She is brighter than the stars

Chapter 215 Do You Want To Be Here?

Realizing what he wanted to say, Cheng Nian suddenly widened his eyes.

The long-lost feeling of dizziness in her mind frightened her whole body, and felt that every pore was opened.

How could this be?

Cheng Nian quickly forked the cake in front of her and stuffed it into her mouth. The word that she hadn't said in time returned to her stomach together with the cake.

Li Shubai paused slightly, and said softly, "What did you say?"

Cheng Nian smiled awkwardly, poked his heavy head, and said unnaturally: "Ah, I meant to say that the banquet should be over."

Li Shubai stared at Cheng Nian with deep eyes, "Well, another half an hour. Are you uncomfortable?"

Cheng Nian squeezed his thighs with the hands under the table, forced himself to wake up, and said in a muffled voice, "No, I'm just a little sleepy."

Li Shubai glanced at the stage, and stretched out his hand to Cheng Nian, "Then let's go."

Cheng Nian looked at the people around him, wondering if this is not good.

However, Li Shubai had already greeted the brothers of the Qin family, got up and left his seat.

Seeing this, Cheng Nian just got up and walked out of the venue holding Li Shubai's hand.

From the time he walked from the banquet hall to the door, Cheng Nian felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier, as if he weighed a thousand catties.

Consciousness is gradually drifting, drifting outside the atmosphere.

Worried about saying something strange again, she tightly pursed her lips all the way.As soon as he got in the car, he turned his back to Li Shubai, leaned into the seat and closed his eyes.

On the surface, Cheng Nian looked like she was asleep, but under her calm and peaceful sleeping face, her hand was about to pinch a small piece of tender flesh inside her arm to purple.

She would rather die in pain than call Li Shubai to shame her husband to death.

Within 2 minutes, Cheng Nian suddenly heard a rustling sound, and then he was pulled up and fell into a warm embrace.

Li Shubai hugged her like a child, reached out and hooked off her high heels, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Cheng Nian stared at Li Shubai's smooth chin, and couldn't help but want to reach out to touch it.

When he lifted up slightly and saw the smooth and round pearls on his fingers, Wanjun's chaotic thoughts were suddenly pulled back by his slender reason like a spider's silk.

The misplaced time and space were restored, and everything became clear again.

Cheng Nian withdrew his hand dejectedly, and stared at the ring on it absent-mindedly.

The warm luster reminded her that there is no husband here, nor a boy selling flowers in the snow.

The person in front of her was of noble status, already the edge of the sun that she would never be able to touch in her entire life.

Cheng Nian felt a little bitter in his heart, leaned on Li Shubai's arms and closed his eyes.

Thinking of the many harms he had caused him, Cheng Nian couldn't help but sighed softly, thinking to himself.

So be it, it's been a blessing to be able to spend as much time with him as possible.

Thinking of this, she leaned into Li Shubai's arms again, and put her little hands into the suit to wrap around his waist.

Sensing Cheng Nian's movements, Li Shubai said softly, "You want to be here?"

Cheng Nian's heart jumped wildly, and he didn't know if the driver heard it.

She closed her eyes tightly, did not reply, and pretended to be asleep.

Li Shubai laughed softly, hugged him up, and said nothing.

After returning, Cheng Nian put the jewelry back into the lockbox, planning to take a shower before going to bed.

Li Shubai walked in halfway, and her rest time was postponed for several hours helplessly.

Lying in Li Shubai's warm arms, Cheng Nian, who was already exhausted, suddenly had a doubt in his heart.

Why can't she drink anymore.

After finishing work the next day, knowing that Li Shubai would not be back for two or three hours, Cheng Nian looked at the various wines displayed in the cabinet, and a bold idea came to his mind.

Fearing that she would call people indiscriminately if she was really drunk, she turned off her phone, took out a bottle and poured herself a glass.

Take the first bite, hey, is this frosted glass?

After the second sip, it was sweet and delicious.

Take the third bite,...

When Li Shubai came back, the smell of washing liquid filled the room almost smoked him out.

He called Cheng Nian's name twice, but no one answered him.

Li Shubai walked into the house and saw that all the things in the house had been polished, and the black slate coffee table seemed to have been waxed.

On the table, an almost full bottle of rum was open, and there was still half of it in the glass next to it.

Li Shubai glanced at the wine on the table, and looked for Cheng Nian in the room.

I looked around in the bedroom and kitchen but didn't see her figure. Li Shubai pushed open the door of the study, and was about to call her name when he saw a person sleeping in the middle of the floor.

In the study room, the windows were wide open, and the wind slowly came in from the outside, fluttering the window screens.

The water basin on the floor was almost full of bubbles, and there were a few rags beside it.

The almost unused detergent has been cut and thrown into the basin, like a sinking ship in a huge wave.

Among the various cleaning tools, Cheng Nian was wearing a hat made from newspapers, a newly bought little red dress, and a pair of plastic gloves. He was lying on his back on the floor, with a dishwashing sponge under his head .

One of the high heels on her feet is left, and the other seems to be caught on her stomach because of the cold

Li Shubai walked over dumbfounded, knelt down and patted Cheng Nian's face, "Wake up."

Cheng Nian opened his eyes in a daze.

She first called out Li Shubai's name, then struggled to sit up.

Li Shubai took away Cheng Nian's shoes and asked in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

Staring blankly at the mess around him and the newspaper hat that fell off his head, Cheng Nian frowned for a while.

It was found that from the moment she put down the glass of frosted glass, her memory became a blank.

Thinking of wine, Cheng Nian's eyes instantly widened.

She wondered what was going on, why did she suddenly become like this again.

Facing Li Shubai's puzzled gaze, Cheng Nianqiang suppressed the panic in his heart, gave him an embarrassed look, and said with a dry smile, "I think the house is too dirty, so I'll clean it up."

Li Shubai pulled Cheng Nian up from the ground, and said intentionally, "Cleaning in high heels?"

Cheng Nian's mind was spinning quickly, and he blurted out: "The bookshelf is too high, I can't reach it."

Li Shubai looked at Cheng Nian meaningfully, as if he didn't intend to pursue this matter further, he left the sentence "clean this place up" and walked out.

Cheng Nian went out after tidying up the mess on the floor, and saw Li Shubai changed into his sports clothes and was about to go to the second floor.

She flattered her, "The study has been tidied up."

Li Shubai glanced at Cheng Nian casually, and said in a low voice, "Come up."

Cheng Nian looked up the stairs, she didn't know what the second floor looked like.

She responded quickly, and was about to put the mop back in the bathroom and go.

Li Shubai followed up and said, "Take the things."

Cheng Nian didn't know what to do, so he followed obediently with the cleaning tool in his hand.

Soon, more than 200 large flats appeared in front of Cheng Nian, filled with various fitness equipment.

Cheng Nian was about to ask why she brought these things up, when Li Shubai said.

"Go and clean."

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