She is brighter than the stars

Chapter 263 Because of him?

Xu Shi was stimulated by the hot search, and Huang Zhenzhen appeared on the set the next day.

In order to cope with her foot injury, the crew deliberately changed the script so that the heroine in the play also sprained her foot.

Cheng Nian originally thought that his life would be difficult when she came.

However, Huang Zhenzhen just signaled to the screenwriter to delete half of Cheng Nian's scenes, and did nothing else.

After Cheng Nian saw the new script, he was helpless and at the same time thankful that he didn't have to stay in this group, otherwise he would be annoyed to death by being stared at by Huang Zhenzhen all day long.

The crew also made her announcement list extremely full, as if they wanted Cheng Nian to leave quickly.

Except for the scenes that matched Jiang Lai's time, almost all of them were filming her scenes, and there were a few big nights.

Originally, I expected to stay in the group for two or three months, but now it may take less than a month to finish filming.

For this reason, Sister Fang called Cheng Nian to appease her, and then allocated an exclusive make-up artist and stylist for her from the funds provided by Qin Shaozhi. Anyway, everything that could be arranged was arranged.

Cheng Nian has experienced this kind of thing before, so he has nothing to complain about.

If there are fewer scenes, there will be fewer, and the filming with heart will also be brilliant.

Li Zhan's home page was hung for three days, and it turned into turning the corner.

Cheng Nian has been busy filming on the set, so he didn't go to see him again.

After getting better, Li Shubai began to deal with the backlog of things that the company had accumulated some time ago, and he was also very busy.

Sometimes the two of them can't speak a few words a day, but even a few words make people feel very sweet.

Cheng Nian came to the set this morning.

Jiang Lai seemed to be waiting on the sidelines, and when Cheng Nian appeared, he walked towards her, with guilt and self-blame on his slightly tired face.

Jiang Lai glanced at Aibao first, and Aibao walked away tactfully.

Then he put his eyes on Cheng Nian's face again, and said softly,

"I'm sorry, I'm still hurting you. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Cheng Nian smiled in relief, and comforted him, "I can't blame you."

The behavior of Lin Kai and Huang Zhenzhen was indeed very irritating, but Cheng Nian was not so angry that he couldn't tell right from wrong.

Jiang Lai lowered his head, but the 1.9 meter tall man looked like a poor puppy right now.

His clear eyes like mountain spring water fixedly looked at Cheng Nian, his eyes were full of apology, and he said in a low voice: "But it is indeed because of me, Huang Zhenzhen, that you deleted all of your scenes."

Cheng Nian felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him, turned his face away and laughed twice, "It's okay, just take another scene. She hates me so much, I'd better leave early."

Jiang Lai seemed to sigh, "Then what's your plan?"

Cheng Nian was embarrassed for a while, and hesitated, "Ah, this, I don't know yet, wait for the company to arrange."

Jiang Lai's eyes lit up, he moved closer to Cheng Nian unconsciously, and suggested.

"There will be a reception at C's house on the [-]rd next month. Many producers and directors will attend. It's always good for you to go with me. It's always good to get to know more people."

Cheng Nian was stunned for a moment, waved his hands again and again and said, "That's no need, it just happened before, and the media will write nonsense."

Attending a social occasion with Jiang Lai, just thinking about it, three people who wanted to kill her already appeared in Cheng Nian's mind.

Jiang Lai laughed, "Private banquets, no reporters. Only those who hide and hide will be guessed. We are aboveboard, what are we afraid of?"

Seeing that Cheng Nian was still hesitating, Jiang Lai frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "Are you worried about Huang Zhenzhen? She's not my girlfriend, so why not care about her. Your filming will be over next month, so don't look at her face. "

Cheng Nian pursed his lower lip, wondering: "It's not her."

Jiang Lai looked at Cheng Nian seriously, and said aggrievedly, "That's because you are still blaming me, so you don't want to accept my kindness."

Cheng Nian shook his head and hurriedly said, "Of course not, it's just..."

"Just what?"

Cheng Nian sighed, and said directly, "My boyfriend won't allow me to go."

Jiang Lai's expression was slightly startled, as if he was frozen in place for a moment, he looked at Cheng Nian in disbelief, and asked in confusion, "It's because of him?"

Cheng Nian smiled a little embarrassedly, "Yes, he is a very cautious person. Fortunately, he didn't see the news last time, otherwise there must be a mess."

Jiang Lai suddenly felt his breath stagnate, and he gritted his teeth unconsciously.

He secretly clenched his fists, forced himself to smile, and said with restraint: "But this opportunity is really rare, I believe he will also consider your future."

He paused for a while, then continued immediately seeing that Cheng Nian still wanted to refuse.

"Anyway, it's next month's matter. You can find a chance to discuss it with him. It's not too late to give me an answer later."

Having said that, Cheng Nian was too embarrassed to directly reject Jiang Lai, so he reluctantly nodded.

After Jiang Lai left, Aibao quickly approached Cheng Nian from an unknown corner, and asked mysteriously, "What did you two say?"

Cheng Nian didn't say anything about Jiang Lai's invitation to the reception, only that he came to apologize.

Aibao couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "Hey, what a good person, it's a pity that he fell into the hands of that bastard Lin Kai."

Cheng Nianxiao said, "It's all about performing their duties, who doesn't want their own artist to be good."

The weather was getting hotter, and Cheng Nian was already covered in a thin layer of sweat after filming some literary dramas in the morning.

After the show, everyone went to the waiting room. Cheng Nian saw that the group had bought popsicles, and wanted to get one too, but Aibao who returned the props and came back in time gave him a severe reprimand.

After training Cheng Nian, Aibao didn't forget to get two for himself and Chen Junsheng.

Cheng Nian could only watch but not eat, and was extremely depressed.

When he walked to the door of the lounge, Aibao showed mercy and handed his popsicle to Cheng Nian's mouth, "Here, just lick it."

Cheng Nian wanted to be tougher, but when he looked at the delicious food that was steaming cold, he responded in a hopeless manner.

Just when her mouth was about to touch the popsicle, the door of the lounge suddenly opened from the inside.

"Why so pitiful."

Cheng Nian and Ai Bao were both stunned when they saw the person appearing from the door.

One of the two had surprise on their faces, while the other was frightened.

Cheng Nian didn't even bother to eat the popsicles, he looked around vigilantly, pushed him back into the room and quickly closed the door, and said excitedly.

"Why are you here? Are you in good health? Don't you sneak out, did you get noticed when you came?"

Li Shubai laughed, "You ask so many questions at once, which one should I answer?"

Cheng Nian happily jumped up and down, hugged Li Shubai happily and did not let go, and said sweetly, "I miss you so much."

Standing at the door, Aibao looked at the affectionate couple, and at Chen Junsheng who was smiling at his aunt, his mood was colder than the ice cream in his hand.

"No one wants to tell me what's going on?"

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