looking at the bright lanterns hanging, how could Yan Yunchi not know that Murong Qingyin really took great pains.

After being seated, Murong Qingyin couldn't help pointing at the fried steak in front of the two of them and said:

"Try it quickly. You can get used to eating this meat. In fact, this taste is similar to barbecue, but juicier. If you like it, I can make it for you every day."

Beef was a rare thing in ancient times, and large animals could not be slaughtered casually.

But it might as well be that Nan Li's emphasis on King Yan's Mansion is the first in the imperial capital. Whatever the King Yan's Mansion wants to eat, they can go directly to the imperial dining room to get the ingredients.

And among the imperial family, if they want to get some meat suitable for making steaks, it is naturally not difficult at all.

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