She is brighter than the stars

Chapter 172 Cheng Nian and her green balloon

The music festival started at twelve o'clock, and Cheng Nian didn't leave school until three o'clock in the afternoon.

The road was blocked for a while, and it was already past four o'clock when we arrived at the scene.

Looking at the program schedule at the entrance, Zhou Zhou really came out at a relatively low position.

Cheng Nian was not in a hurry, he bought a bunch of candied haws at the door, and stood by the roadside to eat them.

She bought strawberry skewers, and the one on top was bigger.As soon as she stuffed it into her mouth and bit it off, she heard the voice of a child next to her.

"Brother, this sister is so scary, she looks like she wants to eat people."

Cheng Nian bit off the strawberry and looked left and right with his mouth full to find the source of the sound.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a gentle boy.

He pulled a bunch of balloons in his hand, and a child about eight or nine years old stood beside him, looking at him with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, the kid is talking nonsense."

Cheng Nian ate the strawberry, looked at the child pretending to be fierce, and said in a vicious voice, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll eat you too."

The little boy immediately shrank behind his brother in fear.

Cheng Nian smiled at the boy, saying that he was joking, then turned and walked to the side.

"Hey, that."

Cheng Nian turned around, "What's wrong?"

The boy's face was reddish, he hesitated and said, "I'm sorry, I'll give you a balloon."

Cheng Nian laughed, and wanted to say that he was not so narrow-minded.

Seeing a green balloon in a blink of an eye, he pointed to it and said with a chuckle, "I want this one."

The boy's face turned even redder.

He pulled out this green balloon from among the many balloons and handed it to Cheng Nian. He was thinking about how to ask for a better contact information when he saw Cheng Nian squatting down and talking to his brother.

"Can you help my sister tie this rope around her wrist?"

The little boy was still a little timid. He glanced at his brother before reaching out.

The rope was tied in a tight knot on Cheng Nian's wrist. She smiled and took out ten yuan from her pocket and stuffed it into the little boy's hand. She said thank you and left.

The boy still wanted to chase after him, when he heard Cheng Nian start calling.

"I've already arrived."

"Candied haws, how long do you want?"

"Okay, I will wait for you obediently."

Hearing Cheng Nian's tone, the boy dismissed his impulsive thoughts.

After eating the candied haws, the old man Cheng Nian entered the venue as if he was visiting a park.

At this time, there is only the back seat left, and the people on the stage can hardly be seen, and the situation on the stage can only be seen through the big screen.

Cheng Nian absent-mindedly listened to two songs sung by an unknown band, and thought they were pretty good.

Li Shubai said that he would be there at 07:30, and the band that performed at [-] o'clock came on stage, but he called.

Cheng Nian took out his phone, only to realize that because there were too many people here, the phone had completely lost signal.

She held the phone up high and restarted it many times, but it didn't help.

Cheng Nian panicked for a moment, wondering what to do.

There were probably 2 people at the scene, and even though he was standing at the back, there were crowds of people around him, how could Li Shubai find her.

When he was at a loss, Cheng Nian could only raise the phone higher in vain, trying to receive a little bit of signal.

Thinking about it later, it was really stupid, because even if Li Shubai received it, it would be useless if Li Shubai's cell phone had no signal, but at the moment she had nothing to do.

After doing this for about 2 minutes, a weak signal finally appeared on the phone, and she immediately called Li Shubai.

Almost the moment he pressed the call button, Cheng Nian heard a clear voice behind him.

"Got you."

Cheng Nian turned around abruptly, and saw Li Shubai standing behind her with a smile on his face, wearing the blue coat he gave him on Valentine's Day.

She jumped up excitedly, hugged Li Shubai and said in surprise and joy: "How do you know I'm here?"

Li Shubai caught Cheng Nian, bowed his head and whispered in her ear: "Seeing this green balloon, I guess it might be you, so I came here."

After hearing this, Cheng Nian turned his face away, kissed Li Shubai's slightly cool lips, and said with a light smile, "Then I have to thank the little brother who sells balloons at the door."

"what happened?"

Cheng Nian told Li Shubai the ins and outs of buying the balloon, and then said angrily, "Children nowadays are too uncute."

Li Shubai's attention was not on this at all.

Borrowing the dazzling light on the stage, he stared at Cheng Nian's playful and smart face, and the desire to turn her into a box and put it in his pocket grew stronger.

He held back his emotions and smiled lightly, and said softly: "It's okay, I think it looks good."

Cheng Nian showed a happy smile, and stuck it on Li Shubai's lips.Then he turned around, leaned into his arms, and said excitedly: "You came just in time, Zhou Zhou will be playing soon."

Around nine o'clock, Zhou Zhou finally stepped onto the stage.

Amid the deafening cheers, Cheng Nian also raised his hands like a child and jumped up happily.

Li Shubai was not interested in celebrities, but seeing Cheng Nian's happy face, he was also very happy.

Soon the accompaniment sounded, and the chorus mode was instantly turned on at the scene.

After singing two songs, Zhou Zhou began to interact with everyone.

At the end of the talk, he suddenly said, "Oh, there are many couples here today."

Everyone immediately replied: "Yes."

Zhou Zhou laughed, "I thought of a fun idea. Three couples will be drawn on the spot to give my new album to me, okay?"

The guitarist next to him immediately said: "Isn't this a little too stingy, so many people come to see you."

"Then the new album plus a pair of couples quit."

After Zhou Zhou finished speaking, a young lady in a cheongsam came up with a plate, and there were three heart-shaped boxes inside, which were obviously prepared a long time ago.

There was another round of cheers.

Zhou Zhou picked up the box and held it up, and said mischievously, "I designed the ring by myself, so I won't open it. You guys can't see it clearly anyway."

He put down his things and faced the audience, "I counted to three, and the couple kissed to prove the relationship. The camera teacher, please, choose three couples randomly from the kissers."

Before Zhou Zhou could start counting, Cheng Nian turned around and kissed Li Shubai's mouth.

Their position is already very low, and there is almost no possibility of being selected, but even if there is no gift, she still wants to post it at any time.

Li Shubai didn't care about this, he held Cheng Nian's face and seriously tasted the sweetness in her mouth.

Until the people around them poked the two of them and exclaimed: "Go back and kiss again, I have chosen you."

Li Shubai let go of Cheng Nian.

Seeing his and Li Shubai's faces appearing on the big screen, Cheng Nian covered his face shyly and laughed.

The green balloon also appeared on the screen with them, like a witness.

Zhou Zhou on the stage joked: "Don't forget yourself too much. Come on, our staff will record it."

Then Zhou Zhou sang another love song.

Before the performance ended, his new album and ring were delivered to Cheng Nian and Li Shubai.

Cheng Nian was overjoyed to receive a gift from his favorite celebrity.

She opened the box, took out the ring inside and put it on Li Shubai's hand, excitedly said: "Now you can't run away."

Li Shubai laughed softly, took another one and put it on for Cheng Nian.

The ring was alive, and it was adjusted to fit on the middle fingers of the two of them.

He took Cheng Nian's hand and kissed it preciously, and said softly.

"I won't run, I'm always here."

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the reward of gold coins from Aman, thank you little cuties for your support and companionship, I love you all.

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