I Xiaolong

Chapter 775 One photo reveals identity!

Not long after Qin Junmie came to Longhai, he didn't form a deep hatred with anyone. If he wanted to put him to death, he couldn't think of anyone else except Qin Chuan.

Could it be that Qin Chuan really sent someone to take his life?Or let him have something less?

He can be sure that this person is not a dragon prisoner, nor a Qin Renchen, so which one of the several masters under Qin Chuan's flag is this?

Qin Chuan would not be so inflated that he would ignore his skill, just send a cat or a dog to assassinate him, and then scare the snake away.

While hesitating, the opponent's blade had already struck, and it went straight to Qin Junmie's heart.

The silver light flashed, and the fire burst out.

In an instant, a pair of silver claws appeared on Qin Junmie's hand. This was exactly the weapon Qin Junmie used: Farewell Wing!

The other party didn't see how his parting wings were suddenly put on his hands, let alone know where his parting wings were placed on his body.

The parting wings stretched out, firmly grasping the stabbing blade, and the blade suddenly stopped when it was about to reach his face.

This knife kills people without blood, so the blood on the knife drips down the tip of the knife, and what enters Qin Jun Mie's nose is a clear smell of blood.

"Is that so?" Qin Junmie smiled provocatively.

He has enough confidence in his own skills, so even if Xinghun is not by his side, he is confident that he has the ability to protect himself.

Unless Qin Chuan's several masters collectively besiege him, there is no possibility of killing him, otherwise there is no such possibility.

The assassin returned great anger to Qin Junmie's provocation, and suddenly a blue light flashed across the knife, making a sizzling sound.

Qin Junmie realized immediately that this was something his Parting Wing could not block, because it was a strong current.

It was too late to say that, Qin Junmie broke away from the knife with the hand wearing the parting wing, avoiding the electric current attacking him.

The blue electric current was shot out like lightning, hitting the iron railing by the sea, and the iron railing was instantly pierced.

This is not an ordinary high-voltage current, but a treacherous current!

The strange current is not something mysterious, it's just that its generation method is more peculiar and its lethality is greater.

The only people he knows who use this kind of thing are people with a thousand grasses of evil.

So this person is a thousand grasses of evil?But the only one with such skills in Evil Qiancao is Xiangshi, and Qin Junmie didn't smell the fragrance related to Xiangshi from him.

Of course, he can't arbitrarily affirm that this is the person of Evil Qiancao just based on this electric current!

The opponent swung his blade, and strange currents flew and crisscrossed in the air, like a strange blue snake, ready to devour Qin Junmie at any moment.

"You don't seem to be from Qin Chuan!" Qin Junmie said coldly to the assassin.

Not to mention whether Qin Chuan's people will use trick electricity, at least he will not use the tricks of his rival, the evil Chicao, when killing a person.

But if he wasn't from Qin Chuan, who would he be?Besides Qin Chuan, who else wanted to put him to death, and dared to do anything to him?

"You don't have to answer me, I'll let you do it within three moves!" Qin Junmi said confidently.

As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow flashed past, and Qin Junmie's sharp claws had already aimed straight at the assassin's face.His hand seems to have an elongation function, and it feels like it has been extended twice. In fact, it is because his speed is too fast, which leads to this visual difference.

In a panic, Qin Junmie had already avoided the strange electric current on the knife at this moment, and the parting wing in his hand was already very close to his face.

The blade intersected with the parting wing, and the residual electric current still had a strong effect. In an instant, it was like a bomb was detonated between the two of them. It exploded with a bang, and the bodies of the two were shaken several meters away.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the assassin's attack remained undiminished. He raised his knife and prepared to stab again, but he felt an abnormality on his face.

He clearly felt a gust of cold wind blowing against his face without any cover. There was no doubt that the mask on his face had been shattered just now, and his appearance was about to be protected in front of Qin Junmie.

He turned his back reflexively, because based on his cognition, letting Qin Junmie know who he is is not a good thing, and it can even be said that it is a very bad result for him.

Qin Junmie couldn't wait to find out who this person was. If he was from Qinchuan, his plan in Longhai would change.

At least Qin Chuan has already moved to kill him, and it is absolutely impossible for him to patiently confront him like playing chess like this.


Another figure descended from the sky, and then a berserk force attacked Qin Junmie, knocking him flying more than ten meters away.

Qin Junmie firmly grasped the railing with one hand so as not to be thrown into the sea by the violent force just now.

But Qin Junmie can clearly feel the characteristics of this kind of strength: this kind of strength is attenuated, that is to say, this person did not kill him.

When Qin Junmie came up, the person who attacked him just now had disappeared, and so did the assassin, who disappeared together.

Obviously, that person just now was to rescue the assassin.If it wasn't for his appearance, the assassin's true colors would have already been revealed, or he had already figured it out!

Looking at the car ahead of Yiqi Juechen, Qin Junmi had a sullen look on his face.

Although today's assassination didn't do anything to him, at least it made him very embarrassed for a while, making him lose his nobility and calmness as the head of the Tianji Patriarch for a while.

A call was made, and Xinghun answered the call.

"Is that person okay now?" Qin Junmie asked Xinghun, and it was naturally Chu Zongheng who asked.

At least this person was entrusted by Eizhi Qiancao to protect him, and he must give Eizhi Qiancao face in this respect.

"Fortunately! He never left!" Xing Hun replied.

On this matter, Xinghun directly lied to Qin Junmie.Because Chu Zongheng left halfway, not long after Qin Junmie left, and Xinghun saw it with his own eyes, but pretended not to know.

Because... Xinghun knows what this person is going to do after he leaves!

"What is the order of the Patriarch?" Xinghun said to Qin Jun with the attitude of a loyal subordinate.

"It's okay, send a car to pick me up!" Qin Junmie ordered, telling him his location.

After making the phone call, Qin Jun Mie's eyes suddenly lit up. Something on the ground in front of him caught his attention. He stepped forward and bent down to pick it up.

There was no such thing just now, so there is no doubt that this thing fell from the assassin's body during the fight between him and the assassin.

It was a photograph, a photograph of a woman, more precisely, a photograph of a very seductive woman.

Of course, Qin Junmie didn't know the woman in the photo, so he could only describe it like this for the time being.

"Could it be that person's woman?" Qin Jun Mie asked.

According to his judgment, knowing this woman's information is equivalent to finding out who the person who assassinated him is!

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