She is brighter than the stars

Chapter 244 Am I worthy too?

Cheng Nian also knew that she would let it go when she was ready, she frowned, took a big apple thorn brought by Aibo and leaned halfway on the bed, took a bite and said casually.

"You say it."

Sitting cross-legged next to Cheng Nian, Aibao mysteriously told her the news he had inquired about.

Most of it was known by Cheng Nian. She listened casually, until Aibao said, "Mr. Chu will leave all the money to this illegitimate child" before she concentrated, and frowned, "Yes This kind of thing?"

Aibao half-closed her eyes, and said seriously: "Otherwise, what are you doing changing the will? I heard that for this matter, Mr. Chu's younger sisters who have been living overseas all year round have come back."

Cheng Nian said blankly, "Why are you coming back?"

Aibao gave her a blank look, "Then what else can you do? Why do you look so pretty, but your brain is so bad."

Cheng Nian showed an incomprehensible expression, hesitantly said: "It's not possible."

Aibao said naturally: "You think that the rich man's inheritance is just like ours, a few cars and a few houses, so there must be a fight. Have you heard of the Xuanwu Gate change, the nine sons taking the throne, etc. It's been like this since time immemorial."

Cheng Nian laughed disapprovingly, "You say this is too exaggerated, Mr. Chu only has three sons, and one of them is not his own."

Aibao stared wide-eyed, "If you're not your own, then why don't you fight? Those three melons and two dates don't fight for several lifetimes like ordinary people."

Cheng Nian thought it made sense, and nodded thoughtfully.

Aibao continued: "Not to mention Chuhe, he was a prodigal son in his early years, and he mixed with upstarts like Huang Zhirong, and his methods were dirty. His two sons are not fuel-efficient lamps. I heard that he even raised a group of them. A reform-through-labour prisoner. I guess this illegitimate son...what's his name?"

Cheng Nian reminded: "Li Shubai."

Aibao clapped his hands, "Yes, just this Li Shubai, his life should be very difficult."

After hearing these words, thinking of Li Shubai not taking her home and ignoring her date request, Cheng Nian's small face wrinkled, and worry poured into every cell of her body.

Subconsciously, she picked up her phone and sent a message to Li Shubai, asking him if he had lunch in the afternoon, but it was only after three o'clock.

Although he knew that what Aibao said might not be true, but Mr. Chu openly admitted Li Shubai's identity, and the Chu family's cake was bound to be given out, how could those people be happy.

Seeing Cheng Nian's nervous look, Aibao laughed, "Oh, what's the matter with you. This kind of rich family's grievances is just a pleasure to hear. What kind of life does he live, how can ordinary people like us worry about it?"

Li Shubai did not reply.

Thinking that he should be busy, Cheng Nian put the phone aside, smiled relaxedly, and agreed, "That's right."

After talking about these gossips, Aibao brought up the matter of work, "The machine will start the day after tomorrow, Sister Fang sent a car for the two of us to pick you up at five o'clock in the morning to go to make-up."

Cheng Nian joked, "Huh? Am I worthy too?"

Aibao laughed loudly, "Sister Fang said that it was Qin Shaozhi's money to take the account of the crew. Huang Zhirong's nephew recently beat someone to death. The other party has some background, and the Qin family helped a lot inside. This small amount of money counts." what."

Cheng Nian smiled. Thinking of Huang Zhenzhen's attitude towards Jiang Lai, she couldn't help but said, "This Qin Shaozhi looks like he's been taken advantage of."

Aibao sneered and said: "He is just to cooperate with the Huang family, and this is all his brother's intention. This Qin Er's behavior is perverted, and his father was almost pissed off with his green hair. He only listens to his elder brother's words."

Thinking of Qin Shaozhi's obedience to Qin Shaorong in the box, Cheng Nian felt that it was not unreasonable.

Aibao explained a few more things about her work, and soon He Yunfei came back, and the two went outside holding hands for romance.

