She is brighter than the stars

Chapter 268 What do you think?

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, Li Shubai unbuckled his seat belt and was about to get off, Cheng Nian grabbed him.

"I think you should put on your sunglasses."

Li Shubai smiled, "I'm not a celebrity, so if I cover it up deliberately, it will be more eye-catching."

After all, it was already night, which normal person would wear sunglasses to wander around.

Cheng Nian thought it seemed to be the same, so he didn't ask any more. He sighed pretendingly, and said mischievously: "Cherish the time when you can still go out to eat with me openly."

Li Shubai leaned over and pecked her on the lips, "I can do it in the future."

After getting out of the car, the two walked to the hotel.

When they walked to the door, the waiter opened the door. Just as they were about to go in, Cheng Nian heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Never mind?!"

Cheng Nian and Li Shubai turned their heads at the same time.

On the sidewalk, Su Huiyu was holding Old Cheng's head and looking at them incredulously.

He Yunfei's operation was a success, and Su Huiyu came back after taking care of her for a few days.

Cheng Nian's expression was stunned for a moment, he subconsciously let go of Li Shubai's hand, and said in a panic, "Mom, why are you here?"

She didn't know why she was like this, and she might not be mentally prepared to let Su Huiyu know about it.

After confirming that it was Cheng Nian, Su Huiyu questioned, "Didn't you say that you will be filming all night today?"

As she spoke, she saw Li Shubai standing beside her, and seemed to understand it all at once.

Cheng Nian was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and slipped in. He smiled flatteringly, and unconsciously tugged at the hem of his clothes, and said vaguely, "Ah, this..."

Li Shubai glanced at Cheng Nian, took her into his arms again, walked generously in front of Su Huiyu and old Cheng, and smiled politely, "Uncle and aunt, long time no see."

Cheng Nian wanted to break free but couldn't. He felt his whole body trembling, and looked at Su Huiyu cautiously.

Su Huiyu looked back and forth between Cheng Nian and Li Shubai's faces, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Cheng Nian swallowed, wondering: "Well, the child has no mother, it's a long story."

Ten minutes later, in the box of the hotel.

Cheng Nian and Li Shubai sat on one side, Su Huiyu and old Chengtou sat on the other side.

There was a lot of food in the middle of the table, but no one wanted to eat it.

Cheng Nian looked around at the crowd, lowered his head and handed Su Huiyu a pair of chopsticks, courteously.

"Mom, eat something first. Didn't Dad say that you came out to eat, you should be hungry already."

Su Huiyu glanced at Cheng Nian, took it and put it on the tableware in front of her, "Tell me, how long have you been together?"

"More than a month."

"More than two months."

Facing Su Huiyu's suspicious eyes, Cheng Nian looked at Li Shubai, and whispered, "It's been more than two months since we met."

Su Huiyu squinted her eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "That's when you said you were going to film in other places."

Cheng Nian personally thinks that doesn't count at all, but since Li Shubai said so, she nodded.

Su Huiyu looked at Cheng Nian, "Then are you really going to film?"

Cheng Nian looked at Su Huiyu in embarrassment like a child who was caught doing something wrong.

Xin said that we can't maintain the superficial peace between mother and daughter, do you see it through or not?

Li Shubai ignored Cheng Nian's embarrassment, and said calmly: "No, she was at my house those days."

Cheng Nian took a deep breath, and kicked Li Shubai under the table as if complaining.He lowered his head even lower, wishing he could become transparent.

Su Huiyu's gaze sank, and she placed meaningful eyes on the faces of Li Shubai and Cheng Nian.

As a mother, she has many worries in her heart.

But she didn't want to interfere with Cheng Nian's personal life.

After being silent for a while, Su Huiyu picked up the chopsticks and said in relief, "What are your plans this time?"

Cheng Nian's mind went blank, and he opened his mouth and said, "No."

Li Shubai immediately added: "Not yet, Niannian said that we will talk about marriage after her career improves."

Su Huiyu glanced at Li Shubai, frowned and said, "Does your family know that you are together?"

Li Shubai knew what Su Huiyu was worried about, so he didn't give a specific answer, but said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will never let Niannian be wronged."

Thinking of Li Shubai's love for Cheng Nian before, Su Huiyu sighed.

She didn't ask any more questions, she put a piece of mutton on Cheng Nian's dinner plate, and said calmly, "Let's eat."

Cheng Nian looked at Su Huiyu gratefully, picked it up and ate it in fear, "Thank you, Mom."

After he started eating, the original serious atmosphere finally came alive.

Old Cheng didn't say anything, just sat there sullenly.

After drinking two glasses of wine, he opened up the chatter box, and led Li Shubai to chatter with sincerity.

In the middle of speaking, they sat directly next to Li Shubai, and the two muttered together in a very small voice.

Su Huiyu glanced at them with a smile, then turned to ask Cheng Nian, "What do you think?"

Cheng Nian put a shrimp that Li Shubai had peeled into his mouth, and said softly, "I don't know either."

Su Huiyu looked at Cheng Nian tenderly, "Then aren't you afraid now?"

Cheng Nian reacted for a while before he understood what Su Huiyu was talking about, and said with a light smile, "I'm also afraid, I'm afraid that I'll treat him badly and make him sad."

Su Huiyu shook her head with a smile, and reminded: "But think about it, he is from the Chu family."

Cheng Nian smiled indifferently, "So what's the matter, when Dad was with you, he was also a poor man."

Su Huiyu shrugged, "But it won't be soon. Later, no one in your grandfather's family will think highly of your father. Do you know how much he paid for it?"

Cheng Nian pursed his lower lip, and gave Su Huiyu a puzzled look, "Do you want Li Shubai and I to get along well by saying this?"

Su Huiyu snorted and said calmly.

"Who you want to get along with is your business. I just remind you that this road is difficult. You are different from your father, and the Chu family is different from the Su family. But human beings' obsession with the right family has nothing in essence. different."

Cheng Nian knew what Su Huiyu meant.

Although she didn't say anything against it, she must be silently worried in her heart.

Cheng Nian smiled at Su Huiyu reassuringly, and vowed, "I will work hard."

Su Huiyu's mother's loving smile appeared on Su Huiyu's face, and she blamed herself: "Mom and Dad can't help you this time."

Cheng Nian's eyes were slightly red, and he said softly, "You have already given me a lot."

After eating a meal for more than two hours, Li Shubai and Lao Chengtou were already [-]% drunk.

Cheng Nian sent them home, and was thinking about what to say about sending Li Shubai back, when Su Huiyu in the back seat said directly.

"You can scare people to death by driving. Stop running around and sleep at home tonight."

Cheng Nian gratefully glanced at his understanding mother, and helped Li Shubai get off the passenger seat.

After all, Li Shubai is a big man about 1.8 meters tall. Cheng Nian put him on his small bed, and he was already sweating.

After taking a brief shower, Cheng Nian twisted a towel to help Li Shubai wipe it off.

She entered the room with a towel, and saw Li Shubai standing in front of her desk with a clear expression, staring at the table without blinking.

Thinking of the little rabbit that Li Shubai gave him earlier on the table, Cheng Nian walked over quickly, covered his face with a towel, and said in a panic.

"When did you wake up?"

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