Cheng Nian was the only one left. She picked up her phone and searched for more information about the Chu family on the Internet while waiting for Li Shubai's reply.

However, Xu has already been dealt with by public relations, and all he can see is some things about the Chu Group Company.

At about six o'clock, Li Shubai sent a picture of a work meal.

【eating. 】

Cheng Nian frowned, it was not good to ask Li Shubai directly because of those speculative news, and told him in a more roundabout way.

[From now on, I will take pictures of what I eat for every meal, including breakfast]

【What's wrong? 】

Cheng Nian quickly thought of a reason.

[I'm losing weight, I can't eat, I want plums to quench my thirst]

Li Shubai didn't ask any more questions, and quickly replied with the word "OK".

Cheng Nian pursed his lower lip and calmed down.

She doesn't care about the battle between the rich and powerful, as long as she knows that Li Shubai is safe.

After staying at home for a day, Cheng Nian accompanied Su Huiyu and Lao Chengtou to the park at night.

Summer is coming soon, and there are more people in the park.

The square dance team is also gradually growing, and almost every slightly spacious place can see more or less people dancing in front of the sound system.

Su Huiyu took the opportunity to tell Cheng Nian about setting up a street stall, but was rejected again without any surprise.Let her concentrate on taking care of He Yunfei in the future, and go see Deng Min if she has nothing to do.

At five o'clock on Wednesday morning, Aibao and the driver showed up downstairs at Cheng Nian's house on time.

Cheng Nian thought that the company just randomly sent a car to serve as a means of transportation for her, but when she got down, she realized that it was a relatively high-end nanny car.

The driver has a baby face and looks only eighteen or nineteen years old.

As soon as he saw Cheng Nian, he stepped forward to take the bag from her hand, and said enthusiastically, "Teacher Cheng, come on, give me the bag."

Cheng Nian glanced at Aibao and asked silently, "What's going on?"

Aibao introduced with a smile: "Chen Junsheng, driver and assistant."

As soon as she finished talking about Chen Junsheng, she grinned and said enthusiastically, "You can just call me Xiao Chen."

Did Cheng Nianxin say she was a big star?Need two assistants?Wouldn't it be a bit too ostentatious to bring it to the crew in this way?

Thinking that Sister Fang was afraid that she would be bullied on the set, so she sent her to strengthen her reputation, so she said hello to Chen Junsheng with a smile without saying anything.

After the opening ceremony, the filming will start. On the way, Cheng Nian has been watching several scenes that will be performed today.

About half an hour later, the car drove to the film and television city.

The staff at the scene are already building the stage for the opening ceremony, and it seems that the arrangement is quite large.Unlike the many film and television dramas that Cheng Nian participated in before, it was over with a banner of red cloth.

After saying hello to the director and assistant director, the life producer arranged a lounge for Cheng Nian to wait for her to put on makeup.

Looking at the lounge with only a sofa and a makeup table, and his name on the door, Cheng Nian was as excited as a child, feeling like a thousand-year-old daughter-in-law turned into a mother-in-law.

Although she also knew that it wasn't because of how much her status had improved, but because Qin Shaozhi, a big guy who took advantage of her, was easy to spend, but she was still very happy.

Aibao and Chen Junsheng were very calm, one was preparing breakfast for Cheng Nian, and the other was sitting on the sofa.

Cheng Nian took out his phone and took a few beautiful photos and sent them to Li Shubai.

【Look, my new working environment, and the hut】

It was already Li Shubai's waking time, but he didn't reply.

Soon the make-up brought in a stylist hired by the crew with a high salary, saying that they would slightly change the previous makeup.

Cheng Nian put down the phone and cooperated politely.

After putting on makeup, it was already past seven o'clock, and Li Shubai hadn't replied yet.

Cheng Nian felt a little uneasy, and sent another message.

【Have you woke up yet? 】

